Consumerism sociology PDF

Title Consumerism sociology
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution Ohio University
Pages 2
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The historical context of consumerism...


Consumerism Panashe Marie Louise Mlambo G18m6273 McKendrick et al in their book, The Birth of a Consumer Society, points out that when consumerism started people knew of the existence of it but the ability to do so was one that startled the populace. Spending in the 17-19th century even in countries like United States of America and England was merely based on basic needs rather than luxuries and the rich and elite (kings, nobles and bourgeoisies) where the only ones who spent a lot of money as a sign of their status. This goes on to show that the elite themselves where motivated by social norms and roles and values. To prove themselves they had to spend a lot of money. This was also part of their identity. Consumerism was contributed also by the colonised wealth which brought about the industrial revolution in England and other parts of Europe. Because of this transition in Europe the middle class and social norms started to change. Summarised by the professor of anthropology Richard Robbins state university New York the change in wealth brought about the change is society. Some might say people where now a little more lenient on themselves they could now spend a little on their luxuries. Due to overproduction in the nineteenth the industrial revolution a basic historical platform as described by the text was formed which created what we now refer to as consumerism therefore a culture was born. People were being encouraged to buy more things for economic purposes because of overproduction there was a need for a market. This shows a certain degree of social forces when people’s needs and wants are determined by what everyone is doing. Consumerism was promoted by what was a social norm. Global problems and culture of capitalism by allyn and Bacon 1998 shows how consumerism in the united states begin and how it made people’s buying habits change from wants to needs. The definition was changed. This also shows a deep social culture arising where presentation of goods and display matters more to individuals than their own previous beliefs this being promoted by the society. The author also states that consumer shops where now

the cultural primer meaning stores where the ones setting the buying of things by people, this shows socialisation and cultural change. Robbins notes that, Education and cultural institutions, governmental agencies, financial institutions, and even the family itself changed their meaning and function to promote the consumption of commodities. Hence leading to what we call now consumerism. In my opinion this form of socialisation, those born in this environment automatically adapted this new phenonium which was passed on hence the strong influence of consumerism nowadays. People where taught how to live their lives and because of a chance created buying luxuries might have been more of up classing themselves and fitting in the societies where luxuries where now made a norm. Historically Consumerism was influenced by education, the article mentions how education was structured to accommodate it. Subjects like finances, accounting and marketing were introduced even business schools were also open. Propaganda was being cultivated in people. This transaction was also further accommodated by home ownership, class system. Now people where being encouraged to buy their own home, in my pion there is a shift in culture from having a third class who doesn’t own houses to one that dies, hence created yet another class system in this community or societies. In conclusion consumerism begin from the industrial revolution and was further accommodated by education, media and class. People need to fit in and to be like the elite enabled this culture to rise in the world starting from USA and England. This Is all according to authors like Neil McKendrick, and robins. Hence in my opinion the rise of consumerism as a culture influenced socialisation....

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