CM-handouts - Clinical Microscopy PDF

Title CM-handouts - Clinical Microscopy
Course Medical Technology
Institution Centro Escolar University
Pages 32
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ANALYSIS OF URINE,OTHER BODY FLUIDS,AND MISCELLANEOUSSPECIMENSRoderick D. Balce####### CLINICALMICROSCOPYCentro Escolar UniversityMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY11 .. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo UUrriinnaallyyssiissA. History#######  Urinalysis – marked the beginning of laboratory medicine; included observati...




Centro Escolar University MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY

CONTENT 1. Introduction to Urinalysis 2. Quality Assurance 3. Physical Examination of Urine 4. Chemical Examination of Urine 5. Microscopic Examination of Urine 6. Urinalysis Automation 7. Renal Structure, Functions, and Diseases 8. Renal Calculi 9. Urine Screening Tests

2 4 6 7 10 12 13 16 17

10. Pregnancy Tests 11. Cerebrospinal Fluid 12. Semen 13. Synovial Fluid 14. Serous Fluids 15. Amniotic Fluid 16. Feces 17. Sputum and BAL 18. Gastric Fluid

19 20 22 24 26 28 29 30 31

1. Introduction to Urinalysis A. History  Urinalysis – marked the beginning of laboratory medicine; included observations of color, turbidity, odor, volume, viscosity, and even sweetness

 5th century BC – Hippocrates wrote a book on uroscopy  1140 AD – color charts were developed that described the significance of 20 different colors  1627 – Thomas Bryant wrote a book about charlatans (pisse prophets) which inspired the passing of the first medical licensure law in England

 1694 – Frederik Dekkers’ discovered albuminuria by boiling urine  17th century – microscope was invented which led to the examination of urinary sediment and to the development by Thomas Addis of methods for quantitating the microscopic sediment

 1827 – Richard Bright introduced the concept of urinalysis as part of routine patient examination

B. Utilities of Analysis 1. To aid in the diagnosis of diseases 2. To screen asymptomatic populations for undetected disorders 3. To monitor the progress of disease and the effectiveness of therapy

C. Specimen Considerations 1. Composition of Urine: 95% water, 5% analytes a. Organic components – urea, creatinine, uric acid, ammonia, undetermined nitrogen, others + + 2+ b. Inorganic components – Cl , Na , K , P, Ca , phosphates, sulfates 2. Types of Urine Specimen/ Collection Techniques a. First morning – routine screening, pregnancy test, detection of orthostatic proteinuria b. Random – routine screening c. 24-hour – quantitative chemical tests, hormone studies d. 12-hour – Addis count e. Afternoon specimen (2-4 pm) – urobilinogen determination f. Fasting/Second morning – diabetic screening/monitoring g. 2-h Postprandial – diabetic monitoring h. Glucose Tolerance – accompaniment to blood samples in GTT i. Drug testing specimen – collection requires stringent protocols (COC); temperature should be within 32.5- 37.7ºC; blueing agent added to the toilet water reservoir in unwitnessed collection j. Midstream clean-catch – routine screening, bacterial culture k. Catheterization – bacterial culture l. Suprapubic aspiration – bacterial culture, cytology m. Three-glass collection – diagnosis of prostatic infection 2



Roderick D. Balce, RMT

3. Specimen Preservation a. Methods of Preservation Preservatives Refrigeration Phenol Toluene Thymol Formalin Sodium fluoride Boric acid Saccomanno Fixative

Comments Prevents bacterial growth for at least 24 hours; preserves organized sediments; maintains an acid pH up to about 8 hours; and does not interfere with chemical tests Precipitates amorphous materials increasing the specific gravity Does not interfere with routine tests; causes an odor change Does not interfere with routine tests; floats on surface of specimens and clings to pipettes and testing materials Preserves glucose and sediments well; interferes with acid precipitation tests for protein Excellent sediment preservative; acts as a reducing agent, interfering with chemical tests for glucose, blood, LE, and copper reduction Prevents glycolysis; is a good preservative for drug analyses; inhibits reagent strip tests for glucose, blood, and leukocytes Preserves protein and formed elements well; does not interfere with routine analyses other than pH; interferes with drug and hormone analyses Preserves cellular elements; for cytology studies

b. Changes in Unpreserved Urine Parameter Color Odor pH Nitrite Bacteria Clarity Glucose Ketones Bilirubin Urobilinogen Cells and casts

Change Modified/ darkened Increased


Cause Oxidation or reduction of metabolites Bacterial multiplication or breakdown of urea to ammonia Bacterial breakdown of urea to ammonia/ loss of CO2 Multiplication of nitrate-reducing bacteria Multiplication Bacterial growth and precipitation of amorphous material Glycolysis and bacterial use Volatilization and bacterial metabolism Photooxidation to biliverdin Oxidation to urobilin Disintegration in dilute alkaline urine

4. Urine Volume (24-hour) a. Average daily output: 1,200-1,500 mL b. Variations 1) Polyuria – abnormal increase in urine output  Clinical significance: diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus 2) Oliguria – abnormal decrease in urine output  Clinical significance: dehydration, renal insufficiency, poorly compensated heart disease, calculi formation, kidney tumors 3) Anuria/Anuresis – total suppression of urine production  Clinical significance: severe acute nephritis, Hg poisoning, obstructive uropathy, kidney failure 4) Nocturia – excretion of more than 500 mL urine at night 5) Diuresis – transitory increase in urine volume




Roderick D. Balce, RMT

2. Quality Assurance A. Pre-analytical Aspects of Quality Assurance 1. Specimen Collection a. Appropriate specimen container (capacity, need for a sterile or opaque container) b. Minimum labeling requirements (patient’s name, date and time of collection) c. Specimen type and volume required for each test 2. Specimen Receipt or Rejection Criteria for Specimen Rejection  Unlabeled or mislabeled containers  Request form incomplete or lacking  Nonmatching labels and requisition forms  Visibly contaminated specimens (feces or toilet paper)

    

Containers with contaminated exteriors Inappropriate specimen type Specimens of insufficient quantity Improperly transported specimens Incorrect urine preservative

3. Specimen Processing  Immediate processing (within 2 hours for routine UA) to improve specimen TAT and prevent changes in specimen integrity  For timed specimens: adequate mixing, volume measurement, aliquoting

B. Analytical Aspects of Quality Assurance 1. Reagents  Deionized water for reagent preparation: check pH and purity every week and bacterial count every month  Reagent strips: store in opaque container with dessicant at room temperature; check with positive and negative controls every 24 hours (+ control: ± 1 color block, - control: water not acceptable) 2. Equipment Routine performance checks, calibration, and preventive maintenance schedules Equipment Centrifuges

Frequency Daily or weekly Every 3 months Microscopes Daily Annually Reagent strip Daily readers Daily or periodically Refractometers Every shift or daily

Checks performed Clean rotor, trunnions, and interior with suitable disinfectant. Check speed and timer. Clean and adjust if necessary (e.g. Kohler illumination, phase ring) Preventive maintenance and cleaning. Calibrate reflectance meter with standard reagent strip. Clean mechanical parts and optics. Calibrate with distilled water (1.000) and at least one standard of known SG e.g. 3% NaCl (1.015), 5% NaCl (1.022), 7% NaCl (1.035), or 9% sucrose (1.034). Acceptable tolerance: target ± 0.001

3. Microscopy Guidelines for Standardizing Microscopic Examination of Urine Sediment a. Volume of urine examined 10, 12, or 15 mL b. Speed of centrifugation 400 g c. Length of centrifugation 5 minutes d. Sediment preparation 0.5 or 1 mL left after decantation 20 µL or 0.02 mL e. Volume of sediment examined f. Sediment examination At least 10 LPFs and 10 HPFs 4



Roderick D. Balce, RMT

4. Quality Control a. Internal QC  Two levels of commercial controls must be run and recorded at the beginning of each shift and if reagents are changed, an instrument malfunction has occurred, or if test results are questionable  QC data must be retained for 2 years and should be reviewed daily and monthly to detect errors. b. External QC/Proficiency testing  Analysis of lyophilized or ready-to-use specimens sent by a regulatory agency

C. Post-analytical Aspects of Quality Assurance 1. Critical or Panic Values  Pathologic urine crystals, strongly positive test for glucose and ketones, presence of a reducing substance other than glucose and ascorbic acid in an infant’s urine 2. Reporting and Interpretation of Results  Reporting format must be standardized and reference values must be included in the results form Sample standardized urine microscopic reporting format Quantitate an average of 10 fields both under low and high power. Do not quantitate budding yeast, mycelial elements, trichomonas, mucus threads, or sperm, but do note their presence. Epithelial cells: Rare (0–5), Few (5–20), Moderate (20–100), Many (>100) per LPF Casts: 0–2, 2–5, 5–10, >10 per LPF RBCs: 0–2, 2–5, 5–10, 10–25, 25–50, 50–100, >100 per HPF WBCs:0–2, 2–5, 5–10, 10–25, 25–50, 50–100, >100 per HPF Crystals: Rare (0–2), Few (2–5), Moderate (5–20), Many (>20) per LPF or HPF Bacteria: Rare (0–10), Few (10–50), Moderate (50–200), Many (>200) per HPF

D. Approaches to Quality Management 1. Total Quality Management  focuses on teams, processes, statistics, and services that meet or exceed customer expectations  strives to continually look for ways to reduce errors (defect prevention) by empowering employees to assist in solving problems and understand their integral role within the system (universal responsibility) 2. Continuous Quality Improvement  strives to continually improve practices and not just meet established quality standards  patients are the ultimate customers of CQI but also include health-care providers, personnel in other departments, and the patient’s family and friends 3. Six Sigma  hands-on process with the single mantra of improvement (improved performance, improved quality, improved customer and employee satisfaction)  based on statistics and quantitative measurements which involve the determination of the number of defects per million opportunities (DPMO) and the reduction of the same to near zero




Roderick D. Balce, RMT

3. Physical Examination of Urine A. Color 1. Normal – varies from almost colorless, straw or light yellow to dark yellow, yellow-orange, or amber 2. Variations a. Colorless/pale yellow – recent fluid consumption, polyuria, DM, DI b. Amber/ orange – bilirubin, acriflavine, phenazopyridine, nitrofurantoin, phenindione c. Yellow-green – oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin d. Blue/green – Pseudomonas infection, amitriptyline, methocarbamol, clorets, indican, methylene blue e. Pink/red – intact RBCs, hemoglobin, myoglobin, porphyrins, beets, menstrual contamination f. Brown/black – methemoglobin, homogentisic acid, melanin, argyrol, methyldopa, levodopa, metronidazole

B. Odor 1. Normal – faint aromatic due to volatile acids; becomes ammoniacal as the specimen stands 2. Variations a. Ammoniacal (freshly voided) – UTI g. Mousy – PKU b. Rancid – tyrosinuria h. Sweaty feet – isovaleric acidemia c. Maple syrup/ caramel-like – MSUD i. Rotting fish – trimethyl aminuria d. Sulfur odor – cystine disorders j. Fecaloid – recto-vesicular fistula e. Fruity/ sweet – diabetes ketoacidosis k. Cabbage/ hops – methionine malabsorption f. Mercaptan – asparagus, garlic, and eggs l. Bleach – contamination

C. Transparency 1. Normal: 2. Variations:

Clear – no visible particulates, transparent Hazy – few particulates, print easily seen through urine Cloudy – many particulates, print blurred through urine Turbid – print cannot be seen through urine Milky – may precipitate or be clotted

D. Specific Gravity 1. Normal Values: depend on the patient’s degree of hydration 2. Methods a. Urinometry 1) Urinometer/Hydrometer - weighted float that is designed to sink to a level of 1.000 in distilled water; calibrated at 20°C; less accurate than other methods; requires large volume of urine 2) Corrections  Temperature – for every 3°C that the urine temperature is above or below the calibration temperature, 0.001 is respectively added to or subtracted from the reading  Protein – subtract 0.003 for every g/dL; Glucose – subtract 0.004 for every g/dL b. Refractometry 1) Refractometer/ TS meter - measures refractive index; compensated between 15°C and 38°C 2) Corrections: protein and glucose only; temperature correction not done c. Harmonic Oscillation Densitometry 1) Mass gravity meter – used by Yellow IRIS automated workstations to measure specific gravity 2) Principle: Sound waves of specific frequency are generated at one end of the tube and as the sound waves oscillate through urine, their frequency is altered by the density of the specimen.




Roderick D. Balce, RMT

4. Chemical Examination of Urine A. Summary of Chemical Tests Parameter (Normal values) 1. Specific Gravity

Clinical significance

Additional comments

1. Monitoring patient’s hydration. 2. Detection of loss of renal concentrating ability 3. Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus 4. Determination of unsatisfactory specimens due to low concentration 2. pH 1. Respiratory or metabolic acidosis/ alkalosis 2. Renal tubular acidosis (Average, 6.0; 3. Renal calculi formation random, 4.54. Treatment of UTI 8.0; fasting, 5. Precipitation/ identification of crystals 5.5-6.5) 6. Determination of unsatisfactory specimen 3. Protein Degrees of proteinuria: a. Mild – < 1.0 g/day (...

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