Covenant Fulfillment Scripture Analysis Revewed submit PDF

Title Covenant Fulfillment Scripture Analysis Revewed submit
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Course New Testament Survey
Institution Grand Canyon University
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topic 2 review historical and theology survey assignment the districts Rome government on the west side of the Jorden River...


Name: Ananias Freeney, Jr. Date: January 6, 2022 Instructor: Professor Henke

Covenant Fulfillment: Scripture Analysis Answer the questions in each section about how the Old Testament redemptive covenants are fulfilled in Christ in the New Testament, and then identify and analyze New Testament texts associated with the theme of covenant fulfillment. The Abrahamic Covenant 1. What did God promise Abraham in the Abrahamic covenant? For help here, see especially Genesis 12:1-9; Genesis 15; and Genesis 17. God promised Abraham a great nation, he would be blessed, his name would be great, would curse them that cursed Abraham, and would bless them that blessed Abraham, and all families will be blessed, and would give the land of Cannon to his seed, his he heir would come from his own seed. The fourth Dispensation: Promise and his kingdom would last forever 2. What are five significant texts in the New Testament that show that Jesus fulfilled the covenant with Abraham? For each text, specify which promise to Abraham is in view. Text #1: Land – Hebrews 11:10 KJV Text #2: Seed – Galations 3:16 KJV Text #3: Blessings – Ephesians 1:3 KJV Text #4: The fullment of the Law – John 3:16-17 KJV Text #5: Presthood and Kingdom established forever thru his own blood line – John 8:58 3. From your search, summarize in 150-200 words what the New Testament teaches regarding Jesus's fulfillment of the covenant with Abraham. Do not quote the New Testament texts, but summarize the New Testament's teaching in your own words. God promised Abraham that a King from his bloodline would rule over this world thru David, and that all families would be blessed. We are the seed of Abraham by faith. No man can keep or follow the laws thanks to the death burrel and resarection we are know no longer under the laws but under the sixth despensation of Grace. Where the laws condemn you Grace forgives you e.g. The woman brouth to Jesus for comiting adultery (But the male was never confronted), and He asked the question after writing in the dirt, “ He who has not sin let him be the one to cast the first stone” and each person left the sine from the oldest to the youngest, so we are not to judge one another but love thy neibour as yourself. The Mosaic/Sinai Covenant 4. What did God promise Israel in the Mosaic/Sinai covenant? For help here, see especially Exodus 19:1-6; Exodus 20; Exodus 24; Deuteronomy 5; and Deuteronomy 29.

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God promised Israel in the Mosaic/ Sani covenant a kingdom of Priest and a holy nation, a peculiar treasure above all people, the Ten Commandants, cures for disobedance. Invitation to the covenant.The Law (Tora) is given (sixth denpasation) and blood of the Covenant.

5. What are five significant texts in the New Testament that show that Jesus fulfilled the covenant with Israel? For each text, specify which promise to Israel is in view. Text #1: A New Covenant with the blood of Christ – 2 Corinthians 3 Text #2: Makes the old Covenat obsolete – Hebrews 8:13 Text #3: Covenant of circumcision – Acts 7:8 Text #4: Covenant with Abraham (seed) to make him a great nation – Galations 3:16 Text #5: Grace (Sixth despensation) – Jesus sacrificial death – a better promise Hebrews 9:11 6. From your search, summarize in 150-200 words what the New Testament teaches regarding Jesus's fulfillment of the covenant with Israel. Do not quote the New Testament texts, but summarize the New Testament's teaching in your own words. From the monet of Adam disobed God knew that He would need a savior to redeem man back from sin. No man was found worthy to carry this out. A blood scrafice was necessary for the forgiveness of sin without spot or wringle, only Christ was worthy. Christ lived in a sinfull wortld but committed no sin. Chrit became the perfect sacrifice, by sheeding His blod on the cross there is no need for any other blood sacifices. We are compled to love one another as Christ love us. Judgement of other people is a sin. The Davidic Covenant 7. What did God promise David in the Davidic covenant? For help here, see especially 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17; and Psalm 89:1-4. God promised David and his desendents that thru his blood line a saviour would come, and his seed would always be on the thron for all enternity. A dynasty forever. God would not allow David to build his a house, but would allow his son to build. 8.

What are five significant texts in the New Testament that show that Jesus fulfilled the covenant with David? For each text, specify which promise to David is in view. Text #1: God promised David his seed shall be of royalty – Mathew 1:16 (Dynasty) Text #2: The birth of Christ – Luke 1:31 Christ referred himself as the son of David – Mathew 22. Text #3:The The throne will not taken away from him (Soloman) Text #4: David is ti have a child (not born yet), and that God would look past sins made by Soloman. Text #5:

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9. From your search, summarize in 150-200 words what the New Testament teaches regarding Jesus's fulfillment of the covenant with David. Do not quote the New Testament texts, but summarize the New Testament's teaching in your own words.]\\\\\l Christ quotes in the New Testament that he was the Son of David and thru the genology of David Christ would come to set up the his throne. David would have rule over Israel and his kingdom would have no end (Matthew 1:1)

The New Covenant 10. What did God promise his people in the new covenant? For help here, see especially Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:24-28; and Ezekiel 37:15-28. God promised to have a new covenant with his people, not like the one before, poromised restoraction, God would write his laws upon the heart of man.

11. What are five significant texts in the New Testament that show that Jesus fulfilled the new covenant with God's people? For each text, specify which promise to God's people is in view. Text #1: Christ covenant of Grace Text #2: The New Conenant established by Christ at the last super. Text #3 Mediator of the New Covenant Text #4: Guarantor of The New Covenant Text #5: Made the Old Covenant obsolete 12. From your search, summarize in 150-200 words what the New Testament teaches regarding Jesus's fulfillment of the covenant with God’s people. Do not quote the New Testament texts, but summarize the New Testament's teaching in your own words. Jesus forfilled the five convenants The Noahic Covent, The Abrahamic Conenant, Mosaic Convenant, The Davidic Covenant, and the New Covenant thru Christ that all scriptures were fulfilled. When question by the Sanhedrin asked who is was Christ adviced them to search the scriptures for the speak of me. No one can expect justice from a prejudice judge. Scripture teaches that we should examine ourselves to find where we are in the faith, with self examination we will find our own short coming or faults how then can we justly condemn another.

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