Video notes- ovulation and fertilization PDF

Title Video notes- ovulation and fertilization
Author madison wilbourne
Course Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing
Institution Miami Dade College
Pages 4
File Size 44.4 KB
File Type PDF
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The Reproductive cycles begins with ovulation ◦ the release of a ripe egg, or ovum, from the ovary ◦ hundreds of thousands of follicles sit nestled inside the ovary ◦ each follicle is a sphere of cells with an immature egg at its center

the typical 28 day menstrual cycle begins on the first day of menstrual bleeding ◦ during the first 7 days of the cycle a few follicles start to grow ◦ these maturing follicles secrete estrogen hormone into the blood stream to prepare the lining of the uterus for prgnancy

around day 7 ◦ all of the follicles stop growing and begin to degenerate ▪ except for one!!

this dominant follicle continues to grow

nourishing the developing egg inside it

around day 12 ◦ the follicle secretes a surge of estrogen into the blood stream ▪ when the estrogen reaches the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland in the brain... ▪ the anterior or front part of the pituitary gland floods the blood stream with Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

around day 14 ◦ LH causes the follicle to undergo a sudden growth spurt ◦ right before ovulation, the egg detaches from inside of the follicle ◦ this now bulging follicle releases chemicals ▪ signaling one of the two fallopian tubes to move in closer and envelope the follicle ◦ the follicle swells until – IT BURST OPEN ▪ ejecting the ovum and fluid from the follicle into the abdominal cavity ▪ in response, the fimbriae (tiny finger-like projections at the end of fallopian tubes) sweep across the ovulation site and pick up the ovum

microscopic cilia on the fimbrial surface guide the ovum to the entrance of the fallopian tube

muscular contractions along the wall of the fallopian tube gently propel the ovum toward the uterus

the ovum lives for 12-24 hours (the interval when fertilization can occur) ◦ if fertilization does not occur: ▪ the ovum will disintegrate ▪ will be shed along with the uterine lining during menstruation ▪ marking the end of one reproductive cycle and the beginning of another. FERTILIZATION VIDEO NOTES

during sexual intercourse ◦ about 300 million sperm enter the vagina ◦ soon afterward millions of them will either flow out of the vagina or die in its acidic environment ◦ however, many survive because of the protective elements provided in the fluid surrounding them

next the sperm must pass through the cervix and opening into the uterus ◦ usually the cervix remains tightly closed, but during the time a woman ovulates it is open for a few days

the sperm swim through the cervical mucus ◦ which is thinned to a more watery consistency for easier passage

once inside the cervix ◦ the sperm continue swimming toward the uterus ▪ though millions will die trying to make it through the mucus ▪ some sperm remain behind caught in the folds of the cervix, but they may later continue the journey as a backup to the first group

inside the uterus ◦ muscular uterine contractions assist the sperm on their journey toward the egg ◦ however, resident cells from the women’s immune system mistaking the sperm for foreign invaders, destroy thousands more

next half the sperm head for the empty fallopian tube while the other half swim toward the tube containing the unfertilized egg ◦ now only a few thousand remain

inside the fallopian tube, ◦ tiny cilia pushed the egg toward the uterus ◦ to continue the sperm must surge against this motion to reach the egg ▪ some sperm get trapped in the cilia and die ◦ during this part of the journey chemicals in the reproductive tract cause the membranes covering the heads of the sperm to change ▪

as a result the sperm become hyperactive

▪ swimming harder and faster toward their destination ◦ the sperm has now reached the egg ▪ only a few dozen of the original 300 million sperm remain •

the egg is covered with a layer of cells called the corona radiata ◦ the sperm must push through this layer to reach the outer layer of the egg – the zona pellucida

when sperm reach the zona pellucida, ◦ they attach to specialized sperm receptors on the surface ▪ which triggers their acrosomes to release digestive enzymes •

enabling the sperm to burrow into the layer

inside the zona pellucida is a narrow fluid filled space just outside the egg cell membrane ◦ the first sperm to make contact will fertilize the egg

after a perilous journey and against incredible odds – a single sperm attaches to the egg cell membrane ◦ within a few minutes their outer membranes fuse and the egg pulls the sperm inside ◦ this event causes changes in the egg membrane ▪ preventing other sperm from attaching to the egg

next the egg releases chemicals ◦ that push other sperm away from the egg ◦ create an impenetrable fertilization membrane ◦ as the chemical reaction spreads outward, the zona pellucida hardens ▪ trapping any sperm unlucky enough to be caught inside ▪ outside the egg, sperm are no longer able to attach to the zona pellucida


tightly packed male genetic material spreads out ◦ a new membrane forms around the genetic material creating the male pronucleus ◦ inside the genetic material reforms into 23 chromosomes

the female genetic material awakened by the fusion of the sperm with the egg finishes dividing ◦ resulting in the female pronucleus – also contains 23 chromosomes

as the male and female pronuclei form ◦ spider web-like threads (microtubules) pull them toward each other ◦ the two sets of chromosomes joined together ▪ completing the process of fertilization •

at this moment unique genetic code arises instantly determining ◦ gender, ◦ hair color, ◦ eye color, ◦ hundreds of other characteristics

this new single cell – zygote – is the beginning of a new human being ◦ and now the cilia and the fallopian tube gently sweep the zygote toward the uterus ▪ where the zygote will implant in the richer uterine lining ▪ growing and maturing for the next nine months until birth...

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