Consequences Of The Fall PDF

Title Consequences Of The Fall
Author Joelle Mugisha
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Consequences of the Fall and Contemporary Response Name: Joelle Mugisha Course: CWV-101 Date: 11/29/2020 Instructor: Dr Rob Krise Be sure you answer Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and the Reference page of this assignment before submitting.

Part One: Human Nature in Genesis 1-3 Use and cite at least two of the following topic study materials: textbook Chapter 4, Topic 3 Overview, "The Mystery of Original Sin" article, and Bible passages. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. These should be included on a reference page at the end of this document. Based on at least two of the listed topic study materials, type your answer to the following questions in the box beneath each question. 1. What is revealed about human nature (from Genesis 1-2)? Cite and reference the textbook. Your answer in 100-150 words: Genesis 1 to 2 reveals how God created the world and the first two humans. The Bible tells us that God created men in His image. God created Adam from the dust, and He breathed into Adam the breath of life. This made Adam a living creature (ESV Gen 2:7). When God saw that Adam need a helper, He putted Adam in a deep sleep and created Eve from Adam’s rib (ESV Gen 2:21). According to Diffey, Adam and Eve were created honest and good (Diffey,2020). In Genesis 1:27, we can see that God made men superior to animals; and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth (ESV Gen 1:27). After creating Adam and everything else on the earth, God loved every creation (ESV Geb 1: 31). 2. What are the consequences of the fall for human nature (from Genesis 3)? Your answer in 100-150 words: When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of good and evil, they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord (ESV Gen 3:8), as they saw that they were naked and was afraid that God was about to see them like that. When God found out what happened, He cursed the snake and putted enmity between the snake and the woman (ESV Gen 3:15). God multiplied pain for the woman when giving birth and told her that man will rule over the woman (ESV Gen 3:16). Due to the fall for human nature, Adam was told that he will struggle in finding food, that he will have to work very hard to earn his bread (ESV Gen 3:

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17-19). 3. What is revealed about human purpose? What does it mean for humans to flourish, in other words, to achieve spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being? Cite and reference "The Mystery of Original Sin" article. Your answer in 100-150 words: The human purpose is all about being kind to one another so that those who does not know God, can experience Him through the life of those who know Him already. God created Adam and Eve in His image, and He put in them every Godly thing to live a life they were created to live. After eating the fruit from the tree they were forbidden, their eyes were opened and realized that they were naked and that made them hid from God when they heard Him coming to them (ESV Gen 3: 7-8). The sin was the separation point of Adam and Eve with God. When humans achieve spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being, they are in a good relationship with God. They have peace in their heart, and the burdens and suffering do not affect them so much. If humans are not in connection with God, they lose the purpose of their life. According to Shuster, humans are free only if their relationship with God is good and are obedient to God (Shuster,2013). 4. How would pantheism or atheism (choose one) view human nature, human purpose, and human flourishing? Your answer in 100-150 words: An atheist views human nature as a result of a series of events, an environment’s product, and natural laws. An atheist would never look up for God for any reason, but he loves and treat the earth with respect. Atheists do not care about punishments from God as they do not believe in Him. According to Shuster, atheists believe that there is something corrupt in human from the beginning, that pushes them to be willing to do evil things than love what is good (Shuster, 2013). Atheists believe in evolution and science. In John 4:48, Jesus said that one can believe in God only if he/she see signs and wonders (John 4:48). 5. The question, "How can an all-powerful, all knowing, and all good God allow suffering?" is called the problem of evil and suffering. Briefly summarize the Christian worldview's response to the problem of evil and suffering. Cite and reference the topic overview and/or the textbook. Your answer in 100-150 words: Christians believe that God is powerful, love and cannot let anything happen to His children without providing to them the strength necessary to overcome that suffering. Humans were supposed to live a wonderful life free of evil and suffering and then Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree; that is what triggered all the evil and suffering in every human’s life. In the textbook tells us that the relationship between humans and God was broken from that day and that God removed Adam and Eve from the

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garden due to their sin (Diffey, 2020). The topic three says it very well, it says that the world is full of evil because humanity made the worst choice, it has chosen poorly (Topic 3 overview).

Part Two: Consequence of the Fall Today Select a Christian organization from the "Christian Organizations That Address a Consequence of the Fall" list provided in the topic study materials. Based upon your selection, research the issue that organization addresses. Use and cite at least two academic resources from the GCU Library. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. These resources should also be included on a reference page at the end of this document. 1. Based on your research, address the following: highlight how the consequences of the fall are evident in the issue(s) that the organization addresses; include statistics, causes, and impact on people (victim, perpetrator, others as appropriate). Your answer in 75-100 words: Mercy ships is an organization provide medical assistance to people with low income. As humans, we always sin and even without realizing it. It is natural to us that knowing that we sinned and being able to repent is God’s favor. The sin does not go away like that, it plants in us a bad seed, that suppurate continuously. One of the examples that happen to us due to sinning against God is birth defect and developing physical issues. According to Alford, 3% of children in the whole world have a congenital deformity since birth (Alford, 2007). 2. Describe how this issue creates dehumanization and diminishes human dignity. Include statistics, causes, and impact on people (victim, perpetrator, others as appropriate). Your answer in 75-100 words: I think that human dignity in diminished because those children get the congenital deformity as a result of their parent’s sin. Their future become hard and difficult to deal with even though it was not their fault. According to Alford, Mercy’s mission is giving to the poor access to surgeons and free medical care in the name of Christ, which is directly affecting the main victims (Alford,2007). Mercy ships does not treat only Christians, but also non- Christians patients have a chance of living a healthier life.

Part Three: Analysis of a Christian Organization's Solution Use and cite the organization's website, in addition to the topic study materials. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. These should also be included on a reference page at the end of this document.

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Write how the Christian worldview ministry that you selected is combatting the consequence of the fall. 1. What organizational statement reveals that this organization is operating from a Christian worldview? Your answer in 250-300 words: Mercy ships have been a great help for thousands of people all over the world each year. On their website, they state that their mission is to bring hope and healing to poor people, who are called “forgotten” by mercy ships (Mercyship, 2020). Mercy ship’s core values are based on recommendations of Jesus Christ which are to love God, to serve and not to be served, to love others, to be people of virtue, and aim for greatness in everything (Mercyship,2020). As Christians, we believe that God is the above everyone and everything, and that He is powerful. We believe that God recommend us to love one another, so we must take care of each other as well if we really love one another. The doctors and nurses of Mercy ships are giving the best example of love by taking care of God’s people who do not have access to medical care. The nurses and doctors are sacrificing the most rare thing, their time, to save other people’s lives. It might be hard to love people that you do not know but as Christians, we are created to be as God, and we know that God is love and that if one dwells in love, he surely dwells in God and God in Him (KJV John 3: 16). By doing their job, Mercy ships’ stuff are surely touching and changing people’s lives every day. Patients are granted better days and the doctors and nurses become proud of doing such an incomparable thing. According to Mcllwraith, the volunteers execute between five and six thousand surgical procedures in ten months (Mcllwraith, 2019). 2. Explain how the organization uses a God-centered worldview (as defined in the "The Mystery of Original Sin" article) to address dehumanization and restore human dignity. Your answer in 250-300 words: God is the gather point in our life as stated in “The Mystery of Original Sin”. According to Shuster, God is our real organizer of our lives as we would be lost without Him, or without His presence in our lives. Without Him, we would have an empty heart (Shuster, 2013). Mercy ships treats everyone without discriminations based on race or religion as God recommend us to love everyone as God loved us. In Matthew, we see that glory can be given to God based on the good works we are doing on this earth, God commend us to let our light shine so that the unbelievers can see God through our actions (Matthew 5: 16). God has implemented in each one of us something that He will use to lift up His name through us. As Alford said it very well, God knows your heart, He knows who and when to send the person to His mission such as Mercy ships (Alford, 2007). In Mercy ship’s work, hope and faith are rebuilt in humanity as they are giving their needed competencies to different communities for free. According to Mcllwraith, mercy ship is a first world floating hospital that operates to ameliorate practices where they are nonexistent and impossible to get because of poverty (Mcllwraith, 2010). Helping others, especially those

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in need, is actually serving God. People who love others the same way they like themselves are a giving glory to God, and they will certainly get an award in Heaven for doing such thing on this chaotic world.

References: Alford, D. (2007). Saving faces: Mercy Ships surgeons perform medical miracles daily in remote ports of call. Christianity Today, 51(12), 50-53. Diffey, D. (2020). Departure from Wisdom. The Beginning of Wisdom: An Introduction to Christian Thought and Life. Phoenix, AZ: Grand Canyon University. Mcllwraith, R. (2019). International volunteering with Mercy Ships in Guinea West Africa 2018. Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 1(32), 41-43. Mercy Ships 100,000th Free Surgical Procedure (n.d.). Retrieved from Shuster, M. (2013). The Mystery of Original Sin: We do not know God permitted the fall, but we know all too well the evil and sin that still plague us. Christianity Today, 53(3), 39-41. Topic 3 Overview (n.d.).

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