Evidence 1 Contemporary World PDF

Title Evidence 1 Contemporary World
Author Alexandra Lizarraga michel
Course contemporary world
Institution Universidad TecMilenio
Pages 5
File Size 211 KB
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Nombre:Alexandra Lizárraga MichelMatrícula:AlCurso:Contemporary worldProfesor:José Isidro GaunaMódulo:1Actividad:Evidence 1Fecha:September 3, 2020Bibliografía:sparknotes. (s. f.). The Enlightenment (1650–1800): Brief Overview | SparkNotes. Recuperado desparknotes/history/european/enlightenment/summa...




Alexandra Lizárraga Michel




Contemporary world Módulo:

José Isidro Gauna Actividad:

1 Fecha:

Evidence 1

September 3, 2020 Bibliografía: sparknotes. (s. f.). The Enlightenment (1650–1800): Brief Overview | SparkNotes. Recuperado de https://www.sparknotes.com/history/european/enlightenment/summary/#:%7E:text=Causes,ideas %20of%20nationalism%20and%20warfare. History.com Editors. (2020, 21 febrero). French Revolution. Recuperado de https://www.history.com/topics/france/french-revolution#section_1 Ducksters. (s. f.). The American Revolution: Causes. Recuperado de https://www.ducksters.com/history/american_revolution/causes_revolutionary_war.php Lumen Learning. (s. f.). The Consequences of the American Revolution | US History I (AY Collection). Recuperado de https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-ushistory1ay/chapter/theconsequences-of-the-american-revolution/#:%7E:text=The%20Revolution%20opened%20new %20markets,reply%20on%20those%20in%20Britain. Historic, T. (2020, 4 septiembre). Revolutionary War Sites and Battlefields. Recuperado de https://www.triphistoric.com/explore/articles/revolutionary-war-sites-and-battlefields

Barbezat, S. (2020, 2 enero). What You Should Know About the Mexican Revolution of 1910 to 1920. Recuperado de https://www.tripsavvy.com/the-mexican-revolution-1588851 Enciclopedia de historia. (2018). Revolución cubana. Recuperado de https://enciclopediadehistoria.com/revolucion-cubana/

1. Read chapter 5 and 6 of your e-book and then develop your comparative table,

consider the following events in the 18th and 19th centuries: 1. Enlightenment 2. French Revolution 3. US Independence 4. Latin American revolutions ( two) 2. Study the topics in the module, analyze available resources, and prepare to briefly describe each of the events from your point of view. You will need to describe in detail the aspects you want to represent in your table, paying special attention to the following:


Detailed description of the movement (definition and dates)


Consequen ces

Prominent characters

Historic sites

Legacy (scientific, socio-cultural, economic and/or political aspects)

Enlightenme nt

It was a cultural and intellectual european movement, emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition, this movement wanted advanced ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity etc. It was from 1715 - 1789.

- The thirty years war. - Interest in scientific study. - Centuries of mistreatment at the hands of monarchies and the church. - The need to break the traditions

- Separation of powers in order to obtain a political system of checks and balances. - Changed the social, religious and intellectual ideas of society. - the encyclopedia was edited.

- Frederick II. - Charles III. - Catherine II “the great” - John Locke. - Thomas paine. - Thomas Jefferson. - JeanJacques Rousseau

- Paris in the 18 th century. - England. - France. - Germany.

- It provided the rights of individual freedom, emancipation, property.

The French Revolution was a watershed event in modern European history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. During this period, French citizens razed and redesigned

- A discontent with the French monarchy. - Poor economic policies. - Bad life conditions for almost all french citizens.

- End of bourbon rule in france. - change in land ownership in france. - The rise of modern nationalism. - The spread of liberalism. - Inspired the haitian revolution.

Emmanuel Joseph - Napoleón Bonaparte. - Marie Antoinette. - Louis XVI. - Jean Paul Marat.

- Place de la concorde. - Palais de justice. - Palace of Versailles. - The pantheon in Paris. - The Bastille.

French revolution

- American revolution began in 1775. - Paine publishes Common sense. - Jeferson writes the declaration of independence.

- The ideas of liberty and democratic rights. - it inspired germans, italians, and Austrains to overthrow their oppressive regimens. - Colonised people of Asia and Africa.

their country’s political landscape. US independenc e

The day of independence of the United states is the day when they commemorate the firm's declaration of independence in which they declarate the formal separation from the britannic empire. It was commemorate on July 4, 1776

- The founding of colonies. - French and Indian war. - Protests in boston. - Taxes and laws. - Boston blockade.

- New markets. - New trade relationships . - The Americans' victory opened the western territories for invasion and settlement.

- George washington . - Benjamin Franklin. - Alexander Hamilton. - Thomas Jefferson. - John Adams. - James Madison.

- Bunker Hill Monument. - Paul revere house. Independenc e hall on philadelphia. - Yorktown battlefield.

- Lead America to a new era of freedom. - New ideals. - No more slavery. - Americans new business opportunities.

Latin American revolution 1 (Mexican revolution)

The Mexican Revolution was a genuinely national revolutio, including a sequence of major armed struggles, lasting roughly from 1910 to 1920, that transformed mexican culture and government Its outbreak in 1910 resulted from the increasing unpopularity of the 31-year-long regime of Porfirio Díaz and its failure to find a managed solution to presidential succession.

- The

- Separated the church and state. - End of the porfiriato. - The constitution of 1917. - The right of land to all the agricultors.

- Porfirio Díaz. - Francisco I. Madero. - José María Pino Suárez. - Pascual Orozco. - Victoriano Huerta. - Emiliano Zapata.

- Bellas Artes palace. - The mexican library. - National palace. - Regional museum of the Mexican revolution.

- Sow the basis of a new era in Mexico. - The constitution of 1917. - The vote of Mexicans.

The cuban revolution is the principal result of the revolutionary movement that

- The soviet union became Cuba’s main ally.

- The insurgents placed a revolutionary government

- Che Guevara. - Raúl Castro. - Frank

- The Che museum. - The revolution plaza.

- Cuba more opportunities. - Cuba converts in a socialist state.

Latin american revolution 2 (The Cuban revolution)

dictatorshiplike rule of Porfirio Diaz for over 30 years - Exploitation and poor treatment of workers - Great disparity between rich and poor

provoked the fall of Fulgencio Batista government and the arrival of the guerrillero army. July 26, 1953 January 1, 1959

- The poverty, social exclusion, and bad life conditions. - The authoritariani sm of the government.

led by Fidel Castro. - Cuba improved agrarian reform . - The U.S government reforzed the economic and financial market (known as cuban block).

País. - Camilo Cienfuegos . - Juan Almeida. - Huber Matos. - Fidel Castro

- Monument to Fidel Castro in Santiago, Cuba.

- The creation of the anticomunist legion of the Caribbean. - Fight against bandits....

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