“ Creating a society full of kindness 1 PDF

Title “ Creating a society full of kindness 1
Author Usaid Hassan
Course Personality Theories
Institution Pace University
Pages 2
File Size 35.8 KB
File Type PDF
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“ Creating a society full of kindness! ” Not many people want a smart or brilliant mind, sometimes all that the world needs is just a heart that listens. Ah! Kindness, how easy has it become to show a broken soul the magic of love in this world. Kindness is the ultimate power that can tune the rhythm of the world into a divine melody. “With great power comes great responsibility.” The power of kindness or any random acts of kindness can turn the world into a happy place so remember that if we do not use that power rightly to reinforce optimism, it can leave the person with negative feelings and hurtful thoughts. So here comes a great responsibility of an individual to express kindness in the right manner. Bringing out a smile on somebody’s face warms your heart and brightens your day. My mom always used to admonish me, “Kill them with kindness!” It’s a brilliant quote that must be followed by everybody. As soon as you read the saying, it might feel a bit harsh but the underlying meaning to it is to always keep smiling and show love to everybody including your enemies and those who rose up against you. That would kill them leaving huge guilt in their mind. Killing them or making them feel guilty is not going to be our ultimate goal, our ultimate goal should be able to express love, be optimistic and make the world around you a happy place to live in. I’ll give this world a very small piece of advice to always SMILE. Smile, an everlasting smile can surely bring any heart next to you. If I find you gone without one, it is definitely going to bring tears to me. There would be no spark in this bright world of lights. You tend not to smile and be the opposite of kind, we’re going to lose the glory of this world. It’s only words and words are all that can take many hearts away. Smile is one of the most powerful acts of kindness that can soften hearts. Courtesy and respect. They are the two main essential qualities of human interaction. This helps to maintain human relationships smoothly. This makes every individual a successful social person in this tiny world of brightness. No matter how angry or frustrated you are at other people, justifications for that ain’t going to make you the right person. It’s okay if you were in a bad mood, but it’s not necessary that you spoil every other happy heart in this world. Forgetting everything and being courteous and showing love and respect will pass on a positive vibe throughout the global family that we live in. Feeling the good vibes all around you will keep you energized and rejuvenated. So if you show them kindness, you are the one who’s going to be benefited ultimately. This, according to me, is karma. Nowadays people with their assumptions have corrupted the meaning of ‘karma’. Karma isn’t bad unless you act bad. If you think good and do good, you’ll definitely attract good vibes and will benefit from karma. At the same time, for every bad thought and every bad doings you deserve a similar reaction from karma. Everybody has got varied definitions for karma but not all are true. Try being kind, loving, selfless, respectful, courteous and grateful in life for one day and you will have no complaints about the life you are living. You will experience walking majestically in the candlelit paths of heaven. Being kind doesn’t just mean talking friendly and saying “I love you.” There’s more to it than

that. Kindness is like a matchstick. It is luminous but to bring out the light out of it, it needs a matchbox to support. Kindness is not it, all the human qualities to live happily together uplifts you as a better person. To every little innocent heart out there, ● Practice kindness in family relationships because your world starts at your home. ● Always try to be the cosmic friend to all, imbued with endless love and kindness for all of god’s creation. ● Vibrations of thoughts are really powerful. Remember a kind feeling in the heart can judge vies better than all the intelligence in this world. ● “Your body is the temple of the living God.” Thank god, be grateful and count your blessings alway. Stay happy!...

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