Comparative Essay Structure Explained WITH Examples FROM THE Queen AND Ransom PDF

Title Comparative Essay Structure Explained WITH Examples FROM THE Queen AND Ransom
Author Courtney Elizabeth
Course English and English as an Additional Language
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 6
File Size 165.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Comprehensive explanation of how to structure comparatives...



INTRODUCTION STRUCTURE Approx. 60 – 100 words Structure Definitions

Explanation Define key terms


Relate key terms to text’s themes


Describe how the texts explore this theme


Identify the text’s shared contention

Example Society often follows ancestral precedents and principles as a means to withstand and provide familiarity to crises. This process acts to retain, cherish and respect custom and tradition. However, such tradition can be seen as an unreliable as it limits adaptability to the event and is largely resistant to change. Thus, restricting the ability of individuals to effectively respond to unprecedented events. David Malouf’s Ransom and Stephen Frears’ “The Queen” explore this notion and largely criticise tradition as a method of managing crisis, instead promoting change and adaptability in such circumstances. They ultimately argue that resisting change stagnates the resolution of conflict and flouting tradition is an integral part of handling unprecedented events.

PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE Approx. 300 – 500 words (your third paragraph will most likely be the shortest) Ransom evidence – in each sub-argument use two long quotes or 3-4 short quotes Ransom analysis – what literary devices is Malouf using, what are his views in this evidence, how does he share this with his readers, how does Malouf’s view link to Frears’, how does it differ from Frears’, link to topic sentence The Queen evidence – in each sub-argument use one cinematic device for every long quote or every 2-3 short quotes The Queen analysis – what cinematic devices is Frears using, what are his views in this evidence, how does he share this with his audience, how does Frears’ view link to Malouf’s, how does it differ from Malouf’s, link to topic sentence You can switch the position of divergent and convergent analysis if need be. ‘Diverge’ is in red because you only really need to show differences between the texts at least once in the paragraph, so either choose one place for your divergent analysis or do both. DO NOT leave out the differences.

Structure Topic sentence


Introduce text 1 Evidence text 1

Explanation Introduce how the creators of the texts argue something that links to the topic. Explain in further detail how their views and values are conveyed, introduce your first sub-argument. Define how the first creator presents this idea. Imput and explain evidence – quotes or devices – that support the creators view.

Example Frears and Malouf dually explore the influence of following tradition, largely criticising its power to foster detachment and affectation. Both texts portray a dichotomy between modern societal and traditional monarchical existences, exploring how their respective protagonist’s identities detach them from public order. In The Queen, Frears exemplifies this notion, employing the Blair family as a foil to the royal family. The opening scene of The Queen visually depicts this displaying an opening shot of supporters and overlayed diegetic clapping on a wide shot of Prime Minister Tony Blair and his family in embracing each other after his “landslide victory”.

Analysis text 1

Analyse how this evidence supports the creators view.

Link text 1 to TS

Link this anaylsis and quote back to the topic sentence. Introduce text 2 by drawing on its similarities to text 1. Try to avoid using evidence here. Input and explain evidence – quotes or devices – that support the creators view. Analyse how this evidence supports the creators view and reflects the other creators view.

Converge to text 2

Evidence text 2

Analysis text 2

Link to TS and text 1

Diverge into either text

Link this analysis back to the ideas explored in text 1 and the topic sentence. Either introduce how text 1 differs from text 2 or how text 2 conveys an opposite idea to the

This is juxtaposed with a shot of Queen Elizabeth II secluded, observing Blair’s victory on a television away from her family and the public sphere. Frears chooses to use an upward panning motion to display her traditional ornate clothing, depicting a stark contrast between her characterisation and Blair’s. Frears then cuts to establishing shots of Buckingham palace overlayed with regal non-diegetic music of elongated orchestral notes fading into diegetic bagpipes. Frears similarly employs the “anti-monarchist” Cherie Blair to convey they imagery of the royals who “have a ludicrous cocoon of privilege and wealth” conveying their current affectation. This highlights how the rituals of tradition and formality isolate The Queen from “the British people” “her subjects” when compared to Blair who is integrated in the public sphere. Thus, illustrating Frears’ view of the schism between modern and traditional existences as fostering detachment of monarchs from the “mood” of the people. In Ransom, Malouf similarly explores this notion, exemplifying the traditional nature of monarchs as isolating them from society. Malouf employs the simile “rattle about like a pea in golden husk” with “dazzling eminence”. The choice of “rattle” and “gold” envokes connotations of the futility of monarchs. Illustrating imagery akin to Frears’ in they “have a ludicrous cocoon of privilege and wealth”, where Malouf is criticising the detachment and lack of purpose associated with monarch’s traditional nature. Thus, Malouf reflects the isolation of Queen Elizabeth in The Queen, exemplifying the detachment and affectation of monarchs as compared to society. I chose to only do this at the end of the paragraph

(you can choose to only do this at the end of the paragraph) Analyse with other text (you can choose to do this at the end of the paragraph) Overall sentence

Breadth into texts

one introduced. Use evidence here.

Analyse how this evidence shows how the texts differ. Aim to explain how this difference still promotes the creator’s view, or does not ruin the ideas explored in the text. Wrap up what you have said so far in one sentence. You can reword your Breadth. Introduce your second sub-topic. Link this sub-topic to both creator’s views.

Expand and evidence text 2

Explain in further detail how the views and values are conveyed in text 2. Use some evidence here.

Analysis text 2

Analyse how this evidence supports the creators view.

Link to TS and breadth

Link this anaylsis and quote back to the topic sentence and subargument.

I chose to only do this at the end of the paragraph

Ultimately, both text criticise the traditional detachment and artificiality of monarchs displaying how it leaves them unable to comprehend the public “mood”. In both Ransom and The Queen, monarchs are depicted as distant and secluded from the public when following tradition, rendering them lifeless and insufficiently perceptive. Malouf particularly draws upon the unhuman nature of monarchs in his choice of the phrase “kingly distance from the human” and characterising Priam as once “a ceremonial figurehead” made “of stone or wood”. This is further displayed by Malouf when he conveys that Priam has “always, to the public view, been just what… [he] appear[s] to be” following the “royal custom - the habit of averting his gaze, always, from the unnecessary and particular”. Malouf subsequently illustrates the pressure of following tradition and stoicism on monarchs in unprecedented times. He exemplifies that this pressure for tradition renders monarchs lifeless and distant conveying Priam – when following tradition – was standing “isolated and nearly forgotten” even from his family. Consequently, Malouf renders Priam lifeless and detached from human feeling while implicitly criticising the stoicism of tradition.

Converge to text 1

Evidence text 1

Analysis text 1

Link to TS and text 2

Diverge into either text (you can choose to only do this at the start of the paragraph) Analyse with other text (you can choose to do this at the start of the paragraph) Overall sentence

Drawing on the similarities of text 1 in relation to text 2. Try to avoid using evidence here. Input and explain evidence – quotes or devices – that support the creators view. Analyse how this evidence supports the creators view and reflects the other creators view. Link this analysis back to the ideas explored in text 1 and the topic sentence. Either introduce how text 2 differs from text 1 or how text 1 conveys an opposite idea to the one introduced. Use evidence here.

Similarly, in The Queen, Frears conveys the lifeless, artificial nature of monarchs as caused by following tradition.

Analyse how this evidence shows how the texts differ. Aim to explain how this difference still promotes the creator’s view, or does not ruin the ideas explored in the text. Wrap up what new things you have said in one sentence. Wrap up what you have said so far in one sentence. You can reword your Breadth. Introduce a third sub-topic if need be,

Malouf compellingly utilises Priam to criticise his own “old ways” as a “pampered darling” through his personal storytelling, rather than using an outside perspective like Mrs Blair in The Queen to criticise his detachment.

Frears exemplifies this notion when portraying Blair’s assistant who acts to “get the frost off” “The Queen's speech” “to make it sound like it came from a human being.” This cold, lifeless imagery exemplifies a cynical tone towards the stoic, unhuman nature of monarchs. This reflects Frears’ criticism of the Queen and highlights the link between Frears’ and Malouf’s views as condemning traditional and the pressures it places on monarchs. Nonetheless, Malouf challenges this idea depicting Priam as working against these pressures, allowing his grief and unprecedented events to “force events into a different course”.

This ultimately allows Malouf’s audience to assert Priam’s capacity for selfawareness and Queen Elizabeth’s lack thereof.

Conclude, link to next

continue to use this structure as long as you need. Link your two sub-topics together. Subtly link to your next paragraph’s argument.

Overall, both Frears and Malouf display their cynicism towards tradition and its means of imposing alienation and artificiality on monarchs, implicitly promoting a need for flouting tradition....

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