Work in partnership in health and social care or children and young peoples settings PDF

Title Work in partnership in health and social care or children and young peoples settings
Author Zeeshan Hussain
Course People, Work and Organisations/Work in Context
Institution University of Bradford
Pages 5
File Size 107 KB
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Assignment core for the module as part of the learning...


Work in partnership in health and social care or Children and young people’s settings Assignment 1.1 Identify the features of effective partnership working. Partnership working is beneficial in our orginsation, many of the work we do with young people involves many partners working together to help change lives. As much as each partner have their own way of working some of the key features of effective partnership working involves effective communication this can be written or oral. Without effective communication then a lot of things can be missed, and the quality of delivery will be compromised. Another feature involves building a positive relationship with the partners as with joint service delivery brings together two services to help develop new and innovative approaches for local service provisions. For partnership working an effective feature is put in an appropriate structure to work together, many orginsations have different approaches to style of delivery if multiple partners are working together then they need to put in effective way of working. With partnership working there needs to be good Leadership, someone needs to be able to coordinate the delivery across the partners to ensure that staff can effectively delivery.

1.2 Explain the importance of partnership working with - Colleagues - Other professionals - Others (choose your own examples) Colleagues Partnership working is important and beneficial amongst colleagues. It gives staff clarity in their job roles and responsibilities. Staff working in partnership with colleagues helps the individuals that we are support have a more clarity of their individual needs and what package of support is needed to help. Working in the youth sector partnership working with colleagues helps build a true picture of the individual and understand the reason behind behaviour, employment etc.

Other professionals Working with other professionals the main importance is the referral process. Many of the programmes that are run work with young people with the need of some support whatever that may be. Through good detail in the referral process to help tackle and put in place any intervention needed to help focus on improvements that are set out to help support the individuals. Partnership work in essential for this service and one partner is the Stronger Families team in Bradford. Working alongside other professionals ensures that we are giving a wide range of support the individuals we work with.

Others (choose your own examples) Effective partnership amongst socials workers and schools relies on the recognition that both services achieve the same goal by promoting the need for education and to monitor the engagement of the young person. Social workers and schools may have different approaches to achieve the goals they have set in place however it is common agenda. Partnership working is important amongst these two services as social workers work alongside school need to make the necessary provisions needed to enable the young person the same opportunities as the rest of the young people. Partnership working amongst these two sectors link together to anticipate any issues and to prevent them early on. Information sharing with family members ensures they have more knowledge and as such more understanding of service provision. By drawing services together in a coherent partnership, we can ensure that the family needs to tell its ‘story' only once. Partnership working may empower families to seek out help and advice if they need it from the social care service.

1.3 Analyse how partnership working delivers better outcomes. Firstly, partnership working is important in improving the outcome for the individual using the service and the partner. Working closely with partners help support individuals with the best of support. Different partners have different expertise to achieve the planned goals and objectives. Sharing information amongst partners and having a centralised system makes it easy for partners to work together to avoid the duplication of work. If this was not in place, then each partner would have to for example duplicate contact logs this enables the best possible service to achieve the best of outcomes for the individuals we support. Without good communication then we are automatically not providing a good service. Partnership working is important as it helps us to understand the aims and objectives of different people and our partners organisation as they will more than likely have different approaches, views, and attitude’s. It is important that all those involved focus on providing the best possible care and support to the individuals. If partners are not up to working towards the aims and objectives, then this can cause conflict in the bigger overall outcome. Also, as part of partnership working it is extremely vital that consultation across all those involved. This can be done by consulting partners, individual themselves, their family member, and any advocates. Everyone will have their own preferences on the individual plan for example if the individual has a communication problem, they can tell us the best way to communicate with the individual, this will let the individual listen to and supported in a way that they want. 1.4 Explain how to overcome barriers to partnership working. When working in partnership across multi agencies this can particularly be a challenging task as one barrier is the lack of understanding the roles and responsibilities set out by the different orginsations. Orginsations usually have their own policies and style of working and this can cause conflict as partners may not work together and follow their approach. One way to overcome this is to take part in joint partner training. This will set the standards of delivery and how to effectively

work together to enhance delivery and care of the individuals that they are working with. Another way to overcome barriers is to successfully sit together and joining protocol agreeing barriers and roles of responsibilities. There needs to be some sort of leadership/coordination where people need to take responsibility. This will overcome one of the main barriers of lack of communication as their will be a go to person who will oversee the work done. Another way to overcome the issue of lack of communication is to have a centralised system or a way where information can be shared. Information such as contact logs are essential for staff to read about the individual to put the best support in for them. So if there is a good way to share information then there will be no lack of information. In certain fields certain staff members specialises their skills and are considered experts. A good way for partners to work together and to make use the of expertise they have is to acknowledge this and to allow them staff members. 2.1 Explain own role and responsibilities in working with colleagues. As a team leader it is my responsibility to maintain a professional approach whilst coordinating my colleagues to uphold the principles and values of the orginsation. It is my duty to set out tasks to the team alongside clear objectives what needs to be achieved within a realistic time scale. As part of my role, I involve my colleagues as part of the decision-making process and listen to their ideas and suggestion and put that in place. As a team leader it is important to take on feedback from my colleagues and to create that safe happy working environment as without this staff will not want to perform to the highest standard they can. Regularly we have debriefs with colleagues and sometimes individual or team meetings to be clear about what we are trying to achieve with young people we are working with. The duty of care for the young people relies on us and we as staff need to work together to create that same space for the young people we work with. There are times we negotiate who will take reasonability of what and make compromises in some areas with the consideration of effective working. As part of my role with working with colleagues we work alongside partners too. It is also my responsibility to communicate the work we are doing with the coordinator from the partners to show. As part of being team leader I have the responsibility of assessing colleagues on performance and when it comes to 1-2-1s to bring any concerns up as well as what is working well. As team leader having the team on board with clear instructions and objectives enables me to effectively thrive to achieve our organisational goals by demonstrating strong leadership. 2.3 Evaluate own working relationship with colleagues. A way which I ensure that my colleagues are happy and not left out is involving them as much as I can through the planning and delivery process. Some staff members bring fresher ideas and as they spend majority of the time working directly with the individuals, they know them best and what support we can put in place for them to help them achieve. It is essential that my colleagues understand the objectives and targets we need to complete as a mandatory requirement. One thing many staff do is try to make compromises and work around certain ways of working however personally I believe that doing this creates more work in the future and we must constantly then go back

and revisit that section. My colleagues understand that I am happy to negotiate and where compromises need to be made and shortcuts can be taken then that it not an issue however when trying to make a compromise when it comes to the duty of care of the individuals we are working with, this is one we cannot do as the individuals needs and support will always come first. This shows the team that I value their opinions and ideas however our ultimate goal is the duty and care of the indvidual. As a team we constantly give each other feedback there have been times I have ran sessions and a colleague has suggested instead of this you should have alternatively done this, and this is all great in our professional development. After each day or session working with young people, we are constantly talking about what worked well and what did not, and this enables the team the provide an opportunity of feedback to help develop my skills as well as theirs. 3.1 Explain own role and responsibilities in working with other professionals. As team leader it is my role and responsibilities to communicate with other professionals such as social care, teachers, and other professionals regarding the young people that I am working with. Working with other professionals we need to be concise and clear about what our role is in supporting the individuals so that other professionals are aware of this. In my own jo role, we have out set targets and standards, my role involves communicating this to other professional, so they know the work we are doing. I regularly communicate with various partners to the knowledge and the input that other professional bodies have so we can deliver the best outcome for all those individuals using our service. It will also enhance our knowledge and skills by learning from other agencies. 3.4 Evaluate procedures for working with other professionals. When working with other professionals it vital that there is a system in place that monitors and reviews progress if this is not in place then there is no record of the work that is being done, this avoids repetition of work and ensure that the individual receives the best support. Every orginsation and other professionals have their own targets and work at different paces it is important that objectives and goals are set accordingly to avoid any arguments or one orginsation waiting on the paperwork from the other. Regular reporting and reviews ensure that this does not happen. If a system is in place and is working, then it does not need replacing however if it is not there needs to be a change imposed. Working with others is to make sure that the service user is valued and their opinions and voice needs to be listened to therefore the feedback the service user provides is important they may express the support they are receiving from one organisation isn’t as good as another then this needs to be looked at and an overall outcome needs to be put in place.

4.1 Analyse the importance of working in partnership with others. Working alongside any orginsation or partner is important for the individuals as they are receiving the expertise of different people to get the best possible support and care. Information sharing along partners helps to understand the individual however if the individual themselves are not involves or feel part of the process then what is

the point. The whole purpose is to provide best support and care. In some cases, some partners may not be able to work with a certain individual and there can be conflict either through language barriers or just the basic lack of communication. To maintain a good standard, it is vital thar partnership working signifies good communication with the individual and their families. Partnership working as much it is important can have an overwhelming effect on the individual’s mental health, they may feel the needs of all these people can really make them anxious as much as it can be beneficial about the support the individual themselves needs to be told the purpose and involved in decision making if they have the mental capacity to do so. 4.4 Evaluate procedures for working with others. Working with others its always important to have good teamwork. Working as part of a team is important and being a supportive team member helps develop your own skills. When working with others it is all about understanding their strengths and weaknesses and using this to help provide the best support, A good team needs a strong leader to coordinate and to be a point of contact to answer any questions and queries and this can only be done if people are willing to. Working with others their can be conflict and disagreements on how to do certain things that is why it is always good to have objectives and goals from the start of what you want to achieve as a team for that one individual who you are supporting. Confidentiality is a must there are laws and acts that protect individuals from disclosing and sharing information. This is key are any personal information of individuals of staff need to record and secured properly not following this can lead to serious breachers. That is why when working with others that there is a clear reporting process procedure and a safe space to store all secure data. Reviews, Meetings and feedback from colleagues and staff members highlights any issues and if any changes or adaptations needs to be done for the support, we are putting place. If these don’t take place, then the support that we are providing is of poor standard as there is no review or monitoring taking place. When working with other it is important that everyone is kept up to date and are there to help implement any changes if need be....

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