Contemporary World lecture notes .... PDF

Title Contemporary World lecture notes ....
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution President Ramon Magsaysay State University
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CONTEMPORARY WORLDObjectives: at the end of this video lecture you will be able to: Understand the meaning of Globalization Identify the different qualities and characteristic of Globalization Interpret his/her own meaning of Globalization. Chapter I. INTRODUCTION AND THE CONCEPT OF GLOBALIZATIONWha...


CONTEMPORARY WORLD Objectives: at the end of this video lecture you will be able to: 1. Understand the meaning of Globalization 2. Identify the different qualities and characteristic of Globalization 3. Interpret his/her own meaning of Globalization. Chapter I.


What is CONTEMPORARY WORLD? Refers to circumstances and ideas of the present age, where it deals with problems and issues related to environment, population, wealth, power, tensions and conflicts. Why study CONTEMPORARY WORLD? a. To be aware about Contemporary World problems and issues that all societies must be concerned. b. To developed competencies and construct knowledge about problems and issues and become aware of our roles and our responsibilities as citizen. DEFINITION OF GLOBALIZATION Globalization (Borderless) as defined by the World Health Organization It is the increased interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries, through opening of international borders to increasingly fast flows of goods, services, finance, people and ideas and the changes in institutions and policies of national and international levels that facilitates or promotes such flows. With the birth of Information Technology and the widespread of these makes the world interconnected to each other. Because of these that anything and everything becomes global. Networking plays a pivotal role in establishing relationship between nations in the world resulting to the introduction of new normal Globalization. Differences: Globalization, Internationalization and Westernization To understand better, we should distinguish Globalization from the term Westernization to Internationalization? 

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Globalization the speed up of movements and exchanges of human resources, goods and services capital, technologies and cultural practices between countries in the world or expansion and intensification of economic, political and social relations and consciousness across the world. Internationalization describes designing a product in a way that it may readily consumed across multiple countries. Westernization is a process whereby societies come under or adopt western culture in areas such as industry, technology, politics, economics, lifestyle, law, norms, mores, customs and traditions.

Examples of Globalization (Concept Map) Because of trade developments and financial exchanges, we often think of globalization as an economic and financial phenomenon. Nonetheless, it includes a much wider field than just flowing of goods, services or capital. Often referred to as the globalization concept map some examples of globalization are the following: Economic globalization: is the development of trade systems within transnational actors such as multinational corporations or NGOs; Financial globalization: can be linked with the rise of a global financial system with international financial exchanges and monetary exchanges. Stock markets, for instance, are a great example of the financially

connected global world since when one stock market has a decline, it affects other markets negatively as well as the economy as a whole. Cultural globalization: refers to the interpenetration of cultures which, as a consequence, the nations adopt principles, beliefs, and costumes of other nations, losing their unique culture. Political globalization: the development and growing influence of international organizations such as the UN or WHO means governmental action takes place at an international level. Sociological globalization: the integration of different cultures of different societies become possible. Technological globalization: the phenomenon by which millions of people are interconnected because of the power of the digital world via platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Skype or Youtube. Geographic globalization: is the new organization and hierarchy of different regions of the world that is constantly changing. Moreover, with transportation, flying made so easy and affordable, apart from a few countries with demanding visas, it is possible to travel the world without barely any restrictions or less restrictions. Ecological globalization: accounts for the idea of considering planet Earth as a single global entity – All societies should protect since the weather affects everyone and we are all protected by the same atmosphere. To this regard, it is often said that the poorest countries that have been polluting the least will suffer the most from climate change.

THE BENEFITS OF GLOBALIZATION Globalization has benefits that cover many different areas. It reciprocally developed economies all over the world and increased cultural exchanges. It also allowed financial exchanges between companies. Many people are nowadays citizens of the world. The origin of goods became secondary and geographic distance is no longer a barrier for many services to happen.

Forces and Drivers of Globalization






Individuals and Institutions


Characteristics of Globalization According to Held and McGrew (2002) a Globalization has several distinguishing characteristics. 1. Creation and Multiplication of connections: development and increasing social network and cultural activities that led to the breaking of traditional norms and practices in the political, economic and cultural realisms of most communities. 2. Expansion and Stretching of connections: social operations and corrections on how the financial markets and trading operate around the globe like the operations of Economic Organizations like of WTO ASEAN Economic Community, World Economic Forum and European Union that brought expansions throughout the world. 3. Intensification and Acceleration of connections: human activities where it describes how the process of world and individual connection works. The fourth Industrial Revolution is a concrete example where Digital machines widely used in reaching every global events. 4. Consciousness and awareness of connections: the people as the primary actors of globalization is very important on how they impact the growing outcomes and markers in globalization specially the implications of their actions to the norms and practices of borderless world.

LESSON 2 CONTEMPORARY WORLD Objectives: at the end of this video lecture you will be able to: 1. Identify theories related to the concept of Globalization 2. Understand the roles of ideas and technology in Globalization 3. Interpret interconnectedness of institution and globalization Chapter II.


There are some theories that will further give light to the concept of Globalization as follows: 1. Realism – the realist perspective explains that globalization focuses on the shifting distribution of power among states. Their idea of dominating the world is through the employment of power like the power that could be used to overrule the economic market and resources (financial and manpower) political (military and territory) and technology (logistics and system).  Realists as part of globalization, they argue that countries open their economics to the world because of these reasons: 1) As to financial returns of expanding markets it offers new economic opportunities to the capitalist like the Multinational Corporations. 2) As to political explanation, the continued centrality of political power and military strength are forces of interdependence and realistic behavior of the more and most powerful countries like United State of America and European Countries etc. 2. Liberalism – emphasize that in establishing international relations the interaction and communications is very important in solving problems and conflicts between countries. They believed in peaceful negotiations and dialogues are important mechanisms in confronting issues and parties.  Liberalist further explain that in globalization process the following should be considered: 1) As to spread of democracy and institutions they see democracies as considered by institutions are venues of not using threat to intimidate and harm each nation. The rule of law as safeguard of self-respect and social stability. Another is Transparency as a measure in sustaining international cooperation and global understanding. 2) Global Economic Ties liberalist see economic ties and cooperation like market integration and academic alliances are fitting fixtures of Globalization. 3) International Organizations liberalists believe that the formation of leading regional and international organizations like Global Commerce and Governance are main instruments in the maintenance of peace and solidarity among nations. They emphasize the importance of international institutions like the OPEC and NATO.

3. Idealism – the core beliefs of idealists centers on the centralization of ideas, beliefs and emotions and collective values that shape political and economic landscapes of the world. They also value the importance of appropriateness and transparency in reshaping and framing rules affecting the general welfare of its member nations. In the same manner also emphasized the importance of policies and decisions during the state of conflict as it advances the moral aspects and ethical dynamics of actions of each nation.


The establishment of identities in the global state comes from ideas and values of people the country. A. Ideas – are non-material entities of culture, where it embodies one’s perception of his social world or environment. It defines on how values, norms and beliefs are used by the governments and institutions in holding and exercising powers. When ideas are used well based on their intended application, development takes place. B. Technology – on the other hand it could not be denied the importance of the role of technology that made significant changes in the interaction of nations and the people in terms of the following: 1. Knowledge and Technology – the Human Resources and technological advancement of a nation is the identity of its economic power. 2. The fast pace of technological change – the advent of the 4 th industrial revolution, the global community is expected to embrace multiple technical changes and technological development. 3. Dispersed knowledge and technology – the increasing trends in communications revolutions makes it more possible to move data and ideas from people to people, country to country at a faster and most convenient way. INSTITUTION AND GLOBALIZATION Global governance is directed by two important institutions, the political and economic institutions. Their operations globally depend on how their plans are implemented and how accountable these institutions are in their actions To Peter (2012) CITING THE DEFINITION OF Scott (1995) about institutions, it is consist of norms, set of activities, and regulative structures that provide meaning and stability to the social behavior of a group. Applying to International Institutions, they set rules with the purpose of regulating the flow of communication and movement of resources, like the governments engaged in internationalizing their organizations because of retaining and asserting control over global activities and networks as brought by the global changes and Transformations. On the other hand, on Financial Institutions their financial relationship is standardized which is aimed toward protection.

The Role of Global Governance To provide global public goods, peace and security, justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets and unified standards for trade and industry. The Role of Global Governance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Top-Down Governance Bottom-Up Governance Market Governance Network Governance Side-by-Side Governance Complex Web Governance


CONTEMPORARY WORLD Objectives: at the end of this video lecture you will be able to: 1. Identify the waves of globalization and its historical backdrop. 2. Discuss the developments of globalization from its earliest period up to the present. 3. Appreciate how the process of globalization is affecting countries and institutions around the world. Chapter III. THE BRIEF HISTORICAL AND PHASES OF GLOBALIZATION This chapter presents important topics on the historical development of globalization as well as dimensions of this phenomenon. It will also explain how competition works at a global scale by using the ideas of world orders. GLOBALIZATION IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES There are key events and developments in the history of globalization from the time it was initially observed and described as a phenomenon up to the current era of advancement and modernization. The useful checklist tracing the phases of globalization was drawn by Holton (1998), Sholte (2001), and Lawson (2012). The following chain of events is not of definite terms but it provides a clearer view on the cycle of globalization.

First Phase (Mid-eighteenth century – 1870s) The development of international networks and regimes like the 1840 Anti-Slavery Convention The beginning of international fairs such as the London World Fair of 1851 The establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1863 (ICRC) The increasing formalization of international relations through agreements and treaties of some countries in Europe and the birth and formation of new states. o The significant development in communication and transportation such as telegraph, telephone, and radio, and airplane o The development of international competitions like Olympic Games o The First World War

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Second Phase (1920s to 1960s) o The establishment of the League of Nations o The global effect of Cold War and the rise of the Third World in international arena o The increased attention to humanitarian works and development aid o The introduction of global icons and American consumerism Third Phase (1960s – present) oThe establishment of global communication as manifested , in the invention of first communication satellite oThe increasing power and influences of international financial institutions like World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) oThe rapid rise of the US and the expansion of investments and multinational firms from the western world. oThe end of cold war and the formation of a new world system and global order

oThe relative increase of social movements and global civil society as well as transnational non-governmental organizations oThe introduction of World Wide. Web and the continuous influence of telecommunications oThe increasing incidence of transnational crimes and the growing role of migration in globalization. oThe rise of global attention given to environmental concerns such as the effect of global warming and the more aggressive movement of anti-globalization campaign oThe increasing formalization of international relations through agreements and treaties of some countries in Europe and the birth and formation of new states.


CONTEMPORARY WORLD Objectives: at the end of this video lecture you will be able to: 1. Identify the different phases of globalization. 2. Discuss the dimensions of globalization.

Chapter IV. PHASES OF GLOBALIZATION Phases of Globalization 1. Globalization – 1.0 (1492-1800). This was the period of mercantilism and the rise of British Economy during the age of industrialization. This period also marked the invention of engine, printing press and railway system that gives way to the development of some social system and institutions like government, education and exchange of goods and commodities in the region. 2. Globalization 2.0 (1800-1950) – marked by conclusion of World War II, identified by some scholars as Britanica – a state of relative international peace between great powers. 3. Globalization 3.0 (1950-2000) – marked by immense influence of technology specially the internet where information is fast phasing leds to development and intensifications of multinational corporations, consumerism, healthcare, labor migrations worldwide. Sociologist described third phase of globalization as part of modernity and the strong influence of individuals to dictate the operation of global economy. Dimension of Globalization Anthony Giddens describe globalization as intensification of worldwide social relations. The global activities have immense effect to other global operations in the governments, education and technology, Giddens also identified 3 dimensions of globalizations namely; 4. World Capitalist Economy – the capitalist’s states are the main engines or force of global production and distribution of goods and services. These capitalists engage in transnational operation maintaining pool of resources such as labors, capital, etc. Example: Multinational Corporations – powerful in controlling domestic and foreign markets 5. Nation-State System – the sovereignty of the state count most. The autonomy and independence are the best form of asserting the existence and operation of the state in order to be recognized. Actually this has been used are a major political unit in international relations specially the right to make their own collective objectives. 6. World Military Order – any state must strengthen their military capability to deliver world-class defense operation to maintain peace and order to get the trust of other countries and encourage other countries to invest in their country. Globalization as Competition Globalization give rise to competition and interdepends among countries, these has begun in early 1990’s where several situations came to light. 1. Chinese government initiated system of economics liberalization through opening its market to world organization, like the World Trade Organization in 2001. Because of this China joined the US to have strong market and capital of the world surpassing the giant economies in Europe and Japan.

2. The collapse of the communist governments of USSR and departure of Eastern Europe nations marked the increasing players of emerging markets. 3. The series of government economic reform of India and some Asian countries with its strategies in developing their economic resources that compete against giant markets in the west. The (BPO) or Business Process outsourcing and telecommunications are key drivers of India’s economy. The World and World Orders The concept of first world, second world and third world was outcome of the Cold War Era between the US and USSR and their respective allies, the Eastern bloc and Western bloc after the World War II. 1. First World – United State and Western Europe and their allies. 2. Second World – called communist bloc. USSR, China and their allies. 3. Third World – countries that did not pick a side or non-aligned either NATO or Warsaw Pact. These countries usually have unstable and inconsistent economy.


CONTEMPORARY WORLD GLOBAL ECONOMY Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Define international trade and identify the reasons why countries engage in international trade. Examine the various theories and perspectives explaining the practice of international trade. Evaluate the roles and functions of different international economic organizations. Discuss the factors leading the formation of economic integration and cooperation.

The interconnected of world economy is the forefront marker of globalization. The meeting point of developed and developing economics as well as the emergence of economics institutions and organizations make everything easier and faster to hold transaction globally. Global productions are everywhere in the world especially in countries where labor is cheap and materials are available. The global economy is highly interdependent through exchanges of commodities that create as opportunity to more sustainable and equipped economy like the rich countries while pose risk to the emerging and less performing country. Develop...

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