Course Policies W20 - Syllabus PDF

Title Course Policies W20 - Syllabus
Author Advait Deshpande
Course Discrete Mathematics
Institution University of Michigan
Pages 8
File Size 218.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 65
Total Views 137




EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics Winter 2020 Instructors Prof. Gregory Wakefield (he) Office: 3637 BBB [email protected]

Prof. Yifeng Huang (he) Office: EH 4068 [email protected]

Prof. Emily Graetz (they) Office: 3917 BBB [email protected]

Prof. Sofia Saleem (she) Office: 3917 BBB [email protected]

Course Description Discrete Math --- Introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science. Topics covered include: propositional and predicate logic, set theory and functions, elementary combinatorics, discrete probability theory, relations, graph theory, introduction to algorithms, growth of functions and asymptotic notation, and introduction to number theory. Required Materials The textbook for the course is “Discrete Mathematics” 8th Edition, by Ken Rosen. We will be using the website Connect for reading assignments, so you will need to purchase an access code for our course Connect site. Your Connect account comes with a copy of the eBook, so you do not need to purchase anything else besides the access code. Connect access can be purchased via the link below or through the bookstore. If you have concerns about the cost of Connect access, please contact us to discuss your situation. ● Connect Card ISBN (if purchasing  from bookstore): 9781264135820 Canvas We will use Canvas as the main page for the course. There is one common Canvas site for all five lecture sections. Here we will post lecture slides, lecture recordings, course calendar, assignments and solutions, and make course announcements. The Canvas calendar includes assignment due dates, exam dates, review session information, etc. Our course Canvas page will include links to all of the other websites and tools that we use (Connect, Piazza, Gradescope, Google Calendar for Office Hours, etc). Exam Dates Midterm 1

Wed, Feb 19

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Midterm 2

Wed, Mar 25

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Final Exam

Wed, Apr 28

7:00 - 9:00 pm

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Grading Final numeric grades are calculated according to the table below. We then apply a curve to assign final letter grades. You will always get at least as good a grade as you would have on a straight scale (e.g., 80% overall numeric grade will be AT LEAST a B-). The distribution will be very close to the grade distribution from previous semesters. Final Grade Percentages SmartBook Reading Assignments




Midterm Exam 1


Midterm Exam 2


Final exam


Course surveys




Lectures There are 5 lecture sections, which all meet Tuesday/Thursday ● 9:00am-10:30am 220 CHRYS Saleem ● 11:30am-1:00pm G390 DENT Huang ● 12:00pm-1:30pm 220 CHRYS Graetz ● 1:30pm-3:00pm 1013 DOW Graetz ● 4:30pm-6:00pm 220 CHRYS Wakefield Discussion In addition to attending lecture, you should attend a discussion section once a week. During discussion the course staff will go over concepts introduced in lecture and present additional examples. You will also have the opportunity to ask additional questions and get clarification regarding concepts covered in lecture. Attendance Policy We encourage you to attend the lecture section and discussion that you signed up for, but we will allow students to attend other sections. However, if a room is at capacity, then priority will be given to students enrolled in that section. Communication Outside of Class Office Hours Office hours are a great way to get to know your instructors better and to ask any and all questions related to course content, homework, etc. Many students report that actively engaging in office hours is the thing that benefited their understanding the most. A Google Calendar listing office hours can be found on the Canvas homepage or a Piazza logistics page. This Calendar will always EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics

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accurately reflect scheduled office hours. You may go to any office hours you like and as many as you like. Piazza We will be using a class interaction tool called Piazza for questions and answers. You can access our Piazza page through the link on Canvas or directly at: . You will be able to post questions, answer other people's questions, give or ask for clarification on answers, see instructors' comments, etc. You can even ask questions privately to the staff. When making a Piazza post, please search before asking. Do not share answers to homework on Piazza. Email For questions or concerns that are more individual or personal, you may contact the course staff by email: you can contact all professors, GSIs, and IAs at [email protected] . Be sure to include [eecs203] in the subject line. Exams There are two Midterm Exams and a Final Exam. The exams are closed-book, closed-note, however you will be allowed to bring a note sheet to each exam. While the material in the course is inherently cumulative, the Midterm Exams are not explicitly cumulative. The Final Exam is cumulative. This course covers a lot of material. Anything that has appeared in lecture, discussion, or homework is fair game to appear on an exam. Topics that were covered ONLY in the reading will not be directly questioned on the exam. Practice exams will be posted prior to each exam. Exam Conflicts It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they can attend the scheduled exams. All students must complete the Exam Date Confirmation survey, due by the drop/add date for the term, to confirm their availability for the scheduled exams or provide details about their conflict. See Canvas for a link to the survey. Midterm Exams: F or the Midterms, there will typically be an alternate exam time offered for those with a conflict due to another academic requirement, religious holiday, or who are representing the University of Michigan in an athletic competition, performing arts performance, etc. Final Exam: Final Exam times are set by the Registrar. There is no alternate time for the Final Exam, and requests for an alternate time are rarely granted. We do not grant alternate requests for weddings, family travel plans, and the like. If you have a conflict with the Final Exam date, you must get approval from the Professors before the drop/add deadline for the semester. This gives you time to either drop the course, or reschedule your conflict, should your conflict not be approved. Do not assume an alternate Final Exam will be granted!

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SmartBook Assignments There are SmartBook reading assignments for each lecture. These assignments guide you through the reading and ask you adaptive comprehension questions along the way. You may complete the assignments before lecture or after lecture, whichever works best for you. SmartBook assignments are graded on completion (not performance) and are due the Sunday following the associated lectures at 11:59pm. For example, the SmartBook assignments for Lecture 1 is due on Sunday, 1/12 at 11:59pm. SmartBook assignments will generally be open well before the due date to allow students to work ahead and provide some scheduling flexibility. We will allow each student to drop their two lowest SmartBook scores. Homework Homework will be assigned at 12:05 AM Friday and will be due the following Thursday at 11:59 PM. Homework solutions will be released early the next day (Friday). Homework assignments (and solutions) will be posted on our Canvas page. No late homework will be accepted for any reason. While we cannot accept late homework nor offer homework extensions, we understand that emergencies and other conflicts do arise. To accommodate for this, we allow each student to drop their 3 lowest homework scores. Gradescope Homework is submitted by uploading your work to Gradescope. Please allow sufficient time to upload your assignment before the 11:59 pm deadline. Your work should be submitted as a PDF document. You are encouraged to learn the math formatting tool LaTeX, which produces PDF files of beautifully formatted mathematics. We will provide LaTeX templates for each homework assignment to help you use this valuable tool. Handwritten homework, scanned to PDF, is acceptable, but must be clearly readable. You must ensure that each PDF file is relatively small (well under the 50MB limit). When submitting your homework on Gradescope, you must match each problem to a page (or pages). Matching pages ensures that the grader who is grading Problem 5, for example, will be shown the page(s) on which you solved Problem 5. If you don’t match pages to problems, the grader would have to click through all of your submitted pages to find the correct problem to grade, which is not an efficient use of our graders’ time. Therefore, failure to match pages for a problem may result in a 0 for that problem. Honor Code applies to Homework: Your submitted homework must be your own, individual work. You may study in groups, and may help each other understand the material, but you must not do, copy, or even look at each others' homework solutions or solutions from any other source. See also the section On Working Together, in this document. Suspected Honor Code violations will be reported to the Engineering Honor Council. EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics

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Honor Code The Honor Code outlines certain standards of ethical conduct for persons associated with the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan. The Honor Code applies to all students in EECS 203, regardless of whether they are in CoE, LSA, or another College. The policies of the Honor Code apply to graduate and undergraduate students, faculty members, and administrators. Read about the UM Honor Code here: (h  ttp://). There is also an Engineering Honor Code: (also found at ). In this class, as in many others at the University, you will be expected to include and sign the Honor Pledge on each assignment you submit. The Honor Pledge is as follows: I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment, nor have I concealed any violations of the Honor Code. The Honor code is based on these tenets: o Engineers must possess personal integrity both as students and as professionals. They must be honorable people to ensure safety, health, fairness, and the proper use of available resources in their undertakings. o Students in the College of Engineering community are honorable and trustworthy persons. o The students, faculty members, and administrators of the College of Engineering trust each other to uphold the principles of the Honor Code. They are jointly responsible for precautions against violations of its policies. o It is dishonorable for students to receive credit for work that is not the result of their own efforts. Among other things, the Honor Code forbids plagiarism. To plagiarize is to use another person's ideas, writings, etc. as one's own, without crediting the other person. Thus, you must credit information obtained from other sources, including web sites, e-mail or other written communications, conversations, articles, books, etc. On Working Together and Use of Outside Resources On the one hand, an assignment turned in must be individual work. We will look for plagiarism (copying), and we will report cheating. On the other hand, one of the best ways to learn a subject is to work together with your peers to understand the material. We want you to do this. How do we reconcile these two conflicting messages? You are urged to serve as teachers for each other. There is no better way to learn something than to teach it to someone else, especially someone who is listening carefully and asking intelligent questions when they don't understand your explanation. But a teacher does not do the homework for the student. They show the way. They help untangle the misunderstanding. The student does their own homework. If you are helping someone, work to figure out what their problem is, help them get past it, so they can do their own work in solving the problem they need to solve. Don't show them your solution. Explain the underlying principles. If you are asking for help, try to formulate a good question that will guide the explainer in clarifying your problem. Don't look at EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics

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their solution and copy it. Get them to explain the underlying principles, so you can write your own solution. Below, we have included some examples of what behaviors are and are not allowed for this course. These examples are not exhaustive, but are provided to give you a better idea of what is expected. If you have any questions about what is permitted, please consult with an instructor first. Examples of what IS allowed ● You and your study group review important concepts from the week, and collaboratively solve NON-HOMEWORK problems from the book. ● You look up some extra practice problems online, that are publicly available, and that are not assigned homework problems. (Note that the use of solutions to homework or exams from previous semesters is NEVER permitted, even if publicly available, unless the course faculty expressly allows their use.) ● You and a friend discuss which homework problem(s) you find challenging, and discuss the CONCEPTS that could help. (Not “this proof is best proved by contradiction”, but rather “Let’s review the primary proof methods (direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by contraposition, etc.) and discuss the necessary premises and conclusions for each method.”) ● Your friend asks you for help on Homework Problem 3, and you point them to a section of the book to review, worked examples in the book that might help, or work together with them to solve a different but similar problem from the book. ● You compare homework solutions with your study group AFTER the homework due date and after solutions are posted. Examples of what IS NOT allowed ● Students should NEVER look at another student’s homework or share their homework solution(s) before the homework due date. This holds even if both students are “done” with the homework. ● You may not look up a proof to a homework question online, then later write up your own version of the proof. ● You may not possess, look at, use, or in any way derive advantage from the solutions of homework, exams or papers prepared in prior years, whether these solutions were former students’ work products or solutions that have been made available by University of Michigan faculty or on the internet, unless this section’s faculty expressly allows the use of such materials. ● Your roommate took this course last year and offers you use their homework and solutions as study materials for the exam. You are not allowed to look at their materials because it gives you an unfair advantage over students who do not have access to that material. ● If your student organization has a file of past exams for this course- these are off-limits. You may not look at ANY previous exams from this course, whether or not solutions are included, except the practice exams provided for the entire class, which will be posted to Canvas.

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Regrade Policy for Homework and Exams Regrade requests are typically open for 1 week after the graded work is returned to the student. 1. All regrade requests are submitted via Gradescope. 2. Before submitting a regrade, you must do 3 things: read the posted solution, review your submission, and read the rubric items. Your regrade request must start by telling us that you have done these 3 things or it will be denied outright. 3. Include in your regrade request which specific rubric items you believe you should/shouldn’t have gotten. Failure to do so may result in dismissal of your request. 4. If the response to your regrade is just repeating something already stated in the rubric items or the solution, we reserve the right to subtract 10% of your grade on that problem. 5. Be aware that the entire assignment or exam (not just the questions you point out) might be considered for regrading, and that it is possible that upon reconsideration your grade could go down. Inclusion Statement It is our intention that students from all backgrounds and perspectives will be well served by this course, and that the diversity that students bring to this class will be viewed as an asset. We welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, national origins, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, socioeconomic background, family education level, ability - and other visible and nonvisible differences. All members of this class are expected to contribute to a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environment for every other member of the class. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Lived name/pronoun We will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun. Please advise us of this preference early in the semester so that we may make appropriate changes to our records. Accessibility and Disability Policy If you have any disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act that might affect your ability to participate in class, or to turn in assignments on time or in the form required, please contact your instructor and the Office of Students with Disabilities at the start of the term so that arrangements can be made to accommodate you. In order to allow time to provide appropriate accommodations, all SSD VISA forms should be turned in (emailed to the course staff or given to one of the professors) by Tuesday, January 28.

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Student Well-being As a student, you may experience a range of issues that can negatively impact your learning, such as anxiety, depression, interpersonal or sexual violence, difficulty eating or sleeping, loss/grief, and/or alcohol/drug problems. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance and affect your ability to participate in day-to-day activities. In order to support you during such challenging times, the University of Michigan provides a number of confidential resources to all enrolled students, including: ● Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): 734-764-8312;  ● Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC): 24-Hour Crisis Line: 734-936-3333; ● Psychiatric Emergency Services: 734-996-4747 ● Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD): 734-763-3000; 734-615-4461 [TDD]; 734-996-6661 [VP]; [email protected]

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