Common assignment copy 1 PDF

Title Common assignment copy 1
Author Rachel Flick
Course Composition I
Institution Northwest Vista College
Pages 3
File Size 69.2 KB
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A.S. Rachel Flick Professor Overstreet ENG.1301.135 April 16, 2019 Common assignment for critical thinking skills

While, people today, might think that multitasking is saving us time, in the long run, psychologists, neuroscientists, and others are “finding that it can put us under a great deal of stress and actually make us less efficient.” (Tugend 2008) For this assignment, I took the article “Multitasking can make you” by Alina Tugend on page 725 in the The Norton Field Guide. In the article, Tugend informs readers of the threats and obstacles from multitasking. The author describes how this age has become helpless toward multitasking since the 1990s. The author also tells us that multitasking isn't useful because creating more than one project at once can develop stress, anxiety, and lower focus. Still, though we believe we are working simultaneity. We are merely switching tasks making us less focused. Earl Miller, a professor of neuroscience, explains how the human brain can’t handle multitasking at the cognitive level which is why we increase in stress and anxiety. There have been various studies that prove multitasking has become part of people's traits because they cannot stay focus on an activity more than 12 minutes

resulting in inefficient outcomes. While multitasking seems to save time there is many consequences like slower reflects, more stress and less quality in work. The Genre of this article would be "reports." Tugend's article provides evidence that proves that it is a report, but she also incorporates her own opinion inside the article. She illustrates this especially in paragraph 6 when she says, “but despite what many of us think, you cannot simultaneously e-mail and talk on the phone.” (Tugend 714) to prove this theory, Tugend provides the reader with her opinion, as well as detailed explanations from several people on the subject. Personal reflection paragraph

Citations 1. Tugend, Alina. “Multitasking Can Make You Lose. . . Um . . . Focus.” The Norton Field

Guide To Writing With Readings And Handbook, vol. 4E, 2008, pp. 725 par.3....

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