CJR English FOR Digital Business-1 PDF

Title CJR English FOR Digital Business-1
Course Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis
Institution Universitas Negeri Medan
Pages 16
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PREFACE Alhamdulillah for the presence of Allah SWT, because by His grace and grace I was able to complete this CJR assignment, which was given by Choms Gary GT Sibarani SE.,M.Sc., Ak.,CA as lecture English for Digital Business Teaching and Learning Model lecturer. The task was carried out to fulfill the task of the CJR Teaching and Learning Model. The author hopes that this paper will become a reference for readers if they want to compare the contents of the two journal problem-based learning models. I realize that every human being has limitations, as well as me who is still a student. In the making of this paper, there may still be many shortcomings, therefore I apologize profusely. I hope there are criticisms and suggestions from all readers and hopefully this article can be useful for readers. Finally, the author would like to thank the readers for their attention. Medan ,12 November 2021




PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................ ii TABLE LIST OF CONTENT ......................................................................................................... iii CHAPTER I (INDTRODUCTION) ......................................................................................1 a. Rationalizing the importance of CJR..................................................................................... 1 b. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 1 c. Benefit .............................................................................................................................................. 1 CHAPTER II (IDENTITY OF JOURNAL) ..........................................................................2 a. Journal Identity I (one) ..............................................................................................................2 b. Journal Identy II (two) ...............................................................................................................2 CHAPTER III (SUMMARY OF THE JOURNAL) ...............................................................3 a. Summary Journal I ................................................................................................................ ......3 b. Summary Journal II .........................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER IV (CLOSING) ....................................................................................................10 a. Strenght ...............................................................................................................................................10 b. Weakness ............................................................................................................................................10 c. Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................................10 d. Suggestion ...........................................................................................................................................11 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................12



a. Rationalizing the importance of CJR One of the learning strategies applied to students is Critical Journal Review. Critical Journal Review is an activity to criticize a research journal. However, Critical Journal Review is not just making a report or writing about the content of a research or article, but rather focusing on evaluation (explanation, interpretation and analysis) of the strengths and weaknesses of a study, highlighting the interesting things from the research, and analyzing the influence of the idea. to our way of thinking and increase our understanding of a particular field of study. In other words, through Critical Journal IReview, we test someone's mind ability and then rewrite it based on their point of view. our knowledge and experience. Based on the description above, Critical Journal Review is a learning activity that is able to provide a comprehensive learning experience. Critical Journal Review is also very useful when discussing central issues or problems. In this report, the author reviews a journal that discusses digital business marketing.

b. Purpose 1. Review the Curriculum material contained in the journal. 2. Search for and find out information about the topic contained in the journal 3. Train yourself to think critically in finding information provided in the journal.

c. Benefit 1. Can add broad insight, especially regarding Business Introduction material. 2. The writer can think critically more than he knows. 3. Readers can know that there are advantages and disadvantages of the journal that is criticized by the author.




: Business-to-business marketing and globalization: two of a kind

2. Author

: P. Matthyssens, A.H. Kirca, S. Pace

3. Journal Name

: International Marketing Review

4. Publish Edition

: September 2008

5. Publisher

: Emerald Group Publishing

6. Publishing Country : United Kingdom 7. Vol and No. Jurnal : Vol. 25 No. 5 8. ISSN/Doi

: 0265-1335/10.1108


: How to Effectively Build Marketing in The Digital Era Economies

2. Author

: Akmaral Orazymbetova,Berik Bekmurzayev, Akmaral Kazykeshvova, Svetlana Faizullina, Asel Kogabayeva

3. Journal Name

: International Conference on Business Technology for a Sustainable Environmental System

4. Publishing Country : Kazakhstan 5. Publisher

: EDP Sciences

6. Publish Edition

: March 2020

7. Vol and No. Journal : Vol. 159 No. 04026 8. Doi

: 10.1051


CHAPTER III SUMMARY OF THE JOURNAL CONTENTS A. SUMMARY JOURNAL I Abstract The aim of the “viewpoint” part of this paper is to enhance discussion on the challenges global business-to-business marketing is facing. Further, this paper acts as a “Guest editorial” for a special issue on B2B and international business. The paper is based on a literature screening of key contributions highlighting B2B marketing trends on the one hand and theoretical underpinnings of IB on the other. Starting from a practitioner perspective, the paper gradually introduces a discussion on the potential theoretical implications and on cross-fertilization possibilities when merging recent developments in B2B with theory and concepts from international business.

Introduction Professionals in B2B marketing face several challenges which force their companies into market strategies that deviate from past approaches due to globalization of markets. The first challenge is the «delocalization» of their customers. Undoubtedly, global customers require the same levels of service and quality in these remote places as in the home market. The challenge is even greater for small and medium size enterprises with limited resources since these SMEs are often forced by global customers to build facilities in several places.

As a consequence, SMEs decide to merely focus on a limited regional niche markets or they tend to seek alliance partners willing to invest abroad. Business markets have become global markets and global customers want the same treatment wherever they have foreign affiliates or subsidiaries.


Results And Discussion In the first paper of this special issue, Lages et al. develop a measurement scale for marketing strategy adaptation. Their STRATADAPT scale might help scholars to conceptualize and measure this key aspect for international marketers. We expect this scale to facilitate future research in international marketing. In the second paper, Solberg and Durrieu seek to explore the impact of different types of generic strategies and international marketing strategies on firm performance. Their survey results indicate that generic strategies in general and cost leadership in particular affect internationalization strategies. Further, the authors show how internationalization strategies influence each other, for instance follower strategies have a positive impact on integration strategies. Integration and challenger strategies show a positive link to performance.

This paper clearly stimulates future research. present empirical findings on how B2B SMEs use ICT for international marketing purposes based on a large-scale data collection effort. Their study indicates that, despite its positive effects on performance, B2B marketers have been reluctant in adapting ICT in their international marketing efforts. Their findings emphasize the importance of this promotional tool for B2B marketers: 

in building and strengthening relations

in acquiring new market knowledge and competitive intelligence

and in finding new customers and markets.

They enrich this special issue with an original focus on the market driving behavior of IKEA in its international sourcing markets. The activities of IKEA in building and coordinating supply networks in Russia and Poland provide interesting insights in how international network bonds develop over time. We feel confident that these six papers nicely illustrate the diversity of issues that business marketers face in international markets, as well as the directions for future research in this important research domain. We are confident that most of this work will benefit from the reviewers’ critique and will find their way to the international publication arena soon.


Conclusion These six papers describe the diversity of problems business marketers face in international markets, as well as directions for future research in this important research domain. Portfolios are not meant to be exhaustive. Future studies might look into other types of supply nets. The arduous review process omitted papers on other issues such as legitimacy in networks, global customer portfolios, e-sourcing and e-

brokerage, the impact of culture on issues such as relational quality or knowledge generation, supply chain coordination, global account management, capability international interaction and so on. We are confident that much of this work will benefit from the criticism of reviewers and will soon reach the international publication arena. International B2B and business meetings will continue to be on the research agenda of academics. B. SUMMARY JOURNAL II Abstract This article describes the problems and criteria for marketing development in the digital economy era. In the structure of the digital economy, the process of modifying marketing into smart marketing (digital-marketing) takes place - work that allows the use of advanced digital technologies. Thus, by analyzing “Big Data” and applying other achievements of advanced technology, it is possible to influence the formulation of requirements, as well as develop and promote a value proposition for consumers in the market. This article uses general scientific methods, namely the analysis of world experience in the transition to an absolute digital economy, the implementation of digitization in all types of activities; philosophical methods - based on analytical and statistical conclusions about the digitization of the economy and its impact on other activities; analog method - the same predictions about the digitalization of marketing are taken from the theory of the digital economy and its directions. As a result, based on the SWOT analysis, leaning on the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities, it can be understood that the digital economy undoubtedly affects marketing.


Introduction The research methodology is analytical and statistical, with an emphasis on studying changes in marketing instruments at this stage. In the new period of the technological cycle, modern society is facing major changes in all areas of activity. Digital technology thanks to its unique capabilities has greatly improved the information field of people and companies, reducing the costs of searching and processing information. A new evolutionary wave of digitalization has demanded economic change, which has led to the emergence of the term "digital economy". Based on the theory of the digital economy, the concept of "digital marketing" has become an inseparable part. The main purpose of this scientific article is to build effective marketing in the digital economy era. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified: - smart marketing research in the era of digital economy development; - study the development and promotion of modern offers on the market using advanced technology; - Identify opportunities for globalization of digital marketing tools around the world.

Results and Discussion Digital marketing in a broad sense is defined as a management technology that aims to increase competitiveness and ensure economic growth. So the digital economy has a direct relationship in the development of web marketing. By the concept of digital marketing, we mean modern marketing using digital technology to achieve more global and broader results in less time and cost. There are two specific types of actions for a digital marketing strategy: (i) media advertising and (ii) SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing). And the most effective strategy is organic search engine positioning and sponsored search on search engines and blogs. The most useful social networks for obtaining information about potential customers for B2C companies are Facebook and Twitter because they are social networks that exchange content non-aggressively through advertising campaigns that provide users with interesting information and content. But the preferred social network for a group of experts for Loyalty actions


(actions to convert clients into regular / irregular clients) for B2C is YouTube, because It is a social network that has the best content categorization and segmentation ratio because it uses visual ads related to the content viewed user. Table . SWOT Analysis Strengths - Easy to navigate and attract more audience at a lower price. - Campaigns can be easily set up and made more targeted according to our business needs. - As the world is increasingly

Weaknesses - Most likely failure of digital marketing campaigns due to confusion of many different marketing options. - Keep up with new trends and technologies. - The need for a deep understanding of

dependent on the Internet, it helps

changing human behavior and

businesses to get out and connect with


people on a larger scale. - Save a lot of money compared to traditional way. - marketing is cheaper and more efficient and not worth a lot of money.

- If your brand or product does not meet user needs, then the chances of getting bad reviews in public are very high, which in turn can damage reputation.

Opportunities - There are more and more jobs for young people, as this field is only growing and

Threats - And the ever-changing trends in different areas of marketing

the number of professionals is

and the constantly changing rules of


search engines to optimizing content

- Increase your brand reach, generate

require constant awareness, which is

immediate profits. - There are many ways owners earn money outside of their core business, such as providing space for website

very difficult. - Storing data with complete security is still a big question. - Inadequate data analysis can lead to

advertising, affiliate marketing in e-

disastrous results, which is common in

commerce, etc.

many companies.


Based on the built SWOT analysis, we can understand that the digital economy undoubtedly affects marketing in a good way and will help to achieve the main goal digitizing the whole of Kazakhstan in all areas of activity. And marketing is undoubtedly increasing in the direction of development and the main attention is taken by marketing tools in digital form.

As new digital devices and technologies develop, future research should focus on how companies can use these developments to create sustainable competitive advantages, increase market share and increase client and brand capital.

Based on all of the above, we can say that fresh technologies, resources and services of online activity are used in marketing and influence the formation of advertising information systems. Collective portals and other Internet resources of the company are considered as external and internal advertising communication tools, branding, capabilities for electronic business, relationship management with customers and business partners, marketing business process management, the formation of professional public networks and information communities for communication.

The company's value proposition has the opportunity to be significantly expanded by connecting additional Internet services. Internet portals provide broad capabilities for partner relationship marketing: the role of buyers and business partners in the development of enterprise value offerings, formation of loyalty programs, etc. With the introduction of these new technologies, interactive marketing and databases were successfully developed, making it possible to move from global marketing to motivated and individual customer-minded marketing. With the development of technology and services, online advertising information systems are increasingly being used not only for informational assistance in making marketing conclusions, but also for automating advertising business processes.


Examples: web surveys; automated direct marketing campaigns via online email, web channels and other tools; self-generated web content syndication; automated management of media and context marketing campaigns in Online, scatter management in electronic markets (automated interaction with online trading platforms and other partners), dynamic price management based on data about online shoppers and almost all of the above.

Conclusion Based on the research results, the following facts can be highlighted: -The better global structure of information technology, which has become a major factor in the development of the digital economy, has had a greater impact on marketing activities and marketing tools, changing the traditional approach to other types of activities. latest; - reduction of marketing costs thanks to digital technology; - save time and effort in processing and searching for big information (Big Data) to work with marketing tools; - digital integration (online) of the entire population, regardless of material income, the inclusion of people in the information space, who depend on digital solutions and digital literacy. From the research findings, we conclude that marketing in the era of the d...

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