Chemistry I Honors Mid-Term Exam Study Guide (1) PDF

Title Chemistry I Honors Mid-Term Exam Study Guide (1)
Author fredrick white
Course General Chemistry I
Institution Indian River State College
Pages 3
File Size 124.5 KB
File Type PDF
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easy guide for exam , chemistry 1 H with all answersv...


Chemistry I Honors – Mid Term Exam Study Guide 2020 (Mrs. Burkes’ Class) Directions: This study guide is due for a quiz grade the day you take the mid-term exam on Canvas by 2:00 pm. Late study guides will be accepted with a 10% reduction. Answer all questions completely.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Define the scientific method. The scientific method involves the exploration of observations and the search for questions How would you measure the volume of water in soda bottle? Liters Define independent variable. A variable a experiment whose variation depend on that of another Define dependent variable. A variable that depends on another How do we protect our eyes in the lab? Goggles Convert 6.0 mm to km. 6e-6 A piece of copper has a mass of 268.8g and a volume of 30 mL. What is the density? (Answer: 8.96 g/mL) The diameter of a carbon 0.000 000 000 420 m. What is this number expressed in scientific notation? 4.20*10^-10 How many significant figures are in the measurement 801.6 mg?4 Name the field of science which studies the composition and structure of matter. Chemistry The boiling point of sodium is approximately 882oC. What is the boiling point of sodium in Kelvin? (Answer: 1155 K) Questions #12 and #13 concern the following table:

12. Whose data is most precise? Sophie 13. Whose data is most accurate? Maria 14. List the steps of the scientific method. Observation,measurement,experiment,the formulation,testing, and modification and controlled 15. What happens to the dependent variable in a controlled experiment? It is measured and controlled

Chemistry I Honors – Mid Term Exam Study Guide 2020 (Mrs. Burkes’ Class) 16. Explain the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law. A scientific theory is an in depth explanation of the observed phenomenon. A law is a statement about an observed phenomenon that no matter what will always be true. 17. The process of obtaining information by using the senses is called a/an _observation_. 18. What does the number 84in the name krypton-84 represent? Mass number 19. Magnesium has an atomic number of 12. How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of a neutral potassium atom?1 electron 20. An atom’s valence electrons are those in its __outermost shell or energy level_______. 21. What happens to matter during a chemical reaction? Atoms are regrouped or rearranged 22. List the scientific conclusions reached by Dalton. 1. All atoms of an element are identical 2.the atoms of different elements vary in size and mass 3. Compounds are produced through different whole number combinations of atoms 4.a chemical reaction results in the rearrangement of atoms in the reactant and product compounds 23. Which parts of Dalton’s atomic theory do we believe to be incorrect today? The invisibility of an atom 24. Who was the man who lived from 460 B.C. – 370 B.C. and was among the first to suggest the idea of atoms? Democritus 25. How many protons, electrons and neutrons does an atom with an atomic number of 50 and a mass number of 125 contain?P=50 E=50 N=75 26. The nucleus of an atom contains ___protons___ and ______neutrons______. The nucleus of the atom is also ________postive________ charged. 27. Explain the quantum mechanical model for the atom. In this model electrons are treated as matter waves and is a representation of the atom that shows electrons moving freely in electron clouds which were later called orbitals, around the nucleus 28. A certain isotope of sodium has a mass number of 23. How many neutrons does it have? 12 neutrons 29. The chemical properties of an atom and the types of bonds it may make are primarily d determined by the number of: __electrons it has in its outermost level____ electrons. 30. List the subatomic particles. Then identify each charge. Protons=positive Electrons=negative Neutrons=no charge 31. In which ways do isotopes of the same atom differ?differ in atomic masses or differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus 32. Which scientist developed the quantum mechanical model of the atom?Erwin Schrodinger 33. What is the total number of electrons in a Li+ ion?3 electrons 34. What is the charge of a cation?positive 35. What is the charge of an anion?negative 36. As you move from left to right across the second period of the periodic table…. a. List the trends which increase. The electron affinity increases b. List the trends which decrease. Atoms get smaller as the forces of attraction become stronger and electrons move closer to the nucleus 37. What are the Groups 1 and Group 17 examples of? Non-metals Group 1-alkali metals Group 17halogens 2 6 heel ementwi l l bel ongt ot hegr oupof__________. 38. I ft heval enceshel lel ect r oni cst r uct ur ei s1s2p ,t

Chemistry I Honors – Mid Term Exam Study Guide 2020 (Mrs. Burkes’ Class) 39. Whyar emostat omi cmassesont hePer i odi cTabl ear edeci mal number s ?Becausei ti sanaver ageof t hevar i ousi sot opesofanel ement

40. Thenonmet al si nGr oups15,16and17al l__f or m negat i vei ons( ani ons)wi t hachar geof3___. ( mul t i pl eanswer spossi bl e)

41. Oft heel ement sPt ,V,Li andKr ,whi chi sanonmet al ?Kr 2 5 42. Whi chel ementhast heel ect r onconfigur at i on[ Ar ]43 sd?Mn 43. El ement si nt hesamegr oupont heper i odi ct abl econt ai nt hesamenumberof___Val ence el ect r ons___.

44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngel ement sdoesnotr eadi l yr eactwi t hot hercompoundsorel ement s ?Ar Descr i bet hechemi cal andphy si calpr oper t i esofgr oup18.Odor l ess, t ast el ess, nonflammabl e, col or l ess Ani t r ogenat om canachi eveandoct etbyaddi ng__3el ect r ons____. Li stt hepr oper t i esofal kal imet al s.Si l v er y,sof t ,shi ny , v er yr eact i ve, l owmel t i ngpoi nt Descr i bet hegr oupt r endf orel ect r onegat i vi t y .I tdecr easesasy oumov edownagr oup Descr i bet heper i odt r endf orel ect r onegat i vi t y .I ncr easesasyoumov ef r om l ef tt or i ght Rankt hef ol l owi ngel ement sf r om i ncr easi ngel ect r onegat i vi t y : Kr ,Ga,As,Se,Ge,Br Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br , Kr

51. Chl or i nehasanat omi cnumberof17.Howmanpr ot onsar epr esenti nChl or i ne35?17pr ot ons...

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