Exam 3 Art - exam 3 study guide PDF

Title Exam 3 Art - exam 3 study guide
Author Brianna Tomci
Course  Introduction to the Visual Arts
Institution Colorado State University
Pages 1
File Size 48 KB
File Type PDF
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exam 3 study guide...


Brianna Tomci 831095721 ART100-001 Exam 3 1. One work from the Olmec group is the Offering or “La Venta” that was created in Mexico circa 900-400 B.C. The figures made of different stones and gems are in what seems to be a ritual with pillars forming the circle. Pakal the Great (“shield”) was a powerful Mayan ruler who ruled from 615 to 683 CE and commissioned structures like the Palace/Temple of Inscription to be built. A Nazca earth drawing is a geoglyph and an example is the Hummingbird located in southwest Peru. Incan masons were notable for their stone walls and how they closely fit together. The famous site is Machu Picchu. Pueblo Bonito is in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.

2. An example of animal interlace style is seen in the Book of Kells (Ireland 800) which uses spirals and interlaces in human and animal forms combined with Greek letters. There are two cats with mice perched on their backs seen as a triumph of good over evil. The brooch is made to resemble animal forms, this technique was used in Scandinavia also. Romanesque churches like Santiago de Compostela are not all the same although they are based on the basilican plan, buttresses and crossings were characteristic as well as an elaborate ornamental door. Gothic Cathedrals like the abbey church of SaintDenis were different because they used stained glass to create a colorful glow as if the soul was being illuminated.

3. Renaissance means rebirth. The Flemish began using oil paint because oil creates a glaze and changes can be easily made, brush strokes can be erased. An engraving is a technique that allows finer lines and details to create books. Linear or mathematical perspective creates an optical illusion by using lines that go to a vanishing point on the horizon. Chiaroscuro means light and dark to show the transition from highlight to shadow (3D form). David by Donatello is a free-standing bronze while Michelangelo’s David is marble and is a symbol of supremacy. Leonardo Da Vinci was notable for “The Vitruvian Man” and for his many talents (Mona Lisa). Raphael was a Renaissance painter and architect who was known for his clarity of form (School of Athens). Albrecht Durer was a German painter during the Renaissance who represented nature using a linear perspective and an updated canon (Adam and Eve, Self-Portrait).

4. Bernini’s David was mature and is seen in action compared to Michaelangelo’s David which is posing more calmly. A Spanish painter of the ‘Golden Age’ was Diego Velazquez who is known for Las Meninas used the Baroque style with complex scenes using light and darkness. Peter Rubens was known for the Flemish Baroque style who was commissioned by churches and royal courts like Velazquez. Etching, popularized by Rembrandt (Dutch painter) which is a process where a metal plate is coated with a resin and then the artist draws through the resin to expose the metal (drypoint).

5. Jacque David was an important French Neoclassical painter who was a classical painter for Napoleon’s court. (Oath of the Horatii). Neo-Classicism is defined by heroic nudity in sculpture highlighting morality in controlled compositions, emotions kept to a minimum versus Romanticism which is complex, loose brushwork, light/dark, fantasy-like, imaginative. Francisco Goya was a leader in the Romantic movement, painter and printmaker who showed the flaws in humanity under the Spanish crown. (Los Caprichos).The first artist credited for using fixative was Louis Daguerre. Photography influences realism because photography accurately records a visual appearance that can be recreated in art....

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