Philosophy- 5 Proofs of God PDF

Title Philosophy- 5 Proofs of God
Author Joshua Ospina
Course Introduction To Philosophy
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 3
File Size 58.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Informative Facts on proving the existence of God thru videos and articles...


Aquina  5 proofs of existence of God.  Proof 1- since some things move, and whatever move is caused to move by something other than itself, then either the chain of movers goes back infinitely far or else there is a first, an original source of motion and this is god.  Proof 2- something cannot both be mover and moved by something else.  Proof 3- some things come into being and pass away, and are hence contingent (they can either be or not be) as opposed to necessary. Something must have a necessity to exist.  Proof 4- in order for things to be more or less good, or have more or less being, than others, there must ultimately be a supreme entity which is the source of all being and goodness, and this is god. Object of goodness  Proof 5- even non conscious objects often operate for the sake of some end, or towards a goal. Such as behavior can’t be manifested by things which lack awareness unless directed by someone, this is god.  Modern evolutionary science aims towards goal adapt phenomenon. Existence of God in 5 ways  1st- motion, our senses tells us what’s in motion. Something has to be the mover and moved. Believes god is the mover  2nd- efficient cause, something is the efficient cause of itself. First item is the cause of the next item. Ad infinitum- sequence continuing. First efficent cause is god  3rd - possibility and necessity. Something must be necessary on its own. Cause of necessity in other things, this is god  4th- graduations in things. The cause of being and goodness things is cause of god  5th- how things are guided to their goal. Us beings by whom natural things are directed to their goal or end, this is god Kierkegaard Kierkegaard said “truth is subjectivity” He rejects scientific objectivity All essential decisiveness is rooted in subjectivity. He doesn’t believe in scientific results but rather in personal commitment of an individual who takes the leap of faith.  Faith and devotion above rational proof

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Faith doesn’t result from scientific inquiry Passion and certainty does not go together It’s easier to have faith then believe in god Faith is unthinkable Approximation for historical knowledge Believe god don’t exist Proof isn’t needed for faith Christianity is a spirit, thought books were a doubt Reflection is directed objectively to the truth, as an object. Reflection is focused on whether question is the truth to which the knower is related to. Reflection is related to connection on god. God is a subject, exist for subjectivity. Moment is wasted on not having god. Uncertainty is proof, giving passion to the truth The truth is faith, without risk, there’s no faith, if Kierkegaard can question god, he believes he don’t exist, he really believes.

Video 1  Philosophy of religion is not believing whatever your parents taught you  it’s not the study of the Bible, you need outside evidence  Arguments and beliefs in god existence  Definition of God- god is the best possible thing we can imagine, meaning he must exist  Must exist in our minds, or also in reality. God must exist in reality for him to be the best.  Only thing that can be better god is a real version  things that exist in reality are always better than things that exist only in our imaginations. If it exist, it must be the best  A necessary being, must exist.  Kant says existence is not a predicate (something that said in another object) Video 2  Theism- believing in god  Rational theism- evidence reasons for believing in God  Irrational theism- believing in god in spite of evidence for atheism  Arational theism- believing in God without evidence  Contradictory beliefs- set of beliefs is contradictory Why it’s bad to have contradictory beliefs 1) Good to have true beliefs (problem can be false) 2) Difficult to act coherently (logical)

Properties of god Three Os: Omniscient: All knowing Omnipotent: All powerful Omnibenevolent: All good The problem of evil If god exist, he or she would have properties of three O If Os exist, there would be no evil God exist There is no evil But there is evil, and so contradictory statements We believe in a contradiction Irrational theism is not an acceptable form of theism....

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