BA 100 W20 Syllabus PDF

Title BA 100 W20 Syllabus
Author Lindsey Azu
Course Introduction to Ross: Foundations in Learning Business
Institution University of Michigan
Pages 10
File Size 351.3 KB
File Type PDF
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BA 100 — Introduction to Ross: Foundations for Learning Business 2019-2020 Academic Year Winter 2020 Syllabus Section 001 & 002 (Tuesday, 8:30-9:50 and 10:00-11:20) Section 003 (Wednesday, 8:30-9:50) Professor David Wooten Office: R6368 Email address: [email protected] Office hours: Tuesday, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Section 004 (Wednesday, 10:00-11:20) Section 005 & 006 (Thursday, 8:30-9:50 and 10:00-11:20) Professor Yesim Orhun Office: R5416 Email address: [email protected] Office hours: Thursday, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Sections 007 & 008 (Thursday, 4:00-5:20 and 5:30-6:50) Professor Norman Bishara Office: R2420 Email address: [email protected] Office hours: Wednesday, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Curricular Support Coordinator: Crista Deneau Email address: [email protected]

Office: K3521 Office hours: by appointment

OVERVIEW As your first Michigan Ross signature learning experience (SLE), BA 100 is your introduction to the Ross community. Together throughout your first year at the University of Michigan we will be setting the groundwork for you to develop your own unique and rich undergraduate experience and be successful at Ross. This year-long SLE includes not only the classroom experience but also the support of a peer coach and participation in cocurricular activities—all designed to introduce you to the world of business while supporting your transition to college and building a collaborative learning community. The collaborative organization of learning at Ross promotes knowledge built through meaningful interaction with others. There is a range of academic and emotional readiness that students bring to Ross and we recognize the importance of continuing to help you build these competencies and manage your transition well to become an active member of the Ross community. In BA 100 you will begin to learn terminology and concepts that prepare you for success, thereby allowing you to move on to your core and elective courses in the BBA program. The class incorporates an active-learning approach, where students are exposed to core business concepts and tools, make their own business decisions in the context of the BizCafe simulation, and apply this experience to real-world scenarios and situations. Students will also have opportunities to explore activities across campus with your Ross first-year class, to engage in a visioning process as you outline your own personal development plan. To accomplish these goals, the course blends three interrelated topics: 1. Business Literacy 2. Effective Collaboration 3. College Transition

COURSE MATERIALS There is no required textbook for the course. Instead, you will find course resources and required course materials as follows: 1. Canvas Course Website: organized by modules, materials include a week-by-week list of discussion section readings/cases/videos (including readings and URL links not found in the coursepack); PowerPoint slides; BizCafe resources; and assignments. Be sure to explore the site to become familiar with all course materials. 2. Coursepack: includes readings and cases (others are posted on Canvas)—all of which serve as the basis for in-class discussions. The coursepack can be accessed by selecting the tab in the lefthand column on the Canvas homepage. The coursepack you purchased in the Fall continues through the Winter. 3. BizCafe business simulation: login information will be the same as in Fall. Login in to your BizCafe account at 4. Wall Street Journal: follow this link to student rates. 5. I-clicker: purchase at Computer Showcase. Re-register your device in your new faculty Canvas site. 6. Name Tents: bring your name tent to every class. Follow this link if you need a new one.

COURSE GRADING This year-long course is a requirement for the BBA program and is graded on a pass/fail basis. Although this is a pass/fail course, your performance in each course component is graded on a points system. In order to pass the course, you need to achieve a minimum of 75% of the total available points across all graded course components. Importantly, no graded component is optional; to pass the course, you must complete and submit all of them (unless otherwise indicated). Submitting the component past after its due date fulfills the completion requirement, but results in a zero score. While we want and hope everyone will pass this course, it is indeed possible to fail. The graded components will be scored on a point basis (e.g. 8/10 points) to help you learn how assignments are generally evaluated at Ross. Point grades on these components provide information as to adjustments you need to make to the level of effort you put into your coursework to achieve your academic goals. We do this to give you the experience of a rigorous BBA course without the stress and uncertainty about grading in your first year at Ross. Winter 2020 graded course components: 1. Class professionalism & engagement ...................... 2. Class discussion prep............................................... 3. BizCafe business simulation team decision log ...... 4. Peer coach support: Engagement with peer coach meetings ................ 5. Team project: Mini PechaKucha slides and presentation ............ 25 Paper..................................................................... 25 Peer review ........................................................... 10 6. Final reflection paper............................................... 7. Winter B co-curricular............................................. Total ........................................................................

BA 100 — Introduction to Ross: Foundations for Learning Business

84 points 60 60 30

60 70 36 400 points


BA 100 GRADED COURSE COMPONENTS This section provides more details on the Winter graded components of the course. The BA 100 Class Schedule for Winter A outlining each class session’s topics, expected class preparation, and assignment due dates begins on page 7. 1. Classroom Professionalism & Engagement Experience has shown that attending class is highly positively associated with academic performance. There is significant evidence that learning is enhanced through informed and cooperative participation. Your professionalism and engagement in each class session will be graded on a 12-point scale; follow this link to review the rubric. For example, meeting the expectations (outlined in the Professionalism and Classroom Discussion Guidelines sections below) in an exceptional way will earn the full 12 points for the class session; meeting those expectations in an ordinary/standard way will earn 10 points per class session; arriving late and/or leaving early leads to a class session grade of no more than 6 points; and no point is earned if you are 30 minutes or more late or fail to attend without an excused absence. Inappropriate behavior will cost you in the business world and will cost you here as well. Lack of preparation and inappropriate use of technology are also examples that will lower your score. In each class there will be a Section Assistant present to help the professor track each student’s participation, professionalism, and engagement. Professionalism Just as in a business setting, all members of the Ross community are expected to follow the highest professional standards in the classroom. Our expectations include the following: ● ● ● ● ●

Attend each of the seven classes prepared and arrive on time. Full attendance and arriving on time show respect for fellow students and faculty alike and enhance learning by reducing distractions. Plan to sit with your BA 100 team during class. You must bring a name tent to every class to help with discussion. Respect others and their views and opinions. Engaged and lively discussions, debate and polite disagreements are encouraged and an integral part of the learning process. Intolerance and disrespect of others and/or their views are unacceptable. Embrace feedback and criticism positively. When giving feedback to others, keep their learning and development in mind. When receiving feedback, see it as a gift that can help you grow. Focus on preparing for a technology-free classroom environment. Unless otherwise instructed, electronic devices should not be used during class. They are a distraction and negatively impact engagement with the material and each other. Stay engaged throughout the entire class period. Class will end on time at which point you can gather your things and depart promptly as there are often other classes beginning in the same classroom immediately after our class ends.

Classroom Discussion Guidelines A meaningful part of our course will involve both small and large group discussions. The following guidelines are meant to promote a positive learning experience for everyone involved in these discussions. ● ● ●

Listen, reflect, and think before you speak. Avoid repeating or paraphrasing comments that have previously been made. Connect and build upon the points already made. Aspire to contribute meaningfully to the dialog; avoid speaking just to be heard. Substantiate your comments. It is the quality of your contributions that counts, not the quantity.

BA 100 — Introduction to Ross: Foundations for Learning Business


● ●

Avoid dominating the class or group discussion. No one individual should take over the discussion. The principle of “equal time” should be broadly applied. Be open and embrace diversity and dissent. The best discussions and learning incorporate diverse opinions and points of view. Encourage and explore a broad range of ideas.

2. Class Discussion Preparation As you experienced last semester, meaningful class discussion occurs when all (students and faculty) come prepared. Beginning with the first class session, you will again be required to submit responses to discussion prep questions prior to class. However, in some of the assignments, additional work may be included and you should review the assignment well before your class meeting. Examples of the supplemental work are a short reading or researching and commenting on additional articles from the Wall Street Journal or other sources. Each class discussion questions assignment will be available on Canvas and your completed assignment should be submitted via Canvas prior to the start of class. Submitting the component past after its due date fulfills the completion requirement, but results in a zero score. Each assignment will be graded on a 12-10-6-0 points scale based on the degree of thoughtful consideration given the prep work (rather than how correct your responses are). Answering all questions in a complete way earns the full 12 points; answering all questions but incompletely earns 10 points; missing responses to some questions earns 6 points; and failing to submit the assignment earns zero points. Of the seven such assignments during Winter A, the top five will be used to determine your course grade. 3. BizCafe Business Simulation Your BizCafe leadership team from Fall semester will work together again this semester continuing the simulation with Round 6. As you did last semester, your group is expected to coordinate prior to class preparing for each week’s decision and update your BizCafe decision log. Along with the regular weekly operating decisions, the following are the special decisions your coffee shop will face beginning with class session 2: Round 6 (Class 2): Fair-trade advertising Round 7 (Class 3): New supplier Round 8 (Class 4): Green upgrades Round 9 (Class 5): Unwanted sexual advance from a customer Round 10 (Class 6): Problem employee This semester your performance will be evaluated based on your team’s responses in your BizCafe decision log entries. To earn full credit, it is important that you support and reference the special decisions with specific data from your coffee shop’s performance. The dashboard and financial statements provide current and historical information that you should be using in your decision process. To assist you in organizing your entries, specific prompts relative to each week’s decision are included in the assignment.

4. Engagement with Your Peer Coach A unique and important part of the BA 100 SLE is the support provided to students through our peer coaching program. Your peer coach will meet with you for 30-45-minute individual coaching sessions a minimum of three times during the Winter term. The 1:1 sessions are designed to support student reflection and broaden perspectives on personal challenges and opportunities, enhance thinking and decision-making skills, interpersonal effectiveness, and confidence. Your peer coach will also encourage you to participate in several opportunities where he/she will join your team for events. While the BA 100 course work is concentrated during Fall A and Winter A, the peer coaching is designed to support students throughout their entire first year. You are required to participate in these coaching sessions

BA 100 — Introduction to Ross: Foundations for Learning Business


Below is a timeline to help guide you on when you should be meeting with your Peer Coach outside of your class. Please remember it is your responsibility to communicate and set up a time to meet with your Peer Coach. It is best to schedule these 1:1 appointments with at least a week’s notice.

Winter Session 1 Completed by 1/24/20 Winter Session 2 Completed by 2/21/20 Winter Session 3 Completed by 4/10/20 BA 100 also features Course Assistants who will be present in your classroom. Each section will have approximately 5-6 Course Assistants present in each class to assist faculty in the facilitation of group discussions and activities.

5. Team Project Throughout your career at Michigan Ross, you will have many team projects—some of which will last several weeks or even the entire semester. The BA100 project is an engaging and fun way to involve your table team by taking an assigned company and applying the business concepts learned in this course during your first year at the University of Michigan. Your team will present the results via a recorded mini pechakucha. The grading of the team project is based on the work of three components: (1) the mini pechakucha’s PowerPoint deck of 10 slides and the recorded presentation, (2) a written report of the associated topic and (3) the peer review you will be asked to complete. More specific details will be provided when the assignment is given during Class 3.

6. Final Reflection Paper As the BA 100 coursework comes to an end the week after Winter Break, your last assignment is a reflection paper about your first year at Ross: (1) what you have learned in BA 100 and how you have changed over the course of the year; (2) your successes and challenges this year; and (3) opportunities to improve alignment between your values and behaviors. The due date for your final reflection paper is one week after your final BA 100 class (w/o March 16, 2020). More details will be provided via Canvas.

7. Winter B Co-Curricular Activities To help you create a more complete Ross and University experience, you are required to attend and participate in co-curricular activities during the second half of the Winter term. Each activity will be listed on Canvas and the specific method of submitting proof of attendance will be provided as well. There are six activities within four categories that you must complete.

BA 100 — Introduction to Ross: Foundations for Learning Business


a) Winter Core Activity i) Academic Advisor Appointment b) Career Exploration i) Choose at least one activity from a list of opportunities ii) To complete Vmock through CDO c) Speaker Event i) Attend and reflect on a speaker from a Ross-affiliated entity. ii) Attend and reflect on a speaker from a non-Ross program. d) University Experience i) Choose at least one team activity from a list of opportunities (all members must attend together to obtain credit)

COMMUNICATING WITHIN BA 100 As you can see, the BA 100 SLE has many moving parts. To assist in your receiving prompt responses to questions or concerns, please contact the relevant parties as follows:

Who to contact


Reason to contact

Curricular Support Coordinator (CSC)*

Course content related questions (e.g. clarifying discussion topic or X terminology) Assignment questions (e.g. clarification of expectations or X content) Assignment deadlines (e.g. clarification of due dates, how to X submit, or submission issues) Absences or schedule conflicts (e.g. providing documentation for scheduled absences or unanticipated circumstances) See “U-M Guidance X Regarding Conflicts between the Academic and Religious Calendars,” on page 9, for guidance. Transition to college-life and Ross questions (e.g. how and where to print, how to contact Advisors, where to get Career resources or other resources on campus) Issues with Ross technology (e.g. using wireless, printing, general computing problems, renting equipment, or using the virtual lab) *Contact the BA 100 CSC at [email protected]. Contact Ross IT at [email protected].

BA 100 — Introduction to Ross: Foundations for Learning Business

Peer Coach

Ross IT*




BA 100 Winter A Class Schedule Date Week #1 Tuesday, 1/14 Wednesday, 1/15 Thursday, 1/16

Topic Positive Business: Setting the Stage

Week #2 Tuesday, 1/21 Wednesday, 1/22 Thursday, 1/23

Week #3 Tuesday, 1/28 Wednesday, 1/29 Thursday, 1/30

Module I: Stakeholders Investors, Employees, Suppliers, Customers, Government, Community

Week #4 Tuesday, 2/4 Wednesday, 2/5 Thursday, 2/6

Week #5 Tuesday, 2/11 Wednesday, 2/12 Thursday, 2/13

Week #6

Module II: Ethics, Ethical Reasoning and Values-Based Decisions

Tuesday, 2/18 Wednesday, 2/19 Thursday, 2/20

Week #7 Tuesday, 3/10 Wednesday, 3/11 Thursday, 3/12

Sanger Leadership Center Activity Winter A Wrap-Up

Class Prep Read the syllabus Read assigned reading in Canvas Prepare for class discussion and complete responses to discussion questions Read assigned reading in Canvas Prepare for class discussion and complete responses to discussion questions Meet, discuss & submit BizCafe Round 6 decisions Read assigned reading in Canvas Prepare for class discussion and complete responses to discussion questions Meet, discuss & submit BizCafe Round 7 decisions Read assigned reading in Canvas Prepare for class discussion and complete responses to discussion questions Meet, discuss & submit BizCafe Round 8 decisions Read assigned reading in Canvas Prepare for class discussion and complete responses to discussion questions Meet, discuss & submit BizCafe Round 9 decisions Read assigned reading in Canvas Prepare for class discussion and complete responses to discussion questions Meet, discuss & submit BizCafe Round 10 decisions

Homework Due (beginning of class)

Upload team project by 2/21 @ 9:00 PM Submit responses to discussion questions Save BizCafe Round 10 decisions and update BizCafe team decision log

Read assigned reading in Canvas Prepare for class discussion and complete responses to discussion questions

Submit team project peer review materials

Submit responses to discussion questions

Submit responses to discussion questions Save BizCafe Round 6 decisions and update BizCafe team decision log Submit responses to discussion questions Save BizCafe Round 7 decisions and update BizCafe team decision log Submit responses to discussion questions Save BizCafe Round 8 decisions and update BizCafe team decision log Submit responses to discussion questions Save BizCafe Round 9 decisions and update BizCafe team decision log

Final reflection paper due w/o March 16, 2020_

BA 100 — Introducti...

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