Chcccs 011 Meet personal support needs PDF

Title Chcccs 011 Meet personal support needs
Author sheen sohi
Course Leadership and Management
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 15
File Size 954.4 KB
File Type PDF
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CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Student Name:

samanpreet kaur

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CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

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☒Case Study/ scenarios

☒Student Questions

☐ Observations

☐Oral questions


DICUSSIONS HELD [ Tick] Nature of Assessment ☐Summative Assessment


☐Formative Assessment

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✓I have not copied any of my answers from others. I have read ALACC plagiarism policy and agreed to abide by this policy.

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Student Signature

samanpreet kaur




© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072 t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website: ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872

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CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment


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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072 t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website: ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872

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CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Name


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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072 t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website: ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872

2020-01 Page 3 of 15

CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions

True or false questions


It is not recommended that you provide the per☐True


Dentures should be cleaned with tooth paste.



Personal support context may include:



son with information to enable them to meet their own personal needs.

People living in a residential care environment

People living in the community

CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions •

Students in schools

Involvement of carer

Reports may be made verbally (by telephone, face-to-face) or non-verbally (written) in the form of progress reports, case notes, hazard and



incident reports and care plans

Fill in the blanks, PLEASE WRITE YOUR ANSWER IN THE SPACE BELOW Use the words in the table below to complete the following sentence. Aids, support, change

Changes in a person’s health or aids requirements may also mean a change is required in the processes and support that are used.


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Student questions, PLEASE WRITE YOUR ANSWER IN THE SPACE BELOW a)

Give an example of how you could confirm personal support requirements of a client.


Why should you check personal preferences for support tasks with clients?

a) for example client is vegetarian so We can confirm by checking care plan. We can also ask from client about requirements. b) identifying customers' needs is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. What will you do if you identify requirements outside of scope of own role and/or are not qualified to operate an equipment? I will call to my supervisor that I am not trained for this or sometimes we need to give medicine to client but we cannot give that. It is the duty of nurses. Why do you need to consider the impact of care for clients? help someone who needs us enabling them to improve their quality of life. strengthening the relationship with the person we care for. the opportunity for personal growth and to develop new skills. Give an example of specific cultural needs of a client. Cultural needs of a client such as where the person lives, their gender and their language. List six (6) situations of personal safety and security risks may be associated with provision of care for the client when providing personal care support. lifting, supporting and moving patients. moving and handling equipment such as beds, mattresses, trolleys and wheelchairs. work-related stress. bullying and harassment. How will you maximise client participation when supporting with personal needs? Why do you need to do this?

Making decisions about their care plans Looking after themselves In order to understand their conditions and make the best decisions for themselves, clients need access to information about their care needs and health requirements.

Explain how you would determine and confirm the client’s level of participation in meeting their own personal care needs? Daily observation of activities. Interviews with the client Opportunity to get to know the client as an individual Identify three different types of information a client may need to help them meet their own care needs. Where would you source each from? Personal routines.


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions Participant's interests and ideas for activities Behaviour Management details We have to ask this from the person or their family members. They can assist us to help about their care needs. a) b)


Identify a process, aid or appliance that could be used when caring for a client. List the safe-use specifications and for each, suggest a negative consequence of failing to use the equipment safely.


Personal protective equipment (PPE) Demographic information gowns and aprons Personal routines. Participant's interests and ideas for activities. b) Reduce workplace stress. Take regular breaks. Avoid stooping or twisting. Use mechanical aids whenever possible Protect your back. Wear protective equipment to suit the task. failure to install adequate health and safety procedures can result in serious injuries or fatalities. Give an example of a risk associated with the the provision of personal support and technical support activities. How will you address this risk? Click or tap here to enter text. Give an example of a routine difficulty during support routines and how will you respond to it?

The person’s behaviour, preferences or abilities can be a difficulty during support routines. When we encounter difficulties in providing personal care, consult with the person and try to involve them in determining their needs and planning their support. Give three (3) examples of variations/ changes in the person’s health or personal support requirements that need to be reported to the supervisor. behaviour: for example person becomes more confused than usual or becomes ill in any way need to report to supervisor. medical condition: any change in person medical treatment prescribed by doctor or other health professional. How exactly would you report a concern to a supervisor? Why should you address difficulties in providing care with clients and supervisors? We can report a concern to supervisor by verbally or in written. If the emergency happen then we can call as soon as possible to supervisor otherwise we can leave a text or email. Client assessments lead to informed decisions that impact on care planning, resources allocation and other services. Identify a possible change that could be made to a process or aid used in your workplace. Suggest three ways in which you could identify this particular need. A person with a physical disability affecting the use of their arms or shoulders may have difficulty lifting their arms to brush or comb their hair, apply make-up or hold a shaver. Memory problems: Memory problems mean that people sometimes forget to eat and drink properly, or they cannot safely prepare a meal. Mobility limitations:People may have difficulty mobilising or standing and cannot prepare a meal or get a drink. Give an example of how you will maintain


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions •


privacy and

dignity of the person?

confidentiality: talk about clients in a private and soundproof place. not use client's names. clients’ medical details are not discussed privacy : building trust and confidence Do not discuss personal information dignity of the person: Involve them in decisions relating to their care Let people choose their own clothing. Knock before opening a closed door



Why do you need to comply with the organisation’s reporting requirements?


What could happen if no standard style or format was applied to workplace documentation?

Reporting requirements under the law are designed to protect vulnerable residents.This legal requirement ensures that those affected receive timely help and support

b) Correct documentation plays an important part. For example, the purpose of documentation is to be a legal document as evidence of care and treatment provided to a person, to identify residents status in order to document the need for care planning, implement and evaluation of care. Give an example of the filing system used in your workplace. full range of clinical forms for health record use Electronic Filing System

Briefly outline different contexts for provision of personal support and impacts on the way services are provided. bed bathing. dressing, undressing and grooming. eating and drinking using appropriate feeding techniques. oral hygiene. shaving. showering. List the role and responsibilities of the personal support providers and workers. Mobility assistance (including the proper use of transfer and lifting devices) Reporting changes in client status or safety concerns to a supervisor Documenting care provided social engagement implementing care plan Briefly describe how the following legal and ethical requirements related to the provision of personal support are applied in an organisation and individual practices:

Work health and safety, including manual handling Good posture and lifting techniques can help reduce the risks. WHS legislation is designed to create safe working environments and reduce work- related incidents and illness and their related costs. WHS policies and procedures are based on legislation, regulations, codes of practice and standards. Briefly outline the basics of:


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions a.

body hygiene




oral hygiene


human body system

a) Body hygiene: showering or bathing regularly washing hands regularly and especially before handling food washing scalp hair keeping hair short or removing hair wearing clean clothing brushing teeth b) grooming: Personal hygiene is keeping the body clean and helps prevent the spread of germs. Grooming is caring for fingernails and hair. c) oral hygiene: Oral hygiene is the aspect of dental care. It is keeping our teeth and gums clean and healthy and free of disease. d) human body system: One of the most important systems in our body, the nervous system is our body's control system. It sends, receives, and processes nerve impulses throughout the body. What can you do to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for you and the client (according to standards set by your organisation) when assisting with:

Showering and Shaving: showering: Remember to check water temperature. It should be warm to the touch. • Wash, rinse, and dry each body part • Inspect skin for signs of injury or changes in condition. • Use soap sparingly and do not leave in water. • Provide privacy and warmth for the person. • Talk about things of interest to the person. • Encourage the person to do as much as he or she can for him/herself. • Demonstrate and explain correct bathing or showering procedures. • Be prepared with all supplies. • Be sure our hands are washed and clean. Shaving: assist the person in locating the best place to complete his or her shaving. Use of a mirror is recommended for shaving the face or under the arms. assist the person to open shaving cream and remove safety cap from razor (non-electric razor) or plug electric razor into outlet. assist the person to use the fingers of one hand to hold the skin tight and shave in the direction the hair grows. Bed bath: Waterproof sheet protector Basin or water containers No rinse or dry shampoo Adjust the bed to safe height Dressing: Always discuss with person what their preferences are and how they are most comfortable. • Don’t assume a person wants to wear items of clothing that someone else may have chosen for them. • Be aware of how the person may be feeling about needing assistance. • Be aware of any issues that could cause the person to get tired or frustrated easily. • Be pleasant while completing this task, engage the person in conversation. Mobility and transfer: Establish a relationship with the patient by approaching them with warmth, a smile and eye contact. create a continence and mobility plan that fits with patients sitting out of bed for meals adjust bed height to allow for safe, independent avoid using bed rails, which may limit mobility and be a hazard transfers Toileting and continence management: Establish toileting schedule every two hours Encourage the use of a toilet or commode Encourage the client to wear clothing designed for easy removal.


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions use of Incontinence Pads

Give six (6) examples of the infection control procedures that need to be implemented when assisting with per sonal support requirements. hand hygiene and cough etiquette the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) the safe use and disposal of sharps routine environmental cleaning incorporation of safe practices for handling blood, body fluids provision of adequate hand washing facilities for food handlers


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: samanpreet kaur

Signature: samanpreet kaur Date: 25/09/2020.

Student Feedback Please provide your feedback for the following :

Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?


Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?


Did you:

✓ get support to complete this unit ✓ the information provided in the classroom helpful ✓ the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions? Other: Click or tap here to enter text.

Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature: Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a date.


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 1: Student Questions


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios


CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name:samanpreet kaur

Signature: samanpreet kaur.

Date: 25/09/2020.

Student Feedback Please provide your feedback for the following :

Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?


Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?


Did you:

✓ get support to complete this unit ✓the information provided in the classroom helpful ✓the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions? Other: Click or tap here to enter text.

Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios Signature: Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a date....

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