Chccom005- ed17 - Communicate and work in health or community services. TAFE NSW PDF

Title Chccom005- ed17 - Communicate and work in health or community services. TAFE NSW
Author Ella Newbery
Course Communicate and work in health or community services.
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 5
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CHCCOM005 - Assignment on communicate and work in health or community services....


CHCCOM005 – Assignment

What you must do The assignment for the unit CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services has 10 descriptive answer questions covering all the elements of this unit of competency.

Task 1 – Questions Question 1. a. What do you understand by verbal and non-verbal communication? Verbal is the spoken form of communication; it involves sending messages to others through words. Also known as the context of the message, verbal communication is important when giving out information like addresses or names. Context usually is associated with our thoughts and/or views on a certain issue. Non-verbal communication refers to the messages being sent through ways other than words such as body language for example gestures, facial expressions, eye contact or in sign language. Most commonly used to access the feeling that someone we look at the tone make this a non-verbal cue. The ability to read and interpret non-verbal cues is in many cases what makes an interpersonal conversation.


List at least 5 points that could be done to improve communication within a healthcare sector. 1. Letting people interject with their opinions and/or concerns 2. Taking the time to articulate yourself and giving a clear answer 3. listing to the non-verbal communication and being conscious of how your own movements and feeling can increase communication 4. Having awareness that what we say and the way in which we say it is the first step to a successful conversation. 5. The capacity to adapt swiftly to the situation in terms of communication and form a conversation.

Question 2. What is effective listening and how it can be used to communicate better with people from a health services background? Being attentive and interested in a person and their background story is the number one step into having better communication in the health care industry. Effective listen can best be shown through our non-verbal behaviour; however, this needs to be done appropriately as we need to show a level of physical and emotional preparedness to show them that we are ready to listen.

The ways in which this can be used to communicate better with people originating from the health services background are by remove all physical barriers such as distance or environment, lowering yourself to be on the same eye level as your client, communicating with a feeling of warmth and empathy. the use of silence but in a positive manner is needed to allow clients the time to reflect and collect their thoughts and feelings, from which they normally come up with the solution. Furthermore, another way of reassuring a client we are listening to them is by asking relevant questions. Through asking this question we can gain the needed clarity on what they are saying and dive more into their story.

Question 3. Explain the areas in which you would take care of the confidentiality procedures while dealing with people from health or community services backgrounds. The importance of keeping your client’s business there is the number 1 thing because it is their personal information and should be private. Conversation should only take place with your coworkers, but only what is needed for clarification or what needs to be discussed. These discussions should only take place in the workplace and not be audible to other members of the staff or out in the general public.

Question 4. List the main strategies to collaborate with colleagues at the workplace. In order to effectively collaborate with colleagues, ensure that you can: o o o o o

have the ability to listen to, clarify and agree upon timeframes for the carrying out of workplace instructions. Ensure you have lines of communication between organisation and other needed services Use the correct industry terminology in written, digital and spoken communications. Follow all protocols based around communication that apply to interaction between different people and their authority. Adjusting as needed to facilitate an individual and cultural difference through the achievement of identified outcomes

Question 5. a.

What are the barriers in effective communication? Communication happens on a daily basis, often in different situations and with a variety of people. The amount of communication that we do has the ability to make it complicated and a wide variety of us from this will create barriers in our interpersonal communications. Most of us believe the act of communicating is easy, so if a problem arises, we tend either to give up, or blame the other person. One of the common barriers to effective communication is interjecting when the other person is talking to share your own experiences/similar story or changing the subject completely. This can be very frustrating for the person looking to share their experience and is known to be a great way to destroy a consequential conversation and if it continues to happen, a good relationship. Another barrier to effective communication is when the listener tries to play the talkers therapist, by solving all of their problems. Coming from a place of love and concern, this

contradicts what the talker was trying to get out of the conversation, as they were most probably just after someone to listen to them. This could prevent them from sharing in the future but also, we tend to jump to conclusions before the talker has finished telling their story. Some verbal barriers to verbal communication include lack of clarity, using stereotypes and generalisations, people jumping to the wrong conclusions, not having time to think about your response therefore it is dysfunctional and lacking in confidence. b.

Explain the strategies to address constraints to communication in the workplace. Not focusing on the person but focusing on the problem at hand has been seen to be the best approach. By focusing on how to solve the problem rather than attempting to control other personalities and so forth. o o o o o o

Rather than being manipulative be genuine. Honesty with yourself can help with your focus on working collaborative with co-workers. Be empathic rather then remaining detached to your colleagues. Try to be flexible towards others Value your own experience and yourself above all else. Learn to present yourself as someone of equal status rather than a superior. Uses positive responses, affirm co-workers their feeling is right, even if you disagree.

Question 6. List all the legal and ethical requirements and guidelines that you need to work in compliance within your current role of work. Some of the legislation in the healthcare industry both legal and ethical help to regulate the workplace. These include: o o o o o o o o o o o

NSW Interagency Guideline for Child Protection Intervention, 2006 State legislation Commonwealth legislation Government department policies and guidelines Radiation Control Act 1990 Health Administration Act 1982 Poison and Therapeutic Good Regulation 2002 Workers Compensation Act 1987 and Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 No 86 Fair Trading Act 1987 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001 Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011

Question 7. Explain the process of raising an issue with the supervisor related to any breach to standard procedures, laws or any issues impacting on achievement of employee, employer and/or client rights and responsibilities.

In dealing with a breach to standard procedures, laws or other issues impacting the achievements of other employees or clients I would undertake the following steps: 1. Make notes of the issue or action which is considered to be a breach of continentality/standard procedures and protocols 2. Raise concerns about what you observed/heard with a supervisor in a private office to ensure privacy and confidentiality is maintained 3. When raising issues stick to the facts and details and remove any emotions from the narrative 4. Allow the supervisor the opportunity to ask any further question in order to seek clarity on the matters raised. This may involve further investigation into the issues and circumstances surrounding the matter. 5. Now that the issues have be raised with your supervisor allow them to go and listen to what the person who breached the standard procedures.

Question 8. Explain the process of resolving a conflict in the workplace. Prove an example of how you have witnessed or managed a conflict situation at your workplace. The process in which a workplace conflict can be resolved includes: 1. As the manager individually speak with your employee, allowing them to speak first. Allowing them to speak first allows you to clarify any confusion by asking questions and listen carefully to their side of the story. 2. Following this speak to the supervisor. Raise the discussion with focus on the present issue and how we can create a solution that works for both parties. Establish the boundaries and stipulate that the situation can not continue, if it does further action will take place. 3. After the above steps mutual planning must occur. Mutual planning includes asking the employee’s opinion of how they think they could resolve the conflict situation. In this instance you should offer indirect suggestions or options that they could consider. Once options have been identified an action plan for resolution needs to be prepared. 4. Follow up is an essential part of resolving a conflict. The employee needs to thank for their continued commitment to the actions plan. A follow-up meeting needs to be scheduled to evaluate their progressed. As a fresher, I have never had a job, meaning I have never witnessed or managed a conflict situation in said workplace.

Question 9. a.

Name at least five workplace documents that you have used at your current or previous workplace. Have you completed those documents manually or electronically? Unfortunately, as stated above I have never entered the workforce, meaning that I have never had to complete workplace documents. However, if I had these are 5, I would have used: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Leave form – completed electronically Time sheets – completed electronically Conflict resolution action plans – completed manually Performance reviews – completed manually Termination of employment – completed both electronically and manually


Explain what you understand by digital media communication and why do organisations need to have a policy or guidelines in place for staff in using this kind of communication method. Digital media relates to any media which is encoded in a machine-readable system. This means that the digitised content can be transferred over the internet or computer networks. Organisations need to have in place a set of guidelines and polices to help their employees understand the organisation expectations regarding social media usage in the workplace and privately. Said policy must reflect the workplace culture and reduce potential corporate risk factors such tarnishing business reputation. This encourages employees to uses their online accounts responsible and appropriately and established a constant approach to media use across the organisation.

Question 10. a.

List the core areas within a health care industry that you would look for identifying and voicing improvements in work practices. o







Infection control including:  Handling and disposable of sharp objects  Management of blood or bodily fluid spills. Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) including:  Personal protective equipment requirements (PPE)  Waste disposal Customer service, including:  Cultural awareness  Responsiveness to patients Office procedures, including:  Quality control  Account’s process Surgery conduct, including:  Ethical behaviour  Workplace harassment and conflict Emergences, including:  fire escapes  smoke alarms  bomb threats  medical emergencies.

For your self-development, from whom would you seek feedback and advice from on areas for skill and knowledge development?

I would seek feedback and advice from my supervisor and fellow work colleagues as they would have a greater understanding, through observation, of my strengths and areas where I could improve.

Checklist I have: •

answered all questions in the space provided

clearly identified my answers...

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