Quotes for ransom and the queen comparative PDF

Title Quotes for ransom and the queen comparative
Course English For Academic Purposes
Institution University of Melbourne
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The queen and ransom comparative notes. Summary of each...


Storytelling Ransom “However, the story is told and elaborated, the raw shame of it will be with him now till his last breath” (Neoptolemus) Somax is a “stealer of other man’s tales”, “spinner of yarns” “So many stories! He tells them to anyone who will share a drink with him” “Words…can be agents of what is new.”

The queen Diana was the epitome of oscillated story telling. “People’s princess” who became the “very essence of compassion, style and duty. Someone with a natural nobility who was classless” “history will show it was a good week for you.” “Not the press mate. You’ve got the wrong villain.” “The two Diana’s, the public and ours, bear no relation to one another at all.”

“It was a prattling world” “it’s a tale every child knows” “The image I mean to leave is a living one” “he has done something for which he will be remembered for as long as such stories are told”

Leadership Ransom Priam – an unquestioned king of the Trojans by divine right to rule. – a humble path to accession of power. Priam’s role is to “stand still at the centre, both actual and symbolic in the same breath, and to experience those dual states quite naturally as one” “My role is to hold myself apart in ceremonial stillness” – never “was a warrior” A “ceremonial figurehead” Approach Achilles as an “ordinary man, a father…one poor mortal to another”

The queen “To advise and warn the government of the day.” “You’re the sovereign, the head of state.” (Phillip) – also stag hunting is a rich people sport. “You must reassert your authority.” “I’d like to be the queen of people’s hearts” (Diana) Diana proved she “needed no royal title to generate her particular brand of magic.” Tony Blair is at risk of suffering the political fate of fragile leadership – “it will happen, Mr Blair, quite suddenly and without warning” “the Queen has responded to criticism that the Royal Family is not engaged.” – the press

Public vs. Private Ransom Achilles’ soul “has not settled in him.” “wept for Patroclus… rocking back and forth in his anguish.” “Inwardly raging” Achilles’ people “no longer know what authority they

The queen ““The two Diana’s, the public and ours, bear no relation to one another at all.” “No member of the royal family will speak publicly about this. This is a private matter.” “This is a family funeral, Mr Blair, not a fairground attraction.”

are under.” And that their only explanation is that “he is mad” Priam moving out of his sphere is “new and unheard of” – the gods not only “made him a king, but also a man and mortal.”

Nowadays, people want glamour and tears… I’m not very good at that The royal family goes for lunch in the woods, loading plastic plates onto wooden picnic tables – they don’t have lunch with servants like most people expect them to. “Oh finally, the old bats decided to visit her coffin” “‘BANG’ a passing motorbike’s exhaust backfires. CHARLES jolts in shock and flinches privately. Clearly, his fears have not lessened. He’s expecting the bullet at any moment.” – charlies fears the public

Grief Ransom “Still he felt nothing” (Achilles) “He was waiting for the rage to fill him that would be equal at last to the outrage he was committing” Priam rushed down to the gates “…half mad with grief” “He had grieved. But silently, never permitting himself to betray to others what he felt.” “The grief that racks him is not only for his son Hector. It is also for a kingdom ravaged and threatened with extinction.” “tears… I have plenty of those.” Instead of “punching [Beauty] where she stood,” he realised that this would “not bring [his son] back.” This is a microcosm for Malouf’s larger point: forgiveness is of paramount importance in overcoming loss and grief.

The queen “I don’t want the boys to see the news and get upset. First thing tomorrow morning, I want the radio taken out of their bedroom, and the television taken out of the nursery.” (Elizabeth) “The public reaction has completely thrown her” “Heart? What heart? She doesn’t mean a word of this.” “Phillip touches her on the shoulder. But she doesn’t reciprocate” The STAG – “I hope it didn’t suffer too much” – this scene demonstrates that Elizabeth is showcasing sympathy for an animal “I prefer to keep my feelings to myself, Foolishly I thought that’s what the people wanted from their queen.”

Traditionalism vs. progression Ransom Somax’s daughter-in-law’s griddle cakes reveals a family tradition - each time his son would “set up the stones” and then followed her “quick and light… flipping” of the cakes. Endorsing change: “[Priam] saw that what was new could also be pleasurable.” Ransom in itself is an interpretation of traditional Greek literature – this is a dynamic between old and new

The queen Symbolism of all the protocols and need for PM to ascend the stair to meet the queen “When you no longer understand your people, isn’t it time to hand over to the next generation? “It’s just no one seems to value tradition or constancy anymore. It’s all about show. About wearing your heart on your sleeve” Diana was “always warm, physical, never afraid to show her feelings”

“there’s been a chance… some shift in values

Identity Ransom “His more usual role is to stand still at the centre, both actual and symbolic in the same breath and to experience those dual states quite naturally as one.” (Priam)

The queen “A bunch of free loading retarded nutters” (Cherie)

“The armour Hector wore was the armour he had stripped from the body of Patroclus…which Hector wore now to mock him”  Achilles is forever known as the man who killed Patroclus

“Head of an unbroken line that goes back more than a thousand years.”

“I declare that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service.” – the queen’s oath

““Duty first, self-second” – the queen’s name is never mentioned

“Look, he wants to shout, I am still here, but theIis different. I come as a man of sorrow bringing the body of my son for burial, but I come also as the hero of the deed that till now was never attempted.” Somax vs. Ideaus – discomfort with the identity of ideaus a form of “subtle mockery.” “His name is Somax. It fits him, he has always thought, rather well. He has been comfortable with it, warm and very much himself. It guarantees the breath that passes in and out of his mouth…and under which he has always conducted himself.” Produced tension between prime minister and the queen Set up the tensions from the start – the queen chose not to speak publicly, Blair – expected of him. 

Both acted based on what was expected of him.

The Land Rover’s engine roars. The jeep rocks alarmingly side to side as it slowly crosses the river. One big rock after another. The QUEEN skilfully negotiates the challenge, and is beginning to enjoy the experience. But ahead is one rock she hasn’t seen... ‘Crreeak’, the Land Rover’s undercarriage hits the rock. The ugly sound of tearing metal. The QUEEN instinctively brakes, then sensing that was the wrong thing to do, slams her foot down on the accelerator. The engine roars in protest, and... ‘Snap’. An ominous mechanical sound. ELIZABETH Oh... The QUEEN’s eyes widen. Knowing that sound was serious. ELIZABETH Oh, you are stupid. She tries to start the car again, but to no avail. No matter what she does, the Land Rover is stuck...

EXT. HIGHLANDS - RIVER DEE - DAY The QUEEN gingerly climbs out of the Land Rover, and walks across the stones to the river bank, getting her shoes wet. EXT. RIVER BANK - DAY The QUEEN sits on a stone by the stranded Land Rover. She sits in silence... Nothing but the sound of running water, wind in the trees, and birdsong. Ah, that’s good. The QUEEN closes her eyes. All around her, silence except for the sounds of the great outdoors. 66. Privacy at last. The first moment of silence in what feels like months. The QUEEN breathes deeply. It’s all been a bit much. No time to think. One shock after another. Everyone shouting. All far too dramatic. Come to think of it, this is the first time she’s been able to... Suddenly, almost imperceptibly, we notice her shoulders are shaking. Not dramatically, but enough to suggest what is happening. The QUEEN - away from the world - is crying. We only see her back. Presently, she reaches into her jacket pocket, produces a handkerchief, and dabs her eyes. Gradually, she composes herself. That’s better. Don’t want to make a fuss. The GILLIES will be here soon. The QUEEN takes a deep breath. That’s better. Presently the sound of rustling leaves, and the unmistakable sense that she is being watched. Strange... The QUEEN turns to have a look, then almost drops the cup... Standing in front of her, no more than twenty yards, is the STAG. The QUEEN freezes, hardly dare breathe. It is enormous. His antlers are bigger and more dramatic than she could have imagined. His fur is thick. His blaze across his nose is distinctive. He is vast, almost the size of a horse. And staring at her. The QUEEN stares back. ELIZABETH Oh, you are a beauty. It is unprecedented - almost supernatural. No STAG ever willingly comes this close to humans. The QUEEN looks into his dark, brown eyes. An unmistakable connection between them... It’s a magical moment. All around them the whistling of wind, the sound of trees bending. Then, ever so faintly, in the distance... The hum of approaching engines. It’s the GILLIES coming to look for the QUEEN. Sensing this... ELIZABETH (cont’d) (indicating the STAG should go) Go. Go on. You’d better go... The STAG remains rooted to the spot... ELIZABETH (cont’d) (claps hands) Go. Shoo. Go on. The ENGINES get closer and closer. The STAG takes a last look at the QUEEN, then briefly inclines his head, turns, and walks off. No sooner has he disappeared into the woods, than... Several LAND ROVERS appear, driving across the river, and GILLIES and EQUERRYS jump out, holding tow-ropes, waving in greeting and calling out, concerned for the QUEEN’s safety... The QUEEN takes a last look in the direction of the STAG, to make sure he has gone, and smiles to herself. He’s vanished. It’s as if he was never there....

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