College Readiness Final Exam Sophia Course PDF

Title College Readiness Final Exam Sophia Course
Author Jagannath Rao
Course Conflict resolution
Institution Sophia University
Pages 22
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This is the course milestone for College readiness. You may use this to enhance your grades....


College Readiness Final Exam Sophia Course Click below Link for Answers College Readiness 1 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for determining the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for the career you want?  Discussing your career ambitions with your advisor.  Looking at job and internship postings.  Talking to people who work in the field.  Taking a variety of courses to see what is fun or interesting to you. 2 It's more efficient for you to study a book and take notes than it is for you to listen to a lecture about the same topic. This statement best describes which of the following learning styles?  Reading/writing learner  Auditory learner  Kinesthetic learner  Visual learner 3 What is a best practice if you are interested in a minor, but you're unsure if you'll have the time to take on the additional coursework? 

Declare your minor.  Talk to other students about it.  Talk to your advisor about it.  Review the course catalog. 4 What is a method that you can use to learn about an instructor's goals and temperament?  Consult your classmates for advice.  Read your textbook for ideas.  Observe the how and what they communicate.  Inquire with the chair of the department they work for. 5 How can you contribute your perspective to class discussions respectfully?  Express your thoughts in a manner that is not judgmental.  Share your perspective last so others won't have a chance to respond.  Make your point, even if it will be hard for others in the class to hear.  Speak freely and openly whenever you feel like it. 6 A syllabus is a document you need to spend time reading and thinking about when you receive it. Is this statement true or false? 

True, because many of the details you need to be successful in the course are in the syllabus.  True, because this is where you find your classmates' contact information.  False, because your instructor will go over everything you need to know about the course.  False, because your instructor will go over everything you need to know about the course. 7 A best practice for researching is to ask a librarian for help if you are unable to find sources. Is this statement true or false?  True, because librarians have a lot of free time on their hands.  True, because librarians are experts at finding the right sources for research.  False, because the librarians are only responsible for organizing and cataloging the books and periodicals in the library.  False, because you are expected to find your own sources. 8 What are some best practices for managing your mental health as a student in higher education?  Exercise for 30 minutes daily, meditate, eat a healthy diet, do things you enjoy every day, ask your friends and family if they think your mental health is okay, recognize the symptoms of common mental health issues, and self-medicate when you need to.  Talk to your friends and family when you are dealing with stress, recognize the signs of common mental health issues, and read books that help you understand mental health disorders and how you can treat them at home  Exercise for 30 minutes daily, meditate, eat a healthy diet, do things you enjoy every day, and read books that help you understand mental health disorders and how you can treat them at home. 

Use tactics to reduce stress, recognize the symptoms of common mental health issues, and know to seek the help of a mental healthcare professional if these (or any other symptoms that cause you to struggle) occur. 9 Which of the following is NOT true about the purpose of exams in higher education?  They are meant to be a measure of your learning progress.  They help you understand where you need to develop your skills and knowledge.  They are meant to be extremely difficult even if you have done well in the course.  They are not meant to intimidate you.

10 When conducting online research for a project on dieting, you find an article in the Journal of Nutrition, a peer-reviewed journal published by Oxford Academic. It is written by a professor. Is this source of information credible, or questionable?  Questionable, because it is an article about dieting.  Credible, because you found it on the internet.  Credible, because it is from a peer-reviewed journal.  Questionable, because you found it on the internet. 11 Why is "keeping an open mind" valuable in your education?  Because it keeps you from getting bored during your classes and falling asleep.  Because it allows you to be accepting of different perspectives so you can learn from others.

 Because it improves your relationship with your instructor so you can get a better grade in the class.  Because it allows you to tune out the ideas and thoughts of others in favor of your own ideas and thoughts. 12 Select the true statement about the role of research in higher education.  You will never be asked to do primary research.  Being asked to conduct research is not the norm.  You will never be asked to do secondary research.  Research means you will be collecting data to create an informed perspective. 13 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for finding the right career path?  Enrolling in courses that are extremely difficult, uninteresting, and time consuming.  Considering your existing talents, your potential talents, and what excites you.  Talking to people in different careers that interest you to learn more.  Thinking about who you want to become in the future. 14 You are reading the course catalog and you see a course called HIST 318 - The Holocaust. What does the prefix HIST indicate?  The prerequisites required to be successful in the course.  How many available seats are left in the course.

 The department of your school that offers the course.  How advanced the course is. 15 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for active reading?  Highlight specific passages that are significant.  Scanning the text for a few minutes to get the general idea.  Make notes of what you are thinking as you read.  Make notes of the questions you have as you read. 16 You were doing some research in preparation for a class project, and you think you may have inadvertently discovered the answers to the final exam in a discussion forum.

Is this considered cheating if you use the answers?  Yes, because you would have an unfair advantage.  No, because your instructor won't know.  No, because you found the answers by accident.  Yes, because it's an exam. 17 Your instructor is giving a lecture with a lot of details about a particular topic. Why is your instructor doing this?  To follow academic tradition, as lectures have been a part of higher learning since the earliest days

 To help deepen your understanding, think critically about the subject matter, and raise questions  To show off his/her expertise in the area of study  To provide you with some time to think about what you have to do for the rest of the day, or do homework for other classes 18 If you can't figure out a math problem on your own after attending lectures and reading the textbook, it means you should give up. Is this statement true or false?  False, because you should study more.  False, because you should visit a math tutor.  True, because everyone has things they are bad at.  True, because you will probably never be good at math. 19 Why is seeking feedback on your project a best practice?  It helps you understand if you are doing the project correctly, and it also helps you improve.  It helps you communicate better with your peers.  It guarantees that you will get a good grade on the project.  It helps you become more open-minded and easygoing when it comes to working with others. 20 Which of the following statements is NOT true about computers and the internet in higher education?

 Computers and the internet are everywhere in higher education, and they are here to stay.  Classes in an online setting will be easier than the ones you attend in person.  Virtual class discussions can be just as lively and informative as a traditional classroom.  Your computer can help you learn, but it can also become a distraction from learning. 21 Which of the following statements is true about affording your education?  Many students get paid to take classes at their schools, which helps them afford the cost of living, books, and supplies.  Many students do not need to work part-time or full time to afford the cost of their education because it's inexpensive.  Many students do not have to work while they are in school because they find that credit cards are an effective and low-cost option to funding their education.  Many students take on a part-time job or work full-time and go to school part-time to afford the cost of their education. 22 Which of the following is NOT a best practice to prepare yourself for class?  Have your materials ready, such as notebooks, pencils, pens, class handouts, or a computer and internet connection in an online course.  Stay up very late the night before to cram. Then drink plenty of coffee.  Completing your readings, homework, or other assignments on time.  Reading the syllabus or other instructions to know what assignments are coming up.

23 You are working on a group project. One of the students in your group has not completed the work they were responsible for.

What is one thing you should NOT do?  Do their portion of the work for them.  Contact your instructor about the matter if you are unable to resolve the issue.  Follow through on your portion of the project.  Talk to the person about the issue directly and respectfully. 24 Which of the following is the best question you can ask yourself before selecting a major?  Will this diploma or certificate look good on my office wall?What will my family and friends think of me if I pursue this major?  What career can I envision myself both enjoying and excelling in?  What will my family and friends think of me if I pursue this major?  What are most of the other students I know majoring in? 25 When getting ready for an interview, you should prepare a statement about why you want to do the internship with the organization. Is this statement true or false?  True, because this is a requirement for receiving credit for the internship.  False, because you don't want to give the employer the impression that you are too eager. 

True, because employers will almost always ask you why you want to work there.  False, because this is not something you would discuss in an internship interview. 1 What is the purpose of your GPA in higher education?  To provide a measure of your effort and ability while you are in school.  To create a ranked hierarchy among students.  To gamify your learning experience and make it more fun.  To create a competitive atmosphere among students. 2 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for staying healthy as a student in higher education?  Drink plenty of water.  Exercise for 30 minutes a day.  Get 7-9 hours of sleep.  Eat less than 1200 calories a day. 3 You were doing some research in preparation for a class project, and you think you may have inadvertently discovered the answers to the final exam in a discussion forum.

Is this considered cheating if you use the answers?  Yes, because you would have an unfair advantage.  Yes, because it's an exam.

 No, because your instructor won't know.  No, because you found the answers by accident. 4 If you struggle with major anxiety related to exams, the best thing to do is to handle it on your own. Is this statement true or false?  True, because you should cope with it as best you can.  True, because it will get easier over time.  False, because you should study harder instead.  False, because you should contact disability services. 5 Which of the following statements is TRUE about writing papers?  Papers are assigned because your instructor knows that you will need to write papers when you enter the workplace.  Papers are assigned because your instructor wants to analyze your technical abilities with writing.  Papers are challenging and students in higher education must be challenged.  Papers give you the opportunity to analyze the material and organize your thoughts about it around a central argument. 6 What is the main reason employers take on interns?  Employers can see if an intern is a good match for the organization before they are hired.

 Employers are interested in higher education and learning.  Employers accomplish many of their organizational goals through the help of interns.  Employers want to give back to the communities that they operate in. 7 Which of the following is true about seeking an internship?  You should not look on the web because organizations never advertise internships online.  You should talk to people you know about your internship goals first.  The best time to look for an internship is right after you have graduated.  Summer internships are easier to get than those at other times of the year. 8 You find that it's easier for you to listen to recordings of books or podcasts rather than reading. This statement best describes which of the following learning styles?  Auditory learner  Visual learner  Reading/writing learner  Kinesthetic learner 9 You just realized that you greatly underestimated the time you needed to complete a project, and now you have just a week to finish up. What is the best strategy for your success as a student? 

Contact your instructor and ask for an extension on the assignment. The syllabus says that late work will not be accepted, but they probably will make an exception for you because you have a good relationship with them.  Estimate how many hours it will take you to finish the project. Identify your other important goals and responsibilities for the week and exactly how long those tasks take. Write down a plan and execute it.  Email your instructor and ask to take a zero on the assignment because you don't have time to finish up.  Ask your friend to help you finish your project for you. If you do this, you'll finish the project with plenty of time, and your instructor will never know the difference. 10 Which of the following is true about participating in class discussions?  You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, you won't be able to discuss the concepts competently.  You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, your classmates won't be able to have the discussion.  You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, you won't be able to attend class.  You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, your instructor will have to remind you again. 11 Which of the following statements is NOT true about computers and the internet in higher education?  Computers and the internet are everywhere in higher education, and they are here to stay.  Classes in an online setting will be easier than the ones you attend in person.  Virtual class discussions can be just as lively and informative as a traditional classroom.

 Your computer can help you learn, but it can also become a distraction from learning. 12 When selecting a minor, which of the following should be considered?  If the topic is confusing to you  If the topic is easy for you  If the topic is difficult for you  If the topic is interesting to you 13 What should you do before you enroll in classes?  Contact the registrar's office and ask them what classes are a good fit for you.  Browse the course catalog and get the details on how and when to register.  Call your advisor and ask them to register you for classes.  Pay your tuition after you receive your bill from the school. 14 You are working on a group project. One of the students in your group has not completed the work they were responsible for.

What is one thing you should NOT do?  Do their portion of the work for them.  Talk to the person about the issue directly and respectfully. 

Follow through on your portion of the project.  Contact your instructor about the matter if you are unable to resolve the issue. 15 In order to manage your mental health, you must be able to identify when there are disorders. What are the the four most common mental health issues that students suffer from?  Anxiety, depression, addiction and substance abuse, and eating disorders  Anxiety, dementia, eating disorders, and depression  Depression, anxiety, autism, and post-traumatic stress disorder  Bipolar disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and addiction and substance abuse 16 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for prioritizing and planning as a student?  Asking your instructor for more time on your assignments when your schedule gets busy.  Identifying the time of day you work most productively so you can use that time for your priorities.  Breaking down large, time-consuming projects into a checklist of smaller tasks to complete.  Making the tasks that are the most important and most urgent your highest priorities. 17 You've been assigned a paper. What do you need to do before you can write your paper?  Create an outline for the paper that organizes the concepts in a logical manner.  Write a introductory paragraph with a clear thesis statement.

 Contact the instructor to ask what you are supposed to do.  Check the assignment instructions to understand exactly what you are being asked to do. 18 Why should you avoid cheating?  It improves your grades.  It improves your relationship with your classmates.  It gives you confidence.  It preserves your integrity. 19 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for researching a potential career that interests you?  Observe people who have the career you want as they work.  Speak to people who have the career you want about their jobs.  Apply to the job that interests you now, even though you are not qualified yet.  Look at job postings to learn what skills and experience are required. 20 Why is seeking feedback on your project a best practice?  It helps you communicate better with your peers.  It guarantees that you will get a good grade on the project. 

It helps you understand if you are doing the project correctly, and it also helps you improve.  It helps you become more open-minded and easygoing when it comes to working with others. 21 You are reading a course description in the course catalog and you see the word prerequisites listed next to some course names. What does this mean?  These are the courses you need to complete before you take this class.  These courses are for students who have similar interests and abilities.  These are similar courses that are recommended by your instructor.  These courses should be completed after you have completed this class. 22 Which of the following is true about exam preparation?  You should not need to study or review in preparation for an exam.  If you stay up late in the night to review, it increases your chances of success.  You should ask your instructor what will be on the exam.  All of the activities you do for the course are a way of preparing you for your exams. 23 What is the advantage of diverse people and perspectives in higher education?  Diverse perspectives create more entertaining class discussions.  Diverse perspectives allow for conformity of ideas and approaches among students. 

Diverse perspectives help to broaden your knowledge and skills.  Diverse perspectives are the law. 24 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for affording your education?  Getting scholarships or grants  Applying for financial aid  Taking on a part-time job  Using credit cards to pay tuition 25 Who is the best person to talk to if you're unsure if a course is a fit for your level of experience, interests, and goals?  Your mother  Your peers  Your academic advisor  The instructor T...

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