Comm exam 3 - Community exam 3 PDF

Title Comm exam 3 - Community exam 3
Course  Nursing Care of Community Health Clients
Institution Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Pages 26
File Size 555 KB
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Community exam 3...


Question 1

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A 16-year-old client visits the community health clinic with concerns that she may have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). She asks whether STIs are treatable. STIs that are easily treated and curable include: (Select all that apply.) Selected Answers:


Gonorrhea D.

Syphilis E.

Chlamydia Answers:


Human papillomavirus B.

Herpes simplex C.

Gonorrhea D.

Syphilis E.

Chlamydia Question 2

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A client arrives at the clinic shaky and requesting a refill on a prescription for alprazolam (Xanax). The nurse suspects that the client might be experiencing substance withdrawal. Which comment by the client would most tend to confirm your suspicion? Selected Answer:



“I ran out of pills a week ago and have felt sweaty and agitated ever since.” A.

“Lately I've had to double up on my dose just for it to be effective.” B.

“I ran out of pills a week ago and have felt sweaty and agitated ever since.” C.

“I feel like I just can't function without the medicine.” D.

“The medicine has been wonderful. I think one more refill should do it for me.”

Question 3

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A client arrives on the unit, diagnosed with norovirus infection from eating shellfish. The client has been vomiting repeatedly and is now severely dehydrated. Which interventions are likely to be performed for this client? (Select all that apply.) Selected Answers:


Encouraging the client and the client's family to practice good handwashing D.

Starting an intravenous line for fluid and electrolyte replacement E.

Immediate disinfecting all potentially contaminated objects and surfaces Answers:


Administering a vaccination B.

Encouraging the client and the client's family to practice good handwashing C.

Isolating the client until 12 hours after the client has been symptom free D.

Starting an intravenous line for fluid and electrolyte replacement E.

Immediate disinfecting all potentially contaminated objects and surfaces Question 4

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A client is fearful of being infected with the Ebola virus. To which reliable source of family risk reduction information should this client turn? Selected Answer: Answers:


A conversation the client has with his healthcare provider A.

Data from an Internet site that the client's daughter conveyed B.

Information the client's wife reported from a newspaper article about the Ebola virus that she read C.

A conversation the client has with his healthcare provider


A report from the client's neighbor whose daughter was recently infected with the Ebola virus Question 5

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A client presents with several ulcerative sores on his penis that are firm, round, and painless. He also has rough, reddish brown spots on his palms and the bottoms of his feet. He acknowledges that he is sexually active with multiple partners and is inconsistent in his use of a condom. Which sexually transmitted infection should the nurse most suspect in this client? Selected Answer: Answers:


Syphilis A.

Chlamydia B.

Human papillomavirus C.

Syphilis D.

Gonorrhea Question 6

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A client wants to know the best way to avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The nurse should mention: Selected Answer: Answers:


Abstinence A.

Use of latex condoms B.

Monogamous relationship with an infected partner C.

Washing the genitals after sex D.

Abstinence 

Question 7 2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A line operator in a manufacturing facility comes in to the on-site clinic reporting numbness in his hands after excessive exposure to the toxin benzene. Applying the epidemiologic triad to this scenario, which is the

host? Selected Answer: Answers:


Line operator A.

Benzene B.

Line operator C.

Manufacturing facility D.

Hands Question 8

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A nurse is preparing to make a mandatory report of intimate partner violence (IPV) with regard to the caregiver of a pediatric client. Which actions are appropriate? (Select all that apply.) Selected Answers:


Ask the victim whether she has a plan to keep herself and the child safe D.

Ask the victim if she would like to file a report at the same time as you file yours E.

Determine whether it will be safe to inform the child about the report Answers:


Ask the victim whether she has a plan to keep herself and the child safe B.

Ask about the child's incidence of using drugs C.

Tell the child about the possibility of filing a mandatory report D.

Ask the victim if she would like to file a report at the same time as you file yours E.

Determine whether it will be safe to inform the child about the report

Question 9 2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

A nurse receives blood test results that indicate that a 14-year-old client has been using cannabis. Based on knowledge of factors that affect rate of cannabis use among youth, which would be the most effective strategy to

discourage this behavior? Selected Answer:


Explain the risks associated with cannabis use



Explain the risks associated with cannabis use B.

Remind the client that it is still illegal in your state C.

Refer the client for counseling D.

Share about your own experience with drug use Question 10

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points (Extra Credit)

An outbreak of foodborne botulism has occurred in the community, and the nurse is on the disaster management team to address it. Which intervention should the nurse expect to implement in this situation? Selected Answer: Answers:


Administration of antitoxins A.

Administration of antivirals B.

Distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) C.

Administration of antitoxins D.

Administration of antibiotics Question 11

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

An underserved population is a subgroup of the population that has a higher risk of developing health problems due to marginalization in which areas? (Select all that apply.) Selected Answers:


Gender C.

Sociocultural status


Age Answers:


Gender B.

Political affiliation C.

Sociocultural status D.

Age E.

Religion Question 12

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

As an advocate for leukemia research, the nurse along with many others succeeded in urging the U.S. Congress to debate and vote on a bill that significantly increases federal funding for this research. Which system level would such an intervention address? Selected Answer: Answers:


Upstream A.

Sidestrea m B.

Upstream C.

Mainstrea m D.

Downstrea m Question 13

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

Hospice care includes services that are reasonable and necessary for the comfort and management of a terminal illness. Which services might be included? (Select all that apply.) Selected Answers:


Nursing care B.

Physician services


Social worker services E.

Hospice aide services Answers:


Nursing care B.

Physician services C.

Social worker services D.

Long-term inclient pain control E.

Hospice aide services Question 14

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

In researching cases of West Nile virus in the community, the nurse explores how the interactions among people infected with this virus, mosquitoes, and the environment they share contribute to outbreaks of this disease. Which epidemiologic model is used in this case? Selected Answer:



Epidemiologic triad A.

Wheel of causation B.

Natural history C.

Web of causation D.

Epidemiologic triad Question 15

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

In reviewing a study that considered the sensitivity of a particular screening test for HIV, the nurse found 21 true positives, 853 true negatives, 3 false positives, and 5 false negatives. What is the sensitivity of this test? Selected



80.8 %



80.8 % B.

99.6 % C.

93.7 % D.

87.5 % Question 16

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

Incidence rates for groups exposed to a secondhand smoke are compared with the incidence rates for people who are not exposed to secondhand smoke. This will measure the: Selected Answer:



Relative risk ratio A.

Incidence density B.

Specific rate C.

Relative risk ratio D.

Prevalence rate Question 17

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

Preventing intimate partner violence (IPV) and recurrence of violence requires targeting efforts at all three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Which is a secondary prevention strategy? Selected Answer:


Screening a woman for evidence of abuse who has several risk factors for IPV



Creating and broadcasting a public service announcement that raises awareness about IPV B.

Putting up posters around the health provider's office that give tips on what to do if one is in an abusive relationship C.

Screening a woman for evidence of abuse who has several risk factors for IPV D.

Providing a woman who is being abused by her husband the number to an abuse hotline so that she can get help leaving him Question 18

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

Primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention help reduce risk, identify and limit disabilities, and reduce complications of mental health problems. Which exemplifies a tertiary prevention strategy for mental health problems? Selected Answer:



Promote support groups for people with mental health disorders A.

Provide mental health services following stressful community events B.

Refer high-risk people for diagnostic services C.

Screen for mental health disorders D.

Promote support groups for people with mental health disorders Question 19

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

Public health nursing is distinguished from other specialties by adherence to eight principles. Which is one of the eight domains of public health nursing practice? Selected Answer:



Analytic assessment skills A.

Case management B.

Referral and follow-up C.

Investigation of disease D.

Analytic assessment skills Question 20

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

Several levels of public health surveillance are necessary to protect the nation's health. At what level are healthcare providers and health facilities required to report certain infectious diseases? Selected Answer: Answers:


State A.

Local B.

State C.

Federal D.

Internation al Question 21

1.00000 out of 1.00000 points (Extra Credit)

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS) outlines common risk behaviors influencing the health of the nation's youth. Which risk factors are included on this survey? (Select all that apply.) Selected Answers:


Unintentional injury C.

Sports-related trauma D.

Sexual behaviors E.

Alcohol use Answers:


Sleep deprivation


Unintentional injury C.

Sports-related trauma D.

Sexual behaviors E.

Alcohol use

Question 22

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The community health nurse addresses cyber bullying in the local middle schools. Currently, there are no policies in place for this issue. The most appropriate first step is to: Selected Answer:


Explore current programs to prevent bullying and youth violence



Explore current programs to prevent bullying and youth violence B.

Develop rules for acceptable and safe use of all electronic media for all students C.

Ban use of the Internet at all schools D.

Actively monitor students' social media postings Question 23

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The community health nurse explores pedestrian access to all healthcare facilities in the community. Which tool would be most helpful in performing this task? Selected Answer:



Geographic information systems A.

Functional health pattern B.

Developmental model C.

Epidemiologic model


Geographic information systems Question 24

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The community health nurse is using a genogram to aid in the family assessment. What aspect of family connections and relationships is included in the genogram? Selected Answer:


Relationships across two or more generations



Family relationships and their vital connections B.

Relationships across two or more generations C.

Influence of other systems on families D.

Influence of groups on families Question 25

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The community health nurse knows that early attempts to understand illness and disease focused on the study of the experiences of individual people. Using this knowledge, how would the nurse define epidemiology to a group of nursing students? Selected Answer:



Study of the distribution and determinants of states of health and illness in human populations A.

An outbreak that occurs when there is an increased incidence of a disease beyond that which is normally found in the population B.

Epidemiologic model that strongly emphasizes the concept of multiple causation while de-emphasizing the role of agents in explaining illness C.

Model based on the belief that health status is determined by the interaction of the characteristics of the host, agent, and

environment D.

Study of the distribution and determinants of states of health and illness in human populations Question 26

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The community health nurse learns that there are statistically high levels of obesity and elevated cholesterol in the community. In addition, the community has a disproportionately high number of fast food restaurants, compared with surrounding communities. Which would be the most appropriate next step, based on these data? Selected Answer: Answers:


Target education and support programs A.

Create local exercise programs B.

Target education and support programs C.

Gather further information regarding trans fats D.

Gather support in the community to ban fast foods Question 27

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The local clinic is dedicated to the well adult and child. It has evening hours and offers varied programs for the community. The programs include immunizations and classes on fire safety, health education, and car safety, to name a few. How would the nurse explain the level of prevention used in this setting to your colleagues? Selected Answer: Answers:


Primary A.

Secondar y B.

Tertiary C.

Primary D.

Quaterna ry Question 28

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The nurse assesses a 19-year-old client for alcohol abuse. Which would be the most significant risk factor for alcohol abuse in this client? Selected Answer: Answers:


Enrollment in college A.

Female gender B.

History of type 1 diabetes C.

Enrollment in college D.

African-American race Question 29

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The nurse assesses a client who recently attempted suicide by prescription drug overdose. Based on knowledge of a recent study of the findings of the Third National Health and Nutrition Survey, what is the most important risk factor to assess for in this client? Selected Answer:


Major depressive disorder



Major depressive disorder B.

Substance abuse C.

Chronic pain D.

Social isolation 

Question 30 2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The nurse cares for a client in a community health clinic. The nurse is uncomfortable because the client remains very close when communicating. This discomfort makes it difficult to concentrate on the

interview. When the nurse backs away, the client stops speaking and leaves. This is an example of: Selected Answer:



Differing views of personal space A.

Treatment limitation B.

Aggressive behavior C.

Differing views of personal space D.

Cultural bias Question 31

2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The nurse cares for a client who has symptoms of high fever and unexplained bleeding. After receiving blood test results, the client's primary care provider diagnoses the client with Ebola hemorrhagic fever. What interventions should the nurse anticipate implementing for this client? (Select all that apply.) Selected Answers:


Administration of an antiviral C.

Strict infection control E.

Isolation of the client Answers:


Administration of an antitoxin B.

Administration of an antiviral C.

Strict infection control D.

Rinsing of the client's eyes E.

Isolation of the client

Question 32 2.00000 out of 2.00000 points

The nurse cares for many clients who have serious illne...

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