Chcdiv 002 Assessment One - answers for aboriginal studies PDF

Title Chcdiv 002 Assessment One - answers for aboriginal studies
Author Bronwyn Hart
Course Community Engagement
Institution The University of Adelaide
Pages 9
File Size 665.4 KB
File Type PDF
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tore's strait islander and aboriginal assessment one answers for community services diploma. to create awareness and how to have a conversation with this culture in the work place...


CHCDIV002 CHCDIV00 2 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT ONE Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Submission Summary Candi Candidate date name:


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CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Version: 2.0 05/2021 © 2020 TrainSmart Australia

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SUMMATIV E ASSESSM ENT O NE SUMMATIVE SSESSME ONE Knowledge Based Questions PART 1 Considering the health generally of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, provide an explanation in your own words of the significance of all the following topics and briefly explain how they may be affecting the day to day health and wellbeing of these people.


Qu Questi esti estion on 1. 1.1 1

Topi Topicc: The impact of European settlement/Colonisation (Minimum 100 words)

Aboriginals were considered as savages when Europeans came and took over their land. The Europeans considered the land was empty and belonging to no one.


Aboriginals were denied of their land and were forced and controlled to not engage in their cultural practices or even speak their languages. Aboriginal communities and families were torn apart where this impacted families even years and years later as children were taken from their families in the communities, this is known as the stolen generation. European settlement had a huge amount of devastating impact on the indigenous for years to come. When the European settlement happened, around 90% of the first nations population died. The reasons for this massive decline in the first population is because diseases were introduced that were not present prior the

Qu Questi esti estion on 1.2

Topi Topicc: Loss of land and culture (Minimum 100 words)

Once the Europeans took over their way of life this was forced upon the indigenous communities.


Aboriginals were impacted greatly as they were not allowed to practice their own culture which included "The Dreaming". They were no longer able to wander and search for their own food nor practice their rites and ceremonies in their sacred sites they created. It was known as the forgotten war and the stolen generation. History that the Europeans tried to erase when they took over as they believed the land belonged to no one even though our indeginous people were here first. Id like to also speak about the Continuing Impact of Settlement. Lets start with the past does not erase the past. This is history of forced resettlement, Putting thousands of children in institutions and many aboriginals of today still experience impact of loss of land and culture. The indigenous community had no choice but to live amongst the cities, Rural Centre's and Pastoral Stations, new television technology and satellite communications added even more pressures

CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Version: 2.0 05/2021 © 2020 TrainSmart Australia

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Questi Questi estion on 1.3

Topi Topicc: Kinship/skin system (Minimum 100 words)


The indigenous had their own traditions almost like a religion to their communities. Kinship/Skin System was an important part of their culture.


The Aboriginals had these in place as their own behaviour codes. Under Kinship rules everyone belonged to a language group so they knew where they stand within their group and to the people outside of their group. The Skin System is a law governing social interaction and marriage set of rules. In Skin Systems traditions even people who are not actual blood related are assigned a relationship. People who even work in remote areas can also be given a Skin System name so they too belong to a community. My opinion of this is why are other religions like Muslim or even

Qu Questi esti estion on 1.4

Topic Topic pic:: Aborigines Protection Act 1905 (Minimum 100 words)

From when the Europeans took over Australia they put in a number of legislative enactments to use to manage the indigenous Australian people. This gave control to those in "Charge" the rights to remove of anyone deemed "Aboriginal Native" to a reserve and if children under the age of 16 deemed "Aboriginal Native" to a State Institution. Answer

The Act was used to also control place of residence, slavery as employment, marriage, social lives and drastically impacted the indigenous families and culture. To think that this Act was introduced to protect and manage the aboriginals is beyond outrageous. It was an Act that was put in place to look like it was a protection order but in fact it was a document developed so that people in the community could not speak up or question it as it was a new law implemented by those who were in charge and took over Australian soil

CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Version: 2.0 05/2021 © 2020 TrainSmart Australia

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PA PART RT 2 Qu Questi esti estion on 2

How the European Settlement affected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in regards to discrimination and racism?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to go through ongoing impacts of the colonialism and historical disadvantages to this day. From the very first initial point of contact between the first peoples and Europeans through more than two centuries of government legislation and policies. The indigenous and Torres Strait Islander's have been discriminated against, their human rights taken away and declined to even be apart of the Australian Society as equal human beings.


Their lands were stripped through brutality and denied recognition in the Nation's founding document that was used for decades of controlling and removal of children from their families and communities. Because of this history taking place due to discrimination and racism the indigenous people and Torres Strait Islander's have a long and painful history here in Australia. Upon the research I have read there has been positive developments in recent years but the historical racism continues to resonate even today. There are still statistics showing there is still impact of racism in our communities and this was a research that was conducted through the 2010 Australian Reconciliation Barometer.

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Qu Questi esti estion on 3

How has European settlement impacted past and present power relations of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people? Give an example.

Past: From the early days of settlement, indigenous people became a cheap source of labour. The Europeans saw the aboriginals as people they can just make use of with no respect. The indigenous men worked on stations and farms as stock men,they worked on roads and railways as labourers while the women worked as domestic helpers in the Europeans homes, both aboriginal men and woman were used for slavery.



Europeans ensured by policy that the indigenous had no power in the community, if they weren't killed they were used to be slaves and only paid very minimal if at all or given alcohol or food for their work, Let alone they could not choose where they lived, how they were educated or where and how they were employed. Indigenous people were also not included as citizens of Australia and were not allowed to vote. They had no power what so ever for a number of years. Assesso Assessorr Comments

Qu Questi esti estion on 4


How do western cultures impact Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their engagement with services? Give an example.

When Europeans first came to Australian land their opinion of the indigenous communities were living a poor life but in fact these aboriginals treated the land and not as an individual property. Aboriginal cultures had their traditions, rituals, and practices for thousands of years on Australian soil before the Westerners invaded and took over their land. When they invaded the country and claimed it as their's, they forced the indigenous to follow their laws, rules, policies and regulations and made them adapt to European way of living even though, now we look back in history the Europeans treated the aboriginal generation very poorly through brutality. I have done some research to show how Western Culture really impacted the engagement of services to our aboriginal communities: - The indigenous tribes were a spiritually-driven community, Where as Westerners were a scientifically driven community.

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Qu Questi esti estion on 5

What is meant by ‘diversity’ of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures? Give an example.

Diversity is a meaning of the way of life when it comes to Aboriginal and or Torres strait Islander through many different cultures they have within different communities. One example is their language groups. When it comes to different languuage groups it is the same to their skin groups as mentioned earlier through Kinship/Skin System.



Individual groups of the indenous people share the same language, customs and their genral laws. The people in their groups share a common bond in their own language groups. From research I have read there is currently more than 250 indigenous languages and about 800 dialect, a lot of the languages from thousands years prior are distinct now and very few elderly people are alive to speak the language from many years ago.

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Qu Questi esti estion on 6


Give two e examples xamples of factors that contribute to the ill health and common diseases experienced by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

Europeans did not understand the complexity of how the aboriginal people and Torres Strait islander culture of when it came to their holistic ways to their health. This caused substantial trauma to the indigenous people. The lack of acknowledgment of their cultural traditions and beliefs around ill health resulted in loss of of control and empowerment within the aboriginal communities, to this day it is still distressing to aboriginal people as it effects them to connect to community services and health systems. In turn of the mistrust this impacts individuals ability to make decisions, communicate, understand and retain information. These huge factors contribute to many indigenous Australian's to ill health and leave them vulnerable to catch common diseases. The two examples of contributing the ill health and common diseases are Smoking, alcohol and substance abuse along with poor food and nutrition. 1) Smoking, alcohol and substance abuse: The use of alcohol and drugs is not apart of aboriginal traditions or culture. Although weak alcohol was consumed from various plants but the traditional rules were always controlled when and how much

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CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Version: 2.0 05/2021 © 2020 TrainSmart Australia

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Qu Questi esti estion on 7

Des Describ crib cribe e one Act that helps promote or ensure Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety. Name the Act and discuss how this would aim to ensure safety.

Racial Discrimination act 1975. The Discrimination Act 1991 makes it unlawful to treat you unfavourably because of your race. Race includes a person’s skin colour, descent, ethnic or national origin and nationality. Treating you unfairly because of your accent or language is also unlawful.



Asking for information about your ethnic or racial background may be unlawful if the purpose is to use the information to discriminate against you. For example not interviewing someone for a job because of their name or national origin, refusing a person service in a restaurant because of the way they look, or refusing to provide a service such as a taxi or Uber service because of race or colour are covered by the Discrimination Act. This Act ensures safety in the community and protects those who should be treated equally and given a fair go.

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Qu Questi esti estion on 8

Outline the impact that trauma may have on a person’s ability for decisionmaking, communicating, understanding and retaining information.

Trauma responses for an individual can be high levels of fear, helplessness and horror. In children trauma may be apparent in ways of disorganised or troubled behaviour. People who are exposed to traumatic events also experience psychological and physical health problems. This is based on a research within the Trauma field of work. Answer

Apart from the general public there are also similarities in how trauma presents in colonised people like our indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia. Common examples include alcohol and substance abuse, interpersonal violence, homelessness, physical illness, criminality, and disruption in meaningful social relations. Suicide has also been a huge factor to the cultural disruption caused by invasions. Further more my research, when the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

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Qu Questi esti estion on 9

Dis Discu cu cuss ss how your knowledge of question 8 would change your approach in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Whilst working with the indigenous in this field of work. I would come in at a support angle to gain trust through building rapport first. I would ensure I have a broad range of knowledge and understanding of their cultural factors that guide the behavior of the indigenous as it will greatly help my interaction I have with them.



It is important whilst delivering services to support indigenous this will require shifting in some of the ways I would approach to my service delivery, by also remembering there is trauma involved here, deep past trauma. Tactics in how to communicate and work with the indigenous people would be: - Showing Empathy - Cultural knowledge and respect of their beliefs and traditions - Non judgment approach - Gestures and nonverbal techniques - Different learning techniques like through art and stories - Mindful of sense of time - Their needs being met on a level of understanding. - regular trainings for my own cultural awareness and growth

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Qu Questi esti estion on 10

Des Describ crib cribe e two ways to involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in the planning and delivery of services and programs

1) Invite the indigenous performers and artists into the service and hold workshops for children and families. Even inviting the elders from the local community to participate and take part in celebrations and significant events. 2) Network with the local aboriginal community and partner with them on a specific project that requires their vital input.


By encouraging increased and ongoing participation not only leads to positive outcomes, the consultation and negotiation are an important factor to getting the indigenous people to establish a greater level of involvement in a healthy manner and create equality. Making involvement meaningful, trustworthy and allowing time for the decision making process without rules and regulations will help asssit the continuance of their engagement in the future. It is vital that the indigenous feel recognised for their part in community decision making and planning. Research acknowledgment:

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CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Version: 2.0 05/2021 © 2020 TrainSmart Australia

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Qu Questi esti estion on 11

Explain how you will provide culturally safe care as a worker by defining and giving one example of the following terms: 1. Cultural awareness 2. Cultural competence


1) Cultural awareness. Cultural awareness is a basic understanding that there is diversity in cultures across the population. Training does not create a culturally competent workforce but can increase cultural awareness within my scope of work. Cultural safety for me within my scope of work is involving actions that recognise, respect and nurture the unique cultural identity of a person and safely meet their needs, expectations and rights. 1 It means working from a cultural perspective of the other person, not from my own perspective. I can achieve this can through clear and respectful communication, respectful treatment in general and inclusion and empowerment of all involved of the decision making process.


2) Cultural competence Cultural competency extends beyond my individual skills and knowledge to influence my services operating across cultures within my line of work. It is a process that requires ongoing learning within my job role. For me to achieve cultural competence I need to become aware of the cultural differences that exist in the community. This can be done by understanding of those differences and accepting them. It means that I need to be prepared to guard agai...

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