Compare and contrast essay Peer Review PDF

Title Compare and contrast essay Peer Review
Course University of Success
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Compare Contrast Essay Peer Review Worksheet Your Full Name: Elijah Palacios Peer Review of (Partner’s Full Name): Morgan Sia Date: 12/15/2021 Professor’s Name: Joanne Krueger Directions: •

Under each number, please provide your feedback based on the questions.

The goal is to provide detailed revision advice. DO NOT simply answer “yes” or “no” to the questions. If no advice is necessary, provide compliments explaining the reason no advice is necessary.

Give the kind of revision advice you would like to receive if you were the writer. Help your partner submit the best possible paragraph!

You must submit your peer review in the assignment drop box AND send it to your partner. You will not earn credit for this assignment if you do not do both steps.

Remember, following instructions is reflected in your grade! To earn all possible points, please follow the instructions carefully.

1) Introduction: a) Does the introduction include a hook, background information, and a thesis statement? Do all of these elements meet the requirements discussed in class? Yes all of the elements are there and all in class requirements are met. b) What requires more development or revision? Everything looks fine to me. It has a nice hook and a quote to connect the end and beginning.

2) Topic Sentences: a) Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence that states the topic and the purpose of the paragraph? Each paragraph has a topic sentence and I knew what I was about to read. b) Provide suggestions for improvement. I would look back over everything to make sure there are no spelling errors.

3) Comparisons and Contrasts: © 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

a) Are all comparisons and contrasts clear? What requires revision for clarity? In some of your paragraphs the two subjects aren’t evenly talked about. b) Does the writer need to include more information or evidence to support the argument? Does the writer leave out any important points? What should be added? You talk about the actor lifestyle more than an RD lifestyle and vice versa. c) Does the writer include any points that are unnecessary? What should be eliminated? Points are valid I don’t see unnecessary points. d) Does the writer avoid focusing on pros and cons instead of comparisons and contrasts? Pros and cons are listed within the compare & contrasts, but they aren’t overwhelmingly focused on. e) Does the writer include appropriate research from one of the required articles and a minimum of two additional sources? Yes there are three total sources. 4) Research and Examples: a) Is all research useful? Which piece(s) of research requires revision/replacement? Why? The research is useful because throughout the paper it helps connect ideas. b) Do any body paragraphs require additional examples or research to help readers understand the comparisons and/or contrasts? I don’t think they do everything looks good. c) Does the writer thoroughly explain the significance of all research and examples? How should the explanations of research or examples be revised? After each research statement there is an explanation that follows. 5) Organization: a) Which organizational strategy did the writer use (point-by-point or subject-by-subject)? He used subject-by-subject. b) Does the organizational strategy the writer used work? Should the writer revise the organization of the essay? Explain. Yes, the organizational strategy works. 6) Purpose/Argument: a) Does the writer achieve the purpose stated in the thesis? Why/why not? Yes, I’d rather travel the world for work than stay in Arizona to watch over college kids.

7) Conclusion: a) Does the writer provide a satisfying ending to the paper beyond a summary? Yes, it forces someone to ask themselves what they should do.

b) Does the writer explain what readers should change (beliefs, behaviors, etc.)? Not necessarily what they should change, but what they would rather prioritize. c) Does the conclusion connect to the introductory hook? What requires revision? Yes is re-iterates the points and forces the reader to come up with a conclusion of their own.

8) APA Format: (The questions in this section can include “yes” or “no” answers for the writer. If revision is needed, please tell the writer what requires revision.) a) Does the essay have an appropriate title page that meets APA requirements? Suggestions? Yes, the title page is in correct format. b) Does the essay have appropriate centered and bolded headings for each section of the paper? The paper heading is centered and bold, but the references is not bold. c) Is the whole assignment double-spaced? Yes, everything is double spaced. d) Is the font 12pt Times New Roman? Yes, the font is correct. e) Are page numbers in the upper-right corner in a header without additional information? Page numbers are put in the upper-right corner. f) Are all paragraphs indented half an inch? All paragraphs are indented half an inch. 9) APA In-Text Citations: a) Are all in-text citations of quotations and paraphrases correct? b) What needs revision? Looks good to me, I would double check on just incase I’m missing something.

10) APA References: (The questions in this section can include “yes” or “no” answers for the writer. If revision is needed, please tell the writer what requires revision.) a) Is the word “References” centered and bolded at the top of a new page? Not in bold b) Is the whole References page double-spaced? Yes c) Does each reference have a hanging indentation (the opposite of a paragraph indentation)? Yes d) Are all reference entries in appropriate APA format? What requires revision? Yes Reminders: •

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Make sure you submit your peer review in the assignment dropbox AND send it to your partner. You will not earn credit for this assignment if you do not do both steps....

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