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Institution Divine Word College of Calapan
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CITY OF GOD Fuck, the chicken's got away! Go after that chicken, man! Go on, for fuck's sake!

in the City of God, if you run away, they get you... and if you stay, they get you too. They're coming for us!

must tell the story of the Tender Trio. Well, Shaggy? The gas truck's coming. What are you fucking around for?

Get that chicken! If it's a good photo, I'll get a job at the paper. - You think so, Rocket? - Gotta take the risk. You'd risk your life for a picture? Forget it! You think I want to meet up with that motherfucking hood?

It's been that way ever since I was a kid...

You're not gonna chicken out... THE STORY OF THE TENDER TRIO

THE SIXTIES You're useless, man! - Go get the ball! - Fucking useless!

The notorious Tender Trio was legendary in the City of God. Shaggy... Clipper...

Hey, kid! Get that chicken, bro!

and Goose. Give me the ball, I wanna play.

Motherfucker! I told you to grab that chicken!

- It's not yours. - You wanna mess with me?

Tagging along were always Li'l Dice and Benny... Shaggy's brother.

Fuck off. Outta my way! Get that chicken! If Li'l Z' catches you, he'll kill you. Yeah, well, he's gotta find me first. Hey, kid! Get that chicken! Get that chicken!

- What's your name? - Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. - My name's Rocket. - Some advice, Rocket...

I never had the courage to follow my brother, Goose. Okay, let's go. Come on, Goose. Let's go!

Don't let Li'l Dice touch that ball. He sucks. - You lose, pal. - Go, Shaggy!

Shit! The cops!

Stop! Stop! Stop this fucker! Stop or I'll shoot, motherfucker! Get out!

That's Shaggy. Don't fucking run off! Give me that.

To tell the story of the City of God, I have to start with him.

Hey, Melonhead! You fucking fag!

8, 9, 10, 11...

A picture could change my life, but...

But in order to tell Shaggy's story, I

Hurry up, asshole! Gimme the money! Who wants gas? More! You wanna die for your boss' damn money? Shitloads of money here!

didn't joke around. You see, asshole? Homeless? Off to City of God!

- We rob gas trucks every day. - One today, another tomorrow.

There was no electricity, paved streets or transportation.

No, we need to rob some rich guy's house.

But for the rich and powerful our problems didn't matter.

That's the only way to get outta here.

Clear out! The place is crawling with cops!

We were too far removed...

Hell, no. What you need is to follow my plan.

- Shaggy! - The ball, Goose, it's yours!

from the picture postcard image of Rio de Janeiro.

That's it.

Back then, I thought the guys in the Tender Trio...

Do you think I can become a lifeguard one day?

The little fart's getting too big for his britches!

were the most dangerous hoods in Rio.

I don't know.

He gets high and starts talking bullshit.

Asshole! Fuck! The cops! Let's get outta here!

Being a lifeguard is better than a fishmonger.

Here! Buy some new balls. But they were just amateurs. - Even my brother, Goose. - Rocket, give this money to dad.

I don't want to sell fish. It stinks. - Are you insulting your father? - No.

You two junkies aren't worth half as much as that kid. What you got in mind, Li'l Dice? To be a real hood you need more than just a gun. You need ideas.

So what do you want to be? But don't tell him it's from me.

And Li'l Dice had them. I don't know.

Okay? - Hey, Stringy! - Yeah?

- Not a hood or a policeman. - Why not?

- Is that the motel? - Yeah.

I'm scared of getting shot.

We go in, grab the money and get out. No killing, got that?

Put that thing away, kid. Are you nuts?

- I need this. - Don't touch my gun, kid.

Pointing that gun at me?

Don't ever do that again.

Take it easy with the kid, Goose. Li'l Dice is with me.

- Don't point at me. - Fuck you.

Look how much I've got. We came to the City of God hoping to find paradise. Many families were homeless due to flooding... and acts of arson in the ghettos.

Right, I'm a gangster too. - A light post! - We'll have electricity! The bigwigs in government

- That gas truck didn't bring much. - So what?

- Don't point your finger at me! - Stop acting like a baby! Here's yours. - Awesome!

- Let's go! - Not so fast! - What?

Keep calm, all I want is your cash. - Don't point that... - Your wallet...

You stay here and keep watch.

Hold on, I twisted my ankle. Goose fucked up his ankle. It fucking hurts.

Hey, man... If the cops come, shoot that window over there. - Why me? Let that dork do that. - Look... I gave you this great plan, for free... While that guy's absolutely useless!

What kind of whorehouse is this? - You from the church? - Yes, brother. Give it to me! Slut!

Take him into the woods. I'll shoot to distract the cops. - In God we trust. - In God we trust. Pass me the telephone, Penguin. Shorty is another notorious guy in the City of God.

You're old, fat and flabby! - You just had the idea. - Exactly!

Wanna take her place?

You're just a kid, remember?

What's going on?

You cover us, okay?

- The cops! Let's beat it! - Let's go!

You'll get your turn, so cool it. Stop trying to rush things.

Take that car. I'll go get Li'l Dice.

You stay there. Jesus, what a car!

But it's not yet time to tell his story. - It fucking hurts, Goose. - Shut up. - Wait up... - You sound like a damn sissy, man. - Give me your hand! Climb up! - No one saw anything?

This is a hold-up, bitch. You should be studying or working. You don't even look like hoodlums.

- Something fucked up. Li'l Dice's gone. - The cops are shooting, let's go! Slow down! Hold on...

Instead, you ought to be working or studying, boy. Shut up! What a pain in the ass!

- You said you knew how to drive. - I do, so cool it!

Okay, Clipper?

Turn! Watch out!

How odd! A car crashes into a bar and no one saw a thing. I suppose you didn't see anything either? As usual, no one saw, no one knows. So what's up, Shorty? They're hiding in the woods.

Shall we go in?

You fucking asshole!

I didn't order anything.

Hey, I didn't do it on purpose.

It's on the house, sir. Hand over the money!

No one saw anything. So keep your mouths shut, understand?

- Hello, Melonhead. - How are you doing? I have this feeling that they're out in the woods.

- The motherfuckers. - They're out in the woods.

I had a vision, Goose. You been smoking something?

Felipe, lock up the car. Rangel, come with me. I can't see a thing. How the hell can they see?

- You've had a job, right? - Yeah. What's it like? What do people say?

Fucking jungle.

The hold-up at the motel went down as the bloodiest in history. The destinies of the outlaws then took different paths. I don't think this guy was involved in the heist.

I worked with my father. See here?

- They stole a fortune at that motel. - I know.

And fathers talk a lot of shit.

What if we took the money?

You know what, Goose? I'm getting out, I don't want to die.

Are you crazy? I'm not getting mixed up in that. I want to exterminate these guys.

- This gangster's life isn't for me. - Wait! The cops are still down there.

- He's a worker, not a hoodlum. - I'll make him one now. Destiny put Clipper back into the hands of God. Shaggy was in Bernice's hands. And Goose was in my father's hands.

What? Since when is stealing from niggers and thieves a crime?

I don't give a shit. I'm going back to the church.

Why do you do these things? You think I'm a fool?

It won't be hard to nab them. I have a stoolie in the City.

He that dwells in the secret place of the most High...

From now on, you'll work with me.

- Did you hear those shots? - If I catch one of them, I'll kill him.

shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord...

Your younger brother will keep an eye on you.

Maracana! Open the door.

He is my refuge and my fortress, in Him will I trust.

- What's the matter? - The cops are after me.

Fear not the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day...


nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor the destruction...

You listen to me.

- Shaggy! - The cops are on my ass! - Hide me! - Quick, come in.

- Stop, motherfucker! - Don't move!

If I catch you with money that isn't yours, I'll kill you. That goes for you too. Get changed! You start work immediately. Having a hood as a brother sucks. You always end up footing the bill. Don't worry. Dad's mad at me...

Stop, or I'll shoot! Shit... I thought the cops would be down there all night.

but he'll get over it. Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Give me that, Rocket. It's not

for you. You have to study. - Getting shot doesn't scare you? - I'm a hood because I got no brain.

what do you think I do all day? Hoods don't talk, they smooth-talk. Well, I'll stop wasting my breath on you.

Take it easy, baby... you know all I want is to be with you, have kids...

But you're smart. You should study.

Hoods don't stop, they take a break.

and a farm, raise chickens, grow pot and get high.

I go to school because I don't like physical work.

Talking to you about love sure is complicated.

Sure! For me, that's nothing but smooth-talk.

Promise me something... That you'll never touch this gun. Promise?

It's not love, it's a con game.

What? I almost got rich with that motel job.

Let's shake.

You just might end up convincing me...

It's just that I love you. Are you kidding?

We'd better hurry. I'm gonna sell a lot of fish. And don't laugh. You grinned when I got slapped. - Who, me? - I saw you. What is it, Shaggy? Cat got your tongue? Your fidgeting behind me makes me nervous.

After the hold-up, there were constant police raids in the ghetto. Every day, someone went to jail, someone was nailed. But no one had seen anything. No one knew anything. No one blabbed to the cops about where the thieves were hiding out.

The cops are still looking for you because of the deaths in the motel. What deaths? What are you talking about? Did you see anything? You don't know shit, so shut up. You weren't there. I didn't kill anyone. I bet it's those fucking policemen, and I'm the one taking the rap.

- I'm thinking of what to say to you. - You're thinking, as well?


Don't. It'll be your downfall.

Why don't you change your life?

My heart has chosen you. And I follow my heart.

Get a job instead of lying around in bed all day.

Are you pulling my leg?

- Good-for-nothing! - What do you mean?

You're all alone, Shaggy.

You think you can make money working? Go ahead.

- All alone? - That's right!

That's right, Shaggy...

- Clipper's gone religious.

You never heard of love at first sight? - Hoods don't love, they desire. - You cut down everything I say.

They even nabbed Li'l Dice. So don't bring it up again!

Shaggy... - I don't care who did it. - It wasn't me. Let me just say... I don't want my kid's father to be a hoodlum.

- Hallelujah!

But you need a banana.

- Goose is working. - Ass-kisser!

What for?

Hey, kid, come over here.

- And you? - I haven't changed. So what? They've deserted me, that's all. Then I'm deserting you too. I'm splitting, Shaggy. Come with me, if you want.

You're missing the good things in life, girl! You take a banana, warm it up... Put it up your thing, while he takes you from behind. It's a real rush! Ask your husband.

Otherwise, I'll go alone. Fish for sale!

I couldn't. You don't know him. He's liable to beat me.

My brother had promised to stop messing around.

Try him. Men go wild for smut like that.

But a hood doesn't stop, a hood takes a break.

Motherfucking nigger!

- Where's your brother? - He's not working today. - Oh yeah? Get in. - I didn't do anything. - Get in! - What about my fish? - Hurry it up, kid! - I don't want to lose my fish! - Forget your fish. - Sit your ass down. - My father will kill me. - That doesn't matter. Let's go. There's nothing here.

Slut! Goose began messing around with Shorty's wife.

Whoring bitch!

I have trout. But for special customers like you...

Rocket, give me your shorts. Quick!

I also have a kisser fish. Hey, that's a mullet! Doesn't your husband...

- Take them off, dammit! - I'm not going naked in the street. You want your brother to die? Give me your shorts. Now!

go down on you? Give me your shirt.

That day, my father swore he never wanted to see my brother again. Let's go, Felipe. And he never did. No one ever saw him in the ghetto again. The story of the Tender Trio was coming to an end. Li'l Dice? Shit, man. I thought you were a goner at the motel.

No. Your shorts! Hurry up! Mine, before entering me, has to use his tongue.

I knew it. It's always me who forks up for that bum.

- You're fucking loaded! - Don't, Benny. That's our money.

For about half an hour. And from behind? Do you let him?

The bastard ran off. That's his brother.

- Good God, no. Doesn't it hurt? - The first few times.

- That brat there? - I'll castrate that fucker.

Benny... Tell your brother Shaggy that Shorty is squealing.

Then you'll see, it's fantastic.

Fish! Fish for sale!

- I'm leaving the ghetto.

Fuck you. Cut the crap and give me the money.

- But Shorty had his hands full... Stop the car!

Any luck getting laid yet?

- This way! He's over here. - We got that sonofabitch!


Let's go see, Stringy. A neighbor called the police before sunrise. The tabloids went to town:

- The bastard! - He's a murderer.

"Man Buries Wife Alive in the City of God."

On the day Shaggy died I remember the crowds...

Along with reporters, the place was swarming with cops.

and a camera. I'd always wanted to have one.

- Angelica. I was crazy about her. - So, Rocket, still clicking away? She was gorgeous and the only girl in our gang who screwed. I wanted to lose my virginity with her.

The hoodlums took off. Let's go to school. - You wanna die? - It's you who's gonna die... if you don't do what I say. And show the lady more respect.

- Well? - Let's go to the beach.

With her, buddy? She's got a guy. - So? I'm not jealous. - Her father's a sergeant.

But we have an exam. So what?

No one's perfect. Closer together!

Let's go, dammit! Everyone else is at the beach.

I was the official photographer of our gang.

- There are cops ahead. - Fuck them, let's go.

Come on, let's go!

- Where to? - Anywhere, just go.

She's in a bikini, but doesn't want to go.

The gang of groovies. Everyone paid to have copies of the pictures.

- What's the matter? - Have mercy!

What's that saying you have?

Thiago, move back a little.

- This car's a piece of junk. - My ass! Start the damn thing!

The sun is for everyone. The beach, for those who deserve it.

- Is this okay? - Perfect.

It needs a push.


Push, Shaggy!

- Over here! - I bought my first camera...

I need a joint. Instead of smoking, man, you should snort coke. It's far out.

Push! You? You want to arrest the thieves? Over there...

when I was 16. Like all poor people, I started at the bottom... with the world's cheapest model.

Nab that guy over there! Run, Shaggy!

So, Rocket? How are things going?

You snort, Thiago? I prefer a good toke. If you like, I can get it for you. You can? Then go on, move your ass!

But the choice stuff is coke. That's a real nercotic. Narcotic! - Your mouth is all salty, Thiago. - Screw you. You want to be a lifeguard, Stringy? - You're never in the water. - My dad's a lifeguard. - I'll bet you a beer I swim better. - You're on. If you like, I can go get you a joint at Blacky's. I'd have done anything to please her... Buy her pot, coke... I could go to the top dogs to buy quality stuff at a good price...

But it hadn't always been his. - Hey, Blacky. - Fuck, Li'l Dice. - You show up like this at my place? - Who said it was your place? THE STORY OF THE APARTMENT Dona Zelia began selling drugs here... when her husband died, in order to raise her daughters. She also gave away drugs to boys at times in return for special favors.

One day a buddy of Carrot's showed up. - His name was Aristotle. - My wife needs an operation. His family had taken Carrot in when he was down and out. He couldn't refuse to help a brother in need. Here's the dope. I want the dough no later than Friday. - You've bailed me out, brother. - Friday. He's my buddy, practically my brother, Big Boy. Give him another week.

Her favorite was "Big Boy". One day, he grew very big! Zelia's operation was so amateur that he had no trouble seizing it from her.

- Either you kill him, or I'll kill you. - Carrot had no choice. - I said Friday. - Don't do it, man.

because the local boss was a former classmate: Blacky.

Big Boy used the neighborhood kids as dealers.

Carrot wanted to kill Big Boy, but it wasn't necessary.

- Who is it? - Rocket.

- What about my pot? - Stick it up your ass.

Big Boy hadn't paid off the cops. He died in jail.

- How are things down there? - Fine.

The best dealer... was Carrot.

- And the kids? - Fine too.

- Can I have a sip? - Sure.

Carrot took everything that belonged to Big Boy... but didn't want the apartment...

- You want to buy or smoke a joint? - Buy.

He earned Big Boy's trust...

Come in, buddy.

was promoted, and moved up to become a manager.

- Here. 150 bags. - Blacky.

Blacky, 20 for us and 5 for you, okay?

Give me more. This place is crawling with druggies.

the place was ill-fated. Carrot gave it to his most trusted dealer...

Who is it? This was Blacky's turf.

- Excuse me, amigo....

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