Christianity - World Peace essay PDF

Title Christianity - World Peace essay
Course Studies of Religion
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
Pages 2
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ROS – Christianity WP Christianity plays paramount role in the fabrication and dispersion of peace on a global scale by calling adherents to Q in their daily lives. The Christian sacred text, the New Testament, highlights the principal teachings that are salient in guiding adherents to attain peace. They communicate the way adherents should live out Q which provides a platform for adherents to contribute to world peace. Within Christianity, peace is central to Jesus’ teachings found within the New Testament and allows the formation of an intrinsic connection with God and all individuals subsequently guiding the adherent to live a life committed to justice, thus evoking peace. Ultimately, a commitment to living out the principal teachings that are derived from the sacred texts and reflected in the actions of Jesus, advances an adherents commitment to harmony, justice and unity which facilitates the advancement of world peace.

Christianity empowers individuals to attain and contribute to world peace by guiding adherents to act Q in their daily lives. The New Testament highlights events in Jesus’ life from which the principle teaching of Peace in Relationships is derived. It emphasises the expectation that Christians must do all in their power to be at peace with others by emulating the model set by Jesus as he stated, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you” (John 14:27). This is highlighted in Religions for Peace the world’s largest and most representative multi-religious coalition. Representatives of Christianity lead initiatives such as ‘Centers of Peace for Christianity’, which educate children and families to live with ‘truth, love and honour’, allowing peace to spread in communities and internationally. This promotion of peace is further reflected in the World Council of Churches who will be hosting the Ecumenical International Youth Day. The theme of the day is the ‘transformation of education’, aiming to empower Christians of the next generation by reforming their education to have peace lie at the heart of their actions in their daily lives. Hence, Christianity promotes the formation of peace through educating adherents of the importance of Peace in Relationships, enabling harmony on a widespread scale.

Leaders of Christian organisations guide adherents of Christianity to Q. The New Testament emphasises Jesus’ actions as the ‘Prince of Peace’ from which adherents come to understand the principle teaching of Christian Pacifism. Jesus actively opposed violence in order to, “Preserve the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). This preservation of unity is evident in Quaker organisations such as the FCNL (Friends Committee on National Legislation). Diane Randall, leader of the religious variant organisation stated, “We believe violent conflict is not inevitable”. In attempt to work on prevention of deadly conflict, the FCNL have established programs guiding Christian adherents to, in the words of Ted Grismsmud, a professor of Peace Theology, “[refuse] to turn from the ways of peace even when they are costly”. This rejection of violence and promotion of peace is further reflected in the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship, an Anglican movement for peace that rejects war as a means of settling

international disputes and advocates for diplomatic resolutions. The ‘Peace Balls’ program launched in June 2019 sends footballs with peace messages for peace education work with young people in Kenya and South Sudan. Ultimately, by promoting the teachings of Christian pacifism seen in Jesus’ actions, Christian leaders are calling adherents to reject violence and promote unity allowing peace communally, internationally and globally.

Christianity, through its religious leaders, responds to world peace by guiding adherents to practice peace which nurtures harmony within society. Through Jesus’ actions, the New Testament highlights the imperative teaching of Love Thy Neighbour. It encourages adherents to, “Bless and do not curse… live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:14-16), allowing them simultaneously to achieve and spread peace. This rejection of persecution and promotion of unity is reflected in the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand. Following two devastating attacks on two Mosques in Christchurch, the group released a statement, promoting harmony and demonstrating “our solidarity with you in the face of such violence.” The statement concluded, “Peace, Salaam”, and is signed by all five Catholic Bishops of New Zealand which echoes their unity with the Muslim community in Christchurch. The primacy of love is further echoed by the TEAR Australia’s read-a-thon from August to September 2019 that empowers students to respond to global poverty and thus demonstrate love of thy neighbour. Students gain funds from donors via reading which simultaneously advances the education of the adherent whilst advocating for peace on a global scale. As such, Christianity promotes love of thy neighbour and subsequently, peace on a global platform.

Christianity provides a platform for all individuals to contribute to the formation and distribution of world peace. Adherents of Christianity gain an understanding of the importance of Pax Christi through the NT. It implies how attaining peace is a way of life for adherents as, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God’ (Matt 5:9). This is apparent in Pope Francis’, visit to the UAE in February 2019. Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Egypt, signed a statement with hopes for “world peace and human understanding” and “human fraternity” on a mass scale. During his visit the Pope celebrated a mass where members of the UAE government participated in the kiss of peace demonstrating the importance of peace for humanity. This promotion of Pax Christi is further highlighted within the Orthodox Peace Fellowship organisation which utilises its funds and donations to advance the living standards in war torn nations thus enabling a space for peace and happiness which serves as a source of inspiration for neighbouring nations. Overall, Christian leaders guide adherents to Q through enacting Pax Christi which fosters an environment where peace becomes achievable to individuals worldwide.


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