CLAR 120 Notes PRE Midterm PDF

Title CLAR 120 Notes PRE Midterm
Author Alexa Casciano
Course Ancient Cities
Institution University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Pages 52
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CLAR 120 Notes; PRE-MIDTERM = pulled from previous tests and study guides ! 8/21/19 - Studying Middle East, Europe, Asia minor ! - Covers 9000 BC to 400 CE! - City! - Think about size in relation too other things ! - Childe’s definition of a city! - 1. Concentration of people! - 2. Social Stratification! - 3. Pursuit of non-agricultural activities! - 4. Economic surplus snd control by central authority ! - 5. Writing ! - 6. Science! - 7. Monumental public architecture ! - 8. Figural art! - 9. Foreign trade! - 10. Residence-based group membership! - City-State! - Combination of a city and its hither land ! - Single city as a nucleus of population! - Based on kinship groups ! - Ex: Athens, Sparta! - Territorial State! - Complex, bureaucratic administration! - Holds large amount of territory! - Archaeology! - The study and interpretation of material remains of the past! - Data collected by excavation or surface survey! Archeological Evidence ! - Written evidence! - Clay tablets ! - Cuneiform, Hieroglyphs! - Papyrus ! - Stone inscriptions ! - Environmental evidence ! - Geology: sediments and soils ! - Zooarchaeology: animal remains ! - Historical Ecology: interactions between humans and their environments ! - Material Culture ! - Anything that humans made or adapted ! - Ex: pottery, stone tools, monuments, worked stone ! Types of Dating !

- Absolute Dating ! - Historical dating— Egyptian records that historians use to figure out when kings ruled: the dates are tied t astrological events which allows us to convert them into our years! - Radiocarbon dating using Carbon-14 if the material is organic ! - Relative dating ! - Seriation: arranging items in chronological order based on their style ! - Stylistic development - can be used with pots and pans ! - Ex: Placing coke cans from last 100 years in chronological order ! - Stratigraphy: study or strata of occupation! - Allows archaeologists to see the traces or human actions and processes ! - Oldest layers on the bottom, but occasionally there are “holes”! - Assigning a date to evidence ! - Three Age system ! - Stone Age= Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic ! - Bronze Age= Early, Middle, Late! - Iron Age ! - Names and dates vary by region! - Iron age in Greece: 1100-700 BC ! - IA in New East: 1100-330s BC ! 8/23/19 MESOPOTAMIA Neolithic period: 10000-5000 BC ! " Neolithic settlements include Jericho, Catalhuyuk! " First sedentary villages ! " New tools used! " Use of metal tools and pottery! Why cities developed ! " 10000BC: Climate becomes warmer and wetter, ice age ends ! " Mesopotamia: between Tigris and Euphrates river, home to many ancient cities ! " " Depended on irrigation and created complex irrigation systems ! " " Had lots of life there: wild gazelles, boar, cattle, acorns, wheat, barley! " " Tarus mountains and Syrian dessert is also there ! Proto-neolithic period: ! " Hunter gatherers, “Natufian” culture ! " Foraging, temporary settlements, stone tools ! " ! Neolithic revolution begins in fertile crescent: ! **starts with plant cultivation** spread of agriculture, spread of domestication, ! " spread of early writing, elaborate monuments! " Happens over 1000s of years! " 2 main catalysts of change: agriculture and domestication! Gave rise to: large permanent settlements, pottery (c.7000 BC)!

" The period before invention of pottery = pre-pottery neolithic (PPN-A= 1000BC-8700BC and PPN-B= 8700-6500BC)! " During PPN-A, people aren’t really settling down yet! " During PPN-B, people are starting to build permanent settlements! Tools change: sickles develop for wheat, storage pits developed ! Overall higher cultural complexity! Consequences of NR Emergence: Little need to move to find food! Growth: more cultivation and food surpluses! Growth: Larger populations possible! Complexity: craft specialization, social stratification ! Flexed decapitated skeletons in the Neolithic Levant may be an indication of special treatment of the dead (and possibly status distinctions) at Ain Ghazal! Jericho! 8500-6000 BC! PPNA-PPNB! Earliest remains at the site: Mesolithic (Natufian) and Proto-Neolithic seasonal camp! Signs of permanent houses- started with circular houses then switched to rectangular ! Had a fortified wall! " Stone rubble! " 3.6 meters high ! " Rock-cut ditch! " Rebuilding ! " Large tower! " Construction shows some organization of town to complete long-term task! " Shows where community starts— inside walls ! " " Provides community identity! " Shows craft specialization! " What was wall keeping in/keeping out?! " " Could have been hunter tribes or animals! " " Definitely defensive ! " The large tower was 9m in diameter ! " " Was at least 8 meters tall! " " Internal staircase ! " " What were the people watching?! " " After tower was abandoned, 12 people buried in it, sealing off the entrance ! " Shows community identity! “Urban” Characteristics at Jericho " Long distance trade/exchange ! " Monumental fortifications ! " Craft Specialization!

Jericho did not have temples or writings or administrative systems. ! PPNA Jericho " Circular houses ! " Single rooms ! " Made of mudbrick! " Wattle-and-daub! " May have had domed roofs ! " Floor sunken in ! " Had mats on floor ! " Probably was an area of communal food processing and industrial activities ! " Outside houses were communal areas! " Population was around of 400-600 people! " Had evidence of trade and tool making: flint blade, quern, obsidian blades— and obsidian isn’t native to Jericho— implies long-distance trade! PPNB Jericho " Rectilinear houses ! " Multiple rooms, larger! " Painted walls! " Storage! " Had courtyards between rooms ! " Impressions of reed mats from houses, floors! " Stone foundations ! " All these things are evidence of social change— shift from communal to family and household—-people doing activates like cooking and storing water done inside house ! " " Also could be social stratification ! " Possible shrine: included plastered skulls, plaster-coated wicker figurines, 10 human skulls (this was a secondary burial)! " Commonplace to be buried in own house, skull separated from body after flesh decomposition, decorated, and and stored under houses ! " " Could have been ancestor worship! " ! PPNA-PPNB Changes at Jericho " House shape and size! " PPNB economy: spread of agriculture, beginning of animal domestication! " " Secondary animal products: milk, fur, skins ! " " Agricultural surplus (storage rooms in house)! " " Settlement growth! " " Increasing craft specialization! " " Social complexity ! " " Still distant trade (Anatolian obsidian, Mediterranean and Red Sea Shells)! Jericho far larger than any settlement before it— densely populated ! " " !

After PPNB, no settlement at Jericho for c.1500 years !

8.26.19 Stele: “an upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription or relief design, often serving as a gravestone” Catalhoyuk Western fringe of fertile crescent ! Controls access to important obsidian site! 2500-5000 people lived there.. bigger than Jericho ! Rich farming industry, also hunted to supplement diet! Grew wheat, barley, pistachios, etc. ! 5x larger than Jericho- about 13 baseball fields ! Excavations have been going on since the 1960’s ! Resources and trade of CH Controlled access to obsidian which was being traded across the mediterranean ! Evidence of imports— sea shells, flint, turquoise ! Presumed to trade textiles as well! Hasan Dag- mountain where CH obsidian comes from ! CH Housing Rectangular houses ! All houses share a wall w/next house.. all connected together! Communal roof space! Made of mudbrick! Courtyards ! Not many streets! Hearths and ovens built into the wall! Benches and other furniture built into the wall ! Had storage bins and rooms for a surplus of food! Had reed mats and plastered platforms! People entered the houses from the roofs— could be a defense method in and of itself! Had paintings and low relief sculptures on walls ! " Could have been dedicated shrines or ancestor worship! " Many had patterns or wild animals ! " Some had up to 100 layers of plaster paintings— could be some sort of ritual associated with painting/plastering of wall! Bull, stag horns and skulls used as decoration inside houses ! Fox and vulture skulls also found- could be offerings to a God! Bull horns were focus of the east sides of house— symbolic in some way ! Wall paintings and skulls show relationship of people of CH and animals ! Paintings show that CH people were environmentally aware of their surroundings— environment painted !

CH “History Houses” Early archeologist (Mellart) thought they were “shrines”! Neolithic social memory ! Many intramural burials ! " (over 50 in one house, and they were not buried at the same time)! " under plaster platforms under the houses— some secondary burials! " Could have been significant to have ancestors in the house ! " Some were buried with ornate jewelry! Phases of reconstruction! Houses were built on the same plot over and over again ! CH art and culture CH goes from pre-pottery period into pottery! Made figures into males, females, animals ! Female figurines had enlarged breasts, stomach… liked fertility ! Being fat was a good thing… had enough to eat! Connected female fertility— goddess of fertility depicted as an obese woman with panthers around her, figures found near crops ! These figurines showed that there was crop specialization ! Usual figurine types include concerns of fertility and stability of the household, indicated by the female form and location of the objects ! Economy Agriculture! " Barley, wheat, pistachios, almonds! Animal domestication! " Cows, sheep, goats! Hunting ! " Red deer, wild cattle, sheep! Stone/Obsidian Products ! " Spearheads, arrowheads, flint daggers ! Wood and bone carving ! " Bowls, cups, boxes, bone hooks ! Metallurgy! " Lead, copper ! Trade connections! " Not dependent on one thing ! More CH Info No wall around CH! Evidence for ritual/cult activity in houses at CH:! " Ochre-painted sculls as a form of secondary burial ! " Wall paintings and sculptural decoration ! " Steatopygous (thicc) figurines ! " Horn cores built into walls and benches ! Did not have monumental temples as tribute to dead !

Jericho Summary Permanent proto-urban settlements" " Intramural burial, worship?! Likely ritual evidence ! Some social stratification ! Agricultural society! Access to long-distance trade network ! Fortified with a tower !




CH Summary Permanent proto-urban settlements! Intramural burial, worship?! Likely ritual evidence ! Some social stratification ! Agricultural society! Access to long-distance trade network ! “History houses”! Larger; lasted longer, into the pottery neolithic ! Gobleki Tepe “World’s First Temple”! Earliest phase: 10th-8th millennium BC ! NO settlement ! PPNA: Round structures! Monolithic pillars— single stone pillars up to 5m tall! Figural art in different levels of relief ! Pillars themselves were typically decorated- had relief sculptures of animals— bulls, lions, foxes, vultures, some human features sculpted.. hands?! Had some free-standing sculptures ! Site thought to be entirely ceremonial..people haven’t settled here ! Not entirely clear as to why they did this or who organized this! Area now under a lake b/c of a dam ! Evidence of communal dining and beer present there ! Probably nomadic tribe of some sort! Neolithic Summary Development of agriculture, animal domestication! Increase in population, large town-sized communities ! Increased long distance trade, artistic traditions! Kinship-based social structure ! Differential burials/architecture ! Evidence for ritual ! LACKS: central government, taxation, written records

8/28/2019! Mesopotamia l Ubaid Period, then ! Uruk (protoliterate) Period ! Emergence of Sumerian Cities Begins in Ubaid period in Sumer (southern Mesopotamia)! Establishment of a ceremonial center or temple ! Ability to conduct long distance trade Emergence of state society! " Cities save as ceremonial and redistributive centers ! " Cities serve as nodes of exchange ! Diverse environmental conditions ! " Variety of resources in close proximity: steppe, marshland, forests ! " Encourages specialization and administration of production ! A city belonged to a god and a god designated the person they wanted to rule the citystate ! Mesopotamian States State: “a centralized government in the possession of the necessary means of coercion in which the legal order can be enforce in a territory over a population”! City-state— a term used to characterize urbanism in Mesopotamia! " " " Urban center + immediate hinterland! " " " Mesopotamian cities dedicated to particular god/goddess! " " Administration: king/viceroy as a representative of tat deity in Mesopotamia ! " " Complex economy: temple as economic center in Mesopotamian “citystates”! " " Political identity (different from ethnic identity)— members of a city !

Sumerians Protoliterate 3500-2900 BCE Uruk 5000BC-300AD! Largest settlement in the religion in the Protoliterate Period — “protoliterate" period and “Uruk” period interchangeably named ! Two religious districts ! Had a huge temple in the city center— white temple ! " White temple:! " " Anu: sky god !

" " Temple made of mud brick and decorated with white plaster (white temple)! " " Tripartite plan with bent access (ramp around temple); there’s 3 main parts ! " " " Central room with altar, ramp, smaller rooms for storage ! " " Buttressing ! " " Tamp! " " Similar to Eridu! " " Built on top of a ziggurat: 2 reasons, 1) materials build up over time, and 2) people thought the gods lived on top of the hill! ! Eanna Precinct ! " " “House of heaven” ! " " For Inanna: Goddess of fertility, sex, war.. daughter of Anu! " " Ground level complex: NOT on a ziggurat! " " Tripartite and t-shaped ! " " Worshipped at Eanna Precinct for 3000 years ! " " Had a mosaic court.. hugely decorated, elaborate geometric patterns ! " " " Grand Access ! " " " Painted baked clay cones, highly polished ! Settlement patterns in Uruk (4000-2300BC)! " Showed adherence to canal routes and river tributaries for site locations and a developing site hierarchy ! Warka Vase (Eanna Vase), Eanna precinct " Made of Alabaster! " C. 3000BC ! " Religious vessel! " There was a second one made but it was not preserved ! " Had religious images on it ! " Registers: zones of decoration! " " Procession in temple of Inanna! " " Men (Priests) in procession! " " Attribute: reed staffs behind Inanna/priestess ! " " Priestess/Inanna receiving gifts ! " " Ruler of Uruk with tasseled belt (which was a symbol of kingship)! " " Jars full of beer in a register level! Hububa Kabira/Tell Quannas ! " Protoliterate Period ! " Late 4000sBC! " Connected to Uruk! " In the north— could have been Mesopotamians colonizing the area for its vast raw materials and establishing a new city… trying to copy the place they came from?! " City and Temple:! " " Hububa Kabira was a residential district !

" " " " "

" " " " "

Grid-planned! Walled (c 42 square acres)! Short lived; only about 150 years ! " City was not sacked, just abandoned ! Tell Quannas: high city/temples !

Typical Sumerian Housing " Multiple rooms built in an agglomerative fashion— think conglomerative! " A central hall/open courtyard accessible from a street of vestibule ! " Intramural Burials ! " Baked brick used in courtyards and kitchen/bath areas ! Development of Cuneiform writing ! " Ca. 3000BCE! " Cuneiform: “Wedge-Shaped”! " Used for writing in several languages (Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Even English)! " " A script, NOT a language in and of itself, its like the Latin Alphabet used by Spanish, English, etc, ! " Originally used for record-keeping/administration! " Unbaked clay-temporary written records ! NOT used for legal documents or imitation of Egyptian hieroglyphs ! " Origins ! " Hollow clay balls! " “Protocuneiform”: pictographic, became more like wedges as sentences got more complex ! " ! Cylinder seals ! " Stone Carved with relief scenes and rolled onto clay— seals/signatures imprinted into tablets ! " " Seals/signatures! " " Often religious imagery ! ! 8/30/2019 Sumerians; Early Dynastic 2900-2500! Still organized into city states ! " Decline of Uruk by EDII! Clear evidence of royal/elites! " Palaces; descriptions of kings! " Lists and inscriptions with king’s names! Zagros Mountains ! " Separate modern Iran from Iraq!

Stele of the Vultures ! " Monument! " c. 2450 BC! " Victory of Lagash ruler (Eannatum) over Umma over a boundary dispute ! " Found at Telloh (Girsu)! " Sides divided; Historical vs Mythological — same story told two different ways ! " " Side one: Historical! " " " Victory of Eannatum over Umma ! " " " Eannatum leads his troops on foot or in a chariot ! " " " Vultures shown eating bodies of dead! " " " Important people are made larger than others ! " " " Funerals, dead bodies ! " " Side two: Mythological! " " " Warrior god Ningirsu helps King Eannatum (holds enemies in a net)! " " " Mythological lion-monster helps Eannatum! " King led troops on the battle and took responsibility for victory but shared victory with Gods! ED Sumer cities still had walls surrounding them ! " ! Sumerian Temples " Constisted of:! " " Cella with offering table ! " " Altar! " " Cult statue ! " " Benches for votive offerings ! Oval temple at Khafajeh! " Different architecture than before it ! " Platforms not buttressed ! " Oval in shape, not rectangular ! " Different architectural styles being experimented with ! " Unknown which God was being worshipped here ! Imdugd/Anzu Litntel! " Kind of decorates a doorway! " Ubaid period ! " ED III c.2550 BC ! " Lion headed eagle and two stags with large horns ! " Not from oval tempe but OT would have likely had something similar to it !

Worshipper Votive Statuettes! " Votive: offerings to Gods! " Found at Tell Asmar— main state that Khafajeh was a part of ! " Inlaid Eyes ! " Permanent worshipping ! " NOT images of gods! " Tallest ones were 75 cm tall! Sumerian Ur ! " Ur: 5000BC-1000BC! " Sumerian occupation in Early Dynastic period ! " Royal Tombs c.2500 BC ! Royal Tombs at Ur! " c. 2000 graves (Ubaid—Neo-Sumerian periods)! " 16 “Royal” tombs— known to be royal due to scrips left behind! " Wealthily grave goods ! " Not kinship-based! " Complex funerary rituals and architecture! Bull’s Headed Lyre ! " Apotropaic- wards off evil! " Royal Standard: Peace side ! " " Shows a lyre being played in a Royal setting ! " " Could have been Gilgamesh or Eridu! " " Has an image of a wolf and a lion serving a banquet ! Royal seal of Ur- “War”!

Tomb of Queen/Priestess Pu-Abi (Tomb 800)! " Cylinder w her name and the title “nin”(“queen”)! " Gold ! " Lapis Lazuli! " Elaborate headdress and beads ! " Wore symbols of Goddess Inanna ! Ur: Great Death Pit (Tomb 1237)! " Grave accompanied by 74 attendants ! " Orderly arrangement! " All of these people buried at the same time ! " Male attendants dressed like soldiers! " 68 Women were found in grave, wearing ornate jewelry! " Cups found near them: poison? Did they commit suicide or were they coerced?!




9/6/19: ! Old Babylonian Period ! Babylon: northern Mesopotamia !

2000-1530 BC! 1st dynasty of Babylonia 1830-1531 BC! King Hammurabi” 1728-1686 BC ! Code of Hammurabi ! " Codification and publication of laws ! " " First written code of laws found ! " Legal reforms ! " Laws written 1690 BC ! " 2m tall stele full of cuneiform text ! Inheritance and Property Rights No known evidence for Sumerian property rights at U\r’! One of earliest pieces in HC ! " Landholdings passed downs to sons, divided equally among sons or eldest often gets slightly more ! " Women could own and sell property like taverns and inns ! Kingship: Hammurabi 1728-1686 BC! Sculpted with hand-to-mouth gesture: form of prayer ! Stele of Hammurabi: Pictured w God Shamash! " god of justice ! " Handing Hammurabi rod and ring ! " Hammurabi wearing cap! " Shamash sitting down and Hammurabi standing ! " Lightning bolts coming out of Shamash’s shoulders: symbols of a god ! " Similar to Stele of Ur-Nammu, but Hammurabi is having a direct relationship with a god! " Shamash is in human form ! " Both...

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