Chapter 9 - Clinical and Sport Biomechanics Lecture PDF

Title Chapter 9 - Clinical and Sport Biomechanics Lecture
Course Intro To Exercise Science
Institution Old Dominion University
Pages 3
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Introduction to Exercise Science with professor Laura Hill...


Clinical and Sport Biomechanics ● Definition ○ Study of human body at rest and in motion using principle and concepts derived from physics, mechanics, and engineering ○ Static biomechanics ■ Examines body, masses, and forces at rest or moving at a constant velocity ○ Dynamic biomechanics ■ Investigates body, masses and forces when they are speeding up or slowing down. ● Clinical vs sport ○ Clinical biomechanics ■ Focuses On improving the ability of an injured individual to perform ADLs including work and leisure activities and PA ○ Sport biomechanics ■ Applies laws and principles of mechanics and physics to enhance sport performance through the improvement in movement techniques or the development of equipment. ● History ○ Early influences ■ Scholars interested in movement of human body ● Aristotle ● Claudius Galen ● Leonardo da vinci ● Galileo galilei ● Giovanni Alphonso Borelli- father of biomechanics ○ Recent Influences ■ Early 20th- expansion of industrial technology required the examination of the physical and physiological aspects of industrial work ■ Journal of biomechanics ● Types of body motion ○ Linear motion

■ When all points of body are moving in the same direction, same speed, same distance ○ Angular motion ■ Rotary motion or rotation is a movement around a central imaginary line known as axis of rotation ○ General motion ■ When translational and angular movements are combined ● Biomechanics ○ Mechanical systems ■ Operationally defining the system of interest ○ Standard reference terminology ■ Common and specific terminology that precisely identifies body positions and movement directions ○ Joint movement terminology ■ Movements of bones and joints of the body ● Spatial reference systems ○ Used to quantitatively describe the movement of humans using a spatial reference system and standardized measurements ○ Cartesian coordinate (+,-) - most commonly used ○ Positive and negative positions in two dimensional cartesian coordinate system ● Qualitative analysis of human movement ○ Knowledge requires 2 important factors ■ Techniques exhibited by the performer ■ Performance outcome ● Basic concepts related to kinetics ○ Mechanical loads on human body ■ Forces act upon a body or object including those from gravity, muscles, and external to the body ○ Tensions and combined loads ○ Effects of loading ○ Acute versus repetitive loads

● Areas of study ○ Clinical biomechanics ■ Work with injured individuals ■ Design rehabilitation techniques, wheelchair design, tissue repair, surgical techniques and bone and tissue design ■ Osteoarthritis- inflammation of bone ● Ergonomics ○ Interaction between humans and everything in environment in which they function ○ Used to prevent workplace injuries and improve capacity to return to work after injury ○ Design equipment, modify work and living conditions for special popi;ations, make changes, recreational sites and facilities, cars, schools, clinics, work and other human built environments. ● Sport Biomechanics ○ Technique improvenet ○ Equipment improvement ○ Training improvement ○ Injury prevention...

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