Comandos de Archicad PDF

Title Comandos de Archicad
Author Ronald Direc
Course Dibujo arquitectónico
Institution Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Pages 8
File Size 694.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 85
Total Views 150


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Shortcuts Command Name New New & Reset All

Shortcut Key


Ctrl + N Creates a new, empty ArchiCAD project. Creates a new, empty ArchiCAD project and Ctrl + Alt + N applies default settings.

Window Type All Types All Types


Ctrl + O Opens an existing document.

All Types


Ctrl + W Closes the project.

All Types


Ctrl + S Saves the project.

All Types

Save as...

Ctrl + Shift + Saves the project with a new name. S

All Types

Open Object...

Ctrl + Shift + Opens an existing library part. O

All Types

Page Setup...

Ctrl + Shift + Changes the page layout settings. P

All Types


Ctrl + P Prints the actual project.


Ctrl + Q

Undo Wall / Ground Floor

Ctrl + Z Undoes the last action.


Quits the application; prompts to save documents.

Ctrl + Shift + Redoes the previously undone action. Z

All Types All Types Non-Text Non-Text

Repeat Last Command

Ctrl + B Repeats the last executed menu command.


Ctrl + X

Removes the selected items and copies them onto the Clipboard.



Ctrl + C

Copies the selected items to the Clipboard. Use Paste to put them in the new location.



Ctrl + V

Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.


Select All

Ctrl + A Selects all items of the desired type.


Find & Select...

Displays selection criteria for finding and Ctrl + F selecting items.



Ctrl + G Creates a new group with the selected items.



Ctrl + Shift + Removes the effect of the last group command G on the selected items. Enables editing of individual elements inside Groups.


All Types

Suspend Groups

Alt + G


Ctrl + D Drags the selected items.

All Types


Ctrl + E Rotates the selected items.

All Types


Ctrl + M Mirrors the selected items.


Elevate... Drag a Copy

Ctrl + 9 Elevates the selected items. Ctrl + Shift + Duplicates the selected items by draging them.

All Types

All Types All Types

D Rotate a Copy

Ctrl + Shift + Duplicates the selected items by rotating them. E

Mirror a Copy

Ctrl + Shift + Duplicates the selected items by mirroring them. All Types M

All Types


Ctrl + U Multiplies the selected items.



Ctrl + H Stretches or shrinks the selected items.



Ctrl + K Resizes the selected items.

All Types


Ctrl + - Adjusts the selected items to a line or other item. All Types

Explode into Current View

Ctrl + =

Edit Selection Set...

Turns the contents of the selected objects, walls and windows into independent items.

All Types

Ctrl + Shift + Edits the common parameters of the selected T items.


Tool Settings...

Ctrl + T

Changes the settings of the selected or newly created items of this type.


Pick Up Parameters

Alt + C Pick an element parameters to be the default.


Ctrl + Alt + C Inject the default parameters into an element.


Inject Parameters Undo(text)

Ctrl + Z Undoes the last action in a text window.



Ctrl + Shift + Redoes the previously undone action in a text Z window.


Repeat Last Command(text)

Ctrl + B

Repeats the last executed menu command in a text window.



Ctrl + X

Removes the selected items and copies them onto the Clipboard in a text window.



Copies the selected items to the Clipboard. Use Ctrl + C Paste to put them in the new location in a text window.



Ctrl + V

Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location in a text window.


Select All(text)

Ctrl + A

Selects all items of the desired type in a text window.


Find & Replace...

Ctrl + F Replaces the specified text with different text.


Ctrl + H Finds the selected text.


Find Selection Find Selection Backwards Find Again Replace Again Replace Again Backwards

Ctrl + Shift + Finds the selected text backwards. H


Ctrl + G Finds next occurrence of the specified text.


Ctrl + T Repeats the last replacing action.


Ctrl + Shift + Repeats the last replacing action backwards. T


Go to Line...

Ctrl + L Goes to the specified line.



Ctrl + M Comments the selected line.



Removes the comment sign from the selected Ctrl + U line.


Go Up a Story

Shift + F2 Goes up one story.

All Types

Go Up a Story

Ctrl + Up Goes up one story.

All Types

Go Down a Story

Ctrl + F2 Goes down one story.

All Types

Ctrl + Down Goes down one story.

All Types

Go Down a Story Go to Story...

Ctrl + Shift + Goes to the desired story. F2

All Types

Go to First Layout

Ctrl + Shift + Goes to the first Layout. Left

All Types

Go to Previous Layout

Ctrl + F7 Goes to the previous Layout.

All Types

Go to Previous Layout

Alt + Left Goes to the previous Layout.

All Types

Go to Next Layout

Shift + F7 Goes to the next Layout.

All Types

Go to Next Layout

Alt + Right Goes to the next Layout.

All Types

Go to Last Layout

Ctrl + Shift + Goes to the last Layout. Right

All Types

Toggles snapping mouse input to the grid on and All Types off.

Grid Snap


Show/Hide Guide Lines

Q Toggles guide lines on and off.

Create Guide Line Segment Remove all Guide Lines Lock to Guide Line

Shift + ` Creates a user-defined guide line segment. Ctrl + ` Removes all guide lines from the view. Alt + ` Locks the Cursor to Guide Line.

Non-Text All Types All Types Non-Text

Sets the view to display all selected items in the Window.

All Types

Fit in Window

Ctrl + ' Sets the view to display all items in the Window.

All Types

Previous Zoom

Ctrl + [ Jumps back to the previous zoom.

All Types

Next Zoom

Ctrl + ] Jumps to the next zoom.

All Types

Zoom to Selection

Show Selection/Marquee in 3D Show all in 3D (Filtered)

Ctrl + Shift + '


Opens the 3D Window to display the elements selected by either the Arrow or Marquee tool.

Opens the 3D Window to display the entire model Ctrl + F5 in 3D only limited by the active 3D Element Filters All Types and the 3D Cut Planes if they are present. Selects a subset of the items to display in the 3D All Types window.

Filter Elements in 3D...

Ctrl + Alt + A

3D Cutting Planes...

Ctrl + Shift + Creates and changes planes for the solid 3D Y cutting operation.

3D Cutaway 3D Projection Settings... Hidden Line Redraw Rebuild Rebuild & Regenerate

All Types

Ctrl + Y Switches 3D cutting on and off. Ctrl + Shift + Changes the 3D viewpoint, camera and sun F3 settings. Alt + Shift + Displays items in 3D window with hidden lines. F6 Ctrl + R Refreshes the active window. Ctrl + Shift + Rebuilds the content of the active window. R Ctrl + Alt + Rebuilds and regenerates the content of the

All Types All Types All Types All Types All Types All Types All Types

Shift + R active window. Open 3D Window Element Snap

F3 Opens or activates 3D window. E Toggles element snapping on and off.

Story Settings...

Ctrl + 7 Creates and changes the stories.

Trim to Roof...

Ctrl + 0

Send & Receive Changes... Receive Changes Receive Changes and Settings

Trims walls, columns, slabs, beams and library parts to Roofs.

All Types All Types All Types All Types

Ctrl + Shift + Sends changes within your Workspace and All Types J receives changes made by other Team Members. Ctrl + J

Receives changes made by the other Team Members without sending your modifications.

Receives changes and settings made by the Ctrl + Alt + J other Team Members without sending your modifications.

All Types All Types

Layer Settings...

Ctrl + L

Creates and changes the layers and layer combinations.


Save View and Place on Layout

Alt + F7

Save a new view and place the view on the layout.

All Types

Full Screen

Ctrl + \ Toggles Full Screen mode on and off.

All Types

Floor Plan

F2 Activates Floor Plan window.

All Types

Last Section (context menu)

F6 Activates the window of the last section.

All Types

Last Layout (context menu)

F7 Activates the window of the last layout.

All Types

Switch Geometry Methods


Switches among the Geometry Methods in the Info Box.

Switch Construction Methods


Switches among the Construction Methods in the All Types Info Box.

Top Elevation

T Activates the top elevation value in the Info Box. All Types

Top Elevation

Shift + T Activates the top elevation value in the Info Box. All Types

All Types

Bottom Elevation


Activates the bottom elevation value in the Info Box.

All Types

Bottom Elevation

Shift + B

Activates the bottom elevation value in the Info Box.

All Types

Cursor Snap Variants

Shift + Q Switches among Cursor Snap Variants.

Previous Tool in Toolbox

All Types


Activates the Tool located above the currently active tool in the Classic Toolbox.

All Types

Next Tool in Toolbox


Activates the Tool located below the currently active tool in the Classic Toolbox.

All Types

Arrow Tool/Last Tool Toggle


Toggles between the Arrow tool and the last used All Types Tool.

Shift + S

Switches among cursor snap grid options: none, All Types snap grid and construction grid.

Change Grid Snap States Scroll Up Scroll Down Scroll Left

Up Scrolls the window up.

All Types

Down Scrolls the window down.

All Types

Left Scrolls the window left.

All Types

Scroll Right

Right Scrolls the window right.

All Types

Zoom In (scrollbar)

+ Zooms in on the screen.

All Types

Zoom Out (scrollbar)

- Zooms out from the screen.

All Types

Force Guide Line Display

Displays the next Guide Line Group (Maindirection or Relative-direction) or the Edge/Arc All Types ` Extension Guide Line without waiting for the userset lag time to expire.

Switch to the Next Pet Palette Item Switch to the Previous Pet Palette Item

F Switches to the next item of the Pet Palette.

All Types

Shift + F Switches to the previous item of the Pet Palette. Non-Text

Nudge Up (Larger)

Alt + Shift + Nudges the selected element(s) up (Construction All Types Up Grid increment).

Nudge Down (Larger)

Alt + Shift + Nudges the selected element(s) down Down (Construction Grid increment).

Nudge Left (Larger)

Alt + Shift + Nudges the selected element(s) left (Construction All Types Left Grid increment).

Nudge Right (Larger)

Alt + Shift + Nudges the selected element(s) right Right (Construction Grid increment).

Nudge Up Nudge Down Nudge Left Nudge Right Orbit

Shift + Up Shift + Down Shift + Left Shift + Right

Nudges the selected element(s) up (Snap Grid increment).

All Types

All Types All Types

Nudges the selected element(s) down (Snap Grid All Types increment). Nudges the selected element(s) left (Snap Grid increment).

All Types

Nudges the selected element(s) right (Snap Grid All Types increment).

O Switches Orbit Mode on and off.

All Types


Shift + F3 Perspective

All Types


Ctrl + F3 Axonometry

All Types

Edit value in Tracker Prefer polar coordinates in Tracker Gravity Gravity

N Brings up the Tracker for numeric input. /

During straight vector editing, Tracker shows Radius and Angle instead of X - Y coordinates.

V Automatic Elevation detection. Shift + V

Switches among gravity modes: none, Slab, Roof, or Mesh.

All Types All Types All Types All Types


Show distances/angles of cursor from reference M point/Guide Line. During input/editing, transfers value to Tracker.

All Types


Show distances/angles of cursor from reference Shift + M point/Guide Line. During input/editing, transfers value to Tracker.

All Types

X Coordinate

X Activates the X Coordinate value.

All Types

X Coordinate

Shift + X Activates the X Coordinate value.

All Types

Y Coordinate

Y Activates the Y Coordinate value.

All Types

Y Coordinate

Shift + Y Activates the Y Coordinate value.

All Types

Z Coordinate

Z Activates the Z Coordinate value.

All Types

Z Coordinate

Shift + Z Activates the Z Coordinate value.

All Types


R Activates the Radius or the Distance value.

All Types


Shift + R Activates the Radius or the Distance value.

All Types


Shift + D Activates the Radius or the Distance value.

All Types


D Activates the Radius or the Distance value.

All Types


A Activates the Angle value.

All Types


Shift + A Activates the Angle value.

All Types

Lock X Coordinate

Alt + X Locks the X Coordinate value.

All Types

Lock X Coordinate

Alt + Shift + Locks the X Coordinate value. X

All Types

Lock Y Coordinate

Alt + Y Locks the Y Coordinate value.

All Types

Lock Y Coordinate

Alt + Shift + Locks the Y Coordinate value. Y

All Types

Lock Z Coordinate

Alt + Z Locks the Z Coordinate value.

All Types

Lock Z Coordinate

Alt + Shift + Z Locks the Z Coordinate value.

All Types

Lock Radius/Distance

Alt + R Locks the Radius or the Distance value.

All Types

Lock Radius/Distance

Alt + Shift + Locks the Radius or the Distance value. R

All Types

Lock Radius/Distance

Alt + D Locks the Radius or the Distance value.

All Types

Lock Radius/Distance

Alt + Shift + Locks the Radius or the Distance value. D

All Types

Lock Angle

Alt + A Locks the Angle value.

All Types

Lock Angle

Alt + Shift + A Locks the Angle value.

All Types


Brings up the Tracker for numeric input; switches Non-Text to the next Value in the Tracker.

Activate Previous Tracker Value

Shift + *

Brings up the Tracker for numeric input; switches All Types to the previous Value in the Tracker.

Trace On/Off

Alt + F2 Trace On/Off.



Shift + L Polyline Tool

All Types

Activate Next Tracker Value

Non-customizable shortcuts Command Name

Cancel operations

Shortcut Key


During input: cancel the operation. Guide line(s): removes all guide lines. Esc Selected item(s): deselect. Selected item(s) with Marquee: remove Marquee. If nothing is selected: switch to Arrow tool. Backspace

During input: cancel the operation. Selected item(s): delete.

Pick Up Parameters Inject Parameters

Alt Pick an element parameters to be the default. Ctrl + Alt Inject the default parameters into an element.

Quick Selection Toggle


Temporarily Enables/Disables selection of elements by their surfaces.

Magic Wand


Activate the Magic Wand tool on the fly with other Tools.

Element Snap Toggle


When element snap is on: toggles among moving element’s snappable points.

Suspend Cursor snap during Element snap


Suspends cursor snap when moving an element while Element snap is on.

Mouse Constrain Angles / Guide Lines

Constrain to Horizontal, Vertical, Fixed or Custom Shift Angle pairs. Constrain to instant or Lasting Guide Lines.

Instant Arrow tool


Element Highlight

Shift Highlights detected Element.

Select/Deselect Element Highlight Toggle

Shift + Click TAB

Toggles to arrow tool temporarily while another tool is active. If Arrow tool is active: Adds/removes elements to/from selection. To...

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