Study Guide Exam I PDF

Title Study Guide Exam I
Author Anonymous User
Course Biology
Institution University of Connecticut
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Study Guide - Exam I (Chapter’s, 2-6, 8 and 9)

Chapter 2 The Chemical Basis of Life Elements and compounds 1. Distinguish between an element and a compound. 2. Identify the four elements that make up 96% of living matter. Atoms and molecules 3. Draw and label a simplified model of an atom. Explain how this model misrepresents our understanding of atomic structure. 4. Distinguish between each of the following pairs of terms: a. Neutron and proton b. Atomic number and mass number c. Atomic weight and mass number 5. Explain how the atomic number and mass number of an atom can be used to determine the number of neutrons. 6. Explain how two isotopes of an element are similar. Explain how they are different. 7. What is the significance of an atoms valence in the construction of molecules and compounds? Electron distribution and chemical properties 8. Define electronegativity. 9. Distinguish between nonpolar covalent, polar covalent and ionic bonds. 10. Explain why strong covalent bonds and weak bonds are both essential in living organisms. 11. Explain how you would make up a one molar (1M) solution of ethyl alcohol. The Properties of Water 12. With the use of a diagram or diagrams, explain why water molecules are: a. polar b. capable of hydrogen bonding with 4 neighboring water molecules 13. List four characteristics of water that are emergent properties resulting from hydrogen bonding. 14. Define cohesion and adhesion. Explain how water’s cohesion and adhesion contribute to the movement of water from the roots to the leaves of a tree. 15. Distinguish between heat and temperature, using examples to clarify your definitions. 16. Explain the following observations by referring to the properties of water: • Coastal areas have milder climates than adjacent inland areas. • Ocean temperatures fluctuate much less than temperatures on land. • Insects like water striders can walk on the surface of a pond without breaking the surface. • If you slightly overfill a water glass, the water will form a convex surface above the top of the glass.

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If you place a paper towel so that it touches spilled water, the towel will draw in the water. Ice floats on water. Humans sweat and dogs pant to cool themselves on hot days.

Acid Base Reactions 17. Name the products of the dissociation of water and give their concentration in pure water. 18. Define acid, base, and pH. 19. Explain how acids and bases may directly or indirectly alter the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. 20. What is a buffer? In your explanation, use as a model acetic acid and acetate in solution. Metabolism, Energy, and Life 21. Explain the role of catabolic and anabolic pathways in cellular metabolism. 22. Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy. 23. Distinguish between an isolated and an open system. Explain why an organism is considered an open system. 24. Explain the first and second laws of thermodynamics in your own words. 25. Explain why highly ordered living organisms do not violate the second law of thermodynamics. 26. Write and define each component of the equation for Gibbs free-energy change. 27. Distinguish between exergonic and endergonic reactions in terms of free energy change. 28. Explain why metabolic disequilibrium is one of the defining features of life. The Importance of Carbon 29. Explain how carbon’s electron configuration explains its ability to form large, complex and diverse organic molecules. 30. Describe how carbon skeletons may vary, and explain how this variation contributes to the diversity and complexity of organic molecules. Functional Groups 31. Name the major functional groups found in organic molecules. Describe the basic structure of each functional group and outline the chemical properties of the organic molecules in which they occur. Chapter 3 Protein Structure and Function Proteins have Many Structures, Resulting in a Wide Range of Functions 1. Distinguish between a protein and a polypeptide. 2. Explain how a peptide bond forms between two amino acids. 3. List and describe the four major components of an amino acid. Explain how amino acids may be grouped according to the physical and chemical properties of the R group. 4. Explain what determines protein structure and why it is important. 5. Explain how the primary structure of a protein is determined. 6. Name two types of secondary protein structure. Explain the role of hydrogen bonds in maintaining secondary structure.

7. Explain how weak interactions and disulfide bridges contribute to tertiary protein structure. 8. List four conditions under which proteins may be denatured. 9. Explain how molecular chaperones may assist in proper folding of proteins. Protein Enzymes Regulate Metabolic Pathways 10. Describe the function of enzymes in biological systems. 11. Explain why an investment of activation energy is necessary to initiate a spontaneous reaction. 12. Describe the mechanisms by which enzymes lower activation energy. 13. Explain how enzyme structure determines enzyme specificity. 14. Explain the induced-fit model of enzyme function. What is a cofactor? Regulation of Enzyme Activity 15. Distinguish between competitive and non-competitive or allosteric inhibition. 16. Explain how substrate concentration affects the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. 17. Explain how temperature, pH, cofactors, and enzyme inhibitors can affect enzyme activity. Chapter 4 Nucleic Acids and the RNA World Nucleic Acids Store and Transmit Hereditary Information 1. List the major components of a nucleotide, and describe how these monomers are linked to form a nucleic acid. 2. Distinguish between: a. pyrimidine and purine b. nucleotide and nucleoside c. ribose and deoxyribose d. 5ʹ end and 3ʹ end of a nucleotide 3. Briefly describe the three-dimensional structure of DNA. 4. The Double Helix contains antiparallel strands of DNA. What does antiparallel mean in this context? 5. Compare and contrast the structure of DNA vs. RNA. 6. Why is RNA so versatile? Chapter 5 An Introduction to Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Serve as Fuel and Building Material 1. Distinguish between monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. Give examples of each. 2. Describe the formation of a glycosidic linkage. 3. Distinguish between the glycosidic linkages found in starch and cellulose. Explain why the difference is biologically important. 4. What are the roles of Carbohydrates as structural molecules?

Chapter 6 Lipids, Membranes, and the First Cells Lipids are a Diverse Group of Hydrophobic Molecules 1. Describe the building-block molecules, structure, and biological importance of fats, phospholipids, and steroids. 2. Identify an ester linkage and describe how it is formed. Membrane Structure 3. What is a phospholipid bilayer? A micell? 4. What factors influence the permeability of lipid bilayers and why? 5. Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats. 6. Explain the meaning of the statement that phospholipids and most other membrane constituents are amphipathic molecules. 7. Explain how cholesterol resists changes in membrane fluidity as temperatures change. 8. Describe the fluidity of the components of a cell membrane and explain how membrane fluidity is influenced by temperature and membrane composition. Traffic across Membranes 9. What is a concentration gradient? 10. Define osmosis and predict the direction of water movement based on differences in solute concentrations. 11. Distinguish between solutions that are hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic to cell contents. 12. It’s proven important to understand the cell membrane as a “fluid-mosaic model”, Why? 13. Distinguish between channel proteins and carrier proteins. 14. Explain how aquaporins facilitate the passage of water through membranes. 15. Define diffusion. Explain why diffusion is a passive and spontaneous process. 16. Explain why a concentration gradient of a substance across a membrane represents potential energy. 17. Explain how transport proteins facilitate diffusion. 18. Distinguish between osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. 19. Explain how a protein pump creates voltage across membranes. Give an example of how a protein pump can establish an electrochemical gradient. 20. Describe the process of cotransport.

Chapter 8 Energy and Enzymes: An Introduction to Metabolic Pathways The Principles of Energy Harvest 1. In general terms, what is an organisms metabolism? 2. A molecule of ATP has a great deal of potential energy, why? 3. Write the summary equation for cellular respiration. Write the specific chemical equation for the degradation of glucose. 4. How does ATP drive endergonic reactions? 5. Define oxidation and reduction.

6. Explain in general terms how redox reactions are involved in energy exchanges. 7. How do enzymes work and what roles do they have in metabolism? Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 1. Name the three stages of cellular respiration and state the region of the eukaryotic cell where each stage occurs. 2. Describe how the carbon skeleton of glucose changes as it proceeds through glycolysis. 3. Explain why ATP is required for the preparatory steps of glycolysis. 4. Identify where substrate-level phosphorylation and the reduction of NAD+ occur in glycolysis 5. Describe where pyruvate is oxidized to acetyl CoA, what molecules are produced, and how thi process links glycolysis to the citric acid cycle. 6. List the products of the citric acid cycle. Explain why it is called a cycle. 7. Describe the point at which glucose is completely oxidized during cellular respiration. 8. Distinguish between substrate level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation. 9. In general terms, explain how the exergonic “slide” of electrons down the electron transport ch is coupled to the endergonic production of ATP by chemiosmosis. 10. Explain why ATP synthase is considered a molecular rotary motor. 11. Explain where and how the respiratory electron transport chain creates a proton gradient. 12. Explain why this gradient is described as a proton motive force. 13. Summarize the net ATP yield from the oxidation of a glucose molecule by constructing an AT ledger. 14. Calculate the efficiency of respiration in generating ATP. 15. Explain why it is not possible to state an exact number of ATP molecules generated by the oxidation of a molecule of glucose. Related Metabolic Processes 16. Distinguish between fermentation and anaerobic respiration. 17. State the basic function of fermentation. 18. Compare the fate of pyruvate in alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. 19. Compare the processes of fermentation and cellular respiration. 20. Distinguish between obligate and facultative anaerobes. 21. Describe the evidence that suggests that glycolysis is an ancient metabolic pathway. 22. Describe how food molecules other than glucose can be oxidized to make ATP. 22. Explain how glycolysis and the citric acid cycle can contribute to anabolic pathways.

The End J...

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