Comparison between parthenon and pantheon PDF

Title Comparison between parthenon and pantheon
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Comparison between the Parthenon and the Pantheon University of The People AHIST 1401 April 21, 2021

COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PARTHENON AND THE PANTHEON Comparison between the Parthenon and the Pantheon From the art perspective, ancient Rome and Greece had some incredible similarities. Even though they were created in different periods, they shared the same artistic taste. Ancient Greece highly influenced ancient Rome thus produced various types of arts using the same concept yet uniquely recognized its style. The differences and similarities between ancient Rome and ancient Greece are illustrated in the way they each constructed their architecture. Pantheon in Rome and Parthenon in Athens help to show the comparison. The two are historical symbols. This paper will entail a comparison between the Pantheon and Parthenon. Parthenon

The Parthenon was constructed by Greeks and Pericles in 432 B.C. It is among the historical architecture that has attracted more attention from historians, archaeologists, painters, poets, and architects. It was constructed on the acropolis and is seated on its highest part, which was designed by architects Kallikratis and Iktinos and Pheidias, a sculptor who foresaw the project (Wayback Machine, n.d.). It is typically regarded as a culmination of the Doric order development, which is the simplest of the Greek architectural styles as well as the biggest Greek




Doric temple. Parthenon was built using Pentelic marble from Mt. Pentelicus. The Pentelic marble had a fine grain and a clear white appearance. It has iron traces, which have oxidized with time, giving the Pentelic marble a soft brown color, which is a quality evident at sunset and sunrise. The measurement of the temple is 69.5m by 30.9mand used 4:9 ratios for its construction (Cartwright, 2015). A simple cornice style supports the triangular pediment, and there are different carved sculptors in between. An entablature supports the pediment. Inside the entablature, the decoration of the Doric style frieze using alternative triglyph and metope. Simultaneously, the column representing the Doric style has had a square-shaped structural abacus and a dish-shaped echinus. Peristyle was used to enumerate the columns on the rectangular stereobate and stylobate with no column base. The Parthenon was a temple constructed for worshiping one god dedicated to the Athenian god, Athena Parthenos. It was a representation of the imperial ambitions of Pericles and helped in enhancing Athens's beauty as well as the status of Greece. Pantheon

COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PARTHENON AND THE PANTHEON It was constructed in 126 A.D. in Rome by Emperor Hadrian. Pantheon was a temple worshipping many gods and was designed with Greek Corinthian and Etrurian order that symbolized splendor and delicacy architectural style. The front section of the portico temple was constructed using limestone and had a similar triangular gabled pediment such as the Doric style (Chin, n.d.). Following the Ionic and Doric styles, the last order that was introduced was the Corinthian order. It was the preferred style by the Romans and was applied in the Pantheon. It used a column that was topped using an ornate capital with small scrolls and acanthus leaves. The building stands on a 4ft high level that was initially extended more in front of its colonnade. Besides, at the outer ends of the base were Numidian yellow marble steps. Pantheon comprises two major parts: the circular key building that had Roman-style and huge Roman baths and the porch, a classical Greek representation (Ranogajec, 2015). Its interior design outshines the exterior. Also, its exterior section was entranced using bronze doors that were 21 ft tall. Unlike the Parthenon, the Pantheon had written words on its frieze and has a concrete dome. Similarities The design of every building is based on a simple and elegant classical architecture with subtle incorporated accents and clear lines in the form of carvings and decorations. They share a basic structure since the Parthenon significantly influenced the Pantheon design despite the differences in the construction periods. The two were also destroyed as well as restored. They continue to hold their history while serving different purposes.


COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PARTHENON AND THE PANTHEON References Cartwright, M. (2015, January 25). Athena Parthenos by Pheidias. Chin, K. (n.d.). The Pantheon. Ranogajec, P. A. (2015). The Pantheon (Rome). Wayback Machine. (n.d.). The Parthenon. Parthenon.html


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