Common case study - abc PDF

Title Common case study - abc
Author rohit jain
Course Theory of machines
Institution Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
Pages 7
File Size 158.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Top5CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Quest i onsAnd Answer s: 1.I ncr easi ngPr ofit s Ul t i mat el y ,anycl i ent ’ sgoal i st oi ncr easepr ofit s.Asar esul t ,pr ofit abi l i t yi st hemost i mpor t antobj ect i v ei nconsul t i ngcasest udyi nt er vi ews .Knowi nghowt oanal yz et he maj orcomponent sofpr ofit abi l i t yi si mper at i v ef oranyaspi r i ngconsul t ant . CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Pr ompt sExampl es 

Ourcl i enti saphar maceut i caldr ugcompanyt hathasseenani nc r eas ei n dr ugsal esbutadec r easei nov er al lpr ofit .Ourcl i enthashi r edust ofi gur eout whatt hei ssuei s . Ourcl i entmanuf act ur eshi ghendwat chesandhasbeeni nbusi nessf or sever al decades.Lasty earwast hefir sty eart hec ompanywasunpr ofit abl e. Ourcl i entwoul dl i k eourhel pi nunder st andi ngwhatwentwr ong. Ourcl i enti saski ncar ecompanyt hathasseenanexpl os i onofs al esaf t er bei ngi nbusi nessf oraf ewy ear s.Ev enwi t hadr as t i ci nc r easei nv ol umes,t he companyi si nt her ed.Cany ouhel pfi gur eouthowt ogett hecl i enti nt ot he bl ack?

Pot ent i alCat egor i est oI ncl udei nYourFr amewor k 

Revenue o Bi gpi ct ur e  Whatar eourcl i ent ’ sr ev enues t r eams ?  Whatper centoft ot al r ev enuedoeseachst r eam r epr esent ?  Hav et hoseper c ent ageschangedl at el y ?  Hav et her ev enues t r eamsbeendecl i ni ngorgr owi ngov ert he past1,3,5,or10y ear s ?  Howi sourc l i entgr owi ngr el at i v et ot hei ndust r y ?  Whati sourmar k etshar ei nt er msofsal escompar edt o compet i t or s ? o Pr i ce  Whati sourc l i entpr i ci ngi t spr oduct sat ?  Howhaspr i c i ngc hangedov ert hepastf ewy ear s ?  Whati sourpr i ci ngst r at egy?  Howi spr i c i ngexpect edt ochangeovert henextf ewy ear s ?  Whatar ecompet i t or spr i ci ngs i mi l arpr oduct sat ? o Quant i t y  Atwhatquant i t yi sourcl i entsel l i ngi t spr oduct sat ?  Howhasquant i t ychangedov ert hepastf ewy ear s ?  Howi squant i t yexpect edt ochangeovert henextf ewy ear s ? o Wayst oi ncr easesal es  I ncr easepr i ces  I ncr easequant i t y

 Bundl epr oduct ssocus t omer sbuymor eatonce Cost o Bi gpi ct ur e  Whatar eourcl i ent ’ smaj orfix edandv ar i abl ec os t s ?  Howhav ecost sc hangedov ert hepastf ewy ear s ?  Howar eourcl i ent ’ sr el at i ons hi pswi t hi t ssuppl i er s ?  Wi l lr educ i ngcost sdamageanyofourr evenues t r eams ?  Howdoourcost scompar eagai nstourcompet i t or s ?  Whatdoesourcl i ent ’ ssuppl ychai nl ookl i k e ?  I st her eany t hi nghappeni ngwi t hi nourc l i ent ’ smar k etort he economyt hati si mpact i ngcost s ?  Ar et her eanygov er nmentr egul at i onst hati mpactourcl i ent ’ s cost s ? o CostperUni t  Whatdoesourcl i ent ’ sfix edandv ar i abl ecost sl ookl i k eona costperuni tbasi s ?  Hast hec os tperuni tbeeni ncr easi ngordec r easi ngov ert he pastf ewy ear s ?  I st hecos tperuni texpect edt oi nc r easeordec r easewi t hi nt he nextf ewy ear s ? o Quant i t y  Atwhatquant i t yi sourcl i entsel l i ngi t spr oduct sat ?  Howhasquant i t ychangedov ert hepastf ewy ear s ?  Howi squant i t yexpect edt ochangeovert henextf ewy ear s ?  Howwi l l cost schangei fwei nc r easequant i t y?Wi l lwebeabl e t onegot i at ebet t ercost s ? o Wayst odecr easecost s  I ncr easequant i t yt oachi ev eeconomi esofscal e  Anal yz ear easoft hebusi nesst hatar en’ tpr oduc i ngr esul t sand r educer esour ces  Cr eat eamor eeffici entsuppl ychai n  Negot i at ewi t hs uppl i erf orbet t ercost s Wayst oi ncr easepr ofit abi l i t y o Expandi nt onewmar k et s o I ncr easemar k et i ngeffor t sandst r engt hencompanybr and o Reduc epr i ces o Negot i at ebet t ercos t swi t hsuppl i er s o I mpr ov ecust omerser vi ce

2.CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Quest i onsandAnswer s:Ent er i ngaNew Mar ket Compani esof t enneedt oent ernewmar k et si nor dert ogr owbusi ness.Newmar k et s r epr esentnewoppor t uni t i esbutal soaddi t i onal chal l enges .Casest udyi nt er vi ew f r amewor k sf ornewmar k et sshoul di ncl udecat egor i esandquest i onst hatar eopenended,si ncet her ear eawi der angeofpossi bi l i t i est ocons i der .

CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Pr ompt sExampl es 

Ourc l i enti saEur opeanbas eds peak ermanuf ac t ur i ngcompanyt hati s seeki ngf ur t hergr owt h.Thec l i enti scons i der i ngent er i ngt heUSmar k etbut hassomer eser v at i onsandwoul dl i k ey out oanal y z ewhet herornoti t ’ sa goodi dea. Ourc l i enti sal i ghtbul bmanuf act ur ert hati sbasedi nBr azi l .Ourcl i enti s seei ngst agnantgr owt handt her ef or ei st r y i ngt oent eranewcount r yi nLat i n Amer i ca.Cany ouhel pt hecl i entfigur eoutwhi c hcount r yi sbestt oent er ? Ourc l i enti sanagr i c ul t ur al power hous et hatpr oducesmanyki ndsof v eget abl esandf r ui t s.Thecl i entcur r ent l yhasasur pl usofpr oduceandi s l ooki ngt ofindnewcount r i esi tcal l sel lt hi spr oduce.Cany ouhel pt hecl i ent det er mi newhi chcount r i esseem mos tpr omi s i ng?

Pot ent i alCat egor i est oI ncl udei nYourFr amewor k 

Si t uat i onoft henew mar ket o Whati st hesi z eoft hemar k et ? o Whati st hemar k etgr owi ngordec l i ni ngatf ort henext1,3,5,or10 y ear s ? o Atwhatr at ehast hemar k etbeengr owi ngordecl i ni ngf ort hepas t1,3, 5,or10y ear s ? o Wher ei st hemar k eti ni t sl i f ecy cl e? o Whoar et hecus t omer sandhowar et heysegment ed? o Wi l lourcl i ent ’ spr oduct sbecomel essus ef ul ov ert i mewi t h t ec hnol ogi cal adv ances ? o Hav et her ebeenanymaj orc hangesi nt hemar k etl at el y ? o Whatar et hek eyf ac t or st hatdr i vet hei ndus t r y ? Compet i t i on o Whoar et hemai nc ompet i t or sandwhatar et hei rmar k etshar es ? o Howdot hecompet i t or s ’ pr oduct scompar et oourc l i ent ’ s ? o Howwi l l t hecompet i t i onr espond? o Whatar eourcl i ent ’ scompet i t i v eadv ant ages ? Ent er i ngt henew mar ket o Whatar et hek eyr i s kst oc ons i der ? o Ar et her eanybar r i er st oent r y ? o Woul di tbemor epr ofit abl et oent ert hr oughanacqui s i t i on,aj oi nt v ent ur e,orbycr eat i ngabusi nes sf r om scr at ch? o Howwi l l t hecl i entex i tt henewmar k eti ft hi ngsdon’ tgowel l ?

3.CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Quest i onsandAnswer s:Devel opi ngaNew Pr oduct Si mi l art onewmar k et s,compani esneedt odev el opnewpr oduct si nor dert ogr ow. Thi spr obl em i si nt i mi dat i ngf ormostcl i ent sduet opot ent i alhi ghcost sandaf earof t heunknown.Yourcasest udyi nt er v i ewf r amewor kshoul ddi v edeepi nt ot henew pr oductbef or eany t hi ngel se.

CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Pr ompt sExampl es 

Ourc l i enti samat ur epapercompanyt hatf eel si ti si nasat ur at edmar k et .The companyhasgr eatmanuf act ur i nganddi st r i but i oncapabi l i t i esandi sl ooki ng i nt ocr eat i ngnot ebook st oexpandi t sr ev enues t r eams .Cany ouhel panal yz e t hi sdeci s i onandseei fi t ’ sagoodi dea? Ourc l i enti sacut t i ngedget echnol ogycompanyt hati swor ki ngonasmar t t el evi si on.Thecl i enthasnev erwor k edonapr oductl i k et hi sbef or eandwoul d l i k et ounder s t andi t svi abi l i t y . Ourc l i enti sanat i onal gr ocer yst or et hati st hi nk i ngofcr eat i nggener i c v er si onsofsodast osel l ati t sownst or es .Ther ei ssomehesi t at i onbecause ourcl i enthasn’ tmanuf act ur edi t sownpr oduc t sbef or e.Theywanty ouradv i ce onwhaty out hi nkt heyshoul ddo.

Pot ent i alCat egor i est oI ncl udei nYourFr amewor k 

New pr oductandpr oductpor t f ol i o o Whati st henewpr oductandhowi si tdi ffer entf r om whati scur r ent l yon t hemar k et ? o Howi nnov at i v ei st hi spr oductc ompar edt oot her st hatexi sti nt he mar k et ? o I st hepr oduc tpat ent edorhav eanyr i ght st hatcanpr ot ecti tf r om bei ng copi ed? o Ar et her esi mi l arpr oduct si nt hemar k ett hatcanactassubst i t ut es ? o Howdoest hepr oductfitwi t hi nt hecl i ent ’ scur r entpr oduc tl i ne ? o Cant hepr oductbebundl edwi t hanyexi st i ngpr oduc t s ? o Wi l lt hepr oductcanni bal i z eanyoft hecl i ent ’ sc ur r entpr oduct s ? o I st hecl i entr epl ac i nganexi s t i ngpr oduct ? Mar ketst r at egy o Whoar eourcus t omer sandhowc anwebes tr eacht hem? o Howwi l l t hi spr oductexpandourcust omerbas eandi nc r eas esal es ? o I st her eanydat aorr esear chsuppor t i ngt hatc us t omer swantt hi s pr oduct ? o Whoar et hemai nc ompet i t or sandhowmuchmar k etshar edoeseach fir m have ? o Howwi l l compet i t or sr es pondt ot hi snewpr oduc t ? o Ar eweent er i ngi nt oanewmar k etorar ewes er vi ngt hemar k etwe cur r ent l yser v e ? Feasi bi l i t y o Howmuchf undi ngdoest hi snewpr oductr equi r e ? o Wher ewi l l t hef undi ngbecomi ngf r om? o I fdebti sr equi r ed,cant hecl i ents uppor tdebt ? o Doest hecl i enthavet hemanuf act ur i ngorpr oduc t i oncapabi l i t i est o pr oducet hi spr oductoni t sownordoesi tneedhel pf r om ot herpar t i es ? o Dowehav er el at i onshi pswi t ht her i ghtsuppl i er st hatwi l lhel puscr eat e t hi spr oduct ? o Howwi l l t hi snewpr oducti mpactourcl i ent ’ spr ofit abi l i t y ?

4.CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Quest i onsandAnswer s:Pr i ci ngSt r at egi es Anot hercommoncasest udyi nt er vi ewquest i onr ev ol vesar oundpr i c i ngs t r at egy . Pr i cesus ual l ygr eat l yi mpactv ol umeandul t i mat el ypr ofi t s,sot hi sc as est udy obj ect i v ecomesupqui t ef r equent l y . CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Pr ompt sExampl es 

Ourc l i enti samedi cal devi cemanuf act ur ert hathasdev el opedanewCT machi ne.Theyj ustr ecei v edr egul at or yappr ov al andar enowt r yi ngt omar k et t hepr oduct .Whatpr i ceshoul dt heysel lt hemachi neat ? Ourc l i enti sal uxur yhandbagcompanyt hati sdi v er s i f yi ngi t sr ev enues t r eam bycr eat i ngamor eaffor dabl ehandbagai medatt hemasses.Howshoul dt he cl i entpr i cet hi snewhandbagwi t houtdi l ut i ngi t sbr and? Ourc l i enti sat echnol ogyc ompanyt hatusesar t i fic i al i nt el l i genc et or evi ew medi cal r ecor ds .Howmuchshoul dt hecl i entchar gef ori t sser vi c es ?

Pot ent i alCat egor i est oI ncl udei nYourFr amewor k 

Pr oducti nf or mat i on o Whati st henewpr oductandhowi si tdi ffer entf r om whati scur r ent l yon t hemar k et ? o Howi nnov at i v ei st hi spr oductc ompar edt oot her st hatexi sti nt he mar k et ? o I st hepr oduc tpat ent edorhav eanyr i ght st hatcanpr ot ecti tf r om bei ng copi ed? o Ar et her esi mi l arpr oduct si nt hemar k ett hatcanactassubst i t ut es ? o Cant hepr oductbebundl edwi t hanyexi st i ngpr oduc t s ? o Wi l lt hepr oductcanni bal i z eanyoft hecl i ent ’ sc ur r entpr oduct s ? o Whatwer et heR&Dcost sr equi r edt ocr eat et hi spr oduct ? o Howbi gi st hemar k etf ort hi spr oduct ? Compet i t i veanal ysi s o Howmuchar ec ompet i t or schar gi ngf orsi mi l arpr oduct s ? o Howar ecompet i t or st hi nki ngaboutt hei rpr i ci ngs t r at egi es ? o Howmuchdoesi tcostf orcompet i t or st ocr eat esi mi l arpr oduct s ? o Ar et her eanys ubs t i t ut i onst oourc l i ent ’ spr oduct ? Pr i ci ngst r at egy o Doescost basedpr i c i ngorpr i cebasedcos t i ngmak emor esense? o Whati sourbr eak ev enpoi nt ? o Howmuchdoesi tcostt ocr eat eanddel i v ert hepr oduc t ? o Hast her ebeenanyr esear chcompl et edt oseehowmuchcust omer s ar ewi l l i ngt opayf ort hepr oductorsi mi l arones ? o Docust omer sneedt obeeducat edaboutt hepr oduct ? o Whatar et hepot ent i alcost swi t hbr i ngi ngt hi spr oductt omar k et ? o Howmuchwi l l bespentonmar k et i ng?

5.CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Quest i onsandAnswer s:Mer ger s& Acqui si t i ons Becaus et heyar en’ tascommon,M&Apr obl emsof t encancat chc andi dat esoff guar d.You’ r enotr ecr ui t i ngf orafi nanc epos i t i on,buti t ’ sst i l l i mpor t antt ohavea decentunder st andi ngofhowmer ger s&ac qui s i t i onswor k . CaseSt udyI nt er vi ew Pr ompt sExampl es 

 

Ourc l i enti sasodacompanyconsi der i ngbuyi nganear bypot at oc hi p manuf act ur ert oexpandi t spr oduc tl i nes.Doest hi smak esens e?Whatshoul d ourcl i entbet hi nki ngabout ? Ourc l i enti sagym f r anchi s et hati sconsi der i nganoffert obuyt her i ght sf or oneoft hemostpopul arex er ci semachi nes .Shoul dt heyt ak et hedeal ? Ourc l i enti st hel ar ges tl eat hermanuf act ur eri nt hewor l d.Theyar e consi der i ngpur chas i ngasmal l erupandcomi ngcompet i t or .Shoul dt heydo i t ?

Pot ent i alCat egor i est oI ncl udei nYourFr amewor k 

Det er mi neobj ect i ves o Whyi sourcl i entt hi nki ngaboutpur chasi ngt heassetorcompany? o Ar et her eanypot ent i al al t er nat i v es ? o Howdoest hecompanyfitwi t hi nourcl i ent ’ sbr oaderpr oductpor t f ol i o andst r at egy? o I fourcl i entdoesn’ tpur chaset hecompany ,wi l lacompet i t or ? o Ar et her eanyfinanci al r eas onsl i k et axadv ant agest hatmak et hi sa goodt r ansac t i on? o Ar et her eal otofpot ent i al r ev enueandcos tsy ner gi esf r om t hedeal ? Acqui si t i onpr i ce o Howmuchi sourc l i entgoi ngt obepayi ng? o I st hepr i c ef ai r ? o Howwi l l t hedeal befinanced? o Wi l lourcl i entbet aki ngondebt ,andi fso,cant hecl i ents uppor ti t ? Duedi l i gence o Howar et hepot ent i al acqui si t i ont ar get ’ sfinanci al s ? o Hast het ar get ’ sr ev enueandpr ofit abi l i t ybeeni nc r easi ngordecr easi ng ov ert hepastf ewy ear s ? o Howspec i al ar et het ar get ’ spr oduc t s ? o Whati st het ar get ’ scus t omerbasel i k e ? o Howheal t hyi st hei ndus t r yt het ar geti si n? o Howwi l l compet i t or sr es pondt ot hi sacqui s i t i on? o Ar et her eanyl egal orr egul at or yr easonst hi sac qui s i t i onmaynotwor k?

Concl udi ngThought s

Hopef ul l yt hesecommoncasest udyi nt er vi ewquest i onsandans wer spr ov i dey ou wi t hagoodov er vi ewofappr oac hi ngt hemaj or i t yofcasest udi est hatcomey our way .Howev er ,k eepi nmi ndt hatt hebestcons ul t i ngf r amewor ksar eal way scat er ed t ot hespeci ficcas est udyi nt er vi ew.Sowhi l ei t ’ shel pf ul t oknowt hesebusi ness concept sandquest i ons ,t hey ’ r enotenought opr epar ey ouf oral l cases t udy i nt er v i ews.Adv anc edc andi dat esbl endcas est udyf r amewor k st obestans wert he pr obl em athand.Unt i l y oucandot hat ,y ou’ r enotcompl et el yr eadyf orani nt er v i ew. Looki ngf orexper thel pt ogetov ert hehump?Schedul eacoac hi ngs essi ont oday . Rel at edCont ent   

CaseSt r uct ur e Br eaki ngDownCas eI nt er vi ewFr amewor ks–M&A( Mer ger sand Acqui s i t i ons ) CaseI nt er v i ewCat egor yFeed...

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