Columbian Exchange Timeline PDF

Title Columbian Exchange Timeline
Author Kira Mills
Course US history
Institution High School - USA
Pages 4
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Timeline: “The Columbian Exchange,” John F. Richards Directions: Using the Richards article mark out significant ‘ date-referenced’ events. If the development listed is happening over a range (e.g. 1568-1595) then place it on the timeline at its end date, but note it as a time span (see below). Be certain to indicate the subjects of the events. ● Late 1400s-- W Indies luxuriant with vegetation ○ W Indies made up of Greater Antilles (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hispanola, and Jamaica), Bahamas, and Lesser Antilles ○ FIve regional chiefs on Hispanola ● 1492-- W Indies support dense population of estimated 3 million ○ Hispanola population of 500,000 ● 1492-- (Sept 8- Oct 12)- Columbus travelled to and reaced West Indies ○ Made landfall on Bahamas and met natives who were hospitable ● 1492-- First spanish conquesets in Greater and Lesser Antilles in Carribean ● 1492-- Columbus estab a new connection in world history w/ connection between Old and New Worlds ○ Important for world environmental history ● 1492-- (Jan-Mar)- 54 million poulation of New World ○ Aztec civilization (central Mexico)- 14 million ○ Inca civilization (central Andes)- 11.7 million ● 1493-- Commercial cattle raising in W Indies developed as estate system of indiv propertiese owned by handful of Spanish colonists in extension of repartimiento system under Columbus ● 1493-- (Jan-Mar)- Columbus returned home to Spain with gold nuggets, several enslaved Tainos and crops (corn) ● 1493-- Columbus brings sugarcane from Canary Isands to Hispanola (2nd voyage) ● 1493-- (Sept)- Columbus returns to New World fully armed looking to make Spanish settlement ○ Gold, God (convert to Christianity), and glory ○ Develop items of trade (brazilwood trees and enslaved Tainos) ○ Repartimiento system- sells rights to land and to colonists ● 1493-- (Oct)- Spaniards infected with swine flu by pigs taken to Canary Islands ○ (Dec 10)- Columbus fell sick a day after swine flu maifested in Isabella settlement ● 1493-- (Nov)- Columbus moved his headquarters from Navidad up coast to Isabella

○ Bc Spaniards who ramained behind in Navidad settlementfound to be dead (from syphilis or fighting/clashes) ● 1495-- Columbus “taxed” Tainos (14-17) and made them pay tribute in gold or cotton and spices ○ Led to Tainos fleeing villages and Colunbus enslaving remaining Tainos ● 1495-- Atrocities done to Tainos ○ Horrendous forced work conditions in mines and farming ○ Slave taking ○ Food shortages led to famine ○ High mortality and cultural depression ● 1499-- discoveries of new ore-beaning veins in the Cordillera made gold production soar (in new regime not under Columbus) ● 1500-- Estimated 6.5 million persons on Iberian Peninsula ● 1500-- Columbus removed from control of Indies bc of settler dissatisfactoin, inadequate profits, and general bad management ○ At Seville Crown formed new ministry for administration of Indies ○ (1500-1502)- Royal judge sent out as temporary governor of Indies for two years ● 1502-- Hispanola was shipping more than a ton gold back to Spain every year ● 1508-- Taino mortality rate high, an official count found only 60,000 indigened left alive ○ Colonists began to import small numbers of black slaves from Africa and Canary Islands to work in gold mines ● 1509-- (1502-1509)- Frey Nicolas de Ovando served 7-year term as royal governor of Hispanola ○ Brought more Spaniards over (2500, including artisans, priests, and for the first time women and children) ○ Royal orders encourage conversion to Christianity, protect Tainos from abuse, punish those who harmed them and collect tribute ○ Indian labor in gold mines “not enslavement” (recieve just wage) ○ Stressed revenues rather than well-being of the Hispanolians ○ Series of treacherous massacres and brutal battles killed many Tainos ● 1509-- Settlers attracted by gold and raised colonial nubers to 8-10,000 ○ Ovando got Royal permission to raid “useless” islands that didn’t have gold deposits and to seize inhabitants for gold-mine labor ■ Also send out expeditions to Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Jamaica to find gold ● 1509-- Diego Columbus landed at Santo Domingo and assumed royal governship

○ Enthusiastically accepted underwaying policy of aggressive expansion ● 1509-- D. Columbus sent out expedition to occupy Jaimica ○ Absence of gold resulted in settlers forcing Tainos of Jamaica to work brutally hard to produce other crops (manioc, cotton, and corn) to export to Hispanola and Cuba ○ Spanish cattle, hogs,and horses imprted and grazed freely over conuco plots ● 1510-- Taino rebellion from harsh gold mining conditions killed 80 Spaniards ○ Uprising against Spanish settlers in W, raid on E coast by Caribs ○ Violent response followed ■ Tainos worked to death in gold mines, killed outright, or transported to Hispanola ○ As soon as gold ran out, Spanish left virtually depopulated island ● 1511-- Expedition under Diego Velasquez colonized Cuba ● 1512-- (1493-1512)- 300-400 cattle survived voyage from coastal cattle-breeding regions or from Canary Islands to W Indies ○ Cattle flourished w/ no competitors, diseases, or predators ● 1514-- (1509-1514)- Bahama Islands were depopulated ○ Under Columbus regular raids of Bahamas ○ Bahamians seized and taken to work in gold mines, but many died on sea crossings ● 1515-- Gonzales Vellosa succeeded in growing and processing sugar cane for export ● 1518-- First well-documented onset of Euro transmitted smallpox on Tainos ● 1518-- A triumvirate of 3 Jeronymite missionaries replaced Diego Columbus as governor ○ Abolished forced labor, resettle surviving Tainos in pueblos of 400-500 persons, and restore sonuco horticulture for manioc ● 1519-- (Jan 10)- Friars report to Charles V of smallpox cases in Santo Domingo, eventually reduced indigenous population to hundreds ● 1519-- Mines almost entirely worked out and no new sources of gold to be found ● 1519-- (1509-1519)- Spaniards enslaved over 100,000 Tainos and Caribs ● 1523-- Council of the Indies founded ● 1530s-- 34 sugar mills operating on Santo Domingo ● 1530s-- Period’s height, Hispaniolan ranchers shipped 200,000 hides a year to Spain, by end of century, annual shipments declined to just over a tenth of that

● 1540-- (1519-1540)- Span moved to mainland subjugate Peru and Mexico, occupy 2+ million sq km ● 1542-- (1492-1542)- Tainos on Hispanola nearly extinct ○ 1508- 60,000 Tainos ○ 1510- population of 33,523 ○ 1514- pop of 26,334 ○ 1518-19- pop of 18,000 (smallpox) ● 1550- sq rigged galleon w/ 400-600+ tons capacity was preferred vessel for carrerra (annual fleets carrying profits to Spain) ● 1590s- Maritime traffic to Santo Domingo and other colonial markets fall off sharply ● 1595--(1568-1595) Hispaniolan planters shipped about 348 metric tons of sugar per year to Seville, Spain ○ Santo Domingo was largest exporter of sugar to Spain in 1500s ● 1600s-- Landscapes of Hispanola and other W Indies bore little resemblance to their preconquest state ● 1700s-- (1500s-1700s)- For all 300 years, around 800,000 immigrants ○ 1500s- 250,000 Spaniards travel to New World ■ 1570s- migration and natural increase brought 150,000 immigrants of the total # ○ 1600s- Another 450,000 made journey ■ 1620- # fuels Spanish colonization ○ 1700s- Only 50,000 travel ● 1800s-- Total population restored to less than half the precontact numbers Three changes in Spanish Colonization in the Carribean are the popluation of the native peoples, the economy of the Carribean and the race of the slaves. The population of the natives was decimated by the arrival of the Spanish, dieases, overworking, and food shortages all killed many of the natives. Second, the economy of the land changed greatly due to exports to Spain, in the beginning, gold, trees, and Taino slaves were the main exports of the Spanish, that changed once the sugar mill was invented, as well as cattle ranching becoming more popular for the meat/hides and they became the main exports. Last, the race of the slaves changed from the natives to West Africans brought over to the New World because there wasn’t enough Taino left to do all of the work. Thorough timeline, great job on this assignment! 5//5...

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