Club cultura video notes PDF

Title Club cultura video notes
Author Anna Newton
Course Elementary Spanish Ii
Institution University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Pages 17
File Size 137 KB
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these are notes from club culture videos we had to watch in spanish and were tested on...


Chile Introducción  17 million people  North to South is the distance b/w New York and Los Angeles  East to West is the distance of San Dieego and Los Angeles  Capital of Chile is Santiago  It borders the Pacific Ocean on the West  Andes Mountains to the East o The highest mountain range in Latin America  Very diverse landscapes located next to its endless coast o Patagonia in south w/ lakes, volcanoes, glaciers and forestes o In north, there is driest deserts in world: Atacama  Seems extraterrestrial: reddish color and looks like Mars Chile: Una tierra muy fértil  Chile has many natural resources and very fertile land o Export copper, wine and wood  Also export a lot of fruit, vegetables, and milk o You can buy cherries or strawberries in the United States in winter from Chile  Central Market is 100 years old a historical monument in Chile because it is a symbol of culture and agricultural tradition o Can buy fish, and fresh seafood  Most important drink in Chile is wine. Has one of the most developed wine industries in the world o Wineries make almost one billion bottles a year and known for its quality Chile: Caminando por los Andes  From Andes mountains to white sandy Pacific beaches  Paradise for lovers of nature  An hour from the capital, there is one of the best places to ski.  In Chilean Mountains, is where United States Olympic ski team trains in the summer in the U.S  In December, it is summer and unfortunately, you cannot ski o You can hike and raf

Chile: Valparaíso, la perla del Pacifico  Valparaíso is the main port of the country o A lot of trade comes in and out here o World Heritage site  Architecture on a slope like San Francisco o Have elevator  One of best places to eat fish and seafood o Great variety  Paila marina is a typical dish in this area of Chile  Normally, you eat on the weekends w/ family and friends o Each area has its typical seafood dish  Pablo Neruda wrote poems about the sea and love Paraguary: Introducción  Capital of Paraguay is Asunción  Like Bolivia, it does not have sea and known as the Heart of South America  No coast but can reach the Atlantic Ocean by navigating the Paraguay River o Divides land in 2 different regions  East is very green and over 800 rivers  95% of population lives  West (Chaco) has 60% of land  5% of population  14 ethnic groups and some colonies of Russian and German origin  Less than 7 million people  Largest soybean exporter in the world o Feeds whole world for 8 days a year  Main exporter of electric energy  Most homogenous population in all South America o 95% are mestizos o relationship b/w Guarani and European culture o lived here for 1000 years o name (guaraníes) is of culture, language, and currency  87& speak guaraní and 80% are bilingual and speak guaraní and Spanish

Paraguay: El tereré: la tradición más paraguaya  Tereré is the official drink of Paraguay and cultural heritage of nation  In February, they celebrate The National day of Tereré  You have to eat something before you drink it  Made of cow horn o Custom inherited from Guarani and part of the town  Add herbs or weeds o Calmes nerves  Cost b/w 1000 and 20000 guaranínes (25 cents) Paraguay: Deporte de Aventura en Paraguay  Chipa is most typical and consumed bread o Made w/ lard, cassava flour, a variety of cheeses and anise seed  Visited by lovers of adventure and geology o Waterfalls and caves full of bats  Indigenous culture of America and Europe Argentina: Introducción  Capital is Buenos Aires  Obelisk is one of most important symbols if city  Second largest country in South America  1,300 miles to La Quiaca  There are Patagonia glaciers in southwest, deserts of plateau of La Puna to north west, the Iguazu Falls to northwest, La Pampa, the most fertile region of the country, and the highest mountain o the entire American continent, Aconcagua o Divided into 23 provinces Argentine: La vida cultural de Buenos Aires  At Obelisco, they cross the two main avenues of the city o 9th Julio avenue, the widest avenue in the world o Current avenue, always full of people day and night  Full of theaters, concerts and bookstores  Most famous bookstore is El Ateneo o Old theater converted into a bookshop and cafeteria  Instead of metro they say subte  Mayo Avenue, avenue of late 19th century inspired by boulevards of Paris  Most universal Spanish symbol here is the statute of Don Quijote  Most important square in Argentine is Mayo Plaza  Seat of government is the pink house o President doesn’t live there, only when he works o Lives in Olivos, outside Buenos Aires  Cathedral where Jose San Martin is buried

o Father of the fatherland Argentina: El baile y la música  Tango that many people identify Argentina with o Mainly characteristic of Buenos Aires  In interior, folk music is more traditional like zamba, chacarera or the malambo  Music that Buenos Aires and rest of Argentina have in common is Argentine national rock o Bersuit Vergarabat is the most famous rock group and in pajamas Argentina: La gastronomía argentina  The roast means meeting. Brings family and friends together  Almost all celebrations in Argentina are w/ roast  Need a lot of time  Mate is one of most popular drinks o Special custom that means union and moment to share o Share the entire drink o Like tea but a bit more bitter  Italian influence is seen w/ pizzerias o More than 11,000 pizzerias in Buenos Aires o Come see fútbol  9 out of 10 are fans  Fútbol is a passion, especially when national team plays o Won world cup twice  Most popular is the empanada o Pastry dough stuffed w/ chicken, veal, ham, and cheese o One of richest meals Uruguay: Introducción  One of smallest countries in South America o Between Brazil and Argentina  3 million people, half live in the capital, Montevideo  full name is Republic Oriental of Uruguay because it is on the eastern side of the Uruguay River  Almost all at sea level. No large elevations  Land and extension of the Pampa, very suitable for livestock and rice cultivation and other cereals as well as grapes for wine. o Fourth producer of wine in Latin America  Has meadows and vegetation. Considered one of 10 greenest countries in world  Attracts most is beaches of Atlantic coast  Jazz and film festivals  Largest colony of sea lions in South America  Quiet beaches w/ few tourists, go to Punta de Diablo, Valizas and Cabo Polonio

Uruguay: Uruguay y Argentina: una historia fascinante  Until Independence from Spain, both countries were part of the same administrative unit  It is said that Uruguayans have Argentine costumes and vice versa  Mainly European origin  Drink mate, eat candy y roast  Culture of ranchers and football is a religion o World champion twice  Tango is another thing in common o Common in Montevideo  Origin between two cities is next to Río de la Plata, canteens and bars.  Tango fuses musical styles of latin, European and African origin o High class despised tango because it begain in the poor neighborhoods by their dances and lyrics were provocative.  Uruguay is more reserved and quieter than Argentina, including Montevideo o Less stressful than other large south American capitals o Mate is part of national identity  Drink in more places Uruguay: El carnival y el candombe  Carnival last 40 days  European and African origin  Celebrated last days before the religious period of Lent  Parade singing and dancing in streets  Comparsas are groups of people where everyone is dressed in same carnival costume, and they parade singing and dancing  Murgas are of Spanish origin and sing a special kind of opera that ridicules some important event in society o Lyrics and dances are very funny  Candombe is a Uruguayan style of dance and music that mainly uses percussion w/ different drums o Music started w/ African slaves in colonial era o Black slaves of Montevideo wore tunics w/ many colors and played candombe on the street o Continue to do it, not only during carnival, but throughout the year o hear drums at sunset in corners on different neighborhoods in Montevideo

Perú: Introducción  Capital is Lima  Third biggest country in south America  Mix of ancient civilizations and modern cities  Fuse present and past o See in architecture, faces of people, and languages they speak  Spanish is dominant but speak other pre-Columbian languages like Quechua and Aymara  Variety of landscapes and climates o Tropical jungles and deserts and majestic mountains and beautiful coasts o Surf in sea or sandboard in sand because they have highest dunes in the world o Mountains w/ immense peaks to walk with exotic plants Perú: Una mezcla colonial e inca  The Hispanic and Inca cultures are most influences in country o Best place to see them is Cuzco, the historic capital of Perú  Plaza de Armas de Cuzco is heart of the city during the Inca Empire, during the colonial period and also today o Inca empire extended from south of Columbia to Santiago in Chile o To the incas, it was the navel of the world, a sacred place that the inhabitants of the empire had to visit at least once in their lives\  Cuzco looks like a city in Old Castile or Extremadura in Spain o Built on the capital of the great Inca empire o Colonial mansions, temple and churches on ancient Inca palaces o You can see remains of walls, arches and portals of the fascinating inca culture o Unique mx of inca architecture and Spanish colonial throughout the continent  Can see mix in Santo Domingo convent o Christian convent that looks similar to many other convents of this time  Treasure inside: central religion Qorikancha, where the Inca god was worshiped: the sun  Qori means gold and kancha means place of walls  Temple w/ all the walls of gold cutlery  Best known symbol of the Inca Empire. Called the lost city of the Incas. o It is the world heritage site, Historical Sanctuary of Peru, the most important archaeological site in Latin America o It is Machu Picchu, an Inca sanctuary that means old mountain o A lot of theories about who built it.  Some say it was built by the Inca Pachacutec as a residence for the royal family and a religious center, no one knowns for sure  Some constructions are so perfect that you cannot put a credit card between them o Designed to resist earthquakes because they didn’t use cement. The stones dance during earthquake

o Machu Picchu was abandoned in the 16th century for unknown reasons and the citadel was forgotten for almost 400 years o Until 1911, the American explorer Hiram Bingham, a professor at Yale, found the ruins. o The citadel is divided into two large areas: the agricultural area formed by the terraces for cultivation, and the urban area where its inhabitants lived and where religious activities were carried out o Its main buildings are: the Intihuanta, which is a solar clock. The sun temple and the temple of the 3 windows Bolivia: Introducción  Many official languages spoken here  Extremely multicultural  Bolivia is in the center of the south American continent and has no coast  Different altitudes determine the diversity of the climates and temperatures o There is a place at 20 thousand feet tall in the Andes mountains and others at 300 feet like Plains and intermediates. Makes Bolivia one of the countries w/ the most biodiversity in the world o Has 15 different ecoregions  Country of extremes.  El Alto airport is the highest international airport in the world o Next to La Paz, 3,500 meters above sea level o Highest capital in the world o Due to its height, the oxygen level is so low that many of its visitors feel dizzy the first days when arriving  Close to La Paz is Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world o The largest toads in the world live on the shore  South of the country is the Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt desert in the world o The largest lithium world reserve  People think of mountains in Bolivia o 60% of territory is in the Amazon region  The economic capital of the country is the tropical city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, the largest in Bolivia o 2 and a half million people that provides 80% of the country’s agriculture Bolivia: La comida tradicional y la comida moderna  Mercado Rodriguez that Works two days a week o Traffic is cut and there are thousands of people buying and selling o Different than a supermarket. Prices are not fixed but you negotiate. Its important you have a good relationship with the person that will help me get the best price o Food is native to Bolivia and Peru  Staple food is called papa

 Word comes from the Quechua language  The Spaniards called it patata  In Bolivia, over 200 varieties of potatoes and the chuño, an Andean way of conserving potatoes  Another important food is quinoa, a very nutritious grain that is fashionable internationally o There are modern and sophisticated places like the restaurant Gustu. Gustu means flavor  It is a gastronomic movement  The movement has the idea that revitalizing Bolivian gastronomy can contribute in aspects such as the economy, education and health  Chefs and gastronomy students work only w/ Bolivian products  Fish of Amazon river: surubí  Wants to be a model to show the potential of the culinary culture of Bolivia and position the country as a gastronomic tourist destination of first level Ecuador: Introducción  Quito is the capital of Ecuador: republic of Ecuador  You can use one of the municipal bike systems o Avoid traffic, decrease pollution, and for exercise because all of the streets are up and down  The andes mountain range crosses Ecuador from north to south  Divides country in 3 regions: coast, mountain range, and the east o Coast has a tropical climate and fertile lands for agriculture and beautiful beaches on Pacific Ocean  Guayaquil is the biggest city in Ecuador. Main port of the country where the center of commercial and industrial activity is o The mountain range has over 60 volcanoes  Most important is the inactive Chimborazo, the tallest in Ecuador  2 kilometers taller than Everest o In east, amazon jungle, full of wet areas, waterfalls and rivers  Rains almost every day. Indigenous people live here, almost always travel in canoes because sometimes it is faster to go to a city on the river than roads  Galapagos islands  Charles Darwin w/ theory of evolution of species began  Inspired by flora and fauna that are unique

Ecuador: Calle de las Siete Cruces  Majority of Ecuadorians are people that have a blood mixture of Europe and indigenous (mestizos)  Center of Quito, there is a street where you can see a lot of essential history of Ecuador and the mixed culture  Street of García Moreno, always main road of city o You can see the most important mixes in Ecuador: religious mix  When Quito was the capital in the north of the Inca Empire, this street was the part of Camino Real Inca: a road system that connects all the parts of the Empire  One end of the street is Inca temple of the sun, which is now called El Panecillo  Afer arrival of Spanish, this street continued to be a place of faith. Faith of Catholics, but a lot of faith because in this street, there is 7 Catholic temples. Easy to find them because each one has a cross outside o Cross indicated the place where the indigenous people had to listen to the mass on the street because there were many and there was not a place for everyone in the church o 3rd church made of volcano stones and the inside is covered in gold sheets  Street is also known as the 7 crosses street. Ecuador: agua por todas partes en la selva amazónica  3 hours from Quito there is waterfalls and a river system that descends through the east Andes Mountains and ends at the Amazon river  in 16th century, Francisco traveled w/o a car and w/o the road  It rains a lot; water in all parts of the jungle o All of the oriental andes mountains arrive up to this point: great Napo river. End in the Amazonian river o Reach Atlantic in a canoe. Have to be in good shape  Explorer Orellana did it for 4o years w/o phone, GPS  Remindended her of the warrior women of the ancient greek legends and decided to call the river the of the Amazons  The Tena is the gateway to the Ecuadorian Amazon.  Go rafing Colombia: Introducción  Bogotá is the capital of Colombia  Find unimaginable treasures, some in precious stones like the best emeralds in the world o One cost 2 million dollars  Visit gold of the republic bank museum o Have collection of gold objects from largest pre-Hispanic era in the world

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In Andina, there is nothing less than 3 mountain ranges and more than one thousand rivers o 40% of Colombia is in the Amazon river where there is a variety of plants and animals like the pink dolphin A lot of beaches but Colombian Caribbean offers more: areas near border of Venezuela with huge salt deserts Santa marta mountain range that is the highest mountain in world next to the ocean Important historic cities that was assaulted hundreds of time by pirates of Caribbean because it was one the main ports from the border of Amercia to Europe In Colombian Pacific, you can discover all the exotic species of the universe. Up to 3,500 varieties of orchids o See birds or amphibians, like golden frog, most poisonous animals on planet, you can go to Sierra de la Macarena in Orinoquía region o Most biodiversity in the world

Colombia: El café de Colombia  Coffee is most consumed product and commercialized product in world  Important part of life of Colombians o There are over 500,000 families that make coffee and a lot of villages like Titirbí that economically depend on its cultivation  Tropical forest and weather good for coffee  Third producer of coffee in the world and the first producer of this type of coffee: a grain called Arabic o Make about 12 million bags a year o Best quality in the world  Growing coffee is principally, a familiar deal o Most coffee growers, who are the people that grow the coffee, live in small farms, about 4 acres o Transmitted from generation to generation  Harvest these red ones because they are ripe  Whole culture around cultivation of coffee o Growers have own traditions, music and ways to express themselves o Coffee is weighed o All Emptied into the hopper o Afer depositing coffee in hopper, it goes down by gravity to machine that removes husk from coffee and then falls into the vinagrador tank o Goes to channel where it is washed and brought to dry  If sunny all day, leave a day and removed and deposited in dryer  Ready to pack and sell Colombia: un poco de música colombiana  Shakira is colombian Singer  Music is born in the vally

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o Popular music with mixed influence of Europe, Africa and indigenous o Use various popular instruments like diatonic accordion that originated in Europe that German immigrants brought to Colombia Box, a percussion instrument of African origin played w/ hands Peacock, an instrument of indigenous origin. Some call it wild turkey because it sounds similar to birds of the mountain Cumbia is a genre born in the coat of Caribbean Colombia in 40 years o Fusion of Spanish, indigenous, and African music o Extended to all America w/ a lot of success o Reinvents everyday mixing trends and cultures Singers and local bands that reached national and international market fusing typical rhythms of Colombian Caribbean w/ electronic music, rock, reggae or rap

Venezuela: Introducción  Italian sailor reached coast, he sailed to maritime entrance of Maracaibo lake and saw indigenous people o Structures reminded him of city of Venice and why he called it little Venice or Venezuela  Caracas is the capital and most populated city o Next to Cerro Avila next to coast and has a very pleasant climate o Principal characteristic is beautiful parks like the National el Avila park, a large green area b/w city and sea  Place w/ a lot of geographic and biological diversity where the Caribbean region stand out, with its paradise beaches and over 300 islands that are small and w/o inhabitants o Most famous island is Margarita island that is very popular tourist destinations for multicolored sands and crystal water and coral reefs that are ideal for practicing divi...

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