Christianity & Islam World Peace - 20:20 CSSA Trials PDF

Title Christianity & Islam World Peace - 20:20 CSSA Trials
Course Studies of Religion
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
Pages 3
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Christianity & Islam world peace essay - 20/20 in CSSA Trials...


ROS - World Peace Essay With reference to the above statement, evaluate the distinctive response of TWO religious traditions to world peace.

Christianity and Islam play a paramount role in the fabrication and dispersion of peace on a global scale by calling adherents to ‘practice a style of peace’ in their daily lives. The Christian and Islamic sacred texts of the New Testament, the Qu’ran and Hadith highlight the principal teachings that guide adherents to act with peace at their core, subsequently PAP for adherents to contribute to WP. Within Christianity, peace is central to Jesus’ teachings found within the New Testament and allows the formation of an intrinsic connection with God and all individuals. In Islam, an adherent’s life is dedicated to submitting to the will of Allah by emulating Muhammad and subsequently living a life committed to justice evoking peace. Ultimately, a commitment to living out the principal teachings that are derived from the sacred texts and reflected in the actions of Jesus and Muhammad, advances an adherents commitment to harmony, justice and unity which establishes a platform for world peace.

Leaders of Christian organisations empower individuals to attain and contribute to world peace by guiding adherents to act ‘gestures that oppose the rhetoric of hatred’ in their daily lives. The New Testament highlights events in Jesus’ life from which the principle teaching of Peace in Relationships is derived. It emphasises the expectation that Christians must do all in their power to be at peace with others by emulating the model set by Jesus as he stated, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you” (John 14:27). This is highlighted in Religions for Peace the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious coalition. Representatives of Christianity lead initiatives such as ‘Centres of Peace for Christianity’, which educate children and families to live with ‘truth, love and honour’, allowing peace to spread in communities and internationally. Moreover, the New Testament emphasises Jesus’ actions as the ‘Prince of Peace’ from which adherents come to understand the principle teaching of Christian Pacifism. Jesus actively opposed violence in order to, “Preserve the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). This preservation of unity is evident in Quaker organisations such as the FCNL (Friends Committee on National Legislation). Diane Randall, leader of the religious variant organisation stated, “We believe violent conflict is not inevitable”. In attempt to work on prevention of deadly conflict, the FCNL have established programs guiding Christian adherents to, in the words of Ted Grismsmud, a professor of Peace Theology, “[refuse] to turn from the ways of peace even when they are costly”. Ultimately, by promoting the teachings of Christian pacifism seen in Jesus’ actions, Christian leaders are calling adherents to practice ‘a style of peace’, allowing Peace in Relationships communally, internationally and globally.

Christianity, through its religious leaders, responds to world peace by guiding adherents to practice “a style of peace’ which nurtures harmony within society. Through Jesus’ actions, the New Testament highlights the imperative teaching of Love Thy Neighbour. It encourages adherents to, “Bless and do not curse… live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:14-16), allowing them simultaneously to achieve and spread peace. This rejection of persecution and promotion of unity is reflected in the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand. Following two devastating attacks on two Mosques in Christchurch, the group released a statement, promoting harmony and demonstrating “our solidarity with you in the face of such violence.” The statement concluded, “Peace, Salaam”, and is signed by all five Catholic Bishops of New Zealand which echoes their unity with the Muslim community in Christchurch. Additionally, adherents of Christianity gain an understanding of the importance of Pax Christi through the NT. It implies how attaining peace is a way of life for adherents as, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God’ (Matt 5:9). This is apparent in Pope Francis’, visit to the UAE in February 2019. Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Egypt, signed a statement with hopes for “world peace and human understanding” and “human fraternity” on a mass scale. During his visit the Pope celebrated a mass where members of the UAE government participated in the kiss of peace demonstrating the importance of peace for humanity. Overall, Christian leaders guide adherents to ‘differentiate themselves from the narrative of fear’ through enacting Love of Thy Neighbour and Pax Christi which provides a space where peace becomes achievable to individuals worldwide

Islamic leaders of Muslim communities and organisations call adherents to practice “a style of peace’ and subsequently contribute to the flourishing of peace on a global platform. Through significant actions reflecting justice and harmony, Muhammad is a Model of Peace as he inspires adherents to emulate his model of showing “you love for your brother what you love for yourself” (Hadith). Muhammad has successfully overcome the greater jihad, becoming the embodiment of Allah’s will, therefore inspiring unity of the Umma through altruism as evident in The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. In 2013, the Khalifatul Masih presented a speech addressing the ‘Islamic Solution for World Peace’. He emphasised the importance of adherents understanding the meaning of Islam as “peace, security and giving protection against all forms of harm”. To add to this, the Islamic teaching of Peace Between People and Nations emphasises the expectation that Muslims must live tolerant and peaceful lives as, “You will not enter paradise… until you love one another” (Hadith). This expectation is practiced by The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which ensures to ‘promote international peace and harmony’ among all nations and religious traditions. The organisation “promotes peaceful coexistence” by, “rebuilding connections” between OIC and non OIC member states allowing them to coexist in harmony. Ultimately, by emulating Muhammad as the model of Peace, Islamic leaders of Muslim communities and organisations are calling adherents to act ‘gestures that oppose the rhetoric of hatred’, ensuring Peace Between People and Nations worldwide.

Islam, through its significant religious figureheads, directs adherents to ‘differentiate themselves from the narrative of fear’ allowing peace to flourish. The critical role of the Islamic principle teaching of


Jihad in adherents achieving peace is expressed in the Qu’ran, ‘Trust in Allah: for He is One that heareth and knoweth’ (Qur'an 8:61). This encapsulates the struggle adherents face in overcoming obstacles to establish justice and peace, ultimately submitting to the will of Allah. In 2014, Mehet Gormez, a Sunni Muslim and the highest level Islamic cleric in Turkey, wrote in the ‘Daily Sabah’. He “[called] for unity in the Islamic World” as he stated, “the greatest Jihad Muslims should resort to is fighting against oppression”. Furthermore, the Islamic teaching of Submission to the Will of Allah educates adherents upon how “Allah… guides whom he pleases into the right path” (Quran 10:25). Islam emphasizes how through complete obedience to Allah’s will peace becomes available to adherent’s communities and all nations. This is evident in the International Peace Conference of Sufis in New Delhi in March 2019, organised by Sufi Sunni clerics. The conference aimed to formulate a plan to prevent the spread of terrorism as a Sunni spokesperson stated, “Ulemas and Muftis will issue a fatwa against terrorism” and Sufi clerics added that a ‘memorandum of resolutions’ will be passed and presented to the Indian Prime Minister’ Office. Therefore, Islamic leaders play an imperative role in ‘[opposing] the rhetoric of hatred’ by guiding adherents to follow Jihad and Submit to the Will of Allah which is the catalyst for peace to become attainable on a global scale.


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