Columbian Exchange Article Questions PDF

Title Columbian Exchange Article Questions
Course United States History II
Institution Nashville State Community College
Pages 3
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Columbia exchange article questions and answeres...


Nunn & Qian-The Columbian Exchange-A History of Disease, Food, and Ideas Article Questions 1. Why was tobacco such an important staple traded during the Columbian Exchange? Tobacco became a substitute for currency. 2. How did the discovery of quinine aide in European exploration? Quinine was the first effective treatment for malaria. 3. What was the primary objective that the writer’s of the article were trying to achieve in the paper? The primary objective is to inspire interest in to future studies of the long-term effects of the Columbian Exchange. 4. According to Nunn and Qian (2009), what led to the significant growth of the population and of urbanization after 1492? The introduction of potatoes. 5. What is the estimated affect of the introduction of Old World diseases on native populations in the Americas? Estimated 80-90% of population declined in first 100-150 years of exchange. 6. What were the typical symptoms of venereal syphilis when it was first spread from the New World to the Old World? Genital ulcers, rashes, large rashes, severe pain, death 7. Briefly describe the two theories of how syphilis was spread to the Old World? The first theory is that the disease was spread by Christopher Columbus and his crew that acquired it from sexual contact from natives in Hispaniola, his crew then spread it to Spain with sexual with proustite. The Second theory is that disease always existed but had same symptoms as other diseases and could not be differentiate in symptoms. 8. How did New World foods such as chili peppers and tomatoes change the way food was made in places like India and Italy? Complemented existing foods by increasing vitamin intake and improving taste. 9. What are the four major foods that are high in calories that were introduced to the New World from the Old World? Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Maizie, Cassava 10. Why did those four crops from the New World “compliment” what was going on with farming in the Old World so well? The New World crops did not compete with Old World crops. The New World crops used land that was rated as useless to efficient, required different growing seasons, less demand on the soil than Old World crops. 11. What is the one New World crop that has had the greatest impact on the Old World? Explain why. The potato is the one crop that that to bring about the

greatest impact. The potato has high calories and nutrients that has been widely adopted around the world. 12. What are the health advantages to consuming capsicum peppers? Contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Iron, aid in digestion 13. What invention at the turn of the 20th century led to the significant increase in tomato consumption across the globe? Canning of tomatoes 14. Why is the consumption of tomatoes important for the prevention of cancer? Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant contained in cooked or canned tomatoed, has propertied that may help reduce cancer 15. How did chocolate first spread through Europe? Columbus brought during second voyage to King Fernand I, spread to Italy, then to France via marriage of Ann of Austria with Louis XIII 16. How is vanilla produced? Vanilla pods must be fermented to produce chemical compound vanillin, which gives the pods their distinctive vanilla flavor and sent 17. What were some early uses for vanilla? Flavor chocolate, flavor confectionaries and ice, sent for perfumes, and tobacco 18. Why did Native Americans first use tobacco? Tobacco was used as a hallucinogen during religions ceremonies and for painkillers. 19. What were some other ways that tobacco was used? Medical teatments and currency 20. What drug is made from coca leaves? Cocaine 21. Why did some people, such as Sigmund Freud become proponents of cocaine? They believed that cocaine increase creativity, and stamina and decrease hunger 22. How was the coca leaf important to Jon Pemberton? He pharmacists from Atlanta that created Coco-Cola during a time when alcohol was illegal. 23. Why were Old World Crops able to do so well in the New World, and New World crops were able to do so well in the Old World? The move from continents of North to South ensured crops would find claimants that were like native climates. Also crops escaped pests or parasites in their native environment.

24. What was one consequence of large-scale production of sugar in the New World? There was large enough supply that sugar could be consumed by commoner in Europe 25. How was early rubber, or latex, used by Africans and early Americans? Seal fasten spearheads and arrowheads to shaft by Africans. Native Americans used to create hoods, boots, tents, balls, torches, jars, containers, syringes, toys, breastplates, rubber-headed drum sticks and adhesives 26. What advancement led to the booming demand for rubber? Vulcanization-this process include heating the rubber and combining it with other chemicals to produce a more stable product with wider range of uses 27. How did rubber production in the Congo affect the population there? The population decreased because the locals were forced to work, starved, massacred and burned the towns for the product. 28. How many African slaves were shipped to the Americans between the 16th and 19th centuries? Over twelve million 29. What two events led to the increase demand for African slaves in the Americas? 1.Old world diseases that caused low population 2.The need for labor for the Old world drops of sugar and coffee 30. How many people migrated from the Old World to the New World between 1851 and 1924? 45 million...

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