Clase 2 - 2nd Assignment GEO AMERICA PDF

Title Clase 2 - 2nd Assignment GEO AMERICA
Course Geografia y cultura de America
Institution Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham
Pages 5
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Uni Unitt 1 2ND ASSIGNMENT – CLASS 2 In this assignment we´re going to discuss the different factors that give shape to the Climates in America and how in turn these climates define the different biomes.

CLIMATES AND BIOMES 1- Vocabulary Prepare a crossword with the following words: BIOMES – RAIN FOREST – CANOPY – CATTLE – CROPS – B BELT ELT – LATITUDE – ALTITUDE – abcd-

C anopy catt


ra In forest bioM bioMes es


l Atitude


al alTitude Titude


bE bElt lt



References: a) the leaves and branches of trees, that make a kind of roof in a forest. Exemple: the forest canopy. b) cows and bulls kept on a farm for their meat or milk. Exemple: a cattle rancher. c) a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot. Exemple: the destruction of the rain forest. d) a type of environment that is described according to the typical weather conditions and plants that exist there.

e) the distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees. f) the height of an object or place above the sea. g) a large area of land that has particular features or where particular people live. h) a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food.

2-“ Climate is the long-term pattern of temperatures and precipitation” -Explain this definition using your own words. climate is the weather conditions with particular features in an area regarding temperatures and precipitations. -Now read Chapter 3, Latin America (pgs. 39-42) and do the following tasks: a- Complete factor, the Latin America map could be divided into 4 According to the latitude factor different “Belts” or regions, depending on their distance from the Equador. These are :

Most Latin America falls within the ……………..


1).Northern Northern Hem. Subtropical Belt

2) Tropical Belt

Location: Main Climates:

3) Sou Southe the thern rn He Hem. m. Subtr Subtropi opi opical cal Bel Beltt


Main climates: 4) Southern.Hem. Midlatitude Belt


Main Climates:

b- Food for Thought Answer 1)Why is that while in the Northern H. Subtropical belt the climate is generally arid and warm , frosts occur in Sierra Madre? Which other factor take part here?

2) “Night is the winter of the tropic”, explain this idea.

3) As you move inwards in the continent, the climate tends to become drier.(from the eastern coasts of The Patagonia towards The Andes) Which other factor intervenes here?

4) Why is the Climatic Phenomena “El Niño” an exception 3) Now read from pages 47 to 50 Complete factor, Latin America could be divided into 4 areas: According to the Altitudinal factor Hot Land, Temperate Land, Cold Lands, Frozen Lands. Each of these plays an important role in the natural vegetation, local wildlife and agricultural patterns.

11-Hot Hot La Land nd

Heights: Main crops and animals:

Main climates:

2- Temperate Lands

Heights: Main crops and animals:

Main climates:

3-Cold Lands

Heights: Main crops:


4-Cold Lands:” páramos “ in Colombia and Ecuador and “puna“ in Perú, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.

Heights: Main crops and animals:

Climates: 5- Frozen Lands Lands::


Main characteristics:

c- Food for Thought Answer: -What is the “ Thermical Amplitude” or “ thermal range”? Where can we find this phenomena with more intensity? Why?

4) BIOMES Watch the following video about The America Rain Forests and do this activity: a-True or False?

1- The Rain Forests have the planet´s richest and oldest ecosystems. 2- Tropical Rainforests are located in cool, coastal mountain regions. 3- One of the benefits of the Rain Forests plants is they can be used to produce medicaments.

4- Global temperature is regulated by the Rain Forests 5- Rain Forests are in danger mainly because of natural causes.

b-Choose another Biome from this list: ●

Savannah / Steppe / Desert / Tundra/ Coniferous Forest / Decidious Forests/ Prairie /Chaparral/ Grassland /Alphine

Now search for a video from YouTube , copy the link and prepare your own excercise .(You can also consult Chp 1, pg15, biomes from “ Placing Latin America ”)...

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