Citation Assignments required to practise citing in APA format PDF

Title Citation Assignments required to practise citing in APA format
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This is the required assignment for all the essays, discussion boards within the course. It is graded! ...


TOPIC: Human development APA page formatting Reference McLeod, S. A. (2018, May 03). Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from Article Summary: Saul McLeod’s article, “Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development” (2018), describesd and evaluatesd Erikson’s theories of psychosocial development. In the article, he went through all eight stages with giving definitions and examples of children’s behaviors of each stage. McLeod (2018) stated that , “Erikson’s theory has good face validity. Many people find that they can relate to his theories about various stages of the life cycle through their own experiences” (p ara. 52);, people can easily apply these theories into their life by comparing their own experience with the concepts provided. Also, Erikson created the developmental foundation that later generation could use as the basic measure (McLeod, 2018). Overall, McLeod gave a rundown of Erikson’s theory of development and assessed the advantages of the theory are the simple applicability; however; the cause and approaches to apply them effectively are still fade and vague. Reference McLeod, S. A. (2017, May 03). Nature vs nurture in psychology. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from Article Summary: In the article, “Nature vs nurture in psychology” (2017) by Saul Mcleod, he initially clarified the differences between nativist and nurturist and how they were influenced in certain ways, “The nature-nurture debate is concerned with the relative contribution that both influences make to human behavior” (McLeod, 2017, para. 2). Also, McLeod (2017) stated that nurture and nature have a complicated relationship and they are indivisible during human’s developing process. Thereafter, the concepts were changed into hereditary and environmental factors “in psychopathology, this means that both a genetic predisposition and an appropriate environmental trigger are required for a mental disorder to develop” (McLeod, 2017para.). Ultimately, McLeod concluded that human beings behave mostly due to the combination of biological influences, culture’s aspects, and personal choices.

Reference Stafford, T. (2013, January 14). Are we naturally good or bad? BBC Future. Retrieved from Article Summary: Tom Stafford’s article, “Are we naturally good or bad” (2013) , statesd that natural foundation of human development is built upon the preference of positive intentions, inspiration and develop afterward based on those concepts. He mentioned the experiment that was done by Yale University on pre-cultural brains – infants that, “Their

results suggest that even the youngest humans have a sense of right and wrong, and, furthermore, an instinct to prefer good over evil.” (Stafford, 2013, p.ara. 4). Infants read movements and perceive the object’s essence and thus they tend to prefer the positivity more. Stafford (2013) claimed that infants spend time analyses the outcome whether it would be good or bad in terms of the object’s essence. Therefore, they would be able to define the boundary between good and bad concepts and decide their proceedings. Overall, Stafford stated his ideas well and had credible evidence to support. Moreover, using infants as an example was a wise decision of him regarding the natural growth of human as he stated in his article topic. Reference Merrick J. Child health and human development over the lifespan. Frontiers in Public Health. 2013; 1:1–2.MLA format Merrick, J. (2013). Child health and human development over the lifespan. Frontiers in Public Health, 1, 1. DOI: 10. 3389/ f pubh. 2013. 00001 Article Summary: In Joav Merrick’s article, “Child Health and human development over the lifespan” (2013), grammarwrote about the advancements that medical care has brought to human nowadays due to the evolution of medical, technology and society’s awareness. Merrick (2013) mainly focused on pediatrics ’aspects toward child health, “human development is a lifespan issue, so research in childhood does not stop with the end of adolescence, but we need a long-term and lifelong study to observe and understand the development process” (p. 12). Also, Merrick (2013) stated that pediatrics must be concerned seriously because of their influence on the competency of the child to fully develop as a healthy adult. Afterward, Merrick (2013) provided results from survey and study saying that, “The sample consisted of 130 children in 3rd and 4th classes from four randomly selected schools found that children value healthy food, physical activity, mental health, prevention of inappropriate substance consumption and health and environment”(p.1), by comparing the past statistics as well as critical concerns, he featured the significance of medical health at the meantime. Overall, Joav Merrick’s article has a clear structure to point out the causes and results of childcare after the development of Pediatrics, based on the statistics and study’s outcome provided to support his main point. Reference Tanner, J. M. (2010no date for the article – this date refers to a change. Use late updated date 2018, October 27). Human development. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from Article Summary: In James Tanner’s article, “Human Development” (2010,) describesd the biological growth of human takes place in birth and maturity. Tanner (2010) wrote that “Different tissues and different regions of the body mature at different rates, and the growth and development of a child consists of a highly complex series of changes” (p. 2), children grow differently regarding their gender, gene, period, race, etc. Moreover, the high velocity of rates occurs during children’s puberty along with some normal variations

such as physical and behavior interaction (Tanner, 2018). Ultimately, throughout his article, James Tanner featured all the major development and differences of the growing process, and also provide specific examples for each stage to make his article readable. Summaries are good, but they need to cover the entire article. Citations are almost correct; note the changes above. References require publication titles; note the changes above.

References: McLeod, S. A. (2018, May 03). Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. Retrieved from McLeod, S. A. (2017, May 03). Nature vs nurture in psychology. Retrieved from Stafford, T. (2013, Jan 14). Are we naturally good or bad? Retrieved from Merrick J. Child health and human development over the lifespan. Frontiers in Public Health. 2013; 1:1–2. Tanner, J. M. (2010, October 27). Human development. Retrieved from

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