Communication AN Introduction PDF

Title Communication AN Introduction
Author John Montes
Course BS Electronics and Communication Engineering
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 19
File Size 641.2 KB
File Type PDF
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COMMUNICATION: AN INTRODUCTION “You cannot NOT communicate.” INTRODUCTION: The old adage “No man is an island” may sound like a cliché in today’s modern society but the rise of different forms of media that traverse geographical locations underscores the importance of communication in our lives. Everyone needs to relate with somebody – to share feelings, ideas, needs and information or just to establish and maintain relationships. At home, in a community, in school or in a workplace a person has to engage in communication. Without effective communication, a relationship can break; a community can be ruled by conflict and chaos; the workplace may not achieve industrial peace resulting to low production. It is therefore important that we know how communication takes place and what elements contribute to its effective process. Depending on what is being considered, communication as a term takes on different context resulting in people having different views on communication types. Since communication is generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts and views between or among two or more people, various contexts come into play. Context is the circumstance or the environment in which communication takes place. Such circumstance may include the physical or actual setting, the value positions of a speaker/listener, and the relevance or appropriateness of a message conveyed. It focuses on certain communication processes and even groupings of people that constitute a communication situation. Different contexts can impact one’s communication. Each communication type is governed by a particular circumstance. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to the interplay of factors surrounding the context of communication which may be physical, cultural, social and psychological in nature.

Aspects of Communication • High quality communication is COMPETENT. • Competent communication is both APPROPRIATE and EFFECTIVE. • Appropriate communication means that you act in ways suitable to the norms and expectations of contexts and situations you encounter. • Effective communication means you are able to achieve the most desirable objectives or outcomes in your contexts. Importance of Communication Process • Communication influences your relationships. •

How you communicate affects your ability to be a good leader.

Ethical communication demonstrated respect and concern for all involved.

True communication requires that we accept others’ freedom of choice.

Our attitudes toward others in communication are more significant than the content of the message.

Choice-making is part of the communication process.

Important Communication Terms: • MESSAGES – are words, sounds, actions and gestures that people express to another when they interact; may be expressed verbally in words or nonverbally in sounds, actions and gestures. Messages may be symbolic. This is the information that the sender wants to transmit to the other party. People communicate because they have ideas they want to share. This message is an integral part of the process and the decoding of this information is highly influenced by the medium used to convey the message. It is also dependent on the receiver of the message who shares a similar field of Compiled by: RMEBTORRES for CLASSROOM PURPOSES ONLY, NO REPRINTING WITHOUT PERMISSION


experience as the sender. There can be no message in the absence of a common referent. •

SYMBOL – is a word, sound, action or gesture that refers to something else. The relationship between symbols and the things or concepts to which they refer is arbitrary.

REFERENT – the things which symbols refer.

LANGUAGE – is a verbal symbol system that allows people to take messages and utterances, in the form of words and translate them into meaning.

MANAGING – typically refers to the handling or supervising of people or some process or material. In communication, we manage the process of creating, receiving and responding to verbal and non-verbal messages and media.

TYPES OF COMMUNICATION Types of Communication According to Mode

NON-VERBAL SYMBOLS – are those sounds, actions or gestures that people agree to have a common meaning; may be communicated by behaviors such as the use of eyes, posture, gestures and the way we use space and time.

MEDIA (CHANNEL) – are any means through which symbols are transmitted and meanings are represented. This is the medium used in sending forth the message.

NATURAL MEDIA – the use of our own voice, gestures, and body to communicate.

TECHNOLOGICAL MEDIA – the use of electronic personal digital assistants, phones, text (faxes), images (videophones and cellphone cameras), the internet, e-mail, instant message and other forms that permit the transfer of written, visual, physical and audio information.

MEANING – refers to the interpretation people assign to a message – how it is recognized and understood; may be personal and unique or it may be shared with others.

VERBAL – NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Effective communication calls for the blending of these two types. One cannot be separated from the other. For instance, doorto-door salespersons who demonstrate product knowledge can only be effective if they know how to properly punctuate what they say with proper gestures and facial expressions. Their communication with the customer begins upon greeting him/her with a welcoming smile then assessing customer needs and answering customer queries enhanced by gestures and a friendly, happy and pleasant disposition. It is only through this mode that salespeople with excellent communication skills are able to provide the best information needed, thereby convincing the client to patronize their products. When you were in Senior High School, you were trained to blend verbal and non-vernal modes of communication. In fact, when meeting people for the first time, as what you may have experienced many times, the initial meeting when you speak during the first few minutes is significant as it leaves a lasting expression on your listeners. You show interest in meeting these people by acknowledging their presence through an amiable, congenial disposition, and a smiling face. Rather than just speaking, it is to use the non-verbal code through a handshake, an approving facial expression, and a kind disposition or character.



VISUAL COMMUNICATION Visual communication is the type of communication that uses visuals to convey information and/or messages. Some examples are signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, pictograms, photos, drawings or illustrations, and even various forms of electronic communication. Some examples of electronic communication symbols or images the emojis, emoticons and animation among others to convey the writer’s emotions or clarify the intent of the message sender. These are achieved through digital mode or text. How these symbols are interpreted is very crucial in visual communication. These are some instances when visual communication is classified under non-verbal communication. Whatever the classification is, note that this type has now become pervasive in communication. It is then important that the receiver of the message is bale to decode the meaning correctly by contextualizing the information received. Visual communication now occupies an important place in any work environment. For instance, during presentations, instructors, managers, doctors, lawyers, legislators, and the like, use visuals to transfer the date into digestible information. Very likely, they will have greater success in catching the attention of the audience, making the latter easily recall the visual information. What makes visual communication even more advantageous is that it makes use of technology that provides apps (applications), videos and images that rely less on the printed word making presentations more interesting. This leaves a powerful effect on the audience and prospective clients. Speakers/presenters should, however, be mindful of the content of their presentation since wrong and irrelevant information may lead to miscommunication or communication breakdown, thereby defeating the very purpose for the use of visuals. Likewise, they should pay attention to graphic elements, such as position, color, size, shape and orientation as all these play an important role in the preparation of slides. Audience size should be

considered as well when preparing slide presentations or other forms of visuals. INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION The Latin prefix intra – means within or inside. Intrapersonal communication means talking to oneself. Some label it as self or inner talk, inner monologue or inner dialogue. Psychologists call it with other names such as self-verbalization or self-statement. Do you find it normal to talk to yourself? Some say it is, some say it’s not. The gauge, however rests on the frequency of the occurrence and how you handle such. For instance, if you find yourself talking to yourself talking, there is really no need for you to answer back. You talk to yourself because you think that there is the need to: boost your confidence when you are nervous to speak in front of an audience, apprise yourself that you have performed a good job, or console yourself that you did a task poorly. Moreover, engaging in inner speech such as fantasizing or daydreaming is not bad as long as you are able to distinguish it from reality. Self-talk can be advantageous as it can enable you to practice what you ought to say in times when you lack the motivation and confidence to speak. One magic statement that you can try is: “I can do it!” Saying this over and over again will give you positive reinforcement that you can do things courageously and that it is not impossible to do so. Furthermore, as you respond to life’s challenges, you may also find yourself verbalizing your thoughts and feelings. It is then important that as you introspect, you are able to improve on your decisions in life and likewise enhance your selfworth as a person.

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION As opposed to intra, the Latin term inter- means between, among, and together. An interactive exchange takes place as interpersonal communication happens. However, as it occurs, a simple interaction such as greetings, getting to know a person, or Compiled by: RMEBTORRES for CLASSROOM PURPOSES ONLY, NO REPRINTING WITHOUT PERMISSION


ordinary conversations that happen between or among the interactants. This may occur in dyads or small groups, also known as group communication. A communication situation is interpersonal if it is meant to establish or deepen one’s relationship with others. However, if the objective is to achieve something at the end of the conversation, it becomes transactional. While the former is characterized by less seriousness and formality, the latter is more formal and profound. Whereas interpersonal talks are meant for maintaining social relationships, transactional talks aim to accomplish or resolve something at the end of the conversation. EXTENDED COMMUNICATION Extended communication involves the use of electronic media. Unlike before when it only called for the use of television and radio, nowadays, the description of extended communication may be expanded as to include tele, audio, or phone conferencing; video conferencing; Skype calls; and other technological means. For example, linked by a telecommunication system, people who are far from the venue, can participate in the meeting or a conference. In a conference like this, participants may not be physically present but are still able to track down the lectures and participate actively because of mass articulation and dissemination of information, allowing speakers to reach a wider group of listeners. Since extended communication is public in nature, speakers are expected to be prepared when they speak, making their language more formal. With the use of electronic media, messages are transmitted quickly. For instance, with the use of Internet, recorded videos may be transmitted in seconds/minutes and may be viewed by a greater number of people. With extended communication, your own thinking, behavior and attitude may be influenced by other people and you may be persuaded to take views you hear. It is important then that you weigh what you hear and assess them against those beliefs that you hold on to so you do not get easily swayed by other people’s conviction.

ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION With this type, the focus is on the role that communication plays in organizational contexts. Organizations comprise individuals who work for the company. When you graduate, for example, you become a professional, either working for a company or putting up your own. Whichever, you should know that each organization has expectations that you as a communication professional should meet or that you as the owner may establish. For an organization to be successful, a system of communication should be put in place. A set of rules or standards for communication protocol should be made clear so that the interaction patterns are established. On the part individual, you should be equipped with the needed oral and written communication skills that the organization expects you to possess. 2 Types of Organizational Structure: (1) Formal and (2) Informal Formal structure allows communication to take place via designated channels of message flow between positions in the organization. 4 Approaches of Formal Structure 1. Downward Communication - type that flows from upper to lower positions. 2. Upward Communication - when subordinates send communication to their bosses/superior bearing their views/feedback on organizational policies, issues related to their jobs, and the like. 3. Horizontal Communication - is lateral in approach as it takes place among people belonging to the same level but coming from different departments or units to facilitate performance of tasks through proper coordination. 4. Crosswise Communication - is diagonal in nature as employees from different units or departments working at various levels communicate with each other. Each of these Compiled by: RMEBTORRES for CLASSROOM PURPOSES ONLY, NO REPRINTING WITHOUT PERMISSION


communication approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages. NB: These structures are usually presented in the company’s organizational chart and policy manuals. Informal structure comes from unofficial channels of message flow. Also known, as “grapevine” messages coming from the different levels of the organization are transmitted. This occurs due to the dissatisfaction of some employees accompanied by uncertainty, such as superiors playing favorites and unfavorable or unacceptable company rules and regulations. Some employees even resort to baseless gossips and rumors which hey spread like wild fire. Tracing the origin of a rumor is almost next to impossible. In fact, when some people are confronted, they impute the blame to others so they can get of the mess quickly. Each organization has its own culture. This is referred to as “organizational culture”. Based on its history and development, an organization develops its own core values, vision and mission statements, goals and objectives. Organizational culture is of utmost significance since it will dictate the kind of behavior that employees should possess as well as the extent of commitment expected form them by the organization. They all share in the values, practices, vision and mission of the organization. Peter Drucker’s famous quote, “Company cultures are like country cultures. Never try to change one. Try instead, to work, with what you’ve got,” underscores the view that indeed, culture is within the control of the entrepreneur or company owner. If at the outset, you think you cannot adapt to the organization’s culture, better look for another job or workplace where you will be happy and in harmony with your superiors and colleagues.

INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION As the term implies, it is communication between or among people having different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social and professional backgrounds. Even gender difference affects communication. Individuals having different orientations communicate and interpret messages differently. This particularly happens with non-verbal communication. For instance, Australians consider eye contact as important in assessing the sincerity of a person while for Indians, looking straight into the eyes of a person while talking is inappropriate. This does not, however, mean that they are dishonest or insincere. Moreover, Indians interpret waving hands from side to side as no or go away while it means hello among Westerners. For Filipinos, twitching of the lips means to refer to something or someone. When someone asks: “Where is my book?” instead of responding: “There it is”, the response may be twitching or puckering lips. When seen by people from other cultures, such facial expression may be taken to mean as “seduction”. It is important then not to be judgmental or to rush into interpretations as cultures sometimes vary enormously. Similarly, linguistic differences are of the essence. With the advent of World Englishes, different cultures develop different lexicon peculiar only to the speech community. In the Philippines, a local variety of English called Philippine English has been developed which has introduced lexical innovation, not found or used in other varieties, such as thrice, batchmates, CR (comfort rooms), solons, barangay captain and high blood. Even in terms of pronunciation, words ae pronounce differently by Filipinos, which, to some are considered erroneous. For instance, these supposedly pronounce with a hard /th/ is pronounced instead with a /d/ by the average Filipino since hard /th/ is not part of the Filipino phonology.



Types of Communication According to Purpose and Style Communication may be classified according to purpose and style. Earlier, formal and informal communication have been discussed in relation to organization communication. Similarly, the types of communication in relation to purpose and style are formal and informal. However, rather than focusing on transmission of message and message flow, th focus here is on the communication setting and the mode of delivery. Formal communication employs formal language delivery orally or in written form. Lectures, public talks/speeches, research and project proposals, reports and business letter, among others are all considered formal situations and writings. Note that while lectures and speeches are delivered orally, the texts have been thought out carefully and written well before they are delivered. To inform, to entertain, and to persuade are the main objectives of this type of communication. On the other hand, informal communication certainly does not employ formal language. It involves personal and ordinary conversations with friends, family members, or acquaintances about everything under the sun. The mode may be oral as in face-to-face, ordinary or everyday talks and phone calls, or written as in the case of e-mail messages, personal notes, letters or text messages. The purpose is simply to socialize and enhance relationships. Guidelines for Effective Communication: 1. Be clear with your purpose. As a sender, you must have a specific purpose in mind. This can help you convey your message effectively to your target audience or receivers in written, verbal, non-verbal or visual form. 2. Support your message with facts. When you provide an incomplete or vague information, you can cause confusion or misunderstanding in your audience. Hence, you should be well-prepared with your...

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