Colquitt 6e Chapter 13 TB for the student PDF

Title Colquitt 6e Chapter 13 TB for the student
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Course Organizational behaviour
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Organizational Behavior, 6e (Colquitt) Chapter 13 Leadership: Power and Negotiation 1) From time to time, leaders need to resist the influence of other leaders or higher-ups to do what is best for their own unit. 2) Legitimate, reward, and coercive power are derived primarily from a person's position within the organization. 3) Legitimate power gives a person the right to ask employees to do something outside the scope of their jobs or roles within the organization. 4) It is impossible for a person to possess all of the forms of power at the same time. 5) The personal forms of power are more strongly related to organizational commitment and job performance than are the organizational forms. 6) If a person works alone and performs tasks that nobody sees, even when he or she has high levels of expert and referent power, that person's ability to influence others is greatly reduced. 7) Rational persuasion is the only tactic that is consistently successful in the case of upward influence. 8) Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request. 9) Ingratiation has been shown to be more effective when used as a short-term strategy. 10) For a leader, internalization is the best outcome of influence tactics. 11) High levels of organizational politics have been shown to be beneficial to company performance as a whole. 12) Organizational factors that are the most likely to increase political activity are those that raise the level of uncertainty in the environment. 13) Leaders will typically use an avoiding conflict resolution style when an issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party. 14) Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution. 15) Compromise is the most common form of conflict resolution, whereby each party's losses are offset by gains and vice versa. 16) Distributive bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario. 1 Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

17) The most important step of negotiation is preparation. 18) When a leader draws on legitimate sources of power, a stronger emotional bond can be created with the employee, boosting affective commitment. 19) Repeated uses of coercive power or repeated reliance on hard influence tactics such as pressure or coalitions could actually decrease organizational commitment levels. 20) Power and influence can have a moderate positive effect on organizational commitment. 21) ________ is the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement. A) Inspirational appeal B) Rational persuasion C) Ingratiation D) Leadership E) Influence 22) Paolo calls in his sales team and says "Okay, everybody, listen up: We're going to increase our sales across the board 30 percent next quarter. Here's how we're going to do it, and here's what I'm going to do to help us get there." Paolo is demonstrating A) visibility. B) centrality. C) influence. D) leadership. E) ingratiation. 23) Lynette is the new head of operations for ShurWay, a nationwide corporation with offices in several major cities. Promoted to headquarters from an office in another city, she will be overseeing people who have long worked together and may feel some resistance to an "outsider." Therefore, it is important for her to establish herself as a leader in their eyes. She will have an opportunity to do just that tomorrow, when she will be invited to make some remarks at a departmental get-together organized in her honor. The best way for Lynette to set the right tone is to let everyone know that she is ready to A) take charge of the department, which means that she will not tolerate dissent and will deal as severely as possible with anyone who makes trouble for her. B) create a fully open, non-hierarchical environment in which she is simply the first among equals, dedicated to ensuring a nurturing work situation for all employees. C) do everything she can, both in terms of her position and her knowledge and other abilities, to help each employee do what they need to do to help the company meet its objectives. D) work tirelessly on behalf of each employee, learning from them as she goes, in order to help them meet their personal objectives, which will most likely help the company in the end. E) use every element of authority she has to ensure that all employees are doing their jobs as well as possible, and thus to create a department that will be the envy of all other departments.

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24) ________ is the ability to influence the behavior of others and to resist unwanted influence in return. A) Force B) Power C) Centrality D) Leadership E) Ingratiation 25) Major types of power can be grouped along two dimensions: A) inner and outer. B) social and personal. C) organizational and political. D) organizational and personal. E) professional and organizational. 26) The three types of organizational power are ________ power. A) expert, reward, and referent B) expert, reward, and coercive C) legitimate, expert, and referent D) legitimate, expert, and coercive E) legitimate, reward, and coercive 27) The two types of personal power are ________ power. A) expert and referent B) reward and referent C) expert and coercive D) reward and coercive E) expert and legitimate 28) Power derived from a position of authority inside the organization is ________ power. A) structural B) legitimate C) political D) reward E) expert 29) The type of power sometimes referred to as "formal authority" is ________ power. A) structural B) legitimate C) political D) reward E) expert

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30) A brilliant designer of computer programs, Darren has often been compared to the late Apple Computers cofounder Steve Jobs not only because of his abilities in the digital realm, but also his charisma. Like Jobs, he is not a lone techie writing code in a windowless room; he serves in an executive role at DiaTech, the company he and his partners founded. But now he has a problem: there is a special project for which he needs the help of a few key subordinates. They will need to work extra hours, and because of the top-secret nature of his new design, they will need to keep the nature of their work to themselves. The best way for Darren to get these employees on board for the project is to tell each one of them that A) working on this project may give them an opportunity to learn about the skills that helped create the company. B) as the founder and one of the leading executives in the company, he has the power to demand their compliance. C) they will get extra pay above their ordinary salary, as well as a strong recommendation for advancement in the company. D) after the project is over, he will take them to lunch and give them a one-hour career planning and question and answer session. E) he does, after all, have the power and the means to make life very difficult for them if they do not offer him their absolute loyalty. 31) By virtue of being vice president in charge of operations at Standard Plastics, Inc., Tom has ________ power. A) collaborative B) substitutable C) diplomatic D) legitimate E) referent 32) As manager and team leader, Sandra calls her subordinates together and says, "Okay, this week I'll need each of you to work a few extra hours because we need to get out those brochures that were back-ordered." She is exercising her ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 33) As manager of a twelve-person team, Andre has legitimate power over his employees. But he would be abusing his legitimate power if he asked one of his employees to A) take over somebody else's job while waiting for a replacement to be hired. B) take a five-minute break while waiting for further instructions. C) deliver a message to one of the other managers. D) take out the trash and recycling at his house. E) answer the phones at the front desk.

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34) When someone has control over the resources another person wants, ________ power exists. A) expert B) reward C) personal D) referent E) coercive 35) International Printers, a computer hardware firm, is looking for an employee to serve as field director at the company's Paris office. Reggie wants the position and has approached Meredith, who is in charge of interviewing for the position, to convince her that he is right for the position. In this situation, Meredith has ________ power. A) expert B) reward C) personal D) referent E) coercive 36) When a person has control over punishments in an organization, they possess ________ power. A) expert B) reward C) referent D) personal E) coercive 37) Coercive power operates primarily on the principle of A) agreement. B) reward. C) hope. D) fear. E) hate. 38) Because it tends to result in negative feelings toward those that wield it, ________ power is generally regarded as a poor form of power to use regularly. A) expert B) reward C) referent D) coercive E) legitimate

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39) The type of power derived from a person's skill or knowledge on which others depend is ________ power. A) expert B) reward C) referent D) coercive E) legitimate 40) As one of the most experienced medical doctors in the world when it comes to a particular rare but serious rheumatological condition, Serena possesses enormous ________ power within the medical community. A) structural B) reward C) formal D) expert E) legal 41) When others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person, that person possesses ________ power. A) expert B) reward C) referent D) coercive E) legitimate 42) Noted for his flamboyant ties and his outspoken opinions, Billy is no ordinary vice president within the gigantic Mulray Corporation. Top management has identified him as one of the rising stars, and he has an enormously loyal following among the company's youngest and most energetic executives. Everyone, it seems, wants to be around Billy, who possesses a great deal of ________ power within the organization A) reward B) referent C) coercive D) structural E) collaborative 43) Michael Jordan is an icon in basketball. Many people buy shirts with his name on them. Jordan's iconic status gives him ________ power. A) reward B) referent C) coercive D) structural E) collaborative

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44) Bill Gates commands the respect and admiration of people around the world for his achievements in information technology as well as for his philanthropy. Many people who admire him try to emulate his actions. He clearly wields ________ power. A) reward B) referent C) coercive D) structural E) legitimate 45) ________ is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. A) Centrality B) Discretion C) Substitutability D) Accommodation E) Integrative bargaining 46) Leaders who control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence. This is associated with the contingency factor known as A) visibility. B) centrality. C) discretion. D) ingratiation. E) substitutability. 47) As the head of overseas operations for FoodCo., an international conglomerate supplying more than 60 countries, Devon has access to resources beyond the reach of most people—even the company president—and this in turn has made him very influential within the company. Devon holds the authority that is an example of the contingency factor A) internalization. B) substitutability. C) ingratiation. D) centrality. E) visibility. 48) Discretion is the degree to which A) a person's job has an impact on others. B) others are aware a leader's power and position. C) people have alternatives in accessing resources. D) managers have the right to make decisions on their own. E) favors, compliments, and friendly behavior can influence a situation.

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49) The staff at company headquarters seemed to have a problem with motivation, so the organization's leadership brought in Herb Sewell, one of the most prominent motivational experts in the industry. Herb had what sounded at first like a lot of crazy ideas, but as it turned out, there was method to his madness, and after a week of doing his strange-sounding, sometimes downright comical team-building exercises, the staff had a renewed level of excitement and commitment. This happened in part because the company leadership gave Herb a high degree of ________ in doing his job. A) visibility B) centrality C) discretion D) ingratiation E) substitutability 50) Leslie in as administrative manager with a number of exciting new ideas about how to change organizational procedures and run the company more efficiently. However, she soon ran into opposition from company leadership, who insisted that she stick with policies adopted several decades earlier. This indicates a low degree of ________, which limits Leslie's ability to influence others. A) power B) visibility C) centrality D) discretion E) substitutability 51) How important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks is represented by A) power. B) visibility. C) centrality. D) discretion. E) substitutability. 52) Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others. These leaders are exhibiting the contingency factor called A) visibility. B) centrality. C) discretion. D) ingratiation. E) substitutability

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53) "Make sure you describe the purpose of your request" is a suggested guideline for using ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 54) "Only offer what you can follow through on" is a suggested guideline for using ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 55) "Follow through quickly and without discrimination or bias" is a suggested guideline for using ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 56) "Communicate why the request is important and the justification for it" is a suggested guideline for using ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 57) "Follow through on commitments" is a suggested guideline for using ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 58) One of the suggested guidelines for using coercive power is to A) be consistent, thoughtful, and honest about requests. B) make sure you describe the purpose of your request. C) be clear on exactly what you are offering a reward for. D) do things for others even when you are not required to do so. E) make sure the punishment fits the nature of the lack of compliance.

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59) A suggested guideline for using expert power is to A) be consistent, thoughtful, and honest about requests. B) make sure you describe the purpose of your request. C) be clear on exactly what you are offering a reward for. D) do things for others even when you are not required to do so. E) make sure the punishment fits the nature of the lack of compliance. 60) Kenya heads the nurse's staff in the intensive care ward of Alston Memorial Hospital. Her job involves ensuring that work in the ward runs smoothly, which in part means maintaining the requisite standard in hospital hygiene and patient care. Her job naturally involves the use of coercive power, which also means remembering the guideline that she should A) warn people prior to giving punishment. B) make sure to describe the purpose of each request. C) be consistent, thoughtful, and honest about requests. D) do things for others even when not required to do so. E) be clear on exactly what a reward is being offered for. 61) Companies such as Microsoft, Pfizer, and Google are increasingly using ________ to understand the power structures in their organizations and who holds and wields the most influence. A) networking maps B) performance reviews C) organizational charts D) social media tracking E) Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram 62) How aware others are of a leader's power and position is a function of A) skill. B) visibility. C) centrality. D) discretion. E) substitutability. 63) Josh is a technological expert whose work with advanced broadband systems has made him one of the most high-profile figures at Takemodo Telecommunications, one of the world's leading technology companies. With his picture on the cover of magazines and his name popping up in blogs all over the Internet, Josh has a high degree of ________, which gives him influence over others. A) charisma B) visibility C) centrality D) discretion E) substitutability

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64) In the context of the contingency factor of visibility, a leader's ability to influence others increases when A) the leader's role is important and interdependent with others in the organization. B) the leader has the freedom to make decisions without being restrained by rules. C) there are no substitutes for the rewards or resources the leader controls. D) others know about the leader and the resources he or she can provide. E) they can give and withhold rewards as they see fit. 65) As executive vice president in charge of sales and marketing, Josephine heads a large international team. Her position gives her a great deal of ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 66) Tyrell is widely known and liked throughout the company. His magnetic personality is obvious to anyone who meets him, and strangers can recognize his influence in an instant just by observing how many people gravitate to him wherever he goes. Tyrell possesses ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 67) As head of the sales team, Kevin has the power to dispense sales leads to the members of the team. He gives the best leads to the personnel who impress him the most at any given moment, and therefore the members of the team are always trying to impress Kevin. He possesses ________ power. A) legitimate B) coercive C) referent D) reward E) expert 68) When management brought Julie in to run the creative department, they told her that, within reason, she could reorganize and direct its operations as she saw fit. This illustrates the ________ contingency of power. A) power B) visibility C) centrality D) discretion E) substitutability

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69) ________ is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others. A) Power B) Visibility C) Influence D) Discretion E) Internalization 70) ________ is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that a request is a worthwhile one. A) Consultation B) Collaboration C) Legitimate power D) Rational persuasion E) Inspirational appeal 71) A few minutes before the grand opening of t...

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