CHEM 3472 Instrumental Analysis Fall 2021 Syllabus PDF

Title CHEM 3472 Instrumental Analysis Fall 2021 Syllabus
Author Ethan Huynh
Course Instrumental Analysis
Institution The University of Texas at Dallas
Pages 11
File Size 277.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 50
Total Views 149


This is the syllabus of the Fall 2021 school year at UTD. This will give an explanation on what the professor wants and how the grades will be allocated....


CHEM 3472.004 Course Syllabus Course Information Course Number/Section Course Title Term Lecture Lab

CHEM 3472.004 Instrumental Analysis Fall, 2021 TTh 8:30 am- 9:45 pm; Teams TTh 9:45 pm -12:15 pm; BE 2.520

Professor Contact Information Professor Warren Goux Office Phone 972-883-2660 Email Address [email protected] Office Location BE 3.510 Online Office Hours by appointment


Simin Sheybani Syed “Fahad” Bin Haque

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

[email protected] [email protected]

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Course Platform & Modality


Class Participation

Class Materials

Originally our class was designed to be presented in face-to-face format. However, recently our university has made efforts to dedensify the number of students attending lecture and lab at any given time due to the pandemic. Because I am immunodeficient my lectures will be totally online. Lectures will be recorded. I can share these recordings with students who are ill, are absent due to an off campus event or have accessibility issues. In addition, narrated Power Point modules covering keeping a notebook, writing a laboratory report and spectroscopy and chromatography modules will be posted online using eLearning. These resources are particularly convenient for students to review lecture material prior to taking quizzes or exams. Additional resources related to specific modules will also be posted online. In the week prior to a lab experiment, the instructor or TA will be given time during the lecture period to explain the upcoming experiment and answer questions. Emphasis will be placed upon fundamental principles of spectroscopy and chromatography, how instruments work, data acquisition and analysis, and report writing. Regular class participation is expected. Students who fail to participate in class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. It also includes engaging in group or other activities during class that solicit your feedback. The Instructor may provide class materials that will be made available to all students registered for this class as they are intended to supplement the classroom experience. These materials may be downloaded during the course. However, these materials are for registered students' use only. Classroom materials may not be reproduced or shared with those not in class, or uploaded to other online environments except to implement an approved Office of Student AccessAbility accommodation. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Course Prerequisites

CHEM 2401 or equivalent, as approved by the professor

Course Description

The goal of this course is to provide you with practical experiences of using modern analytical instrumentation including ultraviolet, visible, fluorescence, atomic and mass spectroscopy, electrochemistry, surface and microanalysis, and chromatography. Emphasis will be placed upon fundamental principles, data acquisition and analysis, and report writing.

Core Objective 1: This course is designed to prepare students for employment and/or further work in chemistry by providing instruction in methods of instrumental analysis, including chromatographic, spectroscopic, and statistical techniques. Core Objective 2: This course is designed to help students gain a deep CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

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Homework & Quizzes: Quizzes will be given online (eLearning) during a timed window. While the first quiz will test students’ understanding of keeping a notebook and writing lab reports, subsequent quizzes are intended to hone students’ understanding of spectroscopy or chromatography modules prior to exams. Students will have at least 2 attempts for each quiz with some feedback given after each attempt. (Although the quizzes cover the same material the actual questions may differ.) Only the highest quiz score will count towards your course grade. Typically 5-6 quizzes will be given during the semester. Announcements for upcoming quizzes will be posted at least one class period ahead so that student can have time to study. Homework and quizzes will count towards 10% of the course grade. Problems on our first homework set on statistics are designed to help you understand the fundamental principles of various statistical techniques. Additional homework may be assigned to further hone students’ skills for upcoming exams. In general students will have one week to complete homework assignments from the time they are posted on eLearning. The following summarize scheduled homework 1 and quiz 1.

Notebook and Laboratory Reports Quiz 1 (15 min quiz) Homework Set 1 (statistics)

Assigned 8/31/21 8:00 am

Due/Time 8/31/21 8:00 pm


9/07/21 before 8:30 am

Homework will be posted online as an eLearning Assignment. You will turn in your homework as a pdf file before class begins on the due date (i.e., before 8:30 am on 9/07). No late homework will be accepted. No email submissions will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

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Exams: Two midterm exams and one final exam will be given throughout the course. The dates of these exams will be confirmed in class and on the eLearning. All three exams must be taken and all will count towards your final grade. Exams will either be presented through the UTD Testing Center or online. Makeup Exams: If you have a verifiable excuse for missing a midterm exam due to illness or other unexpected events you should contact the professor before or immediately after the scheduled exam. The final exam must be taken at the scheduled time. There is no makeup final. Labs & Prelabs: Before you begin an experiment you must have completed a prelab. A MS Word (or pdf) copy of your first prelab will be submitted as an online eLearning Assignment by 12:00 am (midnight) Monday 9/13 and each Monday thereafter until the end of labs. (Usually there will be a 4 day window before the deadline in which you may submit your prelab.) The TA will check your prelab and may return comments. A copy of this prelab should be entered into your laboratory notebook and attached in the appendix of your lab report. Points will be deducted from your laboratory report if your prelab is incomplete or if your prelab was not turned in. Please do not include original data or information from your lab handout in your prelab or lab report as this will be flagged by Turnitin when you submit your report. A one paragraph description of your experiment is not a sufficient prelab. It is best to think of your prelab as an introduction to your report and should include the purpose of the experiment, background, and an explanation of the instrument you will be using to carry out the experiment. Prelab may also include drawings and diagrams, equations used and sample calculations. Lengthy calculations and drawings may be photographed and inserted into your prelab. Reports: An electronic copy (docx or pdf file) of your lab report must be turned in to the Turnitin box in eLearning on or before 5:00 pm on the second Friday after you have completed the weeks lab (Except on the week of Fall Break. See Lab Schedule for details). In order to properly submit the Turnitin copy you must not only upload your file but also click confirm (A TWO STEP PROCESS), after which you will get confirmation that your digital copy has been submitted. Failure to click confirm will result in your report not being submitted and you will be given a score of 0 for that particular lab. The electronic stamp given on eLearning will count as proof of your turn in time. Credit will not be given for email or late submissions. Students have sufficient time after they finish their labs on Wednesday to complete and turn in their lab reports the following Friday. WE DO NOT ALLOW LATE REPORTS SO BE SURE TO TURN IN YOUR REPORT EARLY IF POSSILBE TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ANY MISTAKE YOU MAKE IN THE SUBMISSION PROCESS. Your report will be graded by the TA and returned to you. Grading errors should be brought to the attention of the TA or instructor within one week of you receiving your returned graded report. Your TA will be able to explain to you in detail what mistakes you made and how you can improve your write up. Your lab reports count for 40% of your grade so it is essential these be turned in on time in order for you to do well in CHEM 3472. Please visit for detailed safety rules pertaining to the laboratory. You may include these safety measures in the methods section of your laboratory report.

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

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Students who have taken CHEM 3472 previously: Students who are retaking CHEM 3472 may use the introduction and methods sections of a lab report they have completed in previous offerings if they clearly state they are doing so. They should clearly state the semester in which the report was completed and the instructor’s name. This statement must be included on the title page of the report with the date in which the report was originally completed. Grading: Your course grade will be determined as follows: Three online exams, homework and quizzes (60% total; Midterm exams (15% each) and final exam (20%); Homework and Quizzes, (10%); Lab reports (40%). All discussions regarding grades must take place within one week after your lab is returned to you. We do not “drop” a midterm exam grade in CHEM3472. All three exams count toward your final class score. The grade scale and cutoffs for letter grades will be consistent with the following if the class average is in the range 68-75%: 97 and above 93(inclusive)-97 90 (inclusive)-93 87(inclusive)-90 83(inclusive)-87 80(inclusive)-83 77(inclusive)-80 73(inclusive)-77 68(inclusive)-73 65(inclusive)-68 60(inclusive)-65 55(inclusive)-60 below 55


If the class average is below 68% or above 75% the scale will be adjusted so that approximately 1015% of students receive A’s, 20-25% receive B’s and 30-35% receive C’s. I will show grade distributions following each exam to give you an idea of your standing relative to the class mean. Exams may be curved so that the class average (excluding those score below 40%) falls within the 68-75% range. No final curve will be applied to your course score. Extra Credit There is no extra credit work in CHEM 3472 Lectures: In order for you to conceptionally understand how the instruments work it is important that you attend class and read the assigned material in your text. The laboratories nominally correspond to lecture material. I have narrated lectures that were posted in previous offerings of the course which you may want to review as an additional resource. Please keep in mind these recorded lectures are not current to this semester and additions and deletions of some material may have taken place in the current offering. All material presented in class is fair game for exams. .

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

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Integrity: Plagiarism includes copying material from printed sources including the world wide web or other students’ work. To make it your own you must read and understand the material and report the concepts in your own words, appropriately citing the reference. If you quote directly from a source the quoted material must be in quotations. No more than one sentence of quoted material is allowed in your lab report. Copying figures from the web is OK as long as it is not covered by copyright and as long as your reference is cited. Do not give your lab report to anyone, either before or after it is graded. Should your words appear in another student’s report you, along with the student who benefited, will be guilty of collusion. Those students who either innocently or knowingly participate in collusion or plagiarism will be turned into UTD judicial. Lab reports may be routinely screened with turnitin software so do not include sections copied from your lab handout or any other sources. Reports with Turnitin scores of more than 35% will be given a grade of zero. 30 points will be deducted from scores of reports having similarity scores greater than 30%. Laboratory and Classroom Safety with COVID-19: To help preserve the University’s in-person learning environment, UT Dallas recommends the following: Adhere to the University’s CDC Updated Guidelines issued on July 30, 2021. Please note this represents a change in the campus guidance issued on May 20, 2021. Things are changing rapidly on the ground in response to new variants and ultimately classroom and laboratory policy will be up to the discretion of your instructor and the administration. Because of state orders, The University of Texas at Dallas cannot require students, staff or faculty to wear masks on campus. However, we encourage the campus community to wear masks for all indoor activities. Parts of our laboratory housing instrumentation do not allow for social distancing. If for any reason you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in the lab environment please discuss this with the TA or instructor and accommodations will be made. Updated information on Covid 19 can be found at We strongly encourage mask wearing and getting your vaccination in order for you to remain as safe as possible and to protect others around you. If you do not feel comfortable with a reduced density face to face format we encourage you to watch the lectures remotely. Most quizzes, homework and lab reports will be submitted remotely in CHEM 3472. Please let me know if you need further clarification.

Accommodations for Students Who Miss Class for Reasons Unrelated to COVID-19 Individual faculty maintain their discretion on whether and how to accommodate student absences unrelated to COVID-19. Accommodations for Students Who Must Isolate or Quarantine Due to COVID-19 To keep the UT Dallas community as safe as possible, the University requires students who test positive for COVID-19 or who are close contacts as determined by the campus contact tracing program to isolate or quarantine as applicable. Faculty will be notified by the Dean of Students' Office if a student in their class has been required to isolate (positive case) or quarantine (exposed). Faculty must make lectures available for those students during the period the students must isolate or quarantine. Faculty who need assistance with providing these students access to course content can contact the eLearning Team at [email protected]. Faculty have the discretion to set an attendance policy for their in-person meetings, but the absences due to COVID-19 cannot be counted against an isolated or quarantined student.

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

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Lecture and Exam Schedule: (The dates, order of presentation and topical coverage are subject to change. Our text is very comprehensive and the instructor will emphasize portions of each chapter which are especially relevant to our course.) Nominal Date

Lecture Topic

Reference (SH&C or other)



Class Organization, course overview syllabus



Organization, Laboratory Reports, Statistics1

Notes, Harris Ch 2-5



Statistics2, S/N, LOD/LOQ

Notes, Harris Ch 2-5



Statistics3, t-test, ANOVA, LLS

Notes, Harris Ch 2-5



Introduction to spectroscopy

SH&C Ch 6 Harris, Ch 18



Components of optical spectrometer

SH&C, Ch 7



Introduction to optical atomic spectroscopy

SH&C, Ch 8,9




SH&C, Ch 10-10A-4



Molecular Absorption and Emission spectroscopy SH&C, Ch 14



Molecular Absorption and Emission spectroscopy SH&C, Ch 15



Infrared Absorption & Raman



1st exam review



1st midterm exam



1st midterm exam



NMR spectroscopy

SH&C, Ch 19



Mass Spectrometry

Ch 11A-11B-3

Tu Th

10/19/21 10/21/21

Mass Spectrometry Introduction to chromatography

Ch 20A-20C-3 SH&C, Ch 26



Introduction to chromatography




SH&C, Ch 27




SH&C, Ch 28

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

SH&C Ch 7I, 16-18

Page 7



Review for 2nd exam

Tu Th

11/09/21 11/11/21

2nd midterm exam 2nd midterm exam




Ch 11C-1




SH&C, Ch 19












Review for Final Exam



Review for Final Exam


Final Exam, will be scheduled on Galaxy

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

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Laboratory Schedule: LAB EXPERIMENTS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Multicomponent UV Analysis of α- and β-Acids in Hops ICP-MS analysis of heavy metals in hair samples Determination of quinine in tonic water using fluorescence spectroscopy Use of Fluorescent Plate Reader/Sampling of Heterogeneous Solids Raman Forensics Lab Analysis of Excedrin Migraine Tables by Proton NMR Using Infrared Spectroscopy to Investigate Protein Structure Analysis of whiskey impurities using gas chromatography Determination of Excedrin components using reverse phase HPLC



Report Due



Prelab for Week 1 due



Week 1 Lab



Week 1 Lab





Week 2 Lab



Week 2 Lab



Week 1 Lab Report



Prelab for Week 3 due



Week 3 Lab



Week 3 Lab



Week 2 Lab Report



Prelab for Week 4 due



Week 4 Lab



Week 4 Lab



Week 3 Lab Report



Prelab for Week 5 due

Prelab for Week 2 due

CHEM 3472 Course Syllabus

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Week 5 Lab



Week 5 Lab



Week 4 Lab Report



Prelab for Week 6 due



Week 6 Lab


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