Community Hesi Study Guide 2 PDF

Title Community Hesi Study Guide 2
Course Community Health Nursing
Institution Morehead State University
Pages 17
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Community Study Guide for the Hesi Population Groups across the Lifespan Health Risks Infants Number 1 cause of injury or death is suffocation followed by Motor Vehicle Accident then Homicide. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Infection is the most significant cause of illness in infants and children. Children Obesity – Healthy people objectives have addressed youth fitness and obesity Defined by using BMI which is a ratio of weight to height Risks for childhood obesity were related to obesity in the parents Obesity rates higher populations such as Native American, Hispanic, and African Americans groups. Lower socioeconomic groups in urban settings have been associated with higher rates Injuries and Accidents- Number one cause of death in ages 1 – 24 yrs. Motor vehicles accidents are the leading cause of death among children and teenagers. Toddlers experience a large number of falls, poisonings, and motor vehicle accidents School age children has the lowest injury death rate; however, this group has difficulty judging speed and distance, placing them at risk for pedestrian and bicycle accidents. Adolescents injury accounts for 75% of all deaths and risk-taking becomes more conscious at this time especially among males. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youths between the ages of 15 and 24. Suicide s the third leading cause of death among youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years. Acute Illness- also a significant cause of illness in children. Chronic Health Problems- improved medical technology has increased the number of children surviving with chronic health problems. Examples: Down Syndrome, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, asthma, diabetes, congenital heart disease, cancer, hemophilia, broncopulmonary dysplasia, and AIDS Routine immunizations have been very successful in preventing selected diseases. Good nutrition is essential for healthy growth and development and influences disease prevention in later life. Women The women’s health movement was pivotal in bringing national recognition to women’s health issues. Women have a longer life expectancy than men

Women are more likely to have acute and chronic conditions that require them to use more services than men. Women of color are more statistically more likely to have poor health outcomes because of poor understanding of health, lack of access to health care, and lifestyle practices. Heart disease leading cause of death in women Lung Cancer leading cause of cancer in women and 2nd leading cause of death Men Men are physiologically the more vulnerable gender, shorter life span and higher infant mortality rate Life expectancy of men in the US is one of the lowest in the developed countries Men engage in more risk-taking behaviors than women Men tend to avoid diagnosis and treatment of illnesses that may result in serious health problems Elderly Steadily growing population Increase in chronic conditions, demand for services, and strained health care budgets More older adults live in the community Nurses address the chronic health concerns of elders with a focus on maintaining or improving self-care and preventing complications to maintain the highest possible quality of life. Assessing the elderly incorporates physical, psychological, social, and spiritual domains. Individual and community focused interventions involve all three levels of prevention through collaborative practice. U.S. Healthcare problems More than 43 million people in the United States are uninsured, and many more simply lack access to adequate health care. Health care reform measures seek to make changes in the cost, quality, and access of the present system. The integration of primary care and public health is necessary for the future health of the nation To achieve the specific health goals of programs such as healthy People 2010, primary care and public health must work within the community for community-based care. The most sustainable individual and system changes come when people who live n the community have actively participated. Nurses are more than able to fill the gap between personal care and public health because they have skills in assessment, health promotion, and disease and injury prevention; knowledge of community resources; and ability to develop relationships with community members and leaders.

Home Visits- give a more accurate assessment of the following than do clinical visits: - the family structure - the natural or home environment - behavior in that environment Home visits provide opportunities to identify both barriers and supports for reaching family health promotion goals. Home visits afford the opportunity to gain a more accurate assessment of the family structure and behavior in the natural environment. Home visits also provide opportunities to observe the home environment and to identify both barriers and supports to reducing health risks and reaching family health goals. Parish nurses: nurses who respond to health and wellness needs within the faith context of population of faith communities and are partners with the church in fulfilling the mission of health ministry. Parish nursing: a community-based and population-focused professional nursing practice with faith communities to promote whole person health to its parishioners usually focused on primary prevention. Parish nurse coordinator: a parish nurse who has completed a certificate program designed to develop the nurse as a coordinator of a parish nursing service. Parish nurse services respond to health, healing, and wholeness within the context of the church. Although the emphasis is on health promotion and disease prevention throughout the life span, the spiritual dimension of nursing is central to the practice. The parish nurse partners with the wellness committee and volunteers to plan programs and consider health-related concerns within faith communities To promote a caring faith community, usual functions of the parish nurse include personal health counseling, health teaching, facilitating linkages and referrals to congregation and community resources, advocating and encouraging support resources, and providing pastoral care. Parish nurses collaborate to plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion activities considering the faith community’s beliefs, rituals, and polity. Healthy People 2010 guidelines are basic to the partnering for the programs. Nurses working in the parish nursing specialty must seek to attain adequate educational and skill preparation for the accountability to those served and to those who have entrusted the nurse to serve Nurses are encouraged to consider innovative approaches to creating caring communities. These may be in congregations as parish nurses, among several faith communities in a

single locale, or regionally; or in partnership with other community agencies or models such as block nursing. To sustain oneself as a parish nurse healer, the nurse takes heed to heal and nurture self while supporting individuals, families, and congregation communities in their healing process. Hospice: palliative system of health care for terminally ill people; takes place in the home with family involvement under the direction and supervision of health professionals, especially the visiting nurse. Hospice care takes place in the hospital when sever complications of terminal illness occur or when family becomes exhausted or does not fulfill commitments.

Professional Preparedness Requires nurses and other personnel to be aware of and understand the disaster plans at their workplace and community- participate in mock drills Adequately prepared nurses will function in leadership capacity and assist towards smoother recovery phase Fieldwork, shelter management requires creativeness and willingness American Red Cross provides training for health professionals to adapt existing skills to disaster setting

Role of Community Health Nurse Can initiate or update disaster plans at workplace and community and ensure education, drill participation Knowledge of vulnerable populations, available community resources Assessing and reporting of environmental hazards, unsafe equipment, faulty structures, disease outbreaks, e.g., measles, flu Before anything happens: Prepare for Safety in a Disaster : Four steps 1. Find out what could happen to you: a. Determine what types of disasters are most likely to happen b. Learn about warning signals in community c. Ask about care for pets d. Review the disaster plans at workplace, and other places where families spend time together e. Determine how to help the elderly or disabled 2. Create a disaster plan a. Discuss types of disasters that are likely to happen and review what to do b. Pick 2 types of places to meet c. Choose an out-of-state friend to contact d. Review evac. Plans

3. Complete this checklist a. Post emergency numbers next to phone b. Teach how to call 911 c. Determine when and how to turn of water, gas, and electricity d. Check adequacy of insurance coverage e. Locate and review use of fire extinguishers f. Install and maintain smoke detectors g. Conduct a home hazard hunt h. Stock emergency supplies i. CPR certification j. Locate all escape routes k. Find safe spots 4. Practice and maintain your plan a. Review every 6 mos. b. Conduct drills c. Replace stored water every 3 mos. and stored food every 6 mos. d. Test and recharge fire extinguisher e. Test smoke detectors Personal Preparedness Nurses who are disaster victims themselves and provide care to others will experience considerable stress. American Red Cross and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are two well known authorities on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery Three levels 1st level – Personal Preparedness 2nd level- Professional Preparedness 3rd level- Community Preparedness Most states and counties have an Office of Emergency Management (OEM) that is responsible for developing and coordinating emergency response plans within their defined area. The state office supports local OEMs and other state agencies that participate in disaster response. It provides planning and training services to local governments, including financial and technical assistance. During an actual emergency or disaster, the state OEM coordinates a state response and recovery program if necessary. County OEMs are in charge of creating a comprehensive, allhazard plan that should address realistic dangers to the community and list available resources. **Nurses need to review the disaster history of community, including how past disasters have affected the health care delivery system, how their particular organizations fit into the plan, and what role they and their organizations are expected to play in a disaster.

Stages: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Preparedness: Know who is at risk, Personal, Professional and Community Preparedness Personal Preparedness Entails plan for keeping oneself ready for disaster, both mentally and physically Individuals not personally prepared will have less to give to family, community, job, and other disaster victims Nurses can be disaster victims- personal preparation needed to attend to patients Checklist helpful to prepare Professional Preparedness Requires nurses and other personnel to be aware of and understand the disaster plans at their workplace and community- participate in mock drills Adequately prepared nurses will function in leadership capacity and assist towards smoother recovery phase Fieldwork, shelter management requires creativeness and willingness American Red Cross provides training for health professionals to adapt existing skills to disaster setting

Community Preparedness Level of preparedness only as high as people/ organizations in the community make it Well-prepared communities have written disaster plans, conduct drills, have adequate warning system, and backup evacuation plan Office of Emergency Management- state/ county office coordinating regional plans Understanding past disasters can influence planning for future, liabilities in resources Response The primary objective of disaster response is to minimize morbidity and mortality. The level of disaster determines FEMA’s response. Levels are not determined by the number of casualties but by the amount of resources needed. FEMA Levels of Disaster Response Level III- a minor disaster, involves a minimal level of damage but could result in the president declaring an emergency. A minimal request for federal help Level II- moderate disaster- likely to result in major disaster being declared. Regional federal resources engaged, other outside area may be called on Level I- massive disaster, severe damage or multistate scope. Full engagement of federal regional and national resources Citizens and health professionals must be attached to official agencies with disaster management responsibilities to avoid further risk

American Red Cross 3 ways to classify a disaster : Type- agent that caused the event, such as hurricane, hazmat, transportation

Level- anticipated or actual Red Cross response and relief costs Level I. costs less than $10,000 Level II costs $10,000 or more, but less than $50,000 Level II costs $50,000 or more, but less than $250,000 Level IV costs $250,000 or more but less than $2.5 million Level V costs $2.5 million or more

Scope- magnitude of the event, units affected and responding ,e.g., single-family, local, state, major, federally declared Single family – affects an individual or single family- occurs within the jurisdiction of a single Red Cross chapter Local Disaster- Affects more than one family, occurs within the jurisdiction of a single Red Cross chapter State Disaster- Affects multiple families, occurs within the jurisdiction of one or More Red Cross chapters within a single state Major Disaster- has one or more of the following characteristics -coordinated response of multiple Red Cross units - affects more than a single state - creates national news - result in emergency or disaster declaration by the President etc. Presidentially Declared Disaster- requires full or partial implementation of the National Response Plan The National Response Plan Once a federal emergency has been declared, the National Response Plan may take effect, depending on specific needs arising from the disaster. The NRP is a concerted effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the US; reduce American’s vulnerability to terrorism, major disasters, and other emergencies; and minimize the damage and recover from attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies that occur. Role of the Nurse Role in disaster response depends on nurse’s past experience, role in community disaster preparedness, specialized training, special interest Community

health nurses valued for skills in community assessment, case finding, prevention, education, surveillance, working with aggregates Plans

for triage must begin as soon as rescue workers arrive- highest priority given to life-threatening injuries with high probability of survival- nurse’s accurate assessment info will help match available resources to population’s emergency needs

Recovery The recovery stage of disaster occurs as all involved agencies pull together to restore the economic and civic life of the community. For example: the government takes the lead in rebuilding efforts whereas the business community tries to provide economic support. Nurse’s Role in Recovery Multifaceted responsibilities- flexibility required to assist in successful recovery Teaching health promotion, disease prevention, assessment of physical, psychological problems incurred in cleanup efforts, as well as threat of communicable disease Case finding, referral for mental distress Assessment and reporting of environmental health hazards resulting from event Get community back to normal, deal with emotional matters and after effects Assess what might be going on in community using primary, secondary and tertiary care Terrorism Role of the Nurse: Help people cope with the aftermath of terrorism Allay public concerns and fears of bioterrorism Identify the feelings that you and others may be experiencing Assist victims to think positively and move to the future Prepare nursing personnel to be effective in a crisis situation Nurses are concerned with anthrax and small pox and should have awareness of these diseases Need to have vaccine for small pox Levels of prevention r/t Disaster Management Primary Prevention- Participate in developing a disaster management plan for the community Secondary Prevention- Assess disaster victims and triage for care Tertiary Prevention- Participate in home visits to uncover dangers that may cause additional injury to victim or cause other problems (e.g. house fires from faulty wiring). Population at Greatest Risk for Disruption After a Disaster Persons with disabilities Persons living on a low income, including the homeless Non-English speaking persons and refugees Persons living alone

Single-parent families Persons new to the area Institutionalized persons or those with chronic mental illness Previous disaster victims or victims of traumatic events People who are not citizens or legally documented immigrants Substance abusers The five components to a comprehensive public health response to outbreaks of illness are the following - Detecting the outbreak - Determining the cause - Identifying factors that place people at risk - Implementing measures to control the outbreak - Informing the medical and public communities about treatments, health consequences, and preventative measures Triage: the process of separating casualties and allocating treatment on the basis of the victims’ potentials for survival. Highest priority is always given to victims who have life threatening injuries but who have a high probability of survival once stabilized Second priority is given to victims with injures that have systemic complications that are not yet life threatening and could wait 45 – 60 minutes for treatment Last priority is given to those victims with local injuries without immediate complications and who can wait several hours for medical attention.

Rationale from Saunders In an emergency department, triage is classifying clients according to their need for care and includes establishing priorities of care. The kind of illness, the severity of the problem, and the resources available govern the process. Clients with trauma, chest pain, severe respiratory distress or cardiac arrest, limb amputation, acute neurological deficits, and those who sustained chemical splashes to the eyes are classified as emergent and are the number 1 priority. Clients with conditions such as a simple fracture, asthma without respiratory distress, fever, hypertension, abdominal pain, or the client with a renal stone have urgen needs and are classified as number 2 priorities. Clients with conditions such as a minor laceration, sprain, or cold symptoms are classified as nonurgent and are the number 3 priority. Older adult health risks Nutrition, safety, social isolation, and depression Need to assess the health literacy of the client first

Program outcomes: smoking cessation, weight management, diabetic management - look at the evaluation of the specific outcome - Identifying changes in the client’s health status that result from nursing care provides nursing data that demonstrate the contribution of nursing to the health care delivery system. Research studies using the tracer or sentinel method to identify clients’ outcomes and client satisfaction surveys can be used to measure outcome standards. From data, strengths and weaknesses in nursing care delivery can be determined. The most common measurement methods are direct physical observations and interviews. Primary Care- refers to organized community efforts designed to prevent disease and promote health (education). Secondary Care- an intermediate level of health care that includes diagnosis and treatment. Screening. Tertiary Care- rehabilitation and return of a patient to a status of maximum usefulness and a minimum risk of recurrence of a physical or mental disorder Levels of Prevention Primary Prevention- Counsel clients in health behaviors...

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