CLJ422 - Chanel Miller vs Brock Turner VIS PDF

Title CLJ422 - Chanel Miller vs Brock Turner VIS
Course Victimization
Institution University of Illinois at Chicago
Pages 1
File Size 44.9 KB
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Victim Impact Statement Analysis...


Victim Impact Statement Chanel Miller vs Brock Turner 1. How did the crime affect the victim?  She was in denial about what had happened.  Things started to process for her when she had to sign papers that said, “Rape Victim.”  She became terrified of her body and she did not want it anymore. She wanted to take her body off like a jacket.  She tried to pretend that it did not happen, but she could not talk, eat, sleep, or interact with people.  She would drive to a secluded place after work and scream.  She isolated herself from the ones she loves most.  It affected her performance at work.  Her life was put on hold for a year.  She would constantly have nightmares.  She would be scared to go to social events.  She would always need someone right by her side.  She is now always on guard. 2. How did the crime affect the victim’s family?  Her sister was crying and contorted with anguish, but she did not know that under Miller’s clothes – she was covered in bruises and that her underwear was missing.  She did not tell her boyfriend or parents what happened because she was not ready to tell them.  After she read the news, she told her parents that night.  She would scream at her family whenever they would bring it up.  Her sister felt more guilt than the defendant himself. 3. How the victim felt about the criminal justice process?  She seemed a little upset or shocked that all they told her was to go home and resume back to her normal life.  She did not know what had happened to her until she came across a news article about the incident.  The system made her feel powerless and unheard.  The process was dehumanizing.  She felt like she did not have to explain what had happened because of the witness and evidence. 4. Who did the victim direct her statement to?  It was directed to the judge and the defendant. 5. Are there any other aspects of the victimization or justice system response to the victim or victimization?  Instead of having time to heal she had to prepare herself for the invasive questions in court.  She was thankful for the detectives and deputies that waited beside her when she was at the hospital....

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