Clinical Bacteriology History PDF

Title Clinical Bacteriology History
Course BS Medical Technology
Institution Cagayan State University
Pages 104
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CLINICALBACTERIOLOGYPRELIM LECTUREJOHN PAUL SIBAYANBSMT 3CSPUPLESSON 1- HISTORY OF MICROBIOLOGY ANTON VAN LEEUWENHOEK Created a simple microscope and observed live microorganisms. LOUIS PASTEUR A french chemist and microbiologist He discovered the vaccine against anthrax and rabies. He improved the ...




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ANTON VAN LEEUWENHOEK • Created a simple microscope and observed live microorganisms. LOUIS PASTEUR • A french chemist and microbiologist • He discovered the vaccine against anthrax and rabies. • He improved the wine making processes by introducing the fermentation and pasteurization. ROBERT KOCH • Discovered the causative agent of tuberculosis, which is the Mycobacterium tuberculosis and that anthrax is caused by bacillus. LAZARRO SPALLANZANI • Improves the previous experiment of needman of the spontaneous generation theory by heating broth. FERDINAND JULIUS COHN • Pioneer of bacteriology • Discovered that some bacteria can withstand heat or become heat-resistant bacteria. • Some of these bacteria are biologic indicators of different sterilization techniques HANS CHRISTIAN GRAM • the inventor of the Gram staining technique- most common stain in bacteriology. ALBERT LEON CHARLES CALMETTE • He discovered the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, an attenuated form of Mycobacterium bovis used in the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis. • BCG vaccine is an attenuated form of Mycobacterium bovis. EDWARD JENNER • He developed the concept of vaccination by immunizing an eight-year-old boy against smallpox using cowpox fluid. • He later injected smallpox virus repeatedly into the boy, proving that he was indeed immune. • Jenner also showed that the cowpox vaccine could be produced from the blister of a human patient rather than just the cow host. This proved the value of protective immunization against the deadly disease, which killed 10-20 percent of the population at the time. KARY MULLIS • Received a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993, for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). • The process, which Kary Mullis conceptualized in 1983, is hailed as one of the monumental scientific techniques of the twentieth century. • The reliability of PCR is already accepted because of technology. JOSEPH LISTER • He was the first person to isolate bacteria in pure culture (Bacillus lactis) using liquid cultures containing either Pasteur's solution of turnip infusion and a special syringe to dilute the inoculum and so can be considered a co-founder of medical microbiology with Koch, who later isolated bacteria on solid media. • Theory of antisepsis • found a way to prevent infection in wounds during and after surgery. His principles made surgery safe. • He found out that microorganisms were responsible for wound infections. He developed a system of antiseptic surgery. He used bandages Joseph Lister soaked in phenol (1827-1912) solution to prevent wound infection. He sterilized instruments by heat and sprayed diluted phenol over the surgical area and prevented contamination of wounds. He was the first person to isolate bacteria in pure culture using liquid culture. Thus, he was considered as co-founder of Medical Microbiology with Koch, who later isolated bacteria on solid media. CHARLES LAVARAN • He is a French physician who discovered the causative agents of malaria and trypanosomiasis which made him win the 1907 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. • Has contributed mostly to parasites particularly plasmodium species and trypanosomiasis. • These diseases originated from africa. ALEXANDER FLEMMING • He observed a mold (Penicillium notatum) growing on a plate of Staphylococcus aureus. The growth of Staphylococcus aureus around the mold colony was inhibited . • He also showed that the culture filtrate of mold inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. He called this substance Penicillin, which acted on Gram positive bacteria. • Accidentally discovered penicillin. FANNY HESSE • Fanny Hesse is best known for her work in microbiology alongside her husband, Walther Hesse. • In 1881, while her husband was working in the laboratory of German physician and microbiologist

Robert Koch, Hesse suggested that agar was preferable to gelatin for cultivating bacteria. She was

aware of the properties of agar as a gelling agent that maintained its gel properties at warm temperatures through using it at home to make puddings and jellies. • Following her initial suggestion of using agar as an alternative to gelatin, they were instrumental in pioneering agar's usage as a common gelling agent for producing media capable of culturing microorganisms at high temperatures. • Bacteria need to grow in a synthetic medium which is the culture media. 3 TYPES OF CULTURE MEDIA 1. SOLID 2. SEMI- SOLID 3. LIQUID • And fanny discovered and used the solid type. AGAR vs. GELATIN • Agar is carbohydrate rich • Gelatin is protein rich SELMAN ABRAHAM WAKSMAN • His research was largely on soil microorganisms. He showed antimicrobial activity of streptomyces that led to the discovery of Streptomycin and several other antibiotics. • Discovered streptomycin and neomycin which is an antibiotics • He is considered to be the “father of antibiotics”. MARTINUS W. BEIJERINCK • Dutch microbiologist, made major contributions to microbiology by developing the enrichment culture technique, simultaneously with Sergey Winogradsky, which permits the isolation of highly specialized microorganisms. RONALD ROSS • a British doctor who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1902 for his work on Malaria. His discovery of the malarial parasite in the gastrointestinal tract of the Anopheles Mosquito Led to the realization that malaria was transmitted by Anopheles, and laid the foundation for combating the disease. • He discovered the presence of the malarial parasite within the Anopheles mosquito in 1897. Using birds that were sick with malaria, he was soon able to ascertain the entire life cycle of the malarial parasite, including its presence in the mosquito’s salivary glands. He demonstrated that malaria is transmitted from infected birds to healthy ones by the bite of a mosquito, a finding that suggested the disease’s mode of transmission to humans. KIYOSI SHIGA • Shigella dysenteriae, as well as the bacilli in the genus Shigella, are named after the Japanese physician Kiyoshi Shiga, who first isolated S. dysenteriae (most common) around the turn of the 19th Century. • These bacteria are the most common causes of dysentery, specifically coined shigellosis in cases, caused by the Shigella bacteria. Shigellosis causes diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, and rectal tenesmus, and has the potential for life-threatening complications such as intestinal perforation, sepsis, and hemolytic uremia. • Shiga's discoveries and work have been instrumental in preventing the proliferation of this horrible disease in the first world. PAUL HENRY DE KRUIF • An American microbiologist and author of Dutch descent. Publishing as Paul de Kruif, he is most noted for his 1926 book, Microbe Hunters.Gas Gangrene Research and Historian of Microbiology. • Gas gangrene- caused by Clostridium perfringens. DAVID BRUCE • Pioneer of Veterinary Microbiology • He was a Scottish pathologist and microbiologist who investigated Malta fever (later called brucellosis in his honour) and African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in animals). • ZOONOTIC- caused by animals MAX THEILER (1899–1972) • was a South African-American virologist and physician. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1951 for developing a vaccine against yellow fever in 1937, becoming the first African-born Nobel laureate. After passing the yellow fever virus through laboratory mice, Theiler found that the weakened virus conferred immunity on rhesus macaques. MORE ON VIROLOGY • Discovered vaccine of yellow fever ELIE METCHNIKOFF • He was one of the firsts scientists to study the body's defenses against invading microorganisms. Metchnikoff was enraged to discover his mutilated starfish, but he looked through the microscope before he discarded his ruined specimen. He was amazed to discover that cells of the starfish had gathered around the thorns. After further study, he identified those cells as leukocytes (WBC) and found that they could devour foreign particles. He coined the word phagocytosis (phago: "to eat" ;

cyte: "cell") to describe this process.


LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY Microbiology • Scientific study of microorganism such as bacteria, fungi, parasite, virus and protozoan wh • Study of organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye HISTORY OF MICROBIOLOGY Discovery of Microorganisms • Lucretius (98-55B.C) and Girolamo Fracastoro (1487-1553) • Suggested that disease caused by invisible living creatures • During the ancient times, kapag may sakit ka parang sinumpa ka daw o pinaparusahan ng Diyos.

Zacharias Janssen (1590s) • Dutch spectacle maker • Discover that if two convex lenses were put together, small objects would appear larger. • Discovered instrument made up of combined two lenses in a tube to increase the magnification.

Galileo Galilei (1609) • Presented his new telescope to an astonished world and changed how humankind viewed its place in the universe forever. • Basis for the improvement of microscope. • Occhiolino means little eye- tawag sa instrument nya

Giovanni Faber (1625) • First used the term “microscope” to refer the instrument Galielo built. • Ginamit nya yung microscope na ginawa ni Galileo pero wala pang images

Francesco Stelluti (1630) • Made earliest observations on bees and weevils using Galieleo’s microscope. • Dinrawing nya yung nakita nya using the Galileo’s microscope.

Robert Hooke (1665) • Discovered a thin slice of cork and reported that life’s smallest structural units were “little boxes” or “cella” • Micrographia- this book containing descriptions of microscopes including yung nakita nyang little boxes. Binibigay daw nila sa Council of Royal Society of London. • Galing sa cork therefore di sya live microorganism

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek(1673) • First to actually observe and accurately describe live microorganisms • He described hundreds of what he thought were tiny living creatures which he called “animalcules”. • He is a cloth merchant and a trade man • Considered “first true microbiologists” • Using his microscope, he was able to discover Gardia lamblia, spermatozoa, and RBC • He called his microscope a “simple microscope”. Its magnification ranges from 50-300x • Father of bacteriology and protozoology

SPONTANEOUS GENERATION THEORY • “Life arises spontaneously from non-living matters or from decay”

Francesco Redi (1688) • Performed first biological experiments which resulted to invalidation of the long held-belief that life forms could arise from non-living things • He demonstrated that maggots can’t arise spontaneously from a decaying meat

He conducted an experiment using three jars containing meat; one jar is tightly sealed with a cap, one jar is sealed with mesh and one jar is opened. He observed that the open jar containing meat contains maggots which come from the eggs of the flies.

John Needham (1748) • Spontaneous generation of animalcules resulted from the decay of more complex organisms • Found that even after he heated nutrient fluids before pouring into covered flasks, the cooled solutions were soon teeming with microorganisms. • As the organism decayed, their molecules re-organized into animalcules • He boiled a mutton broth then he transferred and poured it in a flask which was then sealed tight. Eventhough it has a seal, the presence of microorganism is observed.

Lazzaro Spallanzani • Suggested that microorganisms from the air probably had entered Needham’s solution after they were boiled • Showed that nutrient fluids heated after being sealed in a flask did not develop microbial growth. • Improved Needham’s experiment by heating broth placed in a sealed jar • Alle sinabi nya kay Needham e baka pagkapour mo ng broth e may sumama ng microorganism • Microorganisms from air had probably entered Needham’s solution after boiling.

Anton Laurent Lavoisier • Showed the importance of oxygen to life

BIOGENESIS • “Living cells arises from pre-existing living cells”

Rudolf Virchow • Challenged spontaneous generation with the concept of biogenesis • Published Cellular Pathology wherein he used the phrase “omnis cellula e cellula” • Well respected pathologist Theodor Schwann • Observed that no growth occurred in a flask that contained a nutrient solution after allowing the air to pass through a heated tube • Figure expla: So meron yung previously sterilized infusion and then naglagay sya ng flame o burner dito sa outlet on which dito pwede pumasok ang air. everytime na may pumapasok na air, they are subjected to heat therefore nassterelize yung heat. Dahil dun walang growth ng microorganism.


Noticed that no growth occurred after allowing the air to pass through a sterile cotton wool placed on a flask of heat sterilized medium

NOTE: • •

Instead of putting heat in the inlet, they put sterilize cotton. Theodore and Heinrich work on the infusion.


Demonstrated that microorganisms are present in the air and can contaminate sterile solutions, but air itself does not create microbes. Showed that microorganisms can be present in nonliving matter and microbial life can be destroyed by heat and that methods can be devised to block the access of airborne microorganisms to nutrient environments.

NOTE : • •

Disprove the Spontaneous Generation Theory and provided evidence that microorganisms could not originate from mystical forces present in non living materials. Nagkaroon sila ng basis which is the ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE- technique to prevent contamination by unwanted microorganisms.

He said that air serves as a channel to enter the host.


Disproved the theory of spontaneous generation Developed vaccines:

A. Anthrax (together with Charles Chamberland in 1881) B. Rabies (1885) •

Fermentation and pasteurization

NOTE: • • • • • • •

Presence of air called as Oxidation process( pyruvate to lactate) absence of air is FERMENTATION FERMENTATION is a process wherein microorganisms(yeast) convert sugar to alcohol. Before the fermentation process wine should undergo first to purification/ sterilization through minimize heating level So pag may air at bacteria na nakakapasok sa wine kino convert nila si alcohol into vinegar. PASTEURIZATION is a process in which we introduce minimal level of heat just enough to kill microorganisms. Reduce spoilage of wine and kill potentially harmful bacteria on milk and wine. PASTEUR contributed to the wine industry.




Tyndalization is another form of sterilization technique wherein it uses moist heat for 3 consecutive days to eradicate vegetative cells and bacterial endospores.


Makikita natin na there are microorganisms that has special structures Not all Microorganisms have spore only those gram-positive bacilli.


endospores Endospores is a structure wherein ung mga microorganisms na meron Ito can withstand conditions external conditions in terms of temperature, pressure. Lahat nasusurvive nila dahil may endospore. ( THEORY OF BIOGENESIS)


Louis Pasteur is the basis of this theory.


known as SAVIOR OF MOTHERS because he Demonstrated that routine handwashing can prevent the spread of disease.


He demonstrated that physician who at that time did not disinfect their hands routinely transmit infections from patient to one another.


Knew that phenol (carbolic acid) kills bacteria, so he treated wounds with phenol solution. His practice was adopted by other surgeons since this reduced the incidence of infections and deaths.


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He is a English Surgeon Father of ANTISEPTIC SURGERY He introduced the antiseptic theory in Britain Bago ang surgery nila meron silang ini-spray na phenol DURING SURGERY, HE PROMOTED

->hand wash before & after operation -> use of gloves -> should sterilize surgical equipment -> use phenol as antimicrobial agent GERM THEORY OF DISEASE •

theory wherein microorganisms might cause disease.

ROBERT KOCH (1843- 1910) • • •

discovered rod-shaped bacteria (Bacillus anthracis) in the blood of cattle that had died of anthrax. Discovered the causative agent of pulmonary tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) Established a sequence of experimental steps (KOCH'S POSTULATE) for directly relating a specific microbe to a specific disease.

NOTE: • • •

he is the first to show an irrefutable proof that bacteria indeed cause diseases. well known in KOCH’S POSTULATE which until now it is the center of bacteriology and microbiology is Sequence of experimental steps. He was the first to cultivate bacteria on boiled potatoes, gelatin, meaty extracts and protein. - he developed culture media for observing bacterial growth isolated from the human body


basis natin sa laboratory. So ang first step is collection of specimen, second is to process the i grow sa culture media then identify natin Kung anong microorganism na un.

1. A particular microbe must be found in all cases of the disease and must not be present in healthy animals or humans. (Ex. Kung sino lang yung may anthrax dun lang present si Bacillus Anthracis pero kapag healthy yung human or animal dapat hindi present si Bacillus Anthracis) 2. The pathogen can be isolated from the diseased host and can be grown in pure culture. ( so that means ung busali kung nasaan si staphylococcus orius pwede kang kumuha ng specimen on that area at pwede pwedeng patubuin sa culture media. So the one that causes disease can be grown in pure culture). 3. A pathogen grown in culture must cause the same when inoculated into susceptible host. (So in this part let’s say na ung tumubo don sa culture media, kapag ka na inoculate sya sa isang host, kukunin ko ung microorganisms na tumubo sa staphylococcus orius dun sa cultures do then i introduce ko sya don sa skin ng other host so ang mangyayari magdedevelop sya ng same disease.) 4. A pathogen must be reisolated from the new host and must show the same as the originally inoculated pathogen. ( so nung nakuha na ni other host ung pidza so kukuha ako ng specimen sa kanyang pidza then ilalagay ko sa culture media and prinacess and ni identity dapat magkapareho sila ng characteristic na nakuha sa main host ).

COLLABORATORS OF KOCH: 1. Fanny Hesse – solidifying agent 2. Julius Richard petri – petri dish 3. Martinus Beijenrick and Sergei Winogradsky – enrichment culture media and selective media. ADVENT OF VACCINATION EDWARD JENNER (1976)


Embarked on an experiment to protect people from smallpox.

Note: he discovered the process of vaccination. (latin word “vacca” meaning cow) · ·

Ang unang process ng vaccination ay may involvement ng cow. Nung panahon niya may pandemic which is smallpox bago niya nadiscover ang vaccination meron isang milkmaid na nag sabi sakanya na hindi siya pwedeng magkasakit ng smallpox hindi siya tatablan simply because she alre...

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