Cold War Study Guide PDF

Title Cold War Study Guide
Author Jake Harris
Course Canadian History
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 6
File Size 70.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Cold War Study Guide The Cold War:      

45 years long Conflict defined by ideology, militarism and alliances Whole world involved Tensions were high as the USA did not let Stalin know about the atomic bomb When spy ring in Ottawa broke it turned out they knew This leads to increased tensions

Main combatants:  

U.S.A. Soviet Union

Cold versus hot wars:  

Cold wars: never go directly into battle against each other-Proxy war Hot wars: battles fought, often fought in decolonizing places and it was capitalism vs communism.

Democratic Capitalism:  

Free society where the government represents the peoples wishes The economy is largely controlled by private industry

Totalitarian communism:  

Economy is completely controlled by the government Individual rights are restricted and government rules in the people’s interests

Arms race:    

At the end of WW2, the USA was the only power to control the atomic bomb The soviets feared an American monopoly Both sides were racing for the largest nuclear arsenal First soviet bomb detonated in 1949

Deterrence:  

No one will attack me for the fear of retribution WMD’s being built to prevent war to scare opponent into not attacking as the world would be destroyed

MAD:   

Mutually assured destruction If I attack my enemy, I will die Prevented the cold war from being a hot war 1

Bipolar world:    

The Soviet Union did not take troops home after WW2 Forced communist governments in weakened countries Wanted a communist buffer zone that spanned eastern Europe Communist nations were called satellites

Division of Germany:  

West Germany was controlled by the USA, Great Britain and France East Germany was controlled by Russia

Truman doctrine:    

Protect western Europe American policy of containing communism and spreading capitalism Marshall doctrine was a part of this The Marshall doctrine would give money to help governments and countries turn capitalist

NATO:       

North Atlantic treaty organization Capitalist countries from western Europe, USA and Canada come together to create a military alliance and collaborative defence Member states would aid each other in the case of an external attack Was supposed to be temporary to stop the spread of communism The bomb was the center of NATO Formed out of the fear of a soviet takeover 1949

Warsaw Pact:  

Soviet Union and eastern European countries 1955

Iron curtain:    

Metaphor used by Winston Churchill in a speech in the USA Symbolized the divide in Europe Warned of Soviet growing influence 1946

When was Germany divided: 


The Berlin blockade: 

1948-49 2

 

Soviets cut off supplies to west Berlin excepts aerial routes British and Americans airdrop supplies into West Germany

What event started the beginning of the arms race: 

Soviet atomic tests in 1949

What other significant event increased tensions:   

Communist revolution in China in 1949 UN security council can now do nothing Soviets gain a powerful ally

The Korean war:         

First hot war of the cold war Communist north invades capitalist south Korea had been divided since WW2 The UN security council votes to go as the Soviets boycotted the UN and China was still not a recognized country The first UN war It was also a proxy war After three years of fighting no victory Armistice agreed upon but no treaty ever signed 1950-53

The hydrogen bomb:   

Used fusion More powerful Atomic Bomb wrapped in atomic bombs

Vietnam war:            

Communist north fights capitalist south for control America sends support in 1961 It is a war of attrition and a proxy war UN said no USA wanted Canadian support but Canada said no The fear was if Vietnam went communist, the rest of Asia would follow Second hot war As the war went on, USA used chemical weapons such as napalm and agent orange. When the horrors of the war reach the public back home, opinion begins to shift and there are demonstrations and protests There were 30000 draft dodgers from the United States that fled to Canada to avoid the draft and when the USA asked for them back Canada said no USA went in alone 5 million fatalities as Vietnamese civilians sided with the north 3

  

America loses credibility and public support forcing them to drop out Vietnam goes communist 1955-1975

UN peacekeeping:       

1956 Foreign affairs minister Lester B Pearson suggest a united nations force to keep the peace at the Suez Canal between a standoff between NATO and the Warsaw Pact Gives UN security council something to do Idea is adopted and soldiers are sent to keep the peace The three rules are: only middle powers; can only fie if fired upon; go in after crisis is resolved This showed Canadas independence and influence among the worlds powers while showing we are not the untied States and we want peace During the Suez Canal crises, the USA and the Soviet Union de escalate the tensions not wanting to end the world

Space Race:      

57-75 Arms race spread to outer space, USA vs Russia Russia launches first satellite, Sputnik, America now needs a satellite Satellites allowed for long range guided missiles USA wins space race when they land Neil Armstrong on the moon Also tried to build space stations

Berlin wall:    

1961 Physical barrier around west berlin Soviets built the wall to keep people from fleeing into East Germany Physical symbol of division

NORAD:   

North American Aerospace Defense Command USA wanted to defend airspace The chief commander of NORAD is an American general again showing how Canada was viewed as second class

Dew lines:   

Distant early warning USA wanted to construct a series of radar stations across the Canadian north to warn of a soviet attack USA funded


Avro Arrow:       

Canada was going to produce a supersonic jet interceptor The most advanced plane in the world Was going to sell them to the United States Manufactured in Malton Ontario Sputnik made it obsolete as they couldn’t intercept missiles USA cancels the contracts in 1959 Prototypes sunk and none ever manufactured showing the vast American influence

BOMARCS:       

Nuclear tipped surface to air missiles USA wanted to station them on Canadian soil to defend from a possible Soviet invasion Canada says they wont do it as they don’t want the USA to have their finger on nukes on Canadian soil Massive controversy ensues Diefenbaker vs Pearson Pearson wins the vote and accepts the missiles from 1963-1984 Shows that Canada on the continental level is dominated by the united States

Cuban missile crisis:            

1962, October Communist Cuba receives financial and military support from USSR Leads to fears of nuclear war Bay of pigs invasion occurs in an attempt to overthrow Fidel but Fidel wins Cuba builds missile silos Goes to USSR to get a nuke to deter USA ExCom committee in the USA decides to quarantine Cuba stopping any Soviet ships with nuclear weapons 2 telegrams come from Soviet leader Kennedy Listens to the first and pulls missiles out of Turkey in exchange for no missiles in Cuba (nukes) Throughout the situation the USA expected full support from Canada and wanted an increased defcom level but Canada refused The USA is infuriated

Détente:     

A period of relaxing tensions between the two combatants in an attempt to lessen the nuclear threat Direct line established Nuclear treaties Nuclear test bans SALT treaties 5


Regan and star wars:    

Regan is elected and arms race begins again Massive USA nuclear buildup Star wars defense system by creating a forcefield of rocks essentially 80

Gorbachevs USSR:    

Collapsing soviet economy leads to changes in western influence More trade End of communism 85

Collapse of soviet union: 

Satellite countries demand changes and overthrow their government

Fall of the berlin wall:    

Symbolic end to cold war Germany reunified 1991 Done after political pressure form east Germany

New world order:   

Period of cooperation Nuclear disarmaments Strengthening of UN


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