Final Milestone College Readiness 2 PDF

Title Final Milestone College Readiness 2
Author Anonymous User
Course Conflict resolution
Institution Sophia University
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This is the course milestone for College readiness. You may use this to enhance your grades....


Score 25/25

You passed this Milestone 25 questions were answered correctly. 1 You are researching the pros and cons of drinking red wine. You find an article about 10 health benefits of drinking red wine every day. The article is posted on a blog called "The Wine Expert." You can't see the name of the author, but you do see an advertisement for Black Fruit Vineyards. Is this source of information credible, or questionable?

Credible, because you found it on the internet.

MILESTONE Credible, because it is written by a wine expert.

Questionable, because you can't find the name of the author.

Questionable, because you found it on the internet.

RATIONALE This is a questionable source of information. In this case, you do not know who the author is, and the material is self-published by whomever owns the blog. This means that the material is not subject to review or fact-checking that major publishers would require. Additionally, the advertisement on the site may be an indication that the article may serve the marketing interests of the vineyard. In general, it is best to avoid using questionable sources. If you still feel like this questionable source would be useful to your project, email your instructor or their assistant to ask and receive permission before including it.


Evaluating Sources of Information 2 Which of the following is NOT a way to get your paper ready to turn in?

Check to ensure that all of the sources you've used are cited and formatted according to your instructor's preferences.

Check the spelling, grammar, and mechanics of the language used in your paper and read it out loud to yourself.

Check to ensure that every section of the paper ties back to your thesis statement and that there are transitions between sections.

Check to ensure that the paper will earn a good grade by emailing it to someone you've paid to improve the paper for you.

RATIONALE Checking to ensure that the paper will earn a good grade by emailing it to someone you've paid to improve the paper for you would be an example of academic dishonesty because you did not do all of the work on the paper yourself. Instead, you should check to ensure that your sources are all included and formatted correctly, check the language of your paper and read it out loud to yourself, and check each section of your paper to ensure that it ties back to your thesis and there are transitions between the sections in your paper.

CONCEPT Writing and Revising Your First Draft 3 Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Is this statement true or false?

False, because plagiarism is it's own form of academic dishonesty.

True, because plagiarism is also easy.

True, because plagiarism is misleading.

False, because plagiarism is a victimless crime.

RATIONALE Plagiarism is a form of cheating because you are misleading others about the source of your ideas.

CONCEPT Cheating in Higher Education 4 You've determined that you are a visual learner. Select the method you can use to leverage your learning style, even when the course isn't designed for visual learners.

Draw pictures or diagrams of the concepts you are learning about.

Create a study group with others so you can listen to what others have to say and discuss the course.

Take notes as you read, and then assemble your notes into a written study guide.

Allow yourself to move around as you study, and use flashcards.

RATIONALE By drawing the concepts you learn about, you are leveraging your visual learning style.

CONCEPT Leveraging Your Learning Style 5 What is the best approach for selecting a major if you don't already have one in mind?

Take a variety of courses, identify your interests and capabilities, research feasibility and logistics.

Ask other students what they are majoring in, search the web, ask your advisor.

Browse the course catalog, find courses that look easy, choose a major that includes those easy courses.

Take a variety of courses, determine which ones are easiest for you, research feasibility and logistics.

RATIONALE These are the best practices for selecting a major, if you don't already have one in mind.

CONCEPT Selecting a Major 6 A play by Shakespeare in your literature class calls for analytical reading. Which strategy can you use to ensure that you are interpreting Shakespeare's words correctly?

Get the audio book, and listen to it in the car.

Skim over each paragraph quickly to get a general sense of what it's about.

Read closely, and ask yourself questions about why the author wrote as he did.

Take notes in class lectures, and ask your classmates.

RATIONALE Reading closely means you read a section of text multiple times to look for themes, figures of speech, or repeated ideas. Once you have uncovered these things, you can ask yourself what you think the author was trying to communicate by writing this way. This is how you read analytically to gain a deeper understanding of what you read.


Understanding the Meaning of What You Read 7 Your sociology midterm essay grade was lower than you expected it to be, and you're not sure what you did wrong. What is the best practice to manage your grade in this situation?

Contact your instructor just before your class meets, and ask them to explain your grade.

Email your instructor to tell them they are mistaken and that they should change your grade immediately.

Ask the instructor what you did wrong on your essay during the class discussion.

Politely ask your instructor for feedback on the essay via email or during their office hours.

RATIONALE This is the correct course of action. You should always be polite with your instructor and meet them on their own terms.

CONCEPT Maintaining the Grades You Need or Want 8 You find that it's easier for you to listen to recordings of books or podcasts rather than reading. This statement best describes which of the following learning styles?

Visual learner

Reading/writing learner

Auditory learner

Kinesthetic learner

RATIONALE Auditory learners learn best by hearing, so they retain information from class lectures and discussions well, and may benefit more from recording and listening back to a lecture rather than consulting written notes.

CONCEPT Learning Styles in Higher Education 9 What is a best practice if you are often feeling sad, and you no longer enjoy the things you used to?

Ignore it. It's normal to feel this way when you are under so much stress.

Seek the help of a counselor or other mental health professional.

Ask your instructor via email what they think you should do.

Call your friends and ask them what they think you should do.

RATIONALE You may be depressed. The best thing you can do if you are just not feeling like yourself is to seek the help of a counselor or other mental healthcare professional. Many schools have these types of resources available to students for free.

CONCEPT Mental Health 10 To properly cite the sources you used, you need to include both in-text citations and a list of all of the sources you used in the project. Both should be formatted according to the preferred style of your instructor. Is this statement true or false?

False, because only the list of sources are needed.

True, because this is plagiarism.

True, because both are required.

False, because only the in-text citations are needed.

RATIONALE In-text citations are an abbreviated citation to indicate to the reader where you are using the ideas of others within your project. The list of sources at the end of the paper provides all of the detail about the source. Depending on what style you are using, this list may be called a Bibliography, Works Cited, or Reference List.

CONCEPT Gathering and Using Research 11 What is the purpose of exams in higher education?

To keep with higher education traditions

To challenge you and your classmates

To make sure you study every day of the term

To evaluate your progress in the course

RATIONALE The purpose of an exam is to evaluate your progress toward achieving the objectives of the course. Exams are a way to measure how much you have learned.

CONCEPT Exams in Higher Education 12

Which of the following is true about participating in class discussions?

You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, you won't be able to attend class.

You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, you won't be able to discuss the concepts competently.

You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, your classmates won't be able to have the discussion.

You need to do your assigned readings and homework on time because if you don't, your instructor will have to remind you again.

RATIONALE Doing your assigned readings and homework on time ensures that you will be able to contribute to insightful classroom discussions. You can usually tell when a student makes a comment and has not done the related studying.

CONCEPT Discussions in the Classroom 13 One thing you can do to improve your efficiency with reading assignments is to _________.

get enough sleep prior to reading

read in bed prior to sleeping

avoid sleeping to keep your attention span longer

read while watching TV in order to stay awake


It important that you are well-rested before you start your reading assignments. If you are drowsy, it will cause you to lose focus, and you won't retain much of what you read.

CONCEPT The Role of Reading in Higher Education 14 Select the best practice for note-taking in class.

Ask a friend in the class to take notes for you. That way, you can relax more while you are in class and get some of the work done for your other classes.

Use a computer or cell phone to record the audio so you don't have to take notes and tire out your hand. That way, all you have to do is playback the audio before your final exam.

Listen first, decide what is most important, then write down those things. Organize the concepts. Add your own connections, comments, and questions.

Listen first, then transcribe every word that your instructor says since it's very important to write down their exact wording. Then add your own connections, comments, and questions.

RATIONALE Listening first, deciding what is most important then writing down those things, organizing the concepts, and adding your own connections, comments, and questions are best practices for note-taking. By doing these things, you will be critically engaging with the material as you listen. This is how learning happens during lectures.

CONCEPT Lectures in the Classroom 15 You are working on a group project. One of the students in your group has not completed the work they were responsible for. What is one thing you should NOT do?

Contact your instructor about the matter if you are unable to resolve the issue.

Follow through on your portion of the project.

Talk to the person about the issue directly and respectfully.

Do their portion of the work for them.

RATIONALE The best thing you can do on a group project is to follow through on what you are responsible for. If you talk to the person who has not completed their portion of the project and that does not resolve the issue, you may decide that it is best to involve the instructor; however, it is preferable if you are able to work things out as a group.

CONCEPT Group Projects 16 You have something you'd like to discuss with your instructor. What is the best time to communicate with them?

During the class discussion.


During their office hours.

Just before class.

RATIONALE If your instructor has office hours, this is the ideal time and place to introduce yourself and address any questions or concerns you may have. If they don't have office hours, contact them via email to schedule a convenient time to meet.


Interacting with Your Instructor 17 What is the main purpose of a major in higher education?

To keep you on track for graduation.

To focus your studies in a specific field.

To help you determine what you minor will be.

To help you become a better student.

RATIONALE A major is the specific field of study or subject area—like Psychology, Business, or History—that a student chooses to focus on. Once you choose a major, the majority of the courses you will take will be related to the subject you selected. By focusing your studies in a specific field, you can build the expertise you need to achieve your career or personal goals.

CONCEPT Majors and Minors in Higher Education 18 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for affording your education?

Applying for financial aid

Using credit cards to pay tuition

Taking on a part-time job

Getting scholarships or grants


Credit cards are not an effective way to pay for your education, although convenient, you may end up paying much more if you use this method because the interest rates can be high. Also, unlike student loans that you could receive through financial aid, these have to be paid back while you are a student.

CONCEPT Managing Finances 19 Which of the following is NOT a best practice for completing your projects in school?

Incorporating key concepts from the class

Having a plan and executing it

Reviewing the project requirements

Ignoring critical feedback from others

RATIONALE Getting feedback on your work can improve your project, so you should not ignore it.

CONCEPT Completing Projects 20 What is NOT a best practice for using your syllabus?

Recording important dates in your calendar.

Setting it aside to use it if you need it.

Taking the time to read it carefully.

Analyzing it to see if you have questions,

RATIONALE The syllabus contains the information and guidelines you need to know to be successful in the class, so don't set it aside. Take the time to study throughly it as soon as your receive it.

CONCEPT Using a Syllabus 21 How can you contribute your perspective to class discussions respectfully?

Make your point, even if it will be hard for others in the class to hear.

Share your perspective last so others won't have a chance to respond.

Speak freely and openly whenever you feel like it.

Express your thoughts in a manner that is not judgmental.

RATIONALE You should consider if your opinion adds value to the conversation at that moment, and if it does, formulate a reply that is respectful of others who may have different perspectives. If you're not sure if it's appropriate, you can always ask the instructor or their assistant what they think in private.

CONCEPT Interacting with Your Peers 22 What does a high GPA represent in higher education?

A student who takes a lot of courses each term.

A student who transferred from another school.

A student who performed poorly in their classes for any number of reasons.

A student who takes their studies seriously and works hard.

RATIONALE A high GPA is typically awarded to those students who work very hard on their schoolwork. It signifies to employers and graduate schools that the student is dedicated to learning.

CONCEPT Grades in Higher Education 23 Which of the following is NOT true about the purpose of a syllabus?

It helps you understand how many credits you need to graduate.

It contains the objectives of the course so you know what to expect.

It provides you with policies that are specific to the course.

It helps you understand the grading criteria for the course.

RATIONALE The syllabus contains all of the most important details you need to be successful in a specific class, but it does not help you understand how many credits you need to graduate. You could talk to your academic advisor if you need help with that question.

CONCEPT The Purpose and Content of a Syllabus 24 Select the statement that best defines the role of an instructor in higher education.

Higher education instructors are recognized experts.

Higher education instructors are much like your high school teachers.

Higher education instructors will always have an assistant.

Higher education instructors will remind you to turn in your assignments.

RATIONALE Instructors in higher education are teaching at the school because they have demonstrated mastery in their field. Many have advanced degrees or may be in the process of completing one.

CONCEPT The Role of an Instructor in Higher Education 25 Which of the following is NOT true about internships?

You will learn from professionals in the career your are considering.

You will have the opportunity to learn and apply skills in a real-world setting.

You are guaranteed to be hired by the organization when your internship is complete.

You can try out an organization or career before you make a long-term commitment.

RATIONALE While some internships do result in job offers, this is not a guarantee.

CONCEPT The Role of Internships in Higher Education

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