CNHP 2010 Chapter 3 - Musculosketetal System PDF

Title CNHP 2010 Chapter 3 - Musculosketetal System
Author Vienna Malik
Course Med Terminology For Healthcare
Institution Georgia State University
Pages 11
File Size 76.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 40
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Musculosketetal System (definitions and abbreviations for Chapter 3)....


Chapter 3 - Musculoskeletal System                                        

Ankyl/o - crooked or stif Arthr/o - joint Articul/o - joint Brachi/o - arm Cervic/o - neck Chondr/o - cartilage (gristle) Cost/o - rib Crani/o - skull Dactyl/o - digit (finger or toe) Fasci/o - fascia (a band) Femor/o - femur Fibr/o - fiber Kyph/o - humpback Lei/o - smooth Lord/o - bent Lumb/o - loins (lower back) Muscul/o - muscle My/o - muscle Myel/o - bone marrow, spinal cord Myos/o - muscle Oste/o - bone Patell/o - knee cap Pelv/i - pelvis (basin) or hip bone Radi/o - radius Rhabd/o - rod-shaped or striated (skeletal) Sarc/o - flesh Scoli/o - twisted Spondyl/o - vertebra Stern/o - sternum (breastbone) Ten/o - tendon (to stretch) Tend/o - tendon (to stretch) Tendin/o - tendon (to stretch) Thorac/o - chest Ton/o - tone or tension Uln/o - ulna Vertebr/o - vertebra Appendicular skeleton - bones of the shoulder girdle, pelvis and limbs (arms and legs) Axial skeleton - bones of the skull, vertebral column, chest and hyoid bone Bone - specialized connective tissue composed of osteocytes (bone cells); forms the skeleton Compact bone - tightly solid bone tissue that forms the exterior of bones

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Spongy bone - mesh-like bone tissue found in the interior of bones, and surrounding the medullary cavity Cancellous bone - mesh-like bone tissue found in the interior of bones, and surrounding the medullary cavity Long bones - elongated bones of the arms and legs Short bones - square-shaped bones of the wrists and ankles Flat bones - thin, flattened bones of the ribs, shoulder blades (scapulae), pelvis and skull Irregular bones - bones of the vertebrae and face Sesamoid bones - round bones found near joints (e.g., the patella) Epiphysis - wide ends of a long bone (physis = growth) Diaphysis - shaft of a long bone Metaphysis - growth zone between the epiphysis and the diaphysis during development of a long bone Endosteum - membrane lining the medullary cavity of a bone Medullary cavity - cavity within the shaft of the long bones filled with bone marrow Bone marrow - soft connective tissue within the medullary cavity of bones Red bone marrow - functions to form red blood cells, some white blood cells, and platelets; found in the cavities of most bones in infants and in the flat bones in adults Yellow bone marrow - gradually replaces red bone marrow in adult bones; functions as storage for fat tissue and is inactive in the formation of blood cells Periosteum - a fibrous, vascular membrane that covers the bone Articular cartilage - a gristle-like substance on bones where they articulate Articulation - the point where two bones come together; also called joint Joint - the point where two bones come together; also called articulation Bursa - a fibrous sac between certain tendons and bones that is lined with a synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid Intervertebral discs - a flat, plate like structure composed of an outer fibrous part (annulus fibrosus) that surrounds a central gelatinous mass (nucleus pulpous) between the vertebrae that reduces friction Annulus fibrosus - ring of fibrocartilage and fibrous tissue forming the circumference of the intervertebral disk; surrounds the nucleus pulposus Nucleus pulposus - the soft, fibrocartilaginous, central portion of intervertebral disk Ligament - a flexible band of fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone Joint capsule - sac enclosing the articulating ends of bones forming a synovial joint Synovial membrane - membrane lining the capsule of a joint Synovial fluid - joint-lubricating fluid secreted by the synovial membrane Muscle - tissue composed of fibers that can contract, causing movement of an organ or part of the body Striated muscle - voluntary muscle attached to the skeleton; also called striated muscle Skeletal muscle - voluntary muscle attached to the skeleton; also called striated muscle Smooth muscle - involuntary muscle found in internal organs Cardiac muscle - muscle of the heart Origin of a muscle - muscle end attached to the bone that does not move when the muscle contracts

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Insertion of a muscle - muscle end attached to the bone that moves when the muscle contracts Tendon - a band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone Fascia - a band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscle Anatomic position - to stand upright, facing forward, feet pointed forward and slightly apart. Arms and palms are facing forward. Anatomical position (also known as anatomic position) - standing upright, facing forward, feet pointed forward, and slightly apart, with arms at the side and palms facing forward Body planes - reference planes for indicating the location or direction of body parts Frontal plane (also known as coronal plane) - a vertical plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions. Coronal plane (also known as frontal plane) - a vertical plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions. Sagittal plane - vertical division of the body into right and left portions Transverse plane - horizontal division of the body into upper and lower portions. Also known as horizontal plane Anterior - front of the body. Also known as ventral Ventral - front of the body Posterior - back of the body. Also known as dorsal Dorsal - back of the body Anterior-posterior(ap) - from front to back, as in reference to the direction of an x-ray beam Posterior-anterior (pa) - from back to front, as in reference to the direction of an x-ray beam Superior - situated above or directed upward (toward the head) also known as cephalic Cephalic - situated above another structure, toward the head Inferior - situated below or directed downward (away from the head) Caudal - situated below another structure, away from head. Also known as interior Proximal - toward the beginning or origin of a structure Distal - away from the beginning or origin of a structure Medial - toward the middle (midline) Lateral - toward the side Axis - the imaginary line that runs through the center of the body or a body part Erect - normal standing position Decubitus - lying down, especially in bed Prone - lying face down and flat Recumbent - lying down Supine - horizontal recumbent; lying flat on the back ("on the spine") Flexion - bending at the joint so that the angle between the bones is decreased Extension - straightening at the joint so that the angle between the bones is increased Abduction - movement away from the body Adduction - movement toward the body

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Rotation - circular movement around an axis Eversion - turning outward, i.e., of a foot Inversion - turning inward, i.e., of a foot Pronantion - turning of the palmar surface (palm of the hand) or plantar surface (sole of the foot) downward or backward Supination - turning of the the palmar surface (palm of the hand) or plantar surface (sole of the foot) upward or forward Dorsiflexion - bending of the foot or the toes upward Plantar flexion - bending of the sole of the foot by curling the toes toward the ground Range of motion (rom) - total motion possible in a joint, described by the terms related to body movements (i.e., ability to flex, extend, abduct, or adduct); measured in degrees Goniometer - instrument used to measure joint angles Arthralgia - joint pain Atrophy - shrinking of muscle size Crepitation - grating sound sometimes made by the movement of a joint or by broken bones (also called crepitus) Exostosis - a projection arising from a bone that develops from cartilage Flaccid - flabby, relaxed, or having defective or absent muscle tone Hypertrophy - increase in the size of tissue like muscle Hypotonia - reduced muscle tone or tension Myalgia - muscle pain. Also called myodynia Myodynia - muscle pain; also called myalgia Osteodynia - bone pain. Also called ostealgia Ostealgia - bone pain. Also called osteodynia Rigor - stifness; stif muscle. Also called rigidity Rigidity - stifness; stif muscle Also called rigor Spasm - drawing in; involuntary contraction of muscle Spastic - uncontrolled contractions of skeletal muscles, causing stif and awkward movements (resembles spasm) Tetany - tension; prolonged, continuous muscle contraction Tremor - shaking; rhythmic muscular movement Ankylosis - stif joint condition Arthritis - inflammation of the joints characterized by pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and limitation of motion; there are more than 100 diferent types of arthritis Osteoarthritis (oa) - most common form of arthritis and most associated with aging (wear-and-tear arthritis) Also called degenerative arthritis and degenerative joint disease (djd). Degenerative arthritis - most common form of arthritis, especially afecting the weightbearing joints (e.g., knee or hip), characterized by the erosion of articular cartilage. Also called osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease (djd) Rheumatoid arthritis (ra) - most crippling for of arthritis. Characterized by chronic, systemic inflammation most often afecting joints and synovial membranes causing ankylosis and deformity

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Gouty arthritis - acute attacks of arthritis, usually in a single joint (especially the great toe), caused by hyperuricemia (an excessive level of uric acid in the blood) Bony necrosis (also called sequestrum) - bone tissue that has died from loss of blood supply, such as can occur after a fracture Sequestrum - bone tissue that has died from loss of blood supply, such as can occur after a fracture Bunion - abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe caused by inflammation of the bursa Bursitis - inflammation of a bursa Chrondromalacia - softening of cartilage Degenerative joint disease - characterized by the wearing away of the articular cartilage within the joints Epiphysitis - inflammation of the epiphyseal regions of the long bone Fracture (fx) - broken or cracked bone Closed fracture - broken bone with no open wound; also called simple fracture Open fracture - compound fracture; broken bone with an open wound; also called compound fracture Fracture line - the line of the break in a broken bone (eg., oblique, spiral, or transverse) Comminuted fracture - bone shattered into many small pieces Sprial fracture - bone break in which the fracture line is helical, usually resulting from a twisting injury Transverse fracture - bone break in which the fracture line forms a right angle with the longitudinal axis of the bone Greenstick fracture - bending and incomplete break of bone; most often seen in children Herniated disk - protrusion of a degenerated or fragmented intervertebral disk so that the nucleus pulposus protrudes, causing compression on the nerve root Myeloma - bone marrow tumor Mytositis - inflammation of muscle Myoma - muscle tumor Leiomyoma - smooth muscle tumor Leiomyosarcoma - malignant smooth muscle tumor Rhabdomyoma - skeletal muscle tumor Rhabdomyosarcoma - malignant skeletal muscle tumor Muscular dystrophy - a category of genetically transmitted diseases characterized by progressive atrophy of skeletal muscles; duchenne type is most common Osteoma - bone tumor Osteosarcoma - type of malignant bone tumor Osteomalacia - disease marked by softening of the bone caused by calcium and vitamin d deficiency Rickets - osteomalacia in children; causes bone deformity Osteomyelitis - infection of the bone marrow, causing inflammation Osteoporosis - condition of decreased bone density and increased porosity, causing bones to become brittle and to fracture more easily (porosis= passage)

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Spinal curvatures - curvatures of the spine (backbone) or spinal column (vertebral column) Kyphosis - anteriorly concave curvature of the thoracic spine (humped-back condition) Lordosis - anterior convex curvature of the lumbar spine (sway-back condition) Scoliosis - abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (s-shaped curve) Spondylolisthesis - forward slipping of a lumbar vertebra (listhesis = slipping) Spondylosis - stif, immobile condition of vertebrae caused by joint degeneration Sprain - injury of a ligament caused by joint trauma but without joint dislocation or fracture Subluxation - partial dislocation (luxation = dislocation) Tendinitis - inflammation of a tendon; also called tendonitis. Tendonitis - inflammation of a tendon; also called tendinitis Electromyogram (emg) - a neurodiagnostic, graphic record of the electrical activity of muscle both at rest and during contraction; used to diagnose neuromusculoskeletal disorders (e.g., muscular dystrophy); usually performed by a neurologist Magnetic resonance imaging (mri) - non-ionizing (no x-ray) imaging technique using magnetic fields and radio-frequency waves to visualize anatomic structures; useful in orthopedic studies to detect joint, tendon, and vertebral disc disorders Nuclear medicine imaging - an ionizing imaging technique using radioactive isotopes Radionuclide organ imaging - an ionizing imaging technique using radioactive isotopes Bone scan - a nuclear scan (radionuclide image) of bone tissue to detect a tumor or malignancy Radiography - an imaging modality using x-rays (ionizing radiation); commonly used in orthopedics to visualize the extremities, ribs, back, shoulders, and joints Arthogram - a radiograph of a joint taken after the injection of a contrast medium Computed tomography (ct) - a specialized x-ray procedure producing a series of crosssectional images that are processed by a computer into a two-dimensional or threedimensional image; also called computed axial tomography (cat) Computed axial tomography (cat) - a specialized x-ray procedure producing a series of cross-sectional images that are processed by a computer into a two-dimensional or three-dimensional image; also called computed tomography (ct) Sonography - ultrasound imaging; a nonionizing technique that is useful in orthopedics to visualize muscles, ligaments, displacements, and dislocations or to guide a therapeutic intervention, such as that performed during arthroscopy Amputation - partial or complete removal of a limb (aka, above-knee amputation; bka, below-knee amputation) Arthrocentesis - puncture for aspiration of a joint Arthrodesis - binding or fusing of joint surfaces Arthroplasty - repair or reconstruction of a joint Arthroscopy - procedure using an arthroscope to examine, diagnose, and repair a joint from within Bone grafting - transplantation of a piece of bone from one site to another to repair a skeletal defect Bursectomy - excision of a bursa

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Myoplasty - repair of muscle Open reduction internal fixation (orif) of a fracture - internal surgical repair of a fracture by bringing bones back into alignment and fixing them in place with devices such as plates, screws, and pins Osteoplasty - repair of bone Osteotomy - an incision into a bone Spondylosyndesis - spinal fusion Tenotomy - division of a tendon by incision to repair a deformity caused by shortening of a muscle Closed reduction, external fixation of a fracture - external manipulation of a fracture to regain alignment along with application of an external device to protect and hold the bone in place while healing Casting - use of a stif, solid dressing around a limb or other body part to immobilize it during healing Splinting - use of a rigid device to immobilize or restrain a broken bone or injured body part; provides less support than a cast, but can be adjusted more easily to accommodate swelling from an injury Traction (tx) - application of a pulling force to a fractured bone or dislocated joint to maintain proper position during healing Closed reduction, percutaneous fixation of a fracture - external manipulation of a fracture to a regain alignment, followed by insertion of one or more pins through the skin to maintain position; often includes use of an external device called a fixator to keep the fracture immobilized during healing Orthosis - use of an orthopedic appliance to maintain a bone's position or to provide limb support (e.g., back, knee, or wrist) Physical therapy (pt) - treatment to rehabilitate patients disabled by illness or injury; involves many diferent modalities (methods), such as exercise, hydrotherapy, diathermy, and ultrasound Prosthesis - an artificial replacement for a missing body part or a device used to improve a body function, such as an artificial limb, hip, or joint Analgesic - a drug that relieves pain Narcotic - a potent analgesic with addictive properties Anti-inflammatory - a drug that reduces inflammation Antipyretic - a drug that relieves fever Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) - a group of drugs with analgesic, antiinflammatory, and antipyretic properties (e.g., ibuprofen, aspirin) commonly used to treat arthritis A - anterior AKA - above knee amputation AP - anterior-posterior BKA - below knee amputation BP - blood pressure CAT - computed axial tomography CC - chief complaint

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CT - computed tomography DJD - degenerative joint disease EMG - electromyogram Fx - fracture HPI - history of present illness Hx - history IMP - impression L&W - living and well MRI - magnetic resonance imaging NAD - no acute distress NKDA - no known drug allergy NSAID - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug OA - osteoarthritis ORIF - open reduction, internal fixation P - posterior or pulse PA - posterior-anterior PE - physical examination PMH - past medical history PT - physical therapy R - respirations RA - rheumatoid arthritis ROM - range of motion ROS - review of systems SH - social history T - temperature Tx - traction VS - vital signs Crepitus - grating sound sometimes made by the movement of a joint or broken bones (also called crepitation) Complex fracture - displaced fracture that requires manipulate on or surgery to repair

Musculoskeletal System Overview •Skeletal system— •Consists of bones, ligaments, and cartilages that make up body framework •Appendicular skeleton Bones of the limbs, pectoral girdles, and pelvic girdles •Axial skeleton Bones of the skull, thorax (chest), hyoid bone, and vertebral column Musculoskeletal System Overview --The skeleton: •Supports and shapes the body

•Protects tissues and organs •Stores calcium, phosphorus, and lipids •Produces certain blood cells within the red bone marrow --Muscular system •Includes all muscles in the body •Made up of three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac --The skeletal muscles •Produce body movement •Maintain posture and body position •Support soft tissues •Maintain body heat Combining Forms for the Musculoskeletal System •ankyl/o crooked or stif •arthr/o, articul/o joint •brachi/o arm •cervic/o neck •chondr/o cartilage (gristle) •cost/o rib •crani/o skull •dactyl/o digit (finger or toe) •fasci/o fascia (a band) •femor/o femur •fibr/o fiber •kyph/o humped-back •lei/o smooth •lord/o bent •lumb/o loin (lower back) •muscul/o, my/o, myos/o muscle •myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord •oste/o bone •patell/o knee cap •pelv/i pelvis (basin) or hip bone •radi/o radius •rhabd/o rod-shaped or striated (skeletal) •sarc/o flesh •scoli/o twisted •spondyl/o, vertebr/o vertebra •stern/o sternum (breastbone) •ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o tendon (to stretch) •thorac/o chest •ton/o tone or tension •uln/o ulna •vertebr/o vertebra

Anatomic Terms Related to Bones •Appendicular skeleton—bones of the shoulder girdle, pelvis, and limbs (arms and legs) •Axial skeleton—bones of the skull, vertebral column, chest (thorax), and hyoid bone •Bone—specialized connective tissue composed of osteocytes Types of Bone Tissue •Compact bone—tightly solid bone tissue that forms the exterior of bones •Spongy bone—mesh-like bone tissue found in the interior...

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