Chcdiv 003 answers - activities PDF

Title Chcdiv 003 answers - activities
Author Leesa Michelle
Course Community Services - Case Management
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 9
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Aina Bautista 134568CHCDIVA1 Questions and Answers1.) What is meant by “diversity”?Diversity means having individuals from diverse background, different nationalities, cultures, race, religion, socioeconomic status, age, sexual orientation, etc.2.) Explain each of the following:Cultural awareness is...


Aina Bautista



Questions and Answers

1.) What is meant by “diversity”? Diversity means having individuals from diverse background, different nationalities, cultures, race, religion, socioeconomic status, age, sexual orientation, etc.

2.) Explain each of the following: Cultural awareness is the ability to be aware of one’s own cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. Cultural safety describes an environment that accepted all people and is free from discrimination. Cultural competence is the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds.

3.) Discuss how the above terms impact on the management and leadership. Cultural awareness is essential when interacting with people from other social and cultural backgrounds. People see, interpret and evaluate things in different ways. Misunderstanding can easily arise when one’s attempt to use their own view of the world to try and make sense of somebody else’s reality. Cultural safety in the workplace is necessary for leadership since a culturally safe workplace means it treats everyone with dignity, respects people’s culture, language, knowledge, experience and obligation to each other, allows no assault on a person’s identity, and acknowledges individual difference. Cultural competence grows out of cultural awareness, this is something that every organization wants to demonstrate. A culturally competent organization is likely to have a strong understanding of the cultural profile of their local community, people in higher management who actively promote the benefits of cultural competence, quick access to essential services such as interpreting if required, and a system of reward for initiatives which are culturally competent.

4.) Identify 2 benefits of diversity a.) Increases awareness of other cultures and the competitive advantage of an organization. b.) Ensures that a variety of ideas, skills, knowledge and talents is demonstrated for others to learn by.

5.) Discuss the characteristics (define/explain) of each of the following groups:

Culture, race, ethnicity – culture refers to the social behaviour, lifestyle and characteristics that describe a group of people. Ethnicity refers more to the characteristics of a group of people with a shared past and culture. It has more to do with social traits than physical attributes of race. Race is determined by ancestry and/or genetic background and cannot be changed by culture or ethnicity. Disability – physical characteristics may impair or compromise the abilities of the person. Disability includes physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological and learning disabilities such as dyslexia. It also includes physical disfigurement and disease. Disability can result from an accident, a genetic disorder, infection, birth or a psychiatric condition. Religious or spiritual beliefs – many different religions are followed in Australia. People are free to practice any religion they find appropriate to their beliefs, faith and values, and have the right to express those religious beliefs or to practice no religion at all. Gender, including transgender – society now strives for equality between the sexes. Gender equity means, that no matter what sex you are, male, female, or transgender, you have access to the same pay, resources and opportunities. Intersex – describes a person that does not conform to the traditional physical characteristics of male or female. The difference can be physical, chromosomal, hormonal, or genetic. These differences do not necessarily need to be ‘fixed’, just understood. Generational – organizations are usually made up of people of varying ages. Within your organization, you will work with people older, younger and the same age as you. Their work experience and skills will vary, as well as their values and lifestyles. There are now four typical names or labels for the different generations over the past 70years. Each generations have had different advantages and disadvantages that has shaped and moulded the way they think and behave – it is another aspect of how people deal with each other. Sexual orientation/ sexual identity (LGBT) – refers to a person’s sexual preference. Homosexuality, bisexuality and heterosexuality are some common terms used to describe people’s sexuality.

6.) Discuss what you believe the role of a leader/manager should be in encouraging diversity in the workplace and in work practices. Take every opportunity to support the strategies that the workplace has in place. Use the newsletter to promote the diversity of staff and celebrate important cultural event. Include diversity in the induction program. Implement a diversity contact officer program. Train a volunteer as a diversity contact officer or support to contact officers in their role. Apply for awards for excellence in diversity.

7.) Reflect on your own culture and background. How does your diverse background impact your: Behaviour – Filipinos are known for humorous and positive attitude regardless of their situation. In good times or in bad times, I tend to look on the brighter side of every situation around me. Interpersonal relationships – Filipinos have close knit family relationship, showing respect to those who are older than you is common, and to those in position. Perception and expectations of others – Most obligations falls to the parents while their children are still attending schools, however, children are expected to be the one supporting their parents once they finish schooling and got a decent job.

8.) Identify 2 pieces of legislation relating to diversity and legislation. Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

9.) Read through the Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) Code of Ethics and the NSW Government Family & Community Services Code of Ethical Conduct. Identify and discuss the sections of these codes relating to diversity and discrimination. Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA) Code of Ethics. Every human being, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual and gender diversity, or other individual differences has a right to maximise his or her potential providing it does not infringe upon the rights of others. Every person is legally protected against discrimination on the basis of age, sex, race and disability and their universal human rights are inviolable. ( 0943) NSW Government Family & Community Services Code of Ethical Conduct. All workers have a right to work in an environment that is free from all forms of bullying, discrimination and harassment. Workers have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. ( - retrieve 21/033 0951)

10.) Give examples of how an organization could discriminate against each of the following both (directly and indirectly).




Direct You're not selected for a promotion at work. The supervisor says that while he thinks you could do the job, you'll be retiring soon, so we're looking for someone who'll be here for a while. When you advise your employer that you're pregnant, you're moved to a lower-paying job out of the public view, because clients don't want to look at people in your condition.

Indirect A requirement for a job is that all applicants have ten years experience in the field. (A young person could be well qualified but is ineligible for the job.) A public building, while fitted with lifts, has a set of six steps at the front entrance. Entry for those needing to use the lift is through the back entrance near the industrial bins. (Those using a wheelchair can't get into the building from the front entrance.) You are an Aboriginal woman wanting to All information about workplace health rent a house. When you arrive to inspect and safety in a factory is printed in a house you're told it's already been English. taken. You arrange for a non-Aboriginal (Those whose first language isn't English friend to enquire about the house. She may be at risk.) rings, is told it's still available, looks at the house and is offered a lease. This is the third time you've tried to rent a

house through this agency. In spite of the fact you have a good tenancy record, each time you phone, you're told a house is available, and each time you meet one of the agents, you're told it's been rented already. You answer a job advertisement for a receptionist. You're told over the phone that because you're a man, you'd be wasting your time.

Minimum height requirements apply for jobs in a resort, for no apparent reason. (People from an Asian background, or women, may not be able to meet the requirement.) ( 21/03 1000) Sex

11.) Discuss each of the following in relation to diversity and discrimination, and identify the legislation relating to each: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) – Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is about making sure that workplaces are free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment. This means having workplace rules, policies, practices and behaviours that are fair and do not disadvantage people because they belong to particular groups. Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 Human Rights – Recognises the fundamental human rights of individuals. Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 Rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients – Both employers and employees are obliged under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 to reduce workplace hazards. Failure to meet these obligations may not only cause personal suffering and financial losses, but may also result in legal action. All employers have the right to appoint and dismiss workers in accordance with proper procedures and to expect reasonable performance from their employees. However employers do not have the right to discriminate against existing or potential employees, or allow sexual harassment, victimisation, or vilification to occur in the workplace. Employers have an obligation to provide a work environment free from hazards and to ensure the health and safety of themselves, their workers and other people affected by the workplace. Workers must follow instructions and act in a way that does not place at risk their own health and safety or that of any other person. This relates to removing or dealing with hazards of any type. Clients have the right to: receive humane care and treatment, with respect and consideration. Privacy and confidentiality when seeking or receiving care except for life threatening situations or conditions. Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995, Privacy Act 1988 12.) Discuss at least 2 ways, that you as manager/leader can ensure effective and equitable activities to all clients and ensure that your workplace and service is inclusive and supports diversity. It is important for everyone to feel that they belong and feel valued within the community. Two ways to ensure effective and equitable activities and services that are inclusive and supports

diversity are (a) create opportunities for participation, so everyone will be given a chance to participate and (b) communicate in different ways to ensure understanding for everyone.

13.) What is meant by inclusivity and give at least 2 examples of barriers to inclusivity. Inclusivity is an intention or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. Examples of barriers to inclusivity are (a) physical barriers and (b) social/emotional barriers.

14.) Identify 3 cross-cultural communication strategies you could use at your workplace with communicating with people from different cultures. (a) Sign language, miming, pointing, using aids – use of pictures instead of words to explain to procedure or task. (b) Consulting or incorporating people that may understand the other language better than you – colleagues may speak the same language or come from the same culture and may be able to help. (c) Interpreter services may be available – for situation where understanding is imperative it is best to use a third party interpreter.


Written Tasks

1.) Collect data on your workplace’s diversity. This may include numbers of people (staff and clients) that are from a different culture, are older, younger, different races, religions, sexual orientation, gender, etc.

Workplace Diversity Data Gender Age Male 21 18-25 Female 42 26-35 36-45 46-55 Staff 28 56-65 66 above Client 35 Total number of people: 63

12 17 18 7 5 4

Nationality Australian Vietnamese Indian Filipino Samoan Thais Nepalese Chinese

10 11 4 12 8 3 9 6

Religion Christian Islam Hinduism Buddhism Jehova’s Atheist

35 3 8 7 3 5

Languages English Vietnamese Mandarin Tagalog Hindi Samoan Thai Nepali

60 11 12 12 4 8 3 9

2.) Analyse and evaluate how your workplace’s current diversity practice matches (or doesn’t match) the workplace objectives, values or mission. The workplace current’s diversity practices matches that of the workplace objectives, values or mission because (a) It ensures that there is no stereotyping during advertising in relation to diversity. (b) It ensures that the diverse workplace is making the most of the individual’s strength and difference. (c) It celebrates and acknowledges everyone’s difference thus fostering a more understanding and respectful workplace.

3.) Discuss how and why you could increase diversity at your workplace and any potential benefits this would bring in relation to the workplace’s objectives, values or mission. To increase diversity in the workplace, you can (a) encourage participation in discussion and interaction, (b) emphasise the advantages of having a diverse range of people in the workplace, (c) celebrate everyone’s contribution, (d) focus on positive outcomes and strengths, (e) show interest and ask question as appropriate, (f ) refuse to tolerate discrimination. All team members should be encouraged to use and share their special qualities, skills, or backgrounds to enhance work outcomes. Letting people know they belong and are valued members of the workplace helps to build trust. The way a workplace plays as a whole determine its success.

4.) Create a Diversity Policy and strategy for your workplace. Streamline Roster Policy To improve the quality of decision-making, productivity and team work. Facilitate equal employment opportunities based on relative ability, performance or potential.


Scope: Review: Procedure:

Staffs Annual Monthly meeting Encourage to use English language only

Comply on assigned person per shift. Avoid changing of staff without approval of the management Promote diverse nationality per shift Responsible for All staff/s implementation: Manager/s Supervisor RN’s Consequences:

1st offense – verbal warning 2nd offense – written warning 3rd offense – suspension (3days) 4th offense – termination

Related Legislation:

Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 Duty of care Racial Discrimination Act 1975 WHS Privacy Act 1988

5.) You must discuss your Diversity policy with key people at the workplace, and then adapt/modify your policy as required based on their feedback. Identify who you consulted with and summarise the outcomes of that consultation. Key people: CEO, Supervisor, Manager, Team Leader. The outcome of the consultation leads to the finalization of the new policy, the streamline roster policy.

6.) Discuss how you will coach and mentor people in your workplace on your policy and promote diversity in workplace. Coaching generally refers to a one-to-one relationship but can be considered as a team role. The focus of the coach is to engage with the learner, provide planned sequential training, observe performance and provide feedback to achieve desired outcomes. Mentoring is where an employee is paired with a colleague with significant experience, skills, knowledge and desired attributes. Coaching and mentoring can fast track the development process. Providing feedback to an employee on a continuous basis allows them to correct assumptions quicker and keeps them motivated and focused on learning more.

7.) Create an Action Plan for how you will implement your new policy and associated procedures. Propose the new policy and its associated procedure to the head manager. Once the policy is permitted, distribute the copy to the team leaders and to the HR personnel. Discuss the policy to the colleagues via meetings.

Post a copy of the new policy and its associated procedures in the memo board and send copies thru emails. Do review annually or biannually.

8.) Discuss how you will monitor your policy and procedures to see if they are being implemented and used and how will you measure if they are successful and improving workplace diversity. Ways to monitor the policy being implemented and used (a) observations (b) sampling (c) interviews (d) feedback (e) monitor incidents

9.) Create a communication plan / strategy to communicate effectively with diverse people at your workplace (staff and clients). Target Audience Manager

Key message

All Staff on the floor

Encourage diversity in the workplace


Communication Method Staff meeting


Time frame

Team leader

1 month


HR manager


Provide a role model for others that demonstrates respect for diversity

10.) Choose one group of people at your workplace (eg. elderly, disabled, women, indigenous, etc.) and discuss how your communication strategy will be effective for communicating with them. People with disability Communication board Use of picture cards Hearing aids (for hearing impaired) Use braille (for vision impaired) Sign language (for deaf people) 11.) Create an Action Plan for how to implement your communication strategy. Your action plan should include the task, who will do it, and when it will be done. Your action plan may be specific– to communicate to a specific group of people, or it may be general to all staff or to all clients. Target: Person with disability Task Use of communication board

Who will do it Manager, Team Leader

When it will be done As necessary

Use of picture cards


As necessary

Electronic translator

Manager, Staff

As necessary

Use of electronic device

Manager, Team Leader, Staffs

As necessary

12.) Consider and discuss how your current workplace communicates with staff and clients and compare it to how you believe things will improve with your new communication strategy. In my current workplace, they communicate with staff on a regular basis. Staff meetings and conference are done every month. Memos are being updated. Emails are being sent whenever there are new updates. Clients are also being informed about any changes that concern their care. With the new communication strategy, it will make the communication clearer and easier to understand.

13.) Discuss how your diversity and communication policies and strategies will improve: Cultural safety – Everyone will be treated with dignity. People’s culture language, knowledge, experience and obligations to each other will be respected. Cultural awareness – Being mindful of the staff’s cultural values, beliefs and perception. Being able to create new solutions to meet the needs of a specific situation. Cultural competence – Acquiring the understanding of the cultural profile of the workplace.<...

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