The Crucible Quotes - Assignment for the book PDF

Title The Crucible Quotes - Assignment for the book
Course Political science
Institution MiraCosta College
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Assignment for the book...


1. “You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor” ● Betty is talking to Abigail ● Goody Proctor fired Abigail after finding out that her husband and Abigail were having an affair. ● Abigail, after being left in the streets, seeked revenge towards Goody Proctor by trying to put a curse on her to be killed. ● This quotes is said by Betty after she have waken up from being “possessed”, and is talking to Abby about how she didn’t tell Parris the truth of her attempt to kill Goody Proctor. ● The significance of this quote is that this lie told by Abigail starts the blaming game in the town of Salem. ● By not telling the truth, she starts the chain reaction of blaming others to escape witchcraft accusations, which leads to the hangings of many innocent men/women. 2. “But I will cut off my hand before I ever reach for you again” ● John is talking to Abby ● Abby is trying to convince John Proctor to leave her wife and come for her instead. ● She tells John that she still has feelings for him, and that she knew how much he liked her. ● John in response tells her that he will rather cut off his hands than to have an affair with her again. ● This quote is significant because this quote from John arouses up bitterness and anger in Abigail’s feelings, which leads to Goody Proctor’s arrest. She feels betrayed by getting trashed by John after being used in a sexual matter. Abigail, therefore, in a desperate effort to get rid of Goody Proctor, and to take back John’s heart, accuses Goody Proctor of witchcraft. 3. “There is a prodigious danger in the seeking out of loose spirits” ● Rebecca Nurse is talking to Mrs. Putnam/ Mr.Putnam/ Parris ● Rebecca and Goody Putnam are having an argument of whether Betty is bewitched or just acting like a child. ● Putnam is insisting that her child have been bewitched, and there are loose spirits taking away every single child she has. ● Rebecca, on the other hand, is insisting that Betty is acting like a child, and they must wait for her to return. ● This quote is significant because it leads to the eventual arrest of Rebecca Nurse, one of the respect woman in society. Since Goody Putnam is jealous of Rebecca, she insists that there are loose spirits, and blames Rebecca, later on the play, that she have sent out her evil spirits to kill Putnam’s children. 4. “You think that is god’s work that you should never lose a child and I bury all but one?” ● Goody Putnam is talking to Rebecca Nurse

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Goody is insisting that it is not God’s work that have killed all her children while all of Rebecca’s children survived to thrive. This quote is significant because it signifies the level of jealousy Goody Putnam has on Rebecca Nurse. This jealousy will lead to Rebecca’s arrest, which makes this quote significant in that it is the starting point of eventual accusations.

5. “Why, then, I must find it and join it” ● Proctor is speaking to Parris ● Parris accuses John Proctor of forming a group that opposes Parris as the Reverend. ● John tells Parris that if there is such a group, he shall join it. ● This quote is significant because it displays John as an outspoken man trying to fix any errors. It shows John’s character as very truthful, and can be assured that John does not let errors fix itself. 6. “I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his face” ● Hale is talking to Goody Putnam ● Goody Putnam has asked Hale if it is natural to lose seven children before they live past day one. ● In response to Goody Putnam, Hale promises that he will get rid of the Devil sending out spirits. ● This quote is significant because this puts Rebecca Nurse in deep trouble. Hale is sold on the belief that there are spirits killing Putnam’s children, and can be inferred that any accusation will be successful in capturing a “witch”. 7. “You will confess yourself or I will take you out and whip you to death” ● Parris is speaking to Tituba ● Abigail has accused Tituba as a witch sending out her spirits. ● Abigail says that she is possessed by Tituba spirits, and thus is the reason why Betty is not waking up. ● This quote is significant because this is the starting point of witchcraft in Salem. Abigail blames Tituba, and it spreads like wildfire. Everyone starts blaming each other of witchcraft, which builds up the plot to the point of climax where John Proctor is accused. 8. “It’s winter in here yet” ● John Proctor is talking to Elizabeth Proctor ● John, after he has finished his work on the farm, came back home to eat with Elizabeth. ● John is trying to tell Elizabeth that he still cares for her. ● This quote is significant because this quote leads to John Proctor continuously trying to make up for what he have done with Abigail. All of this settles for Proctor’s arrest in a farfetched effort to save Elizabeth to forgive himself of their lost marriage. 9. “I do not judge you. The magistrate that sits in your heart judges you.” ● Elizabeth is talking to John

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John Proctor have confessed his crime of adultery to his wife. John wishes that she would forgive him, but he feels like she have not forgiven him yet. He is frustrated that she won’t forgive him even though he has confessed. This quote is significant because this quote shows that Elizabeth is really only cold to John on the outside, but still cares about him in the inside. She tells him that he should be the one to judge himself, and that she is not the one judging John. This quote is tied to the conclusion of this play as this quote hints the decision John has to make, and only he himself can determine what is moral.

10. “I never knew before [...] I remembered everything she done to me” ● Mary Warren is talking to Elizabeth and John ● After Mary returned from court, she talks about how Goody Osburn and Sarah Good will hang. ● She tells Proctor that Sarah good has send spirits to choke everyone in court to death. ● This quote is significant because this comes to show how easily one can be accused, and how everyone’s suspicions are grown after the accusation. It is obviously not true that she have tried to choke all to death, but the fact that everyone believed they were being choked after being accused comes to show how much tension was present at Salem. 11. “I must tell you, sir, I will be gone every day now. I am amazed you do not see what weighty work we do” ● Mary Warren is talking to John Proctor. ● Mary tells John that she stood as a witness to the actions of witchcraft shown by Sarah Good. ● As a result, Sarah is condemned, and John is furious that they decided to hang Sarah Good without sufficient proof. ● This quote is significant because this quote shows how Mary is actually proud of herself of being able to condemn witches. As a result, it can be properly inferred that the town is actually just making up excuses to witchcraft, and not even the most respected will be able to avoid accusations. 12. “Adultery, John” ● John is speaking to Reverend Hale ● Hale visited Proctor’s home to gain evidence of witchcraft in the town of Salem. ● To test John if he is an upright Christian, Hale tests John if he can name the Commandments. ● He is only unable to remember one of the Commandments, which is the crime of adultery. ● This quote is significant because it is ironical that John forgot the one Commandment that he have broken, which is the crime of adultery. Also, by Elizabeth telling John the correct answer, she reminds John of his infidelity to her.

13. “Herrick, Herrick, it is a needle” ● Cheever is speaking to John Proctor and Reverend Hale ● Abigail had previously accused Elizabeth of putting a curse on her to kill her. ● Abigail got “stabbed” with a needle, and there are people at Proctor’s home to gather evidence of potential witchcraft of Elizabeth Proctor. ● This quote is significant because the finding of the needle leads to the arrest of Elizabeth Proctor, which sets off John to save his wife any way possible. This also leads to the arrest of John, which forces him to test his own dignity of making the moral decision. 14. “Come now. You say your only purpose is to free your wife. Good then, she is saved at least this year, and a year is long [...] will you drop this charge? ● Danforth is talking to John Proctor ● John Proctor is in court, and is trying to offer evidence that his wife, Elizabeth, is not a witch. ● Danforth tells Proctor that his wife is pregnant; therefore, she is saved until her baby is born. ● This quote is significant because John can be assured that his wife will be safe. It provides a moment of relief for John. 15. “But you must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it. There will be no road between. ● Danforth is talking to Francis ● John Proctor is desperately trying to free the innocent men and women he knows that were thrown in jail. ● Danforth gives explanation in response to these arrests. ● This quote is significant because it clearly states that if you are in court, there is a reasoning behind it. Also, it states that without reasoning, these people would not be in court. Overall, this shows the status of panic in Salem because the falsely accused was told by the judge that they are correctly arrested. 16. “Do that which is good and no harm will come to thee” ● John Proctor is talking to Mary Warren ● John brought Mary to court as a witness to testify Elizabeth’s innocence. ● Tell the truth of the needle inside the poppet ● The significance of this quote is that this event leads to the betrayal of Mary Warren. John tells Mary to testify, but Abigail denies the truth. This action results in Mary to betray John for survival, and John’s eventual arrest came through when he brought Mary to court. 17. “I cannot give you his name” ● Giles Corey is speaking to Harthorne ● Giles try to prove that Putnam is falsely accusing his neighbors, so that he can acquire all the land after their deaths.

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Hathorne asks for the name of his source, and Giles will not say his name. This quote is significant because this part makes Giles a sympathetic character. By not selling out other people’s names, he is portrayed as a respected man, and a trustworthy man that would sell out others for his own benefit. 18. “It is a whore” ● Proctor is speaking to Danforth ● Abigail is acting, once again. ● She pretends like Mary have sent out her spirits to possess her. ● John knows that they are lying, and calls Abby a “whore”. ● This quote is significant because this event triggers the downfall of John. John told the truth of adultery, but Elizabeth cannot; therefore, Elizabeth is sent back to jail, and John is arrested. 19”No, Sir” ● Elizabeth is talking to Danforth ● Danforth asks Elizabeth if her husband has committed the crime of lechery. ● Elizabeth cannot dare to say yes. ● This quote is significant because this reply from Elizabeth shuts down any possible attempts of proving innocence of witchcraft. This reply very much leads John to his hanging as there are no more ways to prove innocence. 20. “You will confess yourself or you will hang” ● Danforth is speaking to Mary. ● Abigail pretends like Mary is sending out her spirits to kill her. ● Then, the group of girls start acting with Abigail. ● The actions of the girls force Mary Warren to make a decision. ● This quote is significant because this command from Danforth forces Mary to lie, which leads to John’s arrest. Mary telling the lie sets up the climax of the story, which leads to the resolution of the play and John. 21. “My niece, sir, my niece, - I believe she has vanished” ● Parris is talking to Danforth ● Parris was informed by Abigail, his niece, that she would sleep at Mercy’s home. Mercy informed her parents that she would sleep in Parris’s home. ● They both boarded on a ship and left Salem. ● This quote is significant because the potential person to tell the truth of witchcraft, Abigail, fled Salem. As a result of Abigail’s departure, Salem lost its ability to solve witchcraft, which would bring more innocent deaths in the town. 22. “Postponement means a floundering on my part” ● Danforth is talking to Hale ● Hale tells Danforth that the hangings should be stopped. ● Danforth rejects Hale’s suggestion.

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Danforth justifies his decision with the fact that 12 have already been hung and stopping them now will make his reputation decline. This quote is significant because Danforth’s inability to change his mind for the sake of hurting his reputation results in John Proctor’s death, which could’ve been avoided. Also, it brings the readers to a decision that Danforth is an unsympathetic character, and that he is a very self centered character.

23. “Suspicion kissed you when I did.” ● Elizabeth is talking to John ● The court told John that if he confessed, he will be set free. ● Elizabeth and John gets a chance to meet and talk about what to do with their lives. ● This quote is significant because Elizabeth tells John how she have been cold to him all the times and how it is her fault that he committed lechery, and got in this situation to make a decision whether to live or die. 24. “There will be no higher judge under heaven than Proctor is” ● Elizabeth is talking to John ● John asks Elizabeth whether he should confess or just let himself be hanged. ● Elizabeth, in response, tells John that he himself should make that decision, and no one else will be able to make that decision for him. ● This quote is significant because it forces John to make a decision that is moral to himself, and asserts the idea that no one, but himself will be able to make that decision. 25. “Let Rebecca go like a saint, for me it is a fraud.” ● Proctor is speaking to Elizabeth. ● John cannot make a decision. ● He keeps on asking Elizabeth, but her only reply is that she cannot make that decision for him. ● This quote is significant because John in this quote is trying to convince himself that his sins are beyond redemption; furthermore, he tells himself that it would be a lie to everyone if he was to be hanged along with Rebecca, who is sinless. Overall, this leads to the signing of confession, which makes this quote significant. 26. “I am John Proctor! You will not use me!” ● Proctor is speaking to Danforth. ● John have signed his name for confession of compacting with the Devil. ● After signing the sheet, he snatches the paper away. ● However, Danforth insists that his signed paper should be on the church doors. ● John cannot dare sell his name, and cries out that his name shall not be used. ● This quote is significant because John realizes that if his name is on the church doors, he himself would not forgive himself for what he have done. John does not feel like he deserves to live if he sells his name for survival. All of John’s unforgiveness leads to his hanging, which is the only way he thought he could redeem himself by.

27. “And there’s your first marvel, that I can. You have made your magic now for I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor” ● Proctor is speaking to Danforth, Parris, Hale, Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Herrick ● Danforth demands that he should forfeit the confession to him. ● Proctor cannot give it up, so tears the paper in pieces. ● Everyone is shocked by his actions. ● This quote is significant because John finally realizes that he cannot live freely if he gave up the confession to be put on the church door. After he decides to be hanged, John learns that there still are some goodness left in him, and hopes that he can be redeemed through the decision he decided to make. 28. “He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it away from him!” ● Elizabeth is talking to Parris, and Hale. ● Parris and Hale is demanding Elizabeth to stop John, and to convince him to save himself. ● Elizabeth cannot do it because she let John make the decision that was the best for him. ● This quote is significant because it resolves the story. Elizabeth is struggling to see John go, but she was the one to let him make a decision, so she lets John go to where his sins will be redeemed....

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