Copy of Chapter SIX Deaf Culture PDF

Title Copy of Chapter SIX Deaf Culture
Course Deaf Culture
Institution Valencia College
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A Journey into the Deaf-World assignment....


Chapter SIX: The World Deaf Scene 1. (175) What is the WFD? ANSWER: Western Deaf Education 2. (175) When and why was the WFD formed? ANSWER: It was formed in 1789 and was founded because it was a Deaf french man, Laurent Clerc, who established and built a nationwide network of residential schools that has made the American Deaf-World what it is today. 3. (175) Where does ASL trace its roots? ANSWER: French sign language 4. (175) Where is the Cradle of Western Deaf Education? ANSWER: France 5. (175) Who painted the epochal moment in Western Deaf history? ANSWER: French Deaf artist, Frederic Peyson 6. (175) Why is France such an important connection to DEAF-WORLD? ANSWER: Because more signed languages today trace their roots to French signed language. 7. (178) What is the name of the first known social organization for the Deaf? ANSWER: Society for the Assistance and Education of Deaf-Mutes 8. (178) Who created the 1st known social organization of the Deaf? ANSWER: Ferdinand Berthier 9. (181) Why or why not is Deaf society in France accepted openly? ANSWER: France is not openly accepting to Deaf society because for hearing people their attitude toward Deaf is commonly paternalist and intolerant of their language. 10. (185) What country is considered to be a Deaf-culture- friendly society? ANSWER: Sweden 11. (184) What year was Swedish Sign Language (SSL) recognized as a language? ANSWER: 1981 12. (184) What is the English meaning of SDR? ANSWER: Swedish federation of the Deaf 13. (184) Who was responsible for the recognition of Swedish Sign Language as one of Sweden minority languages? ANSWER: Activism by SDR, by the association of parents of Deaf children, and by linguists at the University of Stockolm.

14. (184) Sweden’s population is around 9 million, so roughly how many people are Deaf? ANSWER: 9,000 15. (186) What is one of the roles the SDR plays in Sweden? ANSWER: The SDR is concerned with all facets of the lives of Deaf children and Adults. It is concerned with education and continuing education for adults. 16. (187) To this day, is oral education still widespread in Europe? ANSWER: Yes 17. (187) The Journal of Sign Language Studies has been published since what year? ANSWER: 1972 18. (187) What are the three recent trends in most countries that are ensuring Deaf Education? ANSWER: Total communication, bilingual/bicultural education, and mainstreaming 19. (187) What is the name of the newsletter published by the International Sign Linguistics Association? ANSWER: Signpost 20. (187) What is Total Communication? ANSWER: Speaking and signing at the same time, with the order of the signs following the order of the spoken words. 21. (188) Which association of the Deaf is the oldest nationwide Deaf Association in the world? ANSWER: The National Association of the Deaf 22. (189) In what year was the national organization for the deaf established in the United States? ANSWER:1880 23. (189) What European country has the most local Deaf organizations? ANSWER: Czech R./Slovakia 24. (190) In Kenya why do you think Deaf adults are excluded from teaching in schools? ANSWER: They are concerned with assessment, documentation, research, teaching aids, and in service training. 25. (190) Among Kenya's children of school age, how many are Deaf? ANSWER: Two per one thousand are Deaf. 26. (192) How do Deaf Kenyan's have some significant advantages compared to other developing nations? ANSWER: The are enthusiastic and well-informed officials and teachers, inspectorate for monitoring and improving classrooms, uniform national exams, and a dynamic parents’ association.

27. (193) How are Deaf children welcomed in Burundi? ANSWER: Deaf children aren’t welcome in Burundi and they are pushed to the curve. 28. (193) What does the word nyamuragi refer? ANSWER: It means dumbo or deafie. 29. (197) What are the five types of instruction? ANSWER: The five types of instructions are self-instruction, peer instruction, parental teaching, community teaching, and formal instruction. 30. (197) What fosters the belief that Deaf people are mentally retarded? ANSWER: That if a child does not have education, separated from peers, and can not communicate they grow as their only resources and is seen as mentally retarded. 31. (198) When Harlan went to Burduni, what was he astonished to see? ANSWER: He was astonished to see teachers at the school using signs from ASL- in French word order. 32. (199) What is significant about Andrew Foster's graduation from Gallaudet? ANSWER: He was the father of Deaf education in Africa and he was the first black person to graduate Gallaudet. 33. (199) Who is considered the father of Deaf Education in Africa? ANSWER: Andrew Jackson Foster was considered the father of Deaf Education in Africa. 34. (201) What did Claudine (deaf girl from Burundi) accomplish with her life and how did she feel about this? ANSWER: She accomplished signing to her deaf brothers and she was able to continue her education in America and she felt gratified. 35. (202) Why is the deaf unemployment rate so high in Burundi? ANSWER: It is so high because their is a major discrimination to deaf people. 36. (203) What group is credited with introducing sign language to developing countries? ANSWER: UNESCO and WFD is credited with introducing sign language to developing countries. 37. (203) What task did UNESCO undertake in 1985? ANSWER: In 1985 they discredited the view of Deaf education, inviting experts from more than a dozen countries to convene and advise the different approaches t educating the Deaf. 38. (205) The incidence of hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard in the late 1600s was one out of how many? ANSWER: Every one hundred and fifty-five.

39. (205) What is significant about the Martha's Vineyard community? ANSWER: Martha Vineyard community allowed those who carried a recessive gene for deafness to move to her community. 40. (206) In 1952, how many Deaf people were living in Chilmark? ANSWER: There were zero people living in Chilmark. 41. (206) What are the 3 essential things needed for a town to be considered "assimilating"? ANSWER:The three essential things for a town to be considered assimilating are several generations of Deaf people, geographic isolation encouraging intermarriage , and face-to-face communication. 42. (207) The committee for Deaf sports was formed in what year? ANSWER: It was formed in 1924. 43. (207) What is International Sign, and why was it created? ANSWER: International sign allows speakers of mutually unintelligible signed languages t communicate and it was created to help interpret signed language of the host country, ASL, and International Sign. 44. (207) When was the first International Congress of the Deaf? ANSWER: The first International Congress of the Deaf was in 1951. 45. (209) In regards to Deaf people, what does “integration with autonomy” mean? ANSWER: Integration of autonomy means deaf people's integration founded on the distinct culture, language, and ties to the Deaf-World. 46. (210) Ben’s metaphor of integration means what? ANSWER: Ben's metaphor means that there is no paradox in founding integration on the basis of autonomy. 47. (210) What is Ben's metaphor meant to convey? ANSWER: His metaphor is meant to convey that Deaf people want integration with autonomy....

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